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Ellen Summers

SlideShare - Online Powerpoint and Keynote Presentation Tool - 9 views

    Slideshare is the worlds largest community for sharing presentations online with over 25 million users a month. Users can upload powerpoint and keynote presentations, and word and PDF documents. Presentations can be commented on, bookmarked and shared and it is a great way to learn from others [1]. Businesses can upload presentations or documents to share ideas amongst the organisation and also generate leads due to the viral nature of the platform. Slideshare is linked with many other platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter [2]. Search engines will index the information in the presentations and it will enhance search engine ranking [3]. Presentations can also be made private and only accessible to members within your organisation [2]. Slideshare is being used by many businesses to market their products or services using the platform as a lead and traffic generation tool by either highlighting your business or directly generating leads through Slideshares LeadShare or Adshare tools designed specifically for business. There are no upfront costs and you only pay when leads are generated[1]. Slideshare also has its own branded channels for afee. The business channel allows businesses or organisations to customise its own microsite targeting the professional community. Here you can showcase eBooks, webinars and presenations while capturing leads and targeting a specific audience. Each microsite is a customised project for Slideshare and can be worked into an organisations budget [4]. [1] Slide Share Inc (2009). Slideshare. Retrieved 16 April, 2010, from [2] Learning Tools (2010). Top 100 Tools: Slideshare. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from [3] ZenDesk (2010). SlideShare Forum. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from [4] Slideshare (2010). Slideshare Branded Channels. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from
    One of the attractive features of Slideshare is the ability to not only upload presentations for online display, however by using their Leadshare application you can collect and update customer contacts. Leadshare also allows the user to link the presentation to the business contact details. Slideshare can be embedded in your web page, blogs and social networks at no extra cost. Kelly, (2010) explains that Slideshare has a number of additional features which enhance its use. These include presentations that have audio tracks known as 'Slidecasts' and a plugin which allows presentations to be uploaded directly from the Powerpoint tool. It also has plugins to allow access from networking services such as Facebook and Linkedin. Slideshare as demonstrated by Mullen, (2009) is a great way of presenting information. Mullen states "Increasingly Slideshare is being used as a tool by conference organisers to make PowerPoint presentations available to anyone unable to make the conference in person." PcWorld recently reported on Slideshare's new service called Channels which will allow companies to create a microsite. Perez (2010) states that "Companies can be a sponsor of a Channel focused on a specific topic, like virtualization, or they can create a Channel just for their brand." Perez reports that this service adds to two other marketing services of Slideshare's, which are Adshare and Leadshare. Slideshare is an effective way of sharing and be able to show your presentation to a wide audience. As stated by Slideshare "Anyone can view presentations & documents on topics that interest them. The site is growing rapidly with over 25 million monthly visitors."
    References: About Us. (n.d.). Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Kelly, B. (2010). Slideshows. STRIDE Handbook 8 on E-Learning (pp. 106-109). India: India Gandhi National Open University. Mullan, J. (2009). Should we be more Social? Law Librarians and Social Media. Legal Information Management, 9, 175-181. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from the Cambridge Journals database. Perez, J. C. (2010, February 3). SlideShare to Let Companies Sponsor 'channels' on Its Site - PCWorld Business Center. Reviews and News on Tech Products, Software and Downloads - PCWorld. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Slideshare LeadShare FAQs. (n.d.). Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from
Liz Barrett

