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andrei gausling

Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • But the most dramatic factor shaping the future of higher education is something that we can’t actually touch or see: big data and analytics. Basing decisions on data and evidence seems stunningly obvious, and indeed, research indicates that data-driven decision-making improves organizational output and productivity.
  • According to the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, “learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs.”
  • Analytics spans the full scope and range of activity in higher education, affecting administration, research, teaching and learning, and support resources.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • How do big data and analytics generate value for higher education? They can improve administrative decision-making and organizational resource allocation. They can identify at-risk learners and provide intervention to assist learners in achieving success. By analyzing discussion messages posted, assignments completed, and messages read in LMSs such as Moodle and Desire2Learn, educators can identify students who are at risk of dropping out.13 They can create, through transparent data and analysis, a shared understanding of the institution’s successes and challenges. They can innovate and transform the college/university system, as well as academic models and pedagogical approaches. They can assist in making sense of complex topics through the combination of social networks and technical and information networks: that is, algorithms can recognize and provide insight into data and at-risk challenges. They can help leaders transition to holistic decision-making through analyses of what-if scenarios and experimentation to explore how various elements within a complex discipline (e.g., retaining students, reducing costs) connect and to explore the impact of changing core elements. They can increase organizational productivity and effectiveness by providing up-to-date information and allowing rapid response to challenges. They can help institutional leaders determine the hard (e.g., patents, research) and soft (e.g., reputation, profile, quality of teaching) value generated by faculty activity.14 They can provide learners with insight into their own learning habits and can give recommendations for improvement. Learning-facing analytics, such as the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Check My Activity tool, allows learners to “compare their own activity . . . against an anonymous summary of their course peers.”15
    • Tess T
      Number two talks about customizing learning through analytics by  recognizing at-risk learners and helping them learn better.
    • Tess T
      Number nine also talks about customizing how students are taught. It says that Learning Analytics "can provide learners with insight into their own learning habits and can give recommendations for improvement."
  • Analytics in education must be transformative, altering existing teaching, learning, and assessment processes, academic work, and administration.
    • Tess T
      This right here is directly talking about using learning analytics to customize   how students are taught
  • Undoubtedly, analytics and big data have a significant role to play in the future of higher education. The growing role of analysis techniques and technologies in government and business sectors affirms this trend. In education the value of analytics and big data can be found in (1) their role in guiding reform activities in higher education, and (2) how they can assist educators in improving teaching and learning.
    • Tess T
      So pretty much this is saying that Learning Analytics can improve education because it can assist educators and help them improve their teaching and education based off of the data that they find about their students
    • Tess T
      Learning Analytics helps educators find out whats wrong and change it around the student so the student can get the best education possible
  • Learning analytics is essential for penetrating the fog that has settled over much of higher education. Educators, students, and administrators need a foundation on which to enact change. For educators, the availability of real-time insight into the performance of learners—including students who are at-risk—can be a significant help in the planning of teaching activities. For students, receiving information about their performance in relation to their peers or about their progress in relation to their personal goals can be motivating and encouraging. Finally, administrators and decision-makers are today confronted with tremendous uncertainty in the face of budget cuts and global competition in higher education. Learning analytics can penetrate the fog of uncertainty around how to allocate resources, develop competitive advantages, and most important, improve the quality and value of the learning experience.
    • Tess T
      This is a super helpful and straight forward answer to the question "how can learning analytics improve education." You can't get any clearer that that!
    This source was written by George Siemens,who works in the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University, and Phil Long, a Director of the Centre for Education Innovaton and Technology at the University of Queensland.  This site talks about how Analytics are used and what they are used for in Education
    I really think this website can help anyone with a "foggy" idea of learning analytics.  Explains what to do with them above and beyond.  Woo hoo.
    This article is about how data mining and research can help make decisions. This process is using statistical information instead of using informal guessing. It is beginning to be used on a wide level including medicine , business , and social programs and schools. It also says that education most have a reform and learning anaylitcs will have the biggest impact in deciding what will change or what will be added. So many of the students now a days spends time on the internet with social media and this leaves a foot print which leaves data of how their learning process works. Learning anaylitics is important because it benefits administrative and student purposes.
Julie Lindsay

The 8 industries that can best utilize Apple's new iPad | TabTimes - 0 views

    3. Education There are two opportunities for schools and universities, and the first doesn't really directly concern the latest iPad. Instead, it is the impact that the new iPad will have on the iPad 2, as the expected price reduction will make this tablet much more accessible for finance-restricted education establishments. Of course, there is also an opportunity with the new iPad for those with bigger budgets. The additional apps for movie making could make Apple's latest tablet a great tool for subjects like media studies, or in higher education, broadcast journalism training.

