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Elena Ares

College of Engineering releases iPad app - Valparaiso University - 1 views

  • Designed to be an attractive way to keep in touch with current students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the university, the application offers flexibility in presenting in-depth stories, exciting videos, and beautiful photo galleries.
  • We created the iPad app with mobility in mind, allowing for a full reading experience when both connected and not connected to WiFi or 3G internet,
  • The app has a cutting-edge digital media design and an intuitive interface, allowing individuals to be connected with the University and the College of Engineering
    "The Valparaiso University College of Engineering has released a new digital magazine for the iPad, which will connect the college to many constituents through an interactive digital community." iPads are not only used for education, but for interaction throughout the classroom- or campus, as it may be.
    New digital college magazine allowing students to connect with events, a digital community, and digital news all available on iPad!
Vicki Davis

In South Korean classrooms, digital textbook revolution meets some resistance - The Was... - 1 views

    South Koreans realize that technology doesn't always bring progress. Not going as ebook as planned according to this washington post article. "But South Korea, among the world's most wired nations, has also seen its plan to digitize elementary, middle and high school classrooms by 2015 collide with a trend it didn't anticipate: Education leaders here worry that digital devices are too pervasive and that this young generation of tablet-carrying, smartphone-obsessed students might benefit from less exposure to gadgets, not more. Those concerns have caused South Korea to pin back the ambition of the project, which is in a trial stage at about 50 schools. Now, the full rollout won't be a revolution: Classes will use digital textbooks alongside paper textbooks, not instead of them. First- and second-graders, government officials say, probably won't use the gadgets at all."
grace gollon

Apps being used in the Classroom - 0 views

  • 5 Apps Being Used in the Classroom Right Now Published 21 July, 2011 Multimedia & Digital 8 Comments Tags: Apps, Blackboard Mobile Learn, byki, Classroom,, Digital, Mobile apps, Motion Math, Multimedia, Sarah Fudin, World Wiki tweetmeme_url = ''; tweetmeme_alias = ''; tweetmeme_source = '”OUPELTGlobal”'; In this post, Sarah Fudin, a community relations coordinator for the University of Southern California’s online Masters Degree in Teaching program, shares 5 mobile apps that teachers are already using in the classroom to aid learning. Apple’s catchy tagline — “There’s an app for that” — is proving to be true in today’s classroom. Educational apps that are well designed and highly interactive engage students and make learning more enjoyable. A quick online survey shows that there are hundreds of apps available for every educational level, from pre-Kindergarten to college. Many schools are putting iPads into the hands of students in the classroom. Even in classrooms where only the teacher has an iPad, Apple’s Video Mirroring technology allows the screen image from an iPad to be shared with the class via a projection screen or HDTV. Here are five extraordinarily useful Apple and Android apps that are being used in classrooms across the country right now:
  • This Apple app provides quick access to detailed information about more than 200 countries around the globe. According to Macworld, World Wiki uses data from the official CIA World Factbook. Country data includes maps, flags, native language, motto and national statistics, with more detailed information about a country’s government, economy and geography also available. World Wiki’s presentation and depth of information make it a useful tool for teachers and students of all educational levels, with particularly innovative applications in the ESL / TESOL teacher’s classroom, where bridging the cultural gap may sometimes be challenging.
  • No roundup of educational apps would be complete without mentioning this app, which is listed as the #1 app for students by U.S. News & World Report. Over 1 million words from and are included in this app, along with audio pronunciation, word origins and example sentences. The app can be downloaded free of charge for iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry devices and conveniently works without an Internet connection. As technology continues to advance and become even more ubiquitous, permeating our everyday lives and routines, it is certain that the classroom of the future will also become more high-tech. The apps being used by teachers and students today are only the latest wave of the digital revolution sweeping over education. As the processes and programs currently available are advanced and refined, technology will offer teachers and students even better ways to work, to connect and, of course, to learn.
Elena Ares

The B-School Case Study Gets a Digital Makeover - Businessweek - 0 views

  • But for ancillary materials—all of the research and items that go with the textbook—students prefer digital,"
  • Hall recalls this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where he had to meet with employees and be accessible to clients on the trade room floor. He had a case study to read, but an open laptop would have been rude and standoffish, he says.
  • Although students could take notes, highlight, and use a dictionary function, some said they were frustrated by the Kindle’s file management system and by an inability to easily skip back and forth between text and exhibits at the end. That’s a far bigger problem when dealing with dozens of case studies—which have numerous exhibits—than with a handful of text books.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • the device isn’t great for exercises that require hard data analysis or spreadsheets.
  • they must provide tech support,
  • Regardless of how interactive case studies may become, what won’t change are the analytical and critical thinking skills they impart, Rowe says.
    Page 2- Students prefer normal textbooks, but prefer digital items with the research that comes along with the textbook

Gamification and Game Theory - How It Applies to Your Digital Strategy | Reading Room A... - 0 views

    this is a website on how to ably games and gamification in the digital age we all live in

Educational Technology in ELT: 10 Free Digital Game-Based Learning Resources for Englis... - 0 views

    This website talks about how digital game based learning and how it can improve education.