Adobe BuzzWord - 6 views

    Transform how your team works, be it the educational sector (teachers and students) or the commercial sector (project teams) by using Adobe's Acrobat Buzzword service. Buzzword is a simple yet powerful multi-user document editing service designed to streamline review processes for simultaneous collaborative report writing. Buzzword, may look and behave like a word processor, but it is a web-based server that runs in Flash giving a high-quality graphical and design interface, full document formatting and 'print-perfect' documents in Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, Rich Text and Open Office [1] and across computing platforms. You can create your document within Buzzword or import an existing one. Eliminate the endless back-and-forward and usually large email responses and attachments and keep control of annotations and versions. Control your document access by making certain people 'co-authors' who can edit and other team members 'reviewers' who can only comment. Each reviewer uses a different colour making it easier to keep tabs on who is annotating and there is a feature that enables you to view who is online and editing a particular document. [1] [2] Enterprise, government and educational sectors have found Buzzword to be an integral part of their collaboration process and claim that since adopting the service, they have 'reduced duplicate input and shortened the time it takes to finalise a document from several days to just hours'. [3] For subscription pricing, please refer to: [1] Adobe Buzzword. Retrieved from URL: [2] Miller, M. (2009). 'Comparing Google Docs with Competing Cloud Computing Applications'. Retrieved from URL:
    An outstanding feature of Adobe Buzzword is that it offers a free subscription service for smaller users, through to premium services for larger corporations. For a small business the free subscription would be ideal. As a result Adobe Buzzword can be adapted and used by corporations of any size as well as educational institutes. Some reviews of Adobe Buzzword have been very positive with Michael Klurfield of TECHGEIST saying "Buzzword is easily the best word processing software online right now." He explained that Buzzword does such things as annotations and comments are a lot easier in Buzzword than in Microsoft Word and that the sharing off documents is easy. PC MAG.COM compares uploading of Microsoft Word documents to Buzzword to both Google Docs and Zoho Writer and found that although there were some layout problems it was superior when uploading images. A paper from the 25th Annual Conference on distance Teaching and Learning identified Adobe Buzzword as "we find Adobe's Buzzword to be the best tool for the development of the course" (Staley and Ice, 2009) One of the problems Buzzword overcame for them was the necessity of having to email large documents back and forth and worry about version control. Adobe Buzzword it also incorporates the placement of images into your document and automatically flows the text around them. Its tools allow resizing of images. As with most word processors Buzzword can create bulleted lists and incorporate symbols and numbers. ( Sobti, (2009) states that "Buzzword differs from most other online document editors in that it is built on Adobe Flash, and which this makes the environment that much more rich" Adobe also has extensive help and demonstration sections for a new user for ease of learning.
    References: Adobe - Documents. (n.d.). Adobe. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from Klurfield, M. (2009, June 16). Adobe Buzzword " Very Cool Online Wordprocessing | Techgeist. Techgeist. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from Mendelson, E. (2008, August 4). Adobe Buzzword beta - Compatibility with Microsoft Word - Reviews by PC Magazine. Technology Product Reviews, News, Prices & Downloads | | PC Magazine . Retrieved April 14, 2010, from,2817,2327019,00.asp Sobti, K. (2009, July 24). The ODE Adobe Acrobat Buzzword - Online Best Latest The ODE Adobe Acrobat Buzzword Price Reviews | Features in India. Digit - Thinkdigit Technology Guides | Technology News & Reviews | Free Downloads | Video | Online Tech Support Forums in India. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from Stanley, J., & Ice, P. (2009). Intructional Design Project Managment 2.0: A Model of Development and Practive. 25th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, .(2009), .. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from
Tracy Maurer

EBSCOhost: The Many Forms of E-Collaboration: Blogs, Wikis, Portals, Groupware, Discus... - 5 views

    This article discusses the different types of online collaborative tools available to businesses, which could more effectively enhance their various communities of practice. However, she argues that technology should only be a supportive tool to intranet webmasters and knowledge managers, and not the driving force behind them when creating a community of collaborators. She also suggests that a company may have to tap into several forms of online collaboration to be successful. Frichter highlights three main services that online collaborative tools should offer: 1. A way to communicate 2. A mechanism to share documents 3. A means to discover other members of the community [1]. The article also discusses areas of the workflow in which online collaborative tools could help, tasks that can be helped through it, and how it can increase the efficiency and productivity of a workplace. The hierarchy of collaborative tools suggested here are: · e-mail · Mailing lists · Discussion boards · Instant Messaging · Groupware and portals · Weblogs · Wikis In conclusion, Fichter re-iterates the importance of asking key evaluation questions when determining what collaborative tools you need and what will be most effective. However, most importantly, she suggests that it is necessary to assess the culture of the workplace in order to match the needs with the tools, and it usually takes more than one tool to meet those needs. The key to this article is that it identifies several online collaborative tools, which are worth further investigation to understand their true value both individually and collectively. [1] Fichter, Darlene (2005) The many forms of e-collaboration: Blogs, wikis, portals, groupware, discussion boards, and instant messaging. Online Vol. 29 Issue 4, pp 48-50.
    "If you haven't put in a suite of collaboration tools, it's probably time to do so... know your workplace culture and environment... define your requirements... communication, sharing, and management" Darlene Fichter, [2]. Fichter is an IT solutions consultant working for Northern Lights Internet Solutions Ltd, which can be found at [1]. Fichter provides an excellent discussion on collaborative tools and identifies newcomers to collaboration/social media in the workplace. One of the strongest aspects of the article is how Fichter proposes questions one should ask when determining what collaborative tool will function best for the firm. Fichter states the importance of knowing your environment; "What IT infrastructure is in place already that you can leverage?" [3] This is a valid question to consider; for example a small company without an IT department may need online help added to software package or a key word - 'easy' - the software must be easy to setup and manage. Another similar question to consider is finances; "are there financial and human resources available to purchase, install, and maintain an application?" [3] Fichter suggests that a firm may need to progress step by step and advance to collaboration tool extras, while in the beginning start with something small and sleek. Some web-based collaboration tools offer a free service for small business, and other offer a paid, supported subscription. "How frequently do people need to communicate? What type of communication is preferred-asynchronous-text, voice, or video?" [3] The Fichter article demonstrates the needs associated with software selection and how important it is to consider communication limitations in a collaboration product. The article is a good source as it highlights the fact that collaborative tools are diverse and can be adapted for various user needs. Fichter adapts web2.0 technology such as Wikis and blogs as possible solutions fo
    References/Notes [1] Northern Lights Internet Solutions Ltd, [accessed April 7, 2010]. [2] Fichter, Darlene (2005). The many forms of e-collaboration: Blogs, wikis, portals, groupware, discussion boards, and instant messaging. Online Vol. 29 Issue 4, pp 48-50. [3] Fichter, Darlene (2005). The paragraphs on know your environment and define your requirements. Online Vol. 29 Issue 4, pp50.
Tracy Maurer

