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ASPIRE - Hemophilia Research - 0 views

    The 2016 U.S. Advancing Science through Pfizer: Investigator Research Exchange (ASPIRE) Hemophilia Research Awards Program is a competitive grants program that reflects the commitment of Pfizer Hemophilia to support ongoing basic science and clinical investigation in hemophilia A and B. Ongoing basic science research and clinical research are critical to deepen understanding of disease mechanisms and to ensure advancement of management strategies for hemophilia A and hemophilia B and their related comorbidities. In an era of increased competition for research funding, the 2016 U.S. ASPIRE Hemophilia Research Awards Program is designed to support laboratory and clinical research in pathogenesis, complications, management, and clinical outcomes of hemophilia A and B.
    The 2016 U.S. Advancing Science through Pfizer: Investigator Research Exchange (ASPIRE) Hemophilia Research Awards Program is a competitive grants program that reflects the commitment of Pfizer Hemophilia to support ongoing basic science and clinical investigation in hemophilia A and B. Ongoing basic science research and clinical research are critical to deepen understanding of disease mechanisms and to ensure advancement of management strategies for hemophilia A and hemophilia B and their related comorbidities. In an era of increased competition for research funding, the 2016 U.S. ASPIRE Hemophilia Research Awards Program is designed to support laboratory and clinical research in pathogenesis, complications, management, and clinical outcomes of hemophilia A and B.

JDRF Grant - 0 views

    One of JDRF's therapeutic goals is to restore beta cell function in type 1 diabetes (T1D) by replacement/transplantation of beta cells/islets. Pancreatic islet transplantation has been efficacious in selected patients in improving metabolic control and quality of life, and in preventing severe hypoglycemia in patients with medically unstable T1D. Despite improvements in cadaveric pancreas procurement, islet isolation, and islet purification, major scientific and technical challenges remain that must be addressed before beta cell replacement could be widely incorporated into the clinical management of established T1D; examples include serious side effects from chronic immunosuppression and the insufficient human islet supply from cadaveric pancreata. JDRF's role is to enable the scientific community to address these challenges with the ultimate goal of developing safe and effective beta cell replacement approaches available to large numbers of individuals with T1D.
    One of JDRF's therapeutic goals is to restore beta cell function in type 1 diabetes (T1D) by replacement/transplantation of beta cells/islets. Pancreatic islet transplantation has been efficacious in selected patients in improving metabolic control and quality of life, and in preventing severe hypoglycemia in patients with medically unstable T1D. Despite improvements in cadaveric pancreas procurement, islet isolation, and islet purification, major scientific and technical challenges remain that must be addressed before beta cell replacement could be widely incorporated into the clinical management of established T1D; examples include serious side effects from chronic immunosuppression and the insufficient human islet supply from cadaveric pancreata. JDRF's role is to enable the scientific community to address these challenges with the ultimate goal of developing safe and effective beta cell replacement approaches available to large numbers of individuals with T1D.

Biomarkers for the Lewy Body Dementias - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to 1) expand the collection of clinical data and biological specimens in the NINDS Parkinsons Disease Biomarkers Program (PDBP), a community research resource, to include data from patients with Lewy Body Dementias (including Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease with Dementia), and 2) to support hypothesis-driven clinical research to discover biomarkers that will improve the efficiency and outcome of Phase II clinical trials for the Lewy Body dementias and to provide an expansion of this existing research resource center for dissemination of information and access by the scientific community for further advancing research in this field. Applications may include both of these goals if justified.
    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to 1) expand the collection of clinical data and biological specimens in the NINDS Parkinsons Disease Biomarkers Program (PDBP), a community research resource, to include data from patients with Lewy Body Dementias (including Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease with Dementia), and 2) to support hypothesis-driven clinical research to discover biomarkers that will improve the efficiency and outcome of Phase II clinical trials for the Lewy Body dementias and to provide an expansion of this existing research resource center for dissemination of information and access by the scientific community for further advancing research in this field. Applications may include both of these goals if justified.

Bridges to the Doctorate - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this NIGMS R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development and Research Experiences.
    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this NIGMS R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development and Research Experiences.

