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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)-sponsored National Research Service A... - 0 views

    The purpose of this individual postdoctoral research training fellowship is to enhance the research training of promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in health services research, with a research interest in areas and priorities relevant to the mission of AHRQ.

DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer, Translational Team Science Award - 0 views

    TTSA supports hypothesis-driven translational studies. These studies should be associated with an ongoing or completed clinical trial and/or annotated biorepositories and focused on research for the next-phase clinical trial or future clinical application. The TTSA is intended to support advanced translational studies that have the potential for near-term outcomes that are based on results from clinical investigations. While funding for clinical trials is allowed, the TTSA is intended to fund correlative clinical research studies and not only a clinical trial. Research projects funded by the TTSA should address critical knowledge gaps in clinical outcomes, validate key research results, expand upon potentially transformative results, or investigate novel findings based on results from clinical research.

DoD Lung Cancer Career Development Award - 0 views

    Career Development Award supports early-career, independent investigators to conduct impactful research under the mentorship of an experienced lung cancer researcher as an opportunity to obtain the funding, mentoring, and experience necessary for productive, independent careers at the forefront of lung cancer research. This award is intended to support impactful research projects with an emphasis on discovery. Submissions from and partnerships with investigators at military treatment facilities, military labs, and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers and research laboratories are strongly encouraged.Preliminary data are not required. However, logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale for the proposed research must be demonstrated.Key elements of this award are as follows.

Pilot Studies in Ovarian Cancer Research - 0 views

    Founded in 1996, the Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research provides funding for multiple efforts, including funding for innovative research pilot studies, scholar grants to up-and-coming investigators to encourage careers in ovarian cancer research, conducting public early detection screening for ovarian cancer, and producing nationally and internationally attended research symposia on ovarian cancer. To that end, the center is accepting applications for pilot study projects in ovarian cancer research. Through the center's Pilot Study Program, approximately ten one-year $75,000 grants will be awarded to support investigator-initiated projects in all areas of ovarian cancer research. Projects designed to analyze data from already funded clinical trials also will be considered. Priority will be given to proposals that are innovative, multidisciplinary, likely to lead to submission of grant applications for independently funded investigations, and have translational research potential.

Approaches to Identify and Care for Individuals with Inherited Cancer Syndromes - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is associated with the Beau Biden Cancer MoonshotSM Initiative that is intended to accelerate cancer research. The purpose of this FOA is to increase case ascertainment and optimize delivery of evidence-based healthcare for individuals at high risk of cancer due to an inherited genetic susceptibility. Specifically, this FOA targets the following area designated as a scientific priority by the Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) Recommendation E: "To realize the potential of cancer prevention and early detection in our nation, NCI should sponsor an initiative to improve the current state of early detection, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and knowledge landscape of the mechanisms and biomarkers associated with cancer development. This initiative should include demonstration projects that will show how cancer screening programs can simultaneously save lives, improve quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs."

RFA-CA-17-041: Approaches to Identify and Care for Individuals with Inherited Cancer Sy... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is associated with the Beau Biden Cancer MoonshotSM Initiative that is intended to accelerate cancer research. The purpose of this FOA is to increase case ascertainment and optimize delivery of evidence-based healthcare for individuals at high risk of cancer due to an inherited genetic susceptibility. Specifically, this FOA targets the following area designated as a scientific priority by the Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) Recommendation E: "To realize the potential of cancer prevention and early detection in our nation, NCI should sponsor an initiative to improve the current state of early detection, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and knowledge landscape of the mechanisms and biomarkers associated with cancer development. This initiative should include demonstration projects that will show how cancer screening programs can simultaneously save lives, improve quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs."

Translational Research - 0 views

    To advance these goals, the society's Translational Research Program was developed to encourage and provide early support for clinical research in leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma that aim to develop innovative approaches to treatment, diagnosis, and prevention. The program is designed to support new and innovative research that demonstrates high promise for translating basic biomedical knowledge to clinical application. Projects should be based on molecular, cellular, or integrated systems findings and be conceptually innovative.

High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasma Science - 0 views

    The Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program of the Office of Science (SC) and the Defense Program (DP) of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), both of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), jointly announce their interests in receiving grant applications for new awards and grant renewals for research in the SC-NNSA Joint Program in High-Energy-Density (HED) laboratory plasmas. All individuals or groups planning to submit applications for new or renewal funding in Fiscal Year 2018 should submit in response to this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). The specific areas of interest are: 1. HED Hydrodynamics 2. Radiation-Dominated Dynamics and Material Properties 3. Magnetized HED Plasma Physics 4. Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas and Laser-Plasma Interactions 5. Relativistic HED Plasmas and Intense Beam Physics 6. Warm Dense Matter 7. High-Z, Multiply Ionized HED Atomic Physics 8. Diagnostics for HED Laboratory Plasmas More specific information on each area of interest is outlined in the general and program specific supplementary information provided.

