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Randy Gerson Memorial Grant - 0 views

    The program awards grants for graduate student projects in family and/or couple dynamics and/or multi-generational processes. Work that advances theory, assessment or clinical practice in these areas shall be considered eligible. Preference will be given to projects using or contributing to the development of Bowen family systems. Priority also will be given to those projects that serve to advance Dr. Gerson's work.

Distinguished Student Service Award in Clinical Psychology - 0 views

    This award recognizes a graduate student in clinical psychology who has made outstanding service contributions to the profession and the community.

Ungerleider/Zimbardo Travel Scholarships - 0 views

    The purpose of the Ungerleider/Zimbardo Travel Scholarships is to help psychology graduate students travel to the APA Annual Convention to present their research.

The Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Basel awards one doctoral scholarship - 0 views

    The Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Basel awards one doctoral scholarship in the fields of Modern Jewish History, Jewish Literature, Modern Jewish Intellectual History, or Jewish Cultural History per December 1st 2013 or by agreement. The award is specifically aimed at female applicants. Eligibility criteria: - an excellent higher university degree that qualifies for doctoral studies in Jewish Studies at the University of Basel - willingness to work at the Centre for Jewish Studies (apart from possible trips to archives etc.) - willingness to perform organisational and other tasks as part of the Centre team, possibly a teaching assignment Suggestions for a dissertation topic can be submitted along with the application but are not mandatory. Possible topics can also be discussed with the Centre administration if the scholarship is awarded to the applicant. A possible topic could be a project within the context of the intended collaboration of the Centre of Jewish Studies with the archive of the National Library of Israel. The scholarship will be awarded for 36 months and amounts to CHF 50'000 p.a. After 18 months of the intended funding period an interim report by the Centre administration on the status of the project will decide about the continued funding for the remaining duration of the stipend.

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) (nsf13584) - 0 views

    The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF's mission. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research.

Aging, the CNS, and Mobility - 0 views

    Calling all postdoctoral trainees, graduate students, and junior faculty from geriatric programs, aging institutes, and medical schools: submit your late breaker abstract for the opportunity for a travel award funded by NIA. GSA will select up to 10 travel awards, each in the amount of $900 and complimentary registration to attend and participate in the workshop for faculty and research fellows will be made to help defray the cost of attending GSA's Annual Scientific Meeting.  All attendees are expected to stay and participate in the entire workshop. For more information, such as who is eligible and how to apply, click here or contact Poster and application are due by September 15, 2013

2013 Anuradha Rao Memorial Travel Award - 0 views

    This award of $1000 will be given annually to a graduate student or post-doc to cover expenses for travel to the Society for Neuroscience meeting. The award will be presented at the 2013 SfN meeting in San Diego. To apply, please submit a short essay (500 words or fewer) describing your scientific background and career interests, and what you hope to gain from attending the meeting. Applications can be sent to, and the deadline is Sept. 10.

APAGS/CAPP/Division 31 SPTA Award - 0 views

    This award is given at each year's State Leadership Conference to recognize innovation and accomplishment in student programming and activities and is administered by APAGS. Deadline: January 13, 2014

Esther Katz Rosen Graduate Student Fellowships - 0 views

    This fellowship supports activities related to the psychological understanding of gifted and talented children and adolescents. Up to $20,000 for one-year graduate fellowships are available.

APAGS Teaching Excellence in Psychological Science Award - 0 views

    The purpose of these two $500 awards is to recognize graduate students who use pedagogical strategies to promote science appreciation among undergraduate students. This includes the incorporation of research methodology in undergraduate teaching and the encouragement of critical and scientific thinking in examining psychological issues. This includes the integration of research methods into all topical areas and the demonstration that scientific observation is a process integral to all areas of psychology.

APAGS Disabilities Grant Program - 0 views

    APAGS will award a $1,000 grant for a project that promotes training and educational experiences in practice or services for persons with disabilities, or the recruitment, retention and training of individuals with disabilities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: workshops, conferences, speaker series, mentorship programs and the development of student organizations with a focus on disability issues.

Doctoral Dissertation Award in the Psychology of Aging - 0 views

    The recipient will be recognized at the annual meeting of the Division of Adult Development and Aging. Candidates are welcome from any area of the psychology of aging and adult development. The recipient will be presented with a plaque and a cash award at the Division 20 Business Meeting during the annual APA convention in the year the award is received.

Mentorship Awards in Aging - 0 views

    The Mentor award will be presented to an individual who has consistently provided support, guidance, and strong direction to undergraduate and graduate students in aging and adult development. This individual might be someone who resides at a liberal arts institution or college that focuses on undergraduate education or it may be an individual at a PhD-granting institution. This award will be given to the individual who has been most actively committed to mentoring and who best exemplifies the qualities identified with strong, effective mentoring.

