NineSights Community - Need: 2aTechnologies That Support Rice Farmers' Decision-Making... - 0 views
MiamiOH OARS on 17 Nov 20NineSigma, representing the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), seeks technologies, such as weather prediction, that support decision-making by rice farmers in Senegal. It is desirable for the technologies to be available in areas with narrowband Internet connection and to require no specialist knowledge of information and communication technology. The proof-of-concept (POC) experiments of the technologies will be conducted as part of JICA's research project in collaboration with the National Company of Development and Exploitation of Land in the Delta of Senegal River, and Faleme Valleys (SAED), which is an organization promoting the development of irrigation farming on the left bank of the Senegal River valley, and the JICA Technical Cooperation Project, which provides technical support to SAED. Once the technologies are established after the POC, they may be deployed in Senegal, and in the future, expanded throughout Africa.