Consortium on Translational Research in Early Detection of Liver Cancer (Clinical and R... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is a part of an initiative designed to establish a Liver Cancer Consortium to advance translational research focused on early detection of liver cancer. The Consortium will consist of several Translational Research Centers (TRCs, to be supported by this U01 FOA) and a Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC, to be supported a companion U24 FOA, RFA-CA-17-028). The TRCs will conduct studies to improve the surveillance of liver cancer in members of high-risk populations, increase the fraction of liver cancer detected at an early stage, and better stratify patients at risk of developing liver cancer. Research to be conducted by TRCs must be based on appropriate range of biospecimens from cohorts that are focused on cirrhotic patients. A major collaborative effort of the TRCs will be the establishment of a well annotated repository of biospecimens. Biospecimens (blood, other body fluids, and, when feasible, liver tissue) may be already available and/or may be prospectively collected.

PA-17-459: Biology of Lung, and Head and Neck Preneoplasias (R01) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks applications investigating mechanistic and biological aspects of preneoplasia leading to lung, and head and neck (HN) cancers. Despite improved therapies and a deeper molecular understanding of lung and HN cancers, these tumors remain a major health problem in the United States and globally. While molecular markers of early injury to the aerodigestive epithelial field have been found, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms that initiate these preneoplasias and drive their progression to invasive cancer. A functional understanding of the key molecular changes involved in the formation and progression of lung and HN preneoplasias will enhance our knowledge of oncogenic progression and accelerate development of effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. Also Listed under (R21)

PAR-17-460: Biology of Lung, and Head and Neck Preneoplasias (R21) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks applications investigating mechanistic and biological aspects of preneoplasia leading to lung, and head and neck (HN) cancers. Despite improved therapies and a deeper molecular understanding of lung and HN cancers, these tumors remain a major health problem in the United States and globally. While molecular markers of early injury to the aerodigestive epithelial field have been found, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms that initiate these preneoplasias and drive their progression to invasive cancer. A functional understanding of the key molecular changes involved in the formation and progression of lung and HN preneoplasias will enhance our knowledge of oncogenic progression and accelerate development of effective preventive and therapeutic strategies.

A Prospective U.S. Cohort set within Health Care Systems to Study Cancer - Federal Busi... - 0 views

shared by MiamiOH OARS on 16 Aug 17 - No Cached
    The goal of this acquisition is to recruit health plan members from selected integrated health care systems (IHCS) into a complex, intensive, prospective cohort study, collect serial biospecimens and longitudinal data, and follow participants for disease outcomes, with a primary focus on cancer. The IHCS sites shall work with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and others such as NCI third party contractors (support service and study information technology [IT] platform contractors), processing lab, and the NCI central repository. The NCI support services contractor (a separate contract) will primarily provide support for the study fieldwork activities including providing support for provision of procedures and protocols, staff training (as required) at study sites, follow-up and tracing of participants who have left the IHCS's health plan and assist with data and specimen access. The study IT platform contractor (a separate contract) will provide a tiered-access study IT platform with integrated systems for study operations, participant data collection, study research data, study research data and specimen request and approval.

AACR Invites Applications for NextGen Cancer Research Grants | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    Research projects must represent a highly innovative approach to a major contemporary challenge in cancer research. The research, which can be in any area of basic, translational or clinical science, must have the potential to lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the field and transform our understanding of the tumorigenesis process and/or ability to treat, detect, or prevent cancer.

DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Fellowship Award - 0 views

    The Breakthrough Fellowship Award supports recent doctoral or medical graduates in pursuit of innovative, high-impact breast cancer research during their postdoctoral fellowship and allows them to obtain the necessary experience for an independent career at the forefront of breast cancer research. Those individuals should be exceptionally talented researchers who have demonstrated that they are the "best and brightest" of their peers. Applicants for this award must exhibit a strong desire to pursue a career in breast cancer research, with clear evidence for a researcher development plan that will lead to a successful independent career in breast cancer. Applicants must also demonstrate that the proposed research has high potential to lead to or make breakthroughs in breast cancer. The critical components of this award mechanism are: Impact: Research supported by the Breakthrough Fellowship Award will have the potential for a major impact and accelerate progress toward ending breast cancer. The impact may be near- term or long-term, but must be significant and move beyond an incremental advancement.

DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Levels 1 & 2 - 0 views

    he intent of the Breakthrough Award is to support promising research that has high potential to lead to or make breakthroughs in breast cancer. The critical components of this award mechanism are: Impact: Research supported by the Breakthrough Award will have the potential for a major impact and accelerate progress toward ending breast cancer. The impact may be near-term or long-term, but must be significant and move beyond an incremental advancement. Applications must articulate the pathway to making a clinical impact for individuals with, or at risk for, breast cancer, even if clinical impact is not an immediate outcome. Research Scope: Research proposed under this award mechanism may be small- to large-scale projects, at different stages of idea and research development. Two different funding levels, based on the scope of the research, are available under this Program Announcement.

DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Levels 3 & 4 - 0 views

    The intent of the Breakthrough Award is to support promising research that has high potential to lead to or make breakthroughs in breast cancer. The critical components of this award mechanism are: Impact: Research supported by the Breakthrough Award will have the potential for a major impact and accelerate progress toward ending breast cancer. The impact may be near-term or long-term, but must be significant and move beyond an incremental advancement. Applications must articulate the pathway to making a clinical impact for individuals with, or at risk for, breast cancer, even if clinical impact is not an immediate outcome. Research Scope: Research proposed under this award mechanism may be small- to large-scale projects, at different stages of idea and research development. Two different funding levels, based on the scope of the research, are available under this Program Announcement.

DoD Breast Cancer, Era of Hope Scholar Award - 0 views

    he Era of Hope Scholar Award supports individuals early in their careers who have demonstrated significant potential to effect meaningful change in breast cancer. These individuals should be exceptionally talented scientists who have shown that they are the "best and brightest" in their field(s) through extraordinary creativity, vision, innovation, and productivity. They should have demonstrated experience in forming effective partnerships and collaborations and must exhibit strong potential for future leadership in breast cancer research. As the intent of the Era of Hope Scholar Award is to recognize creative and innovative individuals rather than projects, the central features of the award are the applicant's demonstrated ability to go beyond conventional thinking in their field and the innovative contribution that the Principal Investigator (PI) can make toward ending breast cancer. The PI should articulate a vision that challenges current dogma and demonstrates an ability to look beyond tradition and convention.

DoD Breast Cancer, Innovator Award - 0 views

    The Innovator Award will provide these individuals with the funding and freedom to pursue their most novel, visionary, high-risk ideas that could accelerate progress to ending breast cancer. Because the intent of the Innovator Award mechanism is to recognize these remarkably creative and innovative visionary individuals, rather than projects, the central feature of the award is the innovative contribution that the Principal Investigator (PI) can make toward ending breast cancer. The PI should have a record of challenging the status quo, shifting paradigms by changing a field of research or approach to patient care, exhibiting high levels of creativity, and demonstrating promise for continued innovation in future work. These rare individuals will be able to articulate a vision for ending breast cancer that challenges current dogma and demonstrates an ability to look beyond tradition and convention. The PI is also expected to be established in his/her field and have demonstrated success at forming and leading effective partnerships and collaborations. To further the development of innovative individuals and spark the generation of novel ideas, applications are required to incorporate the mentoring of promising junior investigators. Experience in breast cancer research is not required; however, the application must focus on breast cancer, and the PI must maintain a 50% dedication of his/her full-time professional effort during the award period to breast cancer research.

DoD Breast Cancer, Distinguished Investigator Award - 0 views

    The BCRP Distinguished Investigator Award enables established visionary leaders from any field to pursue innovative ideas that could accelerate progress toward ending breast cancer. These individuals should be exceptionally talented researchers who have shown that they are leaders in their field(s) through extraordinary creativity, vision, and productivity. The Principal Investigator (PI) is expected to have a renowned reputation as a researcher who has made groundbreaking contributions to advancing his/her field. He/she should have demonstrated success at forming and leading effective partnerships and collaborations. Through his/her distinguished record of research and leadership, the PI should demonstrate the potential to make unique and significant advances in breast cancer. The central feature of the Distinguished Investigator Award is that the PI must propose research that is a fundamental shift from his/her track record of research and addresses one or more BCRP overarching challenge(s)

Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation | Beckman Young Investigators Program Information - 0 views

    Projects proposed for the BYI program should be truly innovative, high-risk, and show promise for contributing to significant advances in chemistry and the life sciences. They should represent a departure from current research directions rather than an extension or expansion of existing programs. Proposed research that cuts across traditional boundaries of scientific disciplines is encouraged. Proposals that open new avenues of research in chemistry and life sciences by fostering the invention of methods, instruments and materials will be given additional consideration. The BYI program funds promising young scientists early in their careers who have not yet received a major award from another organization. Proposals that already have substantial funding will not be considered for the BYI award (see eligibility for more information). Projects are normally funded for a period of four years. Grants are in the range of $600,000 over the term of the project, contingent upon demonstrated progress after the second year of the award.
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