IMPak - Submissions - 0 views

    The Biology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is offering a limited number of travel grants, up to $250 each, for undergraduate students presenting original research results at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting* during the fiscal year 2013 - 2014.  Award recipients are required to acknowledge CUR for support of their travel in their talk or poster, to complete a short evaluation form about their meeting experience and to submit a PDF file of their poster.  Minority students are encouraged to apply.

Annual Best Student Geologic Map Competition - GSA Annual Meeting 2013 - 0 views

    The US Geological Survey (USGS) National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) in partnership with The Geological Society of America (GSA), GSA Foundation, Association of American State Geologists (AASG), American Geosciences Institute (AGI), American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), and the Journal of Maps invite students to participate in the first Best Student Geologic Map competition. This year marks the inaugural Best Student Geologic Map competition at the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado in celebration of GSA's 125th Anniversary and the 125th year of geologic mapping.  The competition will highlight student research from around the world that utilizes field mapping and the creation of geologic maps as a major component. The top three student geologic maps will be selected for recognition and awards at a special judging session at the GSA Annual Meeting.  Students will post their maps (Session Posters) on Tuesday, 29 October by 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM in the Poster Session area of the Exhibit Hall for review and evaluation by the judges.  Maps may be placed in this area as early as 9 AM Tuesday, 29 October, but must be removed at 6:30 PM following the session.  At the end of the session the winners will be selected and awarded.

NRC Research Associateship Programs (RAP) - 0 views

    The mission of the NRC Research Associateship Programs (RAP) is to promote excellence in scientific and technological research conducted by the U. S. government through the administration of programs offering graduate, postdoctoral, and senior level research opportunities at sponsoring federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. In these programs, prospective applicants select a research project or projects from among the large group of opportunities listed on this website.  Prior to completing an application, prospective applicants should contact the proposed Research Adviser to assure that funding will be available if their application is recommended by NRC panels.  Once mutual interest is established between a prospective applicant and a Research Adviser, an application is submitted through the NRC WebRap system.  Reviews are conducted four times each year and review results are available approximately 6-8 weeks following the application deadline. 

Lerner-Scott Prize - 0 views

    The Lerner-Scott Prize is given annually by the Organization of American Historians for the best doctoral dissertation in U.S. women's history. The prize is named for Gerda Lerner and Anne Firor Scott, both pioneers in women's history and past presidents of the OAH. A dissertation must be completed during the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 to be eligible for the 2014 Lerner-Scott Prize. The prize will be presented at the 2014 OAH Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, April 10-13.

John Higham Travel Grants - 0 views

    Travel grants are awarded to three (3) graduate students each year to be used toward costs of attending the OAH/IEHS Annual Meeting. The successful candidates will have a preferred area of concentration in American Immigration and/or American Ethnic and/or American Intellectual history. The grants are given in memory of John Higham (1920-2003), past president of both organizations and a towering figure in immigration, ethnic, and intellectual history. Thanks to the generosity of William L. and Carol B. Joyce, the OAH and IEHS are pleased to continue offering this program. Recipients will be notified after February 2014. Grant will be given to student when s/he attends the 2014 OAH-IEHS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, April 10-13.

Huggins-Quarles Award - 0 views

    Named for Benjamin Quarles and Nathan Huggins, two outstanding historians of the African American past, the Huggins-Quarles Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to one or two graduate students of color to assist them with expenses related to travel to research collections for the completion of the Ph.D. dissertation. These awards were established to promote greater diversity in the historical profession.

Louis Pelzer Memorial Award - 0 views

    The Louis Pelzer Memorial Award Committee of the Organization of American Historians invites candidates for graduate degrees to submit essays for the Louis Pelzer Memorial Award competition. Essays may deal with any period or topic in the history of the United States. The winning essay will be published in the Journal of American History. Essays, including footnotes, should not exceed 10,000 words. The electronic version of the essay should be sent to with "2014 Louis Pelzer Memorial Award Entry" noted in the subject line, and one hard copy should be submitted to the address below. Because manuscripts are judged anonymously, the author's name and graduate program should appear only on a separate cover page. The award will be presented at the 2014 OAH Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, April 10-13. The winning essay will be published in the Journal of American History. Significance of the subject matter, literary craftsmanship, and competence in the handling of evidence are some of the factors that will be considered in judging the essays. The deadline for submitting an essay for consideration is December 2, 2013.
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