Modeling of Infectious Disease Agent Study Research Projects - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support innovative research that will develop and apply computational tools and methods for modeling interactions between infectious agents and their hosts, disease spread, prediction systems and response strategies. The models should be useful to researchers, policymakers, or public health workers who want to better understand and respond to infectious diseases. This research opportunity encourages applications from institutions/organizations that propose to provide the scientific and public health communities better resources, knowledge, and tools to improve their ability to prepare for, identify, detect, control, and prevent the spread of infectious diseases caused by naturally occurring or intentionally released pathogens, including those relevant to biodefense.
    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support innovative research that will develop and apply computational tools and methods for modeling interactions between infectious agents and their hosts, disease spread, prediction systems and response strategies. The models should be useful to researchers, policymakers, or public health workers who want to better understand and respond to infectious diseases. This research opportunity encourages applications from institutions/organizations that propose to provide the scientific and public health communities better resources, knowledge, and tools to improve their ability to prepare for, identify, detect, control, and prevent the spread of infectious diseases caused by naturally occurring or intentionally released pathogens, including those relevant to biodefense.

Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (DDRCCs). The DDRCCs are part of an integrated program of digestive and liver diseases research support provided by the NIDDK.The purpose of this Centers program is to bring together basic and clinical investigators as a means to enhance communication, collaboration, and effectiveness of ongoing research related to digestive and/or liver diseases.DDRCCs are based on the core concept, whereby shared resources aimed at fostering productivity, synergy, and new research ideas among the funded investigators are supported in a cost-effective manner.Each proposed DDRCC must be organized around a central theme that reflects the focus of the digestive or liver diseases research of the Center members. The central theme must be within the primary mission of NIDDK, and not thematic areas for which other NIH Institutes or Centers are considered the primary source of NIH funding.
    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (DDRCCs). The DDRCCs are part of an integrated program of digestive and liver diseases research support provided by the NIDDK.The purpose of this Centers program is to bring together basic and clinical investigators as a means to enhance communication, collaboration, and effectiveness of ongoing research related to digestive and/or liver diseases.DDRCCs are based on the core concept, whereby shared resources aimed at fostering productivity, synergy, and new research ideas among the funded investigators are supported in a cost-effective manner.Each proposed DDRCC must be organized around a central theme that reflects the focus of the digestive or liver diseases research of the Center members. The central theme must be within the primary mission of NIDDK, and not thematic areas for which other NIH Institutes or Centers are considered the primary source of NIH funding.

Spermatogenic Stem Cell Culture Systems to Preserve and Restore Reproductive Capacity i... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications from the scientific community to support outstanding research in the area of spermatogenic stem cell (SSC) biology.The overarching goal is to increase the chances that couples may have biological offspring without using conventional assisted reproductive modalities (i.e., IVF, ICSI).A focal point of the initiative is on the development of new techniques to culture and expand these cells over an extended period of time.Another area of study includes methods to eliminate malignant cells from SSC cultures following chemotherapy/radiation treatment. Also, spermatogenic stem cells from human adults could have a major impact on drug development and toxicity testing as animal-based systems do not sufficiently mirror the situation in humans.
    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications from the scientific community to support outstanding research in the area of spermatogenic stem cell (SSC) biology.The overarching goal is to increase the chances that couples may have biological offspring without using conventional assisted reproductive modalities (i.e., IVF, ICSI).A focal point of the initiative is on the development of new techniques to culture and expand these cells over an extended period of time.Another area of study includes methods to eliminate malignant cells from SSC cultures following chemotherapy/radiation treatment. Also, spermatogenic stem cells from human adults could have a major impact on drug development and toxicity testing as animal-based systems do not sufficiently mirror the situation in humans.

Cooperative Study Group for Autoimmune Disease Prevention - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications from institutions or consortia of institutions to participate in a cooperative study group focused on prevention of human autoimmune disease. The ultimate goal of the FOA is to develop the knowledge base necessary to design selective preventive interventions that could be administered efficiently and safely to the general population or to individuals at risk of autoimmune disease, including infants and children.
    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications from institutions or consortia of institutions to participate in a cooperative study group focused on prevention of human autoimmune disease. The ultimate goal of the FOA is to develop the knowledge base necessary to design selective preventive interventions that could be administered efficiently and safely to the general population or to individuals at risk of autoimmune disease, including infants and children.