MOOCs: Valuable Innovation Or Grand Diversion? - Education - Online - 0 views

    Keith Fowlkes describes his thesis on why so many people are switching from attending higher education universities, such as Lehigh University, and are switching to online sources that are offered by the higher education universities. 

A Mobile Education: Student-created Apps -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    This article is about mobile education through mobile apps.  I think this is a good read for any schools considering innovating some education techniques.
Elena Ares

An iPad University: Giving It the Old College Try | Epicenter | - 0 views

  • Now, let’s face it, online education isn’t exactly new. Typing “online degree” into Google gets you over 58 million results. Besides the well-known University of Phoenix, there are all sorts of online degree programs that promise a convenient, high quality education. Yale and MIT have recently put many of their lectures online, and iTunes U and Academic Earth offer resources from many top schools. Last year saw an unprecedented jump of almost a million more students studying online, according to the 2010 Sloan Survey of Online Learning. What makes MAT@USC different?
  • When students enter the online “classroom” – whether on their iPad or laptop – they see a Brady Bunch style grid of live-stream video headshots of 10-12 students and the professor. During class, which is scheduled several times throughout the week, students can take notes, view slides, discuss questions on a Twitter-like chat pod, break into groups, or virtually “raise their hand” to answer a question. In other words, they can do most of the activities they would in a normal classroom. Only in this scenario, their classmates might be sitting at a desk in rural Kansas – or Japan.
  • But is something valuable lost without real face-time in a physical classroom? Some critics argue that education must be more than just interactions with a smart screen – it’s about personal connections in a social space. Sundt thinks that many of those concerns, while perhaps more relevant for K-12 education, don’t really apply to the typically much older students pursuing a higher education.
    they see a Brady Bunch style grid of live-stream video headshots of 10-12 students and the professor. During class, which is scheduled several times throughout the week, students can take notes, view slides, discuss questions on a Twitter-like chat pod, break into groups, or virtually "raise their hand" to answer a question.
    A college trying out an iPad and seeing how it works as an experiment
andrei gausling

Knewton - the future of education? | Learning and Knowledge Analytics - 2 views

  • During the learning analytics conference in Banff, several presenters mentioned the speed at which analytics are moving into policy level decisions in universities and schools. Malcolm Brown, from EDUCAUSE, made the statement that learning analytics “are moving faster than any of us realize”.
    This site is just about Learning  Analytics but its very helpful
    This is actually a really cool site! it talks about  how fast learnign analytics is developing and how it works to improve education
    This artical talks about how leaning anayltics is rapidly increasing in use around in education. It says that the factors for this are business intelligence technology sector increase for accountability and increased entrepreneurial help for the education sector. Learning anaylitics is used to change the education system to a new more personal one that is better than the traditional ways now. Such attempts have brought up new education resources like online learning companies like Pearson who has created blackboard and other sections that collect data and create a new way of learning. The moodle also came out of the Idea for learning anaylics but still maintains a closed system that does not change or adapt.
jessica Friday

The Gamification of Education Infographic #gamification #edtech - 0 views

    this site shows the progression of gamification usedin education
    Infographic showing how games are used in education.

Gamification Education - 0 views

    This describes the differences between games and gamification, defines the types of players, and gives examples of some educational games.  
    This article is more or less and overview of the topic of gamification. In addition it has a section of gaming in education.

Can classroom tablets revolutionize education? - 1 views

    An article that describes the impact of tablets on education as a whole.
MadelineH SVHS

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education - 0 views

    improving education with technology

ERIC - Education Resources Information Center - 0 views

    This article shows that education and researching habits have changed.  This is saying that apps can help education and researching.  It may seem lazy, but since we have the access to do it, why not do it?
grace gollon