Instant Messaging for Collaboration: A Case Study of a High-Tech Firm - 1 views

    This resource represents a case study done within a high-technology software and service company, known as KME, on the effectiveness of instant messaging (IM) as a collaborative tool for information exchange and project collaboration [1]. IM is identified as being effective as a problem-solving tool in the following ways: · Speeding up exchange of information · Posing quick questions · Making clarifications · Arranging and coordinating richer media collaborations · Problem solving through a network of people · Solicit an immediate response. However, the paper also explores the social processes of such a collaborative tool. Connectedness is fostered through IM, but whether it is positive or negative depends on the characteristics of the actors' relationships. These social processes are manifest in the form of power, social relationships and workplace norms. The social translucence of technology (STT) framework is used to examine their collaborative processes. The article focuses on STT's three characteristics and determines the following: 1. Visibility - IM has several key visibility features that allow the users to indicate their availability to communicate and interact. 2. Awareness - This is strongly connected to the social framework of the actors and their connectedness with each other. 3. Accountability -It is dependent on whether a workers status is higher or lower within the organisation. It recognises that IM is a lean media and, when used within the context of few social cues and less complex knowledge issues, it can foster a good sense of community, provide for ad hoc exchanges, and speed up the process of information exchange. However, it also recognises that the social processes involved must be considered in terms of whether this connectedness is perceived as positive or negative, whether it is used to create distance, and a person's hierarchical position within the company.
    Reference: [1] Quan-Haase, A., Cothrel, J., and Wellman, B. (2005). Instant messaging for collaboration: A case study of a high-tech firm. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(4), article 13. Retrieved on 12th April 2010 from
Narelle Absolom

Diigo - 3 views

    Diigo is a social bookmarking tool that has practical research applications, for both personal and enterprise purposes. Diigo is a self-described "collaborative research platform" [1] and has been lauded as an effective research tool by a number of sources [2] [3]. Diigo allows users to bookmark and annotate links, adding tags and private commentary much like many other social bookmarking tools (e.g. Delicious). However, Diigo extends this functionality with a browser add-on that includes a highlighting tool and the ability to attach one's annotations in the form of a "sticky note" [4]. Provided the user is logged in at the time, any subsequent return to annotated pages in the future results in the presentation of those annotations. In this respect, Diigo could be a valuable knowledge management and research tool for corporate needs. Given the functionality to create and manage groups, Diigo is applicable to an enterprise that undertakes regular research and sharing of collated information [2]. Diigo has also been suggested as a useful academic collaboration tool, particularly for group work [5]. Keep up to date with Diigo developments on the Diigo blog at
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    References [1] Diigo. (2010). About Diigo. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [2] Berkman, R. (2007). Social Bookmarking For Enterprise Knowledge Management. Intelligent Agent. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [3] CNET staff. (2006). Get Smart: Top 10 research tools. Cnet reviews. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [4] Diigo. (2010). Diigo Toolbar. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [5] Kittle, P., & Hicks, T. (2009). Transforming the Group Paper with Collaborative Online Writing. Pedagogy, 9(3), pp525-538. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from
    While traditional methods for information gathering are still popular (i.e. physical libraries and cataloguing), today's preferred method of research however, has moved to the web with business and professional practices integrating social tagging as part of their independent information sharing and distribution [3] and is especially popular among the younger generation whose "basic assumptions about information today have changed" as they expect everything to be on the web. [1] According to Wikipedia, social book-marking (also known as 'social tagging') "is a method for Internet users to store, organise, search and manage bookmarks of web pages on the internet with the help of metadata" [2] and can be tagged "according to their own terms or definitions". [1] As this information is stored in the bookmarking cloud, it can be searched for and retrieved from any computer with access to the Internet or through a Diigo iPhone application (where you can download web pages for offline browsing). [4] For this reason, Diigo helps in overcoming the isolation felt caused by the distance barrier and breaks down communications barriers and engages interaction between management and remote project teams as well as between off-campus students and their tutors [1] and turns research into a social collaborative activity. Create personal networks consisting of people who share the same information categories through the 'MyNetwork' feature. This feature helps foster discussions around the content you are researching or are interested in. Build a knowledge-management, knowledge-sharing group or community online and enhance team collaboration with Diigo. Receive email alerts of new posts, hold threaded discussions and comment both on or off the article of interest. [4] Diigo is a free online collaboration tool and supports all major browsers such as FireFox, Internet Explorer7, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari there is no installation of softwa
    References: [1] Redden, C. (2010). 'Social Bookmarking in Academic Libraries: Trends and Applications'. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. ScienceDirect. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2010.03.004. Retrieved from URL - [2] Social Bookmarking. Wikipedia. Accessed from URL: [3] Abbas, J. et al. (2007). 'Who is tagging information?'. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 44, No. 1, pp 1-4. Wiley Interscience. DOI: 10.1002/meet.1450440120. Retrieved from URL: US: [4] Diigo. Accessed April 14, 2010 from URL:
Jacqui Harry