The Digital Textbook Revolution | iPad in Schools - 1 views

    "Everything in our world is being digitized (or will be) and it makes sense for text  books to be able to be updated in real time (any time) at a cost that is virtually free rather than the investment it takes to republish and distribute millions of books every few years." This article discusses the use of iPads in the classroom and how they should be replacing textbooks. Since ipads are gesture based, they will be a great addition to a classroom.
Sebastian Power

NetGen2010 Project - Mr. Langley's Digital Classroom - 0 views

  • Literary Analysis Rubric
  • NetGen2010 Project
  • Mr. Langley's blog on the NetGen 2010 experience Student Summit recording in Elluminate with text chat box visible
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Flat Classroom Project Help
  • Student Summit Video - whiteboard view and audio only NetGen2010 Timeline 3/5 - Greeting from Don posted to the Ning via video Weekly- discussions posted to the forum 2/20-3/5 - "Handshake process" - Students join Ning - post introductions 3/1 - Teams announce 3/15-4/10 Research phase of project 4/10 - Wikis complete 4/1 - Student Keynote Some time in March, there will be a live session with Don Tapscott 4/10-5/8 - Movie Artifact phase of project (note that there will be some overlap between Research and Movie Artifact) *Storyboarding *Outsourced video requests posted to the Ning by 3/10 5/10 - Final Deadline for All Movies to be posted 5/10-5/20 - Post project reflections, student summits, awards Project Files Don Tapscott's Grown Up Digital Chapter 1 Don Tapscott's Grown Up Digital Chapter 3 Don Tapscott's Grown Up Digital Chapter 5 2010 Horizon Report Daily Assignment points - 25 points Create useful Diigo Bookmarks for the NetGen2010 Project and/or communicate with your Team members on the wiki Discussion tab - up to 10 points Post credible research information (preferably in your own words) to your Team's wiki  - must use proper citations - up to 10 points Blog about your latest NetGen2010 activity/progress - up to 5 points If you are absent a day, you are expected to complete the tasks either from home or the next day at school. NetGen2010 Project Links: Video Project Overview - Video Project Assignment - overview of the ProjectDiigo Standard Tags:Visual Data Analysis:  visualdataGesture Based Computing:  gesturebasedOpen Content:  opencontentSimple Augmented Reality:  augmentedrealityElectronic Books: ebooksMobile Computing:  mobileNetGen2010 Diigo Tag Cloud - these are the Diigo Bookmark tags that you should use.
  • Networking Presentations Video Lessons
  • Essay Questions
  • Documents
  • Literary Analysis Rubric
  • General Information for Writing Essays Handouts
  • 3/5 - Greeting from Don posted to the Ning via video Weekly- discussions posted to the forum 2/20-3/5 - "Handshake process" - Students join Ning - post introductions 3/1 - Teams announce 3/15-4/10 Research phase of project 4/10 - Wikis complete 4/1 - Student Keynote Some time in March, there will be a live session with Don Tapscott 4/10-5/8 - Movie Artifact phase of project (note that there will be some overlap between Research and Movie Artifact) *Storyboarding *Outsourced video requests posted to the Ning by 3/10 5/10 - Final Deadline for All Movies to be posted 5/10-5/20 - Post project reflections, student summits, awards Project Files
  • Daily Assignment points - 25 point
  • reate useful Diigo Bookmarks for the NetGen2010 Project and/or communicate with your Team members on the wiki Discussion tab - up to 10 points Post credible research information (preferably in your own words) to your Team's wiki  - must use proper citations - up to 10 points Blog about your latest NetGen2010 activity/progress - up to 5 points
  • review this format for giving attribution to any information that we add to the wiki.