Apps being used in the Classroom - 0 views

  • 5 Apps Being Used in the Classroom Right Now Published 21 July, 2011 Multimedia & Digital 8 Comments Tags: Apps, Blackboard Mobile Learn, byki, Classroom,, Digital, Mobile apps, Motion Math, Multimedia, Sarah Fudin, World Wiki tweetmeme_url = ''; tweetmeme_alias = ''; tweetmeme_source = '”OUPELTGlobal”'; In this post, Sarah Fudin, a community relations coordinator for the University of Southern California’s online Masters Degree in Teaching program, shares 5 mobile apps that teachers are already using in the classroom to aid learning. Apple’s catchy tagline — “There’s an app for that” — is proving to be true in today’s classroom. Educational apps that are well designed and highly interactive engage students and make learning more enjoyable. A quick online survey shows that there are hundreds of apps available for every educational level, from pre-Kindergarten to college. Many schools are putting iPads into the hands of students in the classroom. Even in classrooms where only the teacher has an iPad, Apple’s Video Mirroring technology allows the screen image from an iPad to be shared with the class via a projection screen or HDTV. Here are five extraordinarily useful Apple and Android apps that are being used in classrooms across the country right now:
  • This Apple app provides quick access to detailed information about more than 200 countries around the globe. According to Macworld, World Wiki uses data from the official CIA World Factbook. Country data includes maps, flags, native language, motto and national statistics, with more detailed information about a country’s government, economy and geography also available. World Wiki’s presentation and depth of information make it a useful tool for teachers and students of all educational levels, with particularly innovative applications in the ESL / TESOL teacher’s classroom, where bridging the cultural gap may sometimes be challenging.
  • No roundup of educational apps would be complete without mentioning this app, which is listed as the #1 app for students by U.S. News & World Report. Over 1 million words from and are included in this app, along with audio pronunciation, word origins and example sentences. The app can be downloaded free of charge for iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry devices and conveniently works without an Internet connection. As technology continues to advance and become even more ubiquitous, permeating our everyday lives and routines, it is certain that the classroom of the future will also become more high-tech. The apps being used by teachers and students today are only the latest wave of the digital revolution sweeping over education. As the processes and programs currently available are advanced and refined, technology will offer teachers and students even better ways to work, to connect and, of course, to learn.
Smith 14

What Does Game-based Learning Offer Higher Education? | Online Universities - 0 views

    Higher education game based learning
Joy Lauer

elearnspace › Learning Analytics 2011: Reflections - 0 views

  • 1. Analytics will be huge in education and are coming faster than almost anyone can anticipate. 2. Analytics are growing in prominence in many different disciplines and from all parts of the education system. Researchers from different fields found shared space in the analytics discussion. Are analytics the “universal decoder” for education reform? 3. Ethics are going to be an enormous concern. We all acknowledged it. No clear way forward exists at this stage. 4. Analytics can be applied across the full spectrum of education: for teachers, learners, administrators, policy makers, and government officials. 5. Student success, based partly in adaptive and personal learning, is a substantial motivator for foundations, administrators, and politicians. Under various covers (college completion, accountability, increased institutional effectiveness) analytics will be appropriated to serve numerous ideals, causes, and visions. 6. Brace yourself for the usual hype cycle: analytics will be everything, they will cure all ails, they will transform education, they will [_____]. Purchase your Batman Consultant-Repellant spray now.
    This shows 6 different things that are about Learning Analytics. 
Vicki Davis

Foldit, crowdsourcing, and labor. - Slate Magazine - 1 views

    I know that some are saying that we can't gamify education. But what happens when problems become a game and we compete to find answers? This article talks about foldit and how crowdsourcing has become a possibility for something that can work when it becomes a game. This is a great read for those exploring how we will use games in education. I would suggest that this is an approach that we could use. ". Foldit, a novel experiment created by a group of scientists and game designers at the University of Washington, had asked the gamers-some still in middle school and few boasting a background in the sciences, much less microbiology-to determine the how proteins would fold in the enzyme. Within hours, thousands of people were both competing against (and collaborating with) one another. After three weeks, they had succeeded where the microbiologists and the computers had failed. "This is the first example I know of game players solving a long-standing scientific problem," David Baker, a Foldit co-creator, wrote at the time."

Interface: The Journal for Education, Community, and Values - 1 views

  • While today the most popular forms of gesture-based computing are designed for gaming and simulation/training purposes, there is a growing interest in applying these technologies to K-12 education. Perhaps one of the best examples of such application is the collaboration between Nintendo and the National Association for Music Education to integrate Wii consoles and music software into secondary school music classes
    This is quite informative and has a few examples about gesture based compting is already beign used in the educational system.

How Learning Analytics Are Being Used In Education - Edudemic - 0 views

    This is all about learning analytics in education.
Damaris SVHS

3D printing education - 0 views

    This website tells about the opportunities of 3D printing in education
    This website talks about the opportunities of 3D printing in education.
    Explains the benefits of 3D printing in the tangible fields of study (engineering)

Tablets for education and lerning - 0 views

    explains why tablets are used for education and learning

Gaming education - O'Reilly Radar - 0 views

    This has to do with three levels of gaming in education.
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