LinkedIn - Business Networking Tool - 4 views

    LinkedIn is an interconnected network of experienced professionals and attracts and retains regular visitors from around the world [1], you can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with qualified professionals that can assist you to accomplish your goals. Successful organizations recognize the immense value of integrating their client-facing operations and internally-focused, department-centric views are discarded in favor of processes toward information-sharing, collaborate on projects, gather data, share and solve problems. [2] This type of collaborative profile networking results in greater business opportunities and generates insights from talents and knowledge from outside the organization. This, in turn allows organisations to recruit from the best talent. LinkedIn Groups [3] offer communities of professionals based on common interest, experience, affiliation, and goals. Stay in touch with organizations, schools, and companies that you are and were a part of, network with professionals with similar interests and goals, and collaborate in a professional community online.
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    References: [1] LinkedIn available from [2] Bell, G. (2009) "Building Social Web Applications" retrieved on 11th April 2010, available
    In today's competitive communications age, it is not enough to simply inform clients, or potential clients, of what your business has to offer - it should also be about engaging them and listening to what they want and understand how they think. Success in business stems from gaining this type of competitive advantage and one way of differentiating themselves from the competition is to encourage their professionals to use a professional networking (or social media) tool such as LinkedIn. [1] LinkedIn's profile feature not only allows professionals to build a rapport with like-minded individuals but also creates an opportunity to expand their network especially if they belong to one of the many LinkedIn Groups. Being part of such a network also provides an avenue for knowledge sharing between professionals and feedback on service providers in the industry. Incorporate this type of collaboration tool to boost marketing as well as professional development for employees. [2] It is important that employees understand the company's core message and its purpose for using such an application, and this can best be achieved by creating social media guidelines. A recent article by Daniel Burrus (2010) suggests the following points could be used as a guide: [3] * Build trust * Transparency * Be direct * Self-edit * Responsibility * Professionalism * Privacy * Obey the rules Since LinkedIn was launched in 2003, it has attracted over 60 million users and recently LinkedIn became accessible on the BlackBerry. This dynamic combination, as well as ease of navigation, has proved a success within the corporate world where professionals can easily search for and access their contact's portolio. [4] ....continued in post below...
    ...continued from post above.... Why does LinkedIn work so well for individuals? Network theorists such as Mark Granovetter and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi believe that professionals tend to network outside their usual group of friends when looking for career opportunities and usually belong to more than one network. [5] According to Pamela Rutledge, Ph.D. "this creates a connection that is psychologically more comfortable and conducive to a positive interaction. Call it transitive trust. The reciprocity and shared community of online networks builds a sense of camaraderie and trust between members and provides an element of emotional support". [5]
    References: [1] Butow, E. & Taylor, K. (2008). 'How to succeed in business using LinedIn'. Amacom. Retrieved from URL: [2] 'Why LinkedIn? My Top Ten Reasons'. Powerful CMS. Retrieved from URL: [3] Burrus, D. (2010). 'Create Social Media Guidelines To Reach Your Customer'. Agency Sales, 40(3), 40-41,43-44. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1991048841) URL: [4] 'LinkedIn Corporation; LinkedIn Expands Mobile Offerings With Global Release of Application for BlackBerry'. (2010, April). Computer Weekly News,238. Retrieved from ProQuest Computing. (Document ID: 2003639421) from URL: [5] Rutledge, P. Ph.D (2009). 'Why LinkedIn Works'. Positively Media: How we connect and thrive through emerging technologies. Psychology Today. Retrieved from URL:
Liz Barrett