Optimization of Monoclonal Antibodies for Eliminating the HIV Reservoir - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications to support the optimization of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) or mAb derivatives that recognize and eliminate cells comprising the HIV reservoir.
    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications to support the optimization of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) or mAb derivatives that recognize and eliminate cells comprising the HIV reservoir.

TAAF: PROJECTS: Research Grants - 0 views

    The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation seeks applications for scientific research projects that will significantly move the field forward toward effective understanding of the mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease. TAAF Grants respond to the cerebrovascular community's need for projects that highlight innovative research strategies that will support the development of novel cerebrovascular therapies, clinical management and recovery for patients.
    The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation seeks applications for scientific research projects that will significantly move the field forward toward effective understanding of the mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease. TAAF Grants respond to the cerebrovascular community's need for projects that highlight innovative research strategies that will support the development of novel cerebrovascular therapies, clinical management and recovery for patients.

2016 Career Development Award (Lupus Foundation of America) - 0 views

    To facilitate the professional development of rheumatology, nephrology and dermatology fellows, in the U.S. and Canada, interested in lupus research towards a career as an independent clinician-scientist at an academic, medical, or research institution, with a research program having considerable focus on the investigation of basic, clinical, translational, behavioral or epidemiological lupus research.
    To facilitate the professional development of rheumatology, nephrology and dermatology fellows, in the U.S. and Canada, interested in lupus research towards a career as an independent clinician-scientist at an academic, medical, or research institution, with a research program having considerable focus on the investigation of basic, clinical, translational, behavioral or epidemiological lupus research.

Adherence Improvement - PhRMA Foundation - 0 views

    A growing body of evidence demonstrates that good adherence to recommended medications can yield better clinical outcomes and reduce downstream medical spending for patients with chronic conditions. However, many people do not take their medications as prescribed. Closing the adherence gap is important for improving the quality of health care, encouraging better chronic care management, and promoting better outcomes. Our goal is to support research that will advance knowledge of innovative and effective approaches to improve medication adherence. Relevant research goals may include development or evaluation of policies, interventions, or tools that have potential to improve medication adherence.
    A growing body of evidence demonstrates that good adherence to recommended medications can yield better clinical outcomes and reduce downstream medical spending for patients with chronic conditions. However, many people do not take their medications as prescribed. Closing the adherence gap is important for improving the quality of health care, encouraging better chronic care management, and promoting better outcomes. Our goal is to support research that will advance knowledge of innovative and effective approaches to improve medication adherence. Relevant research goals may include development or evaluation of policies, interventions, or tools that have potential to improve medication adherence.

Pre-application: Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Technol... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite pre-applications from applicants who have an interest in ultimately submitting an application to "Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Technologies to Understand the Control of Organ Function by the Peripheral Nervous System (OT2)" (RFA-RM-16-003). The OT1 SPARC pre-application is the required first step in the application process for the companion OT2 FOA (RFA-RM-16-003). Potential applicants should read both FOAs.
    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite pre-applications from applicants who have an interest in ultimately submitting an application to "Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Technologies to Understand the Control of Organ Function by the Peripheral Nervous System (OT2)" (RFA-RM-16-003). The OT1 SPARC pre-application is the required first step in the application process for the companion OT2 FOA (RFA-RM-16-003). Potential applicants should read both FOAs.

Centers of Excellence in Gambling Research Grants - 0 views

    The study of gambling disorder remains an emerging field. In order to advance understanding of this disorder, the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) created the NCRG Center of Excellence in Gambling Research grants program in 2009. The first recipients of center grants-the University of Minnesota, The University of Chicago and Yale University-have made exceptional strides in advancing research on disordered gambling behavior. The NCRG is pleased to continue this program in 2016 by inviting proposals for the third round of grants in support of Centers of Excellence in Gambling Research in 2016.
    The study of gambling disorder remains an emerging field. In order to advance understanding of this disorder, the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) created the NCRG Center of Excellence in Gambling Research grants program in 2009. The first recipients of center grants-the University of Minnesota, The University of Chicago and Yale University-have made exceptional strides in advancing research on disordered gambling behavior. The NCRG is pleased to continue this program in 2016 by inviting proposals for the third round of grants in support of Centers of Excellence in Gambling Research in 2016.