Digital Game-Based Learning: It's Not Just the Digital Natives Who Are Restl... - 0 views

    Outlines why game based learning is engaging and effective.
VanessaS SVHS

Off the Shelf - In 'Grown Up Digital,' the Virtues of the Millennials - Review - NYTime... - 0 views

    This is an article reviewing Don Tapscott's book, "Grown Up Digital"
Vicki Davis

Microsoft Tag-Example Resource on E-Safety | Ray Chambers - 2 views

    Ray Chambers is a UK teacher doing some fascinating things with Microsoft products like Kinect and Microsoft Tag. I love this lesson plan that links with literacy, creative writing, digital citizenship. You can do this lesson yourself to see how it works. (Another great lesson plan I found on the TES site. A very global site for sharing and finding resources.)
grace gollon

Developing Digital Fluency through Ubiquitous Mobile Devices: Findings from a Small-Sca... - 0 views

    "Developing Digital Fluency through Ubiquitous Mobile Devices: Findings from a Small-Scale Study"
Elena Ares

The B-School Case Study Gets a Digital Makeover - Businessweek - 0 views

    • Elena Ares
      Starting out how tablets are so easy to use instead of sifting through 500 pages to find case studies and course materials
  • Next, Okun unsheathes the alternative: an iPad (AAPL) edition of the same course materials—a feature NYU introduced last year. In each digital case study, students can highlight material in fluorescent colors and take notes. A tap on the screen allows them to skip to an exhibit at the end of a document, and then follow the menu back to where they left off reading—with no virtual or actual page-leafing required. All the features work offline.
  • Over the ensuing 87 years, the case study has undergone some changes but remains much as it was at its inception—a straightforward narrative of business success or failure. Tablet technology may make the case study more of an interactive experience.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • arvard Business School, the largest publisher of case studies in North America, is in the process of converting 3,500 of its files to tablet-enhanced formats during this school year and expects to finish converting its library of 17,000 titles by 2013.
  • The tablet medium also seems ideal for simulated cases, says Glenn Rowe, a professor at the Ivey school and author of nearly 40 case studies. In role-playing exercises, prices and other variables can change on the fly. Students may also be smacked with unexpected events, such as their biggest competitor slashing prices, or by their receiving a higher-than-expected counterbid after a merger proposal. Students choose what they would do, and the simulation immediately tells them the consequence of that action.
    • Elena Ares
      Real world scenarios for the students to learn on  
  • Students are also more inclined to use tablets for supplemental reading. (Assuming prices are the same, 86 percent of college students say they prefer a hard copy textbook to an e-textbook, according to the market research firm Student Monitor.)
Elena Ares

Tablet Computing Is Here To Stay, And Will Force Changes In Laptops And Phones | Co.Des... - 1 views

  • Unlike smartphones and laptops, which replaced analog phones, typewriters, and filing cabinets, the tablet is pure digital abstraction -- the love-child of two digital devices
  • The answer is that our current digital ecosystem of smartphone + laptop doesn’t really fill our needs. Our phones aren’t good at making phone calls, and our laptops don’t share well. Both cost a lot but use only a fraction of their features. So much has changed since these platforms were originally defined that it’s time for a major re-adjustment, and the tablet is the first step. It’s the tip of the iceberg.
  • The tablet’s greatest impact on the technology ecosystem was in pointing out this weakness
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • . Tasks that had been split between two devices can be distributed among three.
  • So what happens next? As a result of the tablet, your smartphone is going to get a bit dumber. It won’t lose all of its functions, but most ancillary features will drop deeper back in the user interface, bringing the two killer apps of phone and camera to the surface.
    This site tells us when the year of tablet computing started. It says that tablet computing is just the beginning of a new world basically.
    How tablet computing is forcing changes in our phones and computers so they will be able to keep up with the current technology. 

Pros and cons of digital devices in the hands of young students | Emerging Education Te... - 0 views

    this site weighs the pros and cons of students using games in calss

OVERNIGHT TECH: FCC pushes for tablet computers in schools - The Hill's Hillicon Valley - 0 views

    The beginning of the news story talks about how schools switching to tablets could save money by using "digital textbooks," rather than out-of-date paper textbooks.
Tess T

Make education collaborative and customized for net gen, says author - - 0 views

  • “We can use the web and new technology to change the relationship between students and teachers in the learning process to get a multi-way, student-focused, customized, collaborative model of learning. The people who understand this the best are actually the students.”
    This is an article written about Tapscott's book Growing Up Digital, and talks about how students learning should be customized.

Digital Archives | - 0 views

  • Trainingmagazine has a 46-year history as a professional development publication that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool
    " Training magazine has a 46-year history as a professional development publication that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool." - From the article
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