Fuze Meeting - 5 views

    Fuze Meeting is one of the few browser-based web meeting platforms that allows the participant to not only host web conferences from their computer but to also attend a meeting from their Apple iPhone, RIM BlackBerry or any Wi-Fi or 3G enabled device [1] Since its 2009 software upgrade, participants can now invite attendees from several e-mail and instant messaging clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Hotmail, Google Gmail, Google Talk, AOL AIM, Skype, LinkedIn and Yahoo [2] and works seamlessly with Linux, Mac and PC. Fuze Meeting also integrates with Facebook and Twitter allowing users to announce their audio and web meetings to followers. Fuze Meeting provides high-definition, real-time synchronized desktop sharing for online collaboration of videos, images, documents and PowerPoint presentations (as well as text chat). It does this by operating solely through the browser and Internet cloud (in this instance, the Fuze servers) eliminating the need for downloads or installations. [3] Fuze Meeting's simple editing tools allow for annotations on files or video frames, drawing simple graphics or adding text. [4] Control meetings and content; invite participants on the fly or schedule in advance all through the easy-to-use dashboard. At the end of the meeting hosts are able to publish a Fuze Meeting Replay link for others to review the meeting and its content. Fuze Meeting is free for up to three web users and seven audio users however there are competitive, cost-effective pay-as-you-go, monthly and annual plans to cater for larger numbers of users (for example, at the monthly level, Fuze Meeting costs $29 compared to its competition, WebEx or Go-to-Meeting which cost $49 per month). [5]
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    References: [1] 'Share your screen with anyone, anywhere, anytime'. Fuze Meeting. Retrieved from URL: [2] Boulton, C. (2009). 'Fuze Meeting Lets Users Push Meetings to Facebook, Twitter'. Messaging and Collaboration. Retrieved from URL: [3] Sailors, J. (2009). 'Fuze Box Software Simplifies The Virtual Meeting'. San Jose Business Journal. Retrieved from URL: [4] Stern, Z. (2009). 'Collaborate Online with Fuze Meeting Service'. Software / Services. PC World Business Center. Retrieved from URL: [5] 'Web Conferencing Comparison'. Fuze Meeting. Retrieved from URL:
    Fuze Meeting is a web-browser based web conference service and it also provides compatible applications for Blackberrys and iPhones [1]. Fuze Meeting utilises the Flash browser plug-in to provide a useful tool with an easy-to-use interface [2]. Meetings can include up to 15 attendees and its built-in chat integrates with AOL, Google, MSN, and Yahoo's chat applications [2]. Out of the top 10 web-meeting applications ranked Fuze Meeting one of the top two products available [2]. Comparable online meeting services include GoToMeeting [3], Dim Dim [4], and iLinc [5]. Apple's GoToMeeting provides everything that Fuze Meeting does and more but at a higher monthly fee [3]. Dim Dim provides slightly more functionality to Fuze Meeting at a lower monthly fee [4]. iLink provide the same functionality as GoToMeeting with a focus towards the high-end corporate market, and iLink's pricing is available on application [5]. All four services offer 30 day free trial offers. Overall Fuze Meeting's nearest competitor in the meeting services market appears to be Dim Dim. Fuze Meeting and Dim Dim's services received an identical overall ranking from who tested for reliability, security, usability, features, support and value [6][7]. Fuze Meeting is a product worth considering for anyone interested in using a web conferencing service. ---------------- see References below
    References [1] Fuze Box Inc (2010). 'Web Conferencing, Online Meeting, Web Meeting Software | Fuze Meeting'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [2] (2010). 'Fuze Meeting Review - 2nd Place'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [3] Apple Inc. (2010). 'GoToMeeting'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 [4] Dimdim, Inc. (2010). 'Easy, Open and Affordable Web Conferencing and Webinars | Dimdim'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [5] iLinc Communications. (2010). 'iLinc | Web and Video Conferencing | Online Meetings | Virtual Training | Webinars | eLearning'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [6] (2010). 'Fuze Meeting | Review'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [7] (2010). 'Dimdim | Review'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from
Liz Barrett

WebEx Online Classroom - 3 views

    WebEx Online Classroom is the perfect tool for providing live just-in-time online instructor-led training or self-paced training to employees, partners and clients where participants can access either service from their web browser at any time from any place. WebEx Online Classroom allows for easy e-learning/e-training content creation and delivery and with the added e-commerce feature one could turn their in-house training service into a profit-earning centre. [1] Instructors are able to set up remote 'labs' for participants to practice on during any stage of the program, create polls or quizzes, receive instant feedback or track participation and attendance along the way. They are also able to record and archive. [1] WebEx Online Classroom allows for presentation sharing, streaming media or live video, interact in 'real-time' with the participants as well as passing control from user-to-user and share applications simultaneously. [1] Real-time demonstrations provide strategic advantages with respect to: [2] [3] * Rolling out new products faster * Accelerating customer usage of your products * Training new reps and partners * Bringing employees up to speed on new applications * Providing and/or improving remote support to your IT department and client base * Re-train or re-skill personnel who have been injured and/or returning to the workforce [4] The WebEx application has now been made available, free of charge, to Apple iPhone and iPad users. This means that the aforementioned training applications can be delivered to students who are on the move. It also delivers the traditional benefits of WebEx, i.e. virtual meetings and subsequent collaboration, sharing and annotation as well as individual or group chat sessions. [5]
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    References: [1] 'Online Classroom: Deliver high-touch e-Learning'. Retrieved from URL: [2] 'Delivery high-touch eLearning programs while cutting costs'. Retrieved from URL: [3] Bardwell, M. (2006). 'Canon USA Inc accelerates time-to-market with WebEx'. Retrieved from URL: [4] Telecomworldwire (2008). 'Walter Reed EEOO selects WebEx Online Classroom application to train injured soldiers'. Retrieved from URL: [5] 'Cisco WebEx Meeting Center on the iPad'. Retrieved from URL:
    Although predominantly marketed as a web based training tool for small-medium businesses, Webex offers a stable platform for collaboration in the educational sector. Steve Mackenzie is Distance Learning Development Team Leader in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at De Montfort University. He compares the usability and effectiveness of three web conferencing tools; Wimba, Webex and WiZiQ. He uses them as live online learning tools and his practical experience makes him well qualified to compare them. Mackenzie believes that technology should be invisible. He compares things like logging in, audio quality, whiteboard tools, feedback tools, the general environment look and feel, recording of sessions and of course support, he places more importance on the user interface and how much the tool maximises interaction. [1] Mackenzie's verdict is that Webex is the pick of the bunch providing a stable, least problematic web conferencing environment. He regards it as the easiest to log into and by far has the most appealing look and feel for participants and is easy to work with for teachers. [1] This is supported by other software review sites. [2] [3] One of WebEx's features has been its development of applications for iPhone. Users can view and join meetings and conferences from their phone, making collaboration possible away from their Internet-connected computers. [3]
    References: [1] Mackenzie, S. (2009). The Three Dubya's - Wimba, Webex and WiZiQ. Learnadoodledastic Retrieved 31 March 2010, from [2] GiveMeaReview. (2010). Webex Review. Retrieved 14 April, 2010, from [3] TopTenREVIEWS. (2010). Web Conferencing Review: Webex. Retrieved 14 April, 2010, from
Liz Barrett