Research Awards (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) - 0 views

    Research Grants are offered to encourage the development of new information that contributes to the understanding of the basic etiology and pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis. In addition, consideration will be given to those projects that provide insight into the development of information that may contribute to the development of new therapies for CF. All proposals must be hypothesis driven, and sufficient preliminary data must be provided to justify CFF support. Information derived from such studies will hopefully lead to submission to other funding agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
    Research Grants are offered to encourage the development of new information that contributes to the understanding of the basic etiology and pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis. In addition, consideration will be given to those projects that provide insight into the development of information that may contribute to the development of new therapies for CF. All proposals must be hypothesis driven, and sufficient preliminary data must be provided to justify CFF support. Information derived from such studies will hopefully lead to submission to other funding agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Biomarkers Discovery In Parkinsonism - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support hypothesis-driven research to discover human biomarkers in Parkinsons disease and other Parkinsonian syndromes, as a component of the NINDS Parkinsons Disease Biomarkers Program (PDBP). This FOA encourages biomarkers discovery projects in 1) genetically causal Parkinson's disease, especially for particular sub-types of Parkinson's Disease (PD), including genetic cohorts, biologically defined cohorts of idiopathic PD, or ethnic subgroups of idiopathic PD; 2) The differentiation of synucleinopathies (such as PD and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) from tauopathies (such asProgressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal degeneration); or 3) to improve diagnostic differentiation between idiopathic/subtypes of PD and these disorders, as well as from Essential tremor. In order to further advance research in this area, broad sharing of biospecimens and associated data is a critical feature of the PDBP generally and of this FOA specifically.A timeline including milestones, which will be used to evaluate the application not only in peer review but also in consideration of the awarded project for funding of non-competing award years, is required for all studies.
    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support hypothesis-driven research to discover human biomarkers in Parkinsons disease and other Parkinsonian syndromes, as a component of the NINDS Parkinsons Disease Biomarkers Program (PDBP). This FOA encourages biomarkers discovery projects in 1) genetically causal Parkinson's disease, especially for particular sub-types of Parkinson's Disease (PD), including genetic cohorts, biologically defined cohorts of idiopathic PD, or ethnic subgroups of idiopathic PD; 2) The differentiation of synucleinopathies (such as PD and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) from tauopathies (such asProgressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal degeneration); or 3) to improve diagnostic differentiation between idiopathic/subtypes of PD and these disorders, as well as from Essential tremor. In order to further advance research in this area, broad sharing of biospecimens and associated data is a critical feature of the PDBP generally and of this FOA specifically.A timeline including milestones, which will be used to evaluate the application not only in peer review but also in consideration of the awarded project for funding of non-competing award years, is required for all studies.

Center without Walls for the Identification and Validation of Molecular Mechanisms Cont... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to support innovative interdisciplinary, multi-institute research that will lead to the identification and validation of molecular mechanisms relevant to human biology that contribute to tau toxicity associated with Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD). It is anticipated that this research will also contribute to tool development that can be applied to target validation in FTD clinical trials.Applications must include an administrative core, a scientific governance structure, a minimum of three research projects with milestone plans, resource core(s) that support the basic research efforts of at least two proposed research projects, a data coordination core that will facilitate the distribution of data generated through the Center without Walls with the broad research community and a human biology validation core that will support the validation of mechanisms identified and resources developed under this FOA. Synergy must be evident among Center research projects and cores, such that successful completion of the aims could not be accomplished without the Center structure. This FOA is in response to the Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (ADRD) challenges outlined in the 2015 update to the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease.
    The purpose of this FOA is to support innovative interdisciplinary, multi-institute research that will lead to the identification and validation of molecular mechanisms relevant to human biology that contribute to tau toxicity associated with Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD). It is anticipated that this research will also contribute to tool development that can be applied to target validation in FTD clinical trials.Applications must include an administrative core, a scientific governance structure, a minimum of three research projects with milestone plans, resource core(s) that support the basic research efforts of at least two proposed research projects, a data coordination core that will facilitate the distribution of data generated through the Center without Walls with the broad research community and a human biology validation core that will support the validation of mechanisms identified and resources developed under this FOA. Synergy must be evident among Center research projects and cores, such that successful completion of the aims could not be accomplished without the Center structure. This FOA is in response to the Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (ADRD) challenges outlined in the 2015 update to the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease.

