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Ariele Ea

Gamification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    this site has the defintion of gamification and applications for gamification
    Wiki page on Gamification
    Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems. Gamification is used in applications and processes to improve user engagement, Return on Investment, data quality, timeliness, and learning.

Virtual Autopsy - 0 views

    This article provides an excellent example of how gesture based computing has a real-life application, rather than just applying it to games. Gesture based computing can serve to make virtual reality more like true reality.
Kendall Butler

Taking Mobile Applications into the Cloud -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    Here is some information on how mobile apps contribute to cloud computing.  Cloud computing is saving your information somewhere on the internet and being able to access it anywhere- even on you smartphone!
    This article examines the ability to link mobile apps to the cloud and various ways it could affect life.

Middleware Provides Gesture and Tracking Technology - 3 views

    "Omek is transforming the way people interact with their devices and applications, by providing tools and technology that enable manufacturers and software developers to add gesture-based interfaces to their products." This article relates to gesture based technology in sports.
Sloane Smith

Mobile Apps and Mass Customization « The SwitchCase Group - 2 views

    This source describes the boom in mobile apps. Apps are going to start being mass customized at a mass production price. This will allow people to customize their own devices and application to fit their own personal style. 
Sloane Smith

Prediction: Commercial Applications Will Drive Education Use... Yet Again - 1 views

    This website talks about technology is once again changing the way the school system functions. People are beginning to be able to get their school books online through mobile apps and then use additional apps to create documents. By being able to do this, students will be able to customize their curriculum to how they learn best.
Vicki Davis

Desktop QR Code Reader | dansl - 0 views

    I use QR codes to assess on my iTouch and iPad but if a blog has flash - I just snap a pic with the QR code application for adobe air using the webcam on my pc. I don't have to type in long urls. Anything with a printout of any online material includes a qr code.

What is 3D printing? - 0 views

    This website explains the importance of the applications of 3D printing.

Table PC's for Classroom Use: Technology and Application - 0 views

    This article describes what exactly a table PC is, the technology details, and how they can be used in a classroom.

A Tablet Computer Application for Patients to Participate in Their Hospital Care - 0 views

    This gives a brief mention towards the bottom of the page of how people can scrutinize others in regards to tablets.

Potential Applications of 3D printing - 0 views

    This short article gives a basic description of the technology and how it can be used in a classroom setting.
Candice Z_SVHS

Google Glass - 0 views

    One of the most recent developments in wearable technology is the invention of Google Glass by Google, it is simply a pair of glasses that you wear that provide the user with many more opportunities to entertain themselves from their surroundings. This is invention is expected to be released this year! The link I have provided explains all the ornate applications included in Google Glass!

Tablets vs. Laptops: The Pros and Cons - TopTenREVIEWS - 0 views

  • Software Electronics Mobile Web Services Appliances Entertainment Small Business Auto Tech More » Science Tech Careers Video Electronics » Other Electronics » Tablets » Tablets vs. Laptops: The Pros and Cons Share this [X] Digg StumbleUpon Yahoo! My Web Facebook Google Bookmarks ma.gnolia Newsvine reddit Windows Live 2012 Best Tablets .tmnAdsenseContainer {float:left; padding:10px; .padding:5px; padding-top:15px; .padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:15px; .padding-bottom:10px;} .tmnAdsByGoogleCont {float:left;} .tmnAdsByGoogle {font-size:12px; float:left; text-align:right;} .tmnAdsByGoogle a {color:#777777; text-decoration:none; font-size:11px;} .tmnAdsenseAdCont {float:left; overflow:hidden;} .tmnAdsenseAdTitle {margin-bottom:5px;} .tmnAdsenseAdTitle a {text-decoration:none; font-size:15px; color:#4444DD; font-weight: bold;} .tmnAdsenseAdDescCont {} .tmnAdsenseAdDesc {color:#000000; font-size:11px;} .tmnAdsenseAdLink {} .tmnAdsenseAdLink a {color:#999999; text-decoration:none; font-size:11px;}
  • Laptops
  • Laptops come with full keyboards, large screens and much higher screen resolution than you would find on any tablet
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • A full, physical keyboard is a desired feature for many individuals who do not like to type on a touchscreen. You can type much faster and more accurately using a full keyboard. The screen is also much larger for
  • viewing photos, browsing the web or even enjoying entertainment content.
  • Laptops are also more durable than tablets, and you won’t have to worry about scratching or damaging the touchscreen display.
  • These devices accomplish work on the go but they can be a burden to carry with you. Most laptop computers weigh anywhere from 3 to 9 pounds. Not only can this heavy weight be an annoyance to car
  • bigger may not always be better
  • ry in a backpack or briefcase, it can cause back pain if they are carried for extended periods of time.
  • Tablets
  • give you full control of the screen, features a
  • nd applications
  • you can directly touch the screen to make gaming more interactive, and the hands-on approach provides a more tactile experience than a mouse for drawing and illustrating.
  • these products are small. Most tablets offer anywhere from a 7-inch to a 10-inch display screen and weigh less than 1 pound
  • You can store all your music, capture photos or videos, video chat and even read books on their built-in eReaders.
  • hefty price tags, you must take special precautions in the care of these devices. They may have a durable body, but the touchscreen display is exposed. And if the touchscreen is damaged, your device could become useless.
    This site talks about the differences between laptops and tablets. They give pros and cons on both.

Digital Archives | - 0 views

  • Trainingmagazine has a 46-year history as a professional development publication that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool
    " Training magazine has a 46-year history as a professional development publication that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool." - From the article

ERIC - Education Resources Information Center - 0 views

    This article shows that education and researching habits have changed.  This is saying that apps can help education and researching.  It may seem lazy, but since we have the access to do it, why not do it?

Corwin: Apps for Learning: 40 Best iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone Apps for High School Classroo... - 0 views

    This book is about the best 40 apps for learning. A smart buy for anyone wondering about how mobile apps can be used in schools.
Elena Ares

Internet of Things: what is it? | the internet of things - 0 views

  • IoT as a manageable set of convergent developments on infrastructure, services, applications and governance tools. It is assumed that, as in the transition from mainframe to Internet some business will fail and new ones will emerge, this will happen within the current governance, currency end business models.
    This website tells you exactly what the Internet of things is! It also has an interesting opinion that can help you see how one certain person sees it

A Mobile Education: Student-created Apps -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    This article is about mobile education through mobile apps.  I think this is a good read for any schools considering innovating some education techniques.
patrick hancock

smart-grid-developments_end-of-2011-status.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Smart Grid tracks the progress of smart grid development in many places.
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