SCOPIA Desktop Video Conferencing | RADVISION - 4 views

    A low-cost standards-based online video collaboration client, the Radvision Scopia Desktop, provides a 'real-time', seamless, High Definition, audio-video conferencing and data collaboration solution. [2] [4] Radivision's core technology includes multipoint control units (enabling more than 2 sites), gateways (enabling connection of legacy ISDN videoconferencing systems) and gatekeepers (used to manage video calling on the network) and supports both Windows and Mac platforms. This technology provides the ability to integrate with third-party desktop and room-based conferencing systems meeting the demands of high-performance videoconferencing systems with the standard PC and Internet connection. [1] Participants seamlessly connect with other employees, tele-workers, suppliers or clients (using their existing webcam and headset eliminating the need to invest in additional software/hardware) simply by downloading the application for free by clicking on a link contained in a meeting invitation. Conferences are easily scheduled through Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes and the application is both Microsoft and Mac compatible. Meetings can include connections to any standards-based telephone, videoconferencing or telepresence system as well as 3G mobile device allowing for simultaneous audio, video, data and chat. [1] The Scopia Desktop collaboration tool offers: [1] * High Definition viewing of participants as well as content * clear high-quality audio with no delay or distortion * high-quality image maintained even though regardless of internet connection speed * the ability for both in-house/external participants to connect through a built-in firewall traversal feature * meeting mediation * digital recording of the audio, video and data for web streaming The Scopia solution has been adopted by commercial, government and academic sectors looking for a robust, easy-to-use and cost-effective solution to their conferencing collaboration n
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    References: [1] 'Scopia Desktop' [video file]. Retrieved from URL: [2] 'Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) deploy Radvision Video Conferencing Solution Enhancing Productivity and Collaboration'. Case Study. Retrieved from URL: [3] 'University of Houston-Downtown Expands is Video Horizons' Case Study. Retrieved from URL:
    SCOPIA's high definition, video conferencing and collaboration facilities enable multiple users to connect in virtual meeting rooms simultaneously, with optimised capacity for up to 48 HD video participants, 72 SD participants and 96 audio participants. Features include data collaboration and presentation sharing, with encryption protocols for secure conferencing, password protection with multiple user access levels (administrator, operator and user), multi-lingual support and meeting scheduling via Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes [4]. With minimal setup time required and easy plug and play, SCOPIA offers service providers and business enterprise virtual communication solutions that are reliable and cost-effective. SCOPIA offers highly scalable configurations from 4 slots to 18 slots, with unmatched flexibility across a range of HD and SD rooms systems, desktops and 3G mobile video [3]. The Israeli video network infrastructure provider Radvision, announced at the beginning of 2010 full integration between its SCOPIA conferencing platform and IBM Lotus Sametime 8.5. According to Roberto Giamagli, Radvision's General Manager for networking business, "SCOPIA delivers to Sametime the functionality and connectivity to existing video conferencing deployments that many administrators consider mandatory" [2]. demonstrates this highly efficient video conferencing facility via YouTube, utilising the data transferring, text chat and audio features in a virtual meeting between various users [1].
    References: [1] YouTube review by (2008). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from [2] iStockAnalyst (2010). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from [3] Rapid (2005). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from [4] Sony (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2010 from
Elaine McDonald