Maximizing Access to Research Careers Undergraduate - Student Training in Academic Rese... - 0 views

    The Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (U-STAR) program is designed to provide structured training programs to prepare high-achieving, underrepresented students for doctoral programs in biomedical research fields. Programmatic activities should include authentic research experiences, academic enhancements, skills development, and mentoring. Institutions eligible for MARC U-STAR grants are those with significant enrollments of honors students from groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. The long-term goal of the program is to enhance the pool of underrepresented students earning baccalaureate and Ph.D degrees in biomedical research fields and ultimately to contribute to the diversification of the nation's scientific workforce.
    The Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (U-STAR) program is designed to provide structured training programs to prepare high-achieving, underrepresented students for doctoral programs in biomedical research fields. Programmatic activities should include authentic research experiences, academic enhancements, skills development, and mentoring. Institutions eligible for MARC U-STAR grants are those with significant enrollments of honors students from groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. The long-term goal of the program is to enhance the pool of underrepresented students earning baccalaureate and Ph.D degrees in biomedical research fields and ultimately to contribute to the diversification of the nation's scientific workforce.

Characterization of Circulating Pro- and Anti-Geronic Proteins and Peptides - 0 views

    The goal of this FOA is to advance research on the underlying basis for the transfer (or transposition) of aging phenotypes observed between young and old rodents and discovered through heterochronic parabiosis. Examples of transposed phenotypes include reversal of cardiac hypertrophy, partial restoration of cognitive function, improved vascularization, and repair of skeletal muscle after cryo-injury (anti-geronic transposition), or as accelerated loss of cognitive function and neurogenesis (pro-geronic transposition). Other transposed phenotypes, as revealed solely through heterochronic parabiosis, may also be reported in the literature. There are also reports of candidate factors found in circulation that might be causally related to the transposition of these aging phenotypes; these are termed "circulating geronic factors" for purposes of this FOA. To date, these are proteins and peptides that pass between the young and old mice joined by parabiosis, due to anastomosis of their circulatory systems. Based on these novel findings and this novel experimental paradigm, the specific objective of this FOA is to test whether these candidate geronic factors are necessary for the transposition of aging phenotypes. The focus is on phenotypes transposed in heterochronic parabiosis and the candidate factors which are present and functional at physiological concentrations in circulation.
    The goal of this FOA is to advance research on the underlying basis for the transfer (or transposition) of aging phenotypes observed between young and old rodents and discovered through heterochronic parabiosis. Examples of transposed phenotypes include reversal of cardiac hypertrophy, partial restoration of cognitive function, improved vascularization, and repair of skeletal muscle after cryo-injury (anti-geronic transposition), or as accelerated loss of cognitive function and neurogenesis (pro-geronic transposition). Other transposed phenotypes, as revealed solely through heterochronic parabiosis, may also be reported in the literature. There are also reports of candidate factors found in circulation that might be causally related to the transposition of these aging phenotypes; these are termed "circulating geronic factors" for purposes of this FOA. To date, these are proteins and peptides that pass between the young and old mice joined by parabiosis, due to anastomosis of their circulatory systems. Based on these novel findings and this novel experimental paradigm, the specific objective of this FOA is to test whether these candidate geronic factors are necessary for the transposition of aging phenotypes. The focus is on phenotypes transposed in heterochronic parabiosis and the candidate factors which are present and functional at physiological concentrations in circulation.

Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research at the Interface of the Biological and M... - 0 views

    The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health plan to support research in mathematics and statistics on questions in the biological and biomedical sciences. Both agencies recognize the need and urgency for promoting research at the interface between the mathematical sciences and the life sciences. This program is designed to encourage new collaborations, as well as to support existing ones.
    The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health plan to support research in mathematics and statistics on questions in the biological and biomedical sciences. Both agencies recognize the need and urgency for promoting research at the interface between the mathematical sciences and the life sciences. This program is designed to encourage new collaborations, as well as to support existing ones.
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