Comindwork - 8 views

    Comindwork software is a versatile online project management and implementation tool that allows organisations to record, maintain and share project information from a single location. It is fully customisable and integrates all of the features and capabilities necessary to manage and execute diverse project tasks, such as schedules, milestones, Gantt charts and project risks along with the management of tasks and issues. Comindwork's Project and Team Dashboards support effective communication through its collaboration and blog facility, regular Email Notifications and RSS, [2] Twitter integration ( ) plus comprehensive reporting and chart display for visualisation of a project's status.[1] Assistance for project managers is provided by the centralised storage that stores all the project artefacts in an organised way, making an overview available at any time. It is easy to link tasks, pages, discussions, people and results for a more effective view of the task organization and to allocate tasks efficiently within the team. Team members and clients can communicate informally, share ideas and useful tips through the project blog or discuss project requirements via the Wiki feature. [2] Clients have the ability to track project tasks and project progress status at anytime. They can see the next milestone and know what progress to expect. They are able to review and comment on the project and comments are tracked until they are purposely closed. Clients have full access to the features set up by the original organisation's account with Comindwork. However, if a client wants to add their own projects, they can upgrade their account and add their own customers, projects and users independent of the original company that opened the account with Comindwork. [3] ....................continued in comment
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    ......Comindwork's customer, the original company, benefits from a client's signup through affiliation-discounts on their future payments. In this way the Comindwork system works to link companies and grow the Comindwork business. [1] References [1]Online Project Management Software Free and Tools: Project Management, Collaboration, Communication, Tracking - COMINDWORK. (2009). Online Project Management Software Free and Tools: Project Management, Collaboration, Communication, Tracking - COMINDWORK. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [2]Project Management Software Comindwork free download. Comindwork is online project management software that includes: * Project Management - Creating project tasks, build schedule, Gantt charts, milestone.... (2009, April 14). Free Downloads Center - software and free game downloads. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [3]Wright, D. (2008, September 23). Techspoke: Comindwork. Techspoke LLC - technology bespoke, custom software consulting. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from
    Comindwork is an online application that can be utilized by business for online collaboration. It offers a free service for smaller projects, with a pricing structure that then varies on your enterprises needs and demands. As such its flexibility can be fit in with any organizations growth. The interaction that can be achieved through Comindwork with clients is also a feature of this product. Allowing client's access gives you the ability to communicate effectively and quickly with them in a professional manner. Jay (2010) at Smashing Apps states that "It's simple and clear time tracker interface provides project managers with a quick overview on time management issues." Beckman (2010) states that "Comindwork combines over 250 project management related capabilities under one roof, yet does it with a web interface that is, by and large, a breeze to use. Some of the strengths of the service include traditional project management tools, knowledge management, collaboration tools, information sharing and versioning, and both agile and traditional waterfall management tools (e.g.: think Gantt)." Gunderloy, (2008) of WebWorkerDaily states "Comindwork includes bits of functionality that you might ordinarily find spread across multiple sites and services. As with just about any other project management software, it will track projects, tasks, team members, and deadlines, as well as the connections between them. But in addition, it includes time-tracking, issue-tracking, internal blogs, and svn-versioned file storage." Komssi et al (2009) states that "Software as a Service (SaaS) is accepted as one of the most important models in the service-oriented software business today". As a management tool using software as a service (SaaS), Comindwork is a good way of implementing employee and client integration.
    References: Beckman, Z. (2010, February 4). Not a panacea, but trying: Comindwork is attractive | Rational Scrum. Rational Scrum. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from Gunderloy, M. (2008, February 18). Comindwork Piles on Project Management Features . WebWorkerDaily . Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Jay, A. (2010, January 8). Comindwork, The Most Customizable Suit Of Flexible To-Dos, Wiki, Emails - With Gantt Charts, MS Project And Workflows @ SmashingApps. Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers @ SmashingApps. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from Komssi, M., Kauppinen, M., Heiskari, J., & Ropponen, M. (2009). Transforming a Software Product Company into a Service Business: Case Study at F-Secure. Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2009. COMPSAC '09. 33rd Annual IEEE International, 1, 61-66. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from the IEEE Xplore database.
Vivien Rayner

Posterous - The place to post everything. - 5 views

    Although a blog would not normally be considered as an online collaborative tool, Posterous have developed a front-end engine which makes it very simple and easy for multiple contributors to post to a single blog just by emailing their content to a single email address. Contributors are not required to register as members and the service is free. [1] [2] The subject of the email becomes the title of the post, and the body and attachments of the email become the content of the post. You can post text, photos, music, video, documents and all kinds of files, just by attaching them to the email. Posterous formats it all nicely for you creating picture galleries for multiple images, drops music into mp3 players, video into a flash player and attaches download links for documents. It even resizes large file sizes to make them more web friendly. [1] What sets Posterous apart is its ease of use by allowing contributors to just email their contributions. This opens up the collaboration process to less technically savvy users in a non threatening way. It also does not restrict the size of the posts so they can be as brief or as lengthy as necessary or desired. Setting it up is also quick and simple. As blog owner, you can attach a security password to the blog and nominate the contributors that will take part. Each contributor is invited to post and is notified by email when anyone else has posted something. It makes blogging as easy as email. And by providing access to multiple users in such a simple way, it becomes a central repository for ideas, images, audio, video, stories which is accessible by all. [3]
    [1] Administrator. (2006). Confluence. All software reviews and ratings Retrieved 14 April 2010, from [2]Attlassian. (2010). Confluence. Everyone on the same page Retrieved 14 April, 2010, from [3]Bailey, C. (2006). Confluence Vs Basecamp. Code Intensity Retrieved 14 April, 2010, from [4]Yehuda, G. (2009). Confluence 3.0 = Enterprise Wiki +++. Gil Yehuda's Enterprise 2.0 Blog Retrieved 14 April, 2010, from
    Posterous is a blogging tool that allows groups to create a shared publishing environment that can easily be accessed via email to share text, photos, audio and video. This removes a major technology challenge from group dynamics, as any file type can be sent to Posterous via email and will automatically be converted to the most web efficient format, for uniform presentation and removing the technology hurdle from user experience [1]. Posterous allows users to log onto the system and then send an email, the text of which is posted attractively to a blog, and if an attachment is included (image or document), that is also posted; these postings can be mirrored automatically to Blogger, where they can be tagged 'writingmatrix' along with other identifiers [2]. [1] Hacker News, "Why I chose Posterous" [2] Stevens, V. "Engaging Collaborative Writing through Social Networking" Foundation Computing, Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Available from:

CAD collaboration made easy with - 4 views

shared by louwnaw on 05 Apr 10 - Cached
Jacqui Harry liked it
    Virtual servers, Cloud computing and Software-as-a-service,(SaaS), are all pioneering new innovative value-adding utilities. Gmail, Hotmail, YouTube, are a few SaaS tools already known to most people, but now the Internet is exploding with collaborative services and applications. With peer pressure from Google's Google docs and other web-based software developers, giant software companies like Microsoft, Adobe, SAP etc are all launching into web-based applications. [1] Microsoft's (Light) Office app will be available for free with Office 2010.[2] Even hardware technology are pointing to "slim-down" operating systems like netbooks that have little data storage capabilities, no moving parts and only connects and rely on the internet [1] CRM, Customer Relations Management and ERP; Enterprise Resource Planning are the most popular applications that companies are taking up as web-collaborative applications. ***Now Engineering design are available in the cloud. SolidWorks CEO, Jeff Ray says the one prevailing advantage to all customers is cost. [4]
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    Web applications to make sharing easy are: *eDrawings Viewer: With eviewer anyone can view, interpret and understand 2D and 3D design data. Free download. *Drawings Now: Another web service from SolidWorks. Upload and share designs with anyone from any browser. Email a link to colleague or client who can pan, zoom and print drawings. Informal collaboration on intermediary models can provide feedback without the encumbrance of a huge file size of the formal design with all the attributes. File types are not limited to SolidWorks files (SLDDRW) but accepts generic CAD, DWG and DXF files as well. *BluePrint Now: Web- based drafting to upload and proof files from anywhere. *Shared Storage: Invite with an email link anyone whom you would like to share drawings with from a space on a secure server provided by SolidWorks. *SolidWorks Community: "Filled with extremely passionate engineers". Connect with engineers, designers, manufacturers and suppliers, as well as certified SolidWorks professionals. [3] *Cloud enabled Data Management will be available in the 2nd half of 2010. [4]
    [1] Patrick Stafford 2009 How cloud computing could change your business and save you thousands. Retrieved on 4/4/2010 from: [2] Lia Timson 2010 Word, Excel, Powerpoint-free on the web. Retrieved 4/4/2010 from: [3]SolidWorks website. Retrieved on 4/4/2010 from: [4] Johnson, A. 2010. CAD moves to the clouds. Retrieved on 4/4/2010 from:
    SolidWorks offers improved collaboration between CAD team members as they can share designs with one another and external partners. Another important feature is the SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN) [1]. The SolidWorks User Group Network is arrange geographically and offers users a valuable resource, the ability to network with local peers and partners helping businesses become more productive. It also connects global users, assisting them with improved understanding of SolidWorks features and SolidWorks related products. Users are able to network with peers to share experiences and technical queries and methodologies. [1] SolidWorks User Network Group, available from:
Jill Perry

Backpack (37 Signals - 10 views

    Backpack by 37 Signals. Backpack is a product created by 37 signals which allows the user to store information, documents, discussion and schedules with your workforce in a secure online environment which is accessible all the time. 37 Signals states that "Over 3 million people use our web-based apps to get things done the simple way." One of the features of Backpack is its interaction with email. When file attachments are sent to Backpack they automatically update on your pages. The backpack pricing plan allows you to start out small and upgrade your package when your business grows. This allows flexibility in the pricing system to suit your business needs at any given time. Backpack can also work with other applications like Google Calendar and a variety of other devices such as iphone apps, third party desktops and widgets. The Backpack accounts are protected with password protection with SSL security that ensures your information is safe at all times. Backpack capabilities are described by Gomez de la Torre as follows "1. Important scheduling information 2. Shared and easily modifiable check list of things to do 3. Personal knowledge and experience of prior dealings with clients 4. Identification of files necessary for the meeting 5. Repository for other tacit knowledge" Backpack creates a powerful user interface which allows workers to be in touch and informed whether they are office based or mobile. Backpack has been reviewed by a number of sources some of which can be perused in the reference section. Richard Cobbett from Pc Plus sums up Backpack as "Backpack allows you to manage all your data across multiple PC's with ease. Backpack is hands-down the most flexible of the online organisation tools, and it just keeps evolving. " Further information can be found about Backpack at
    References: Cobbett, R. (2009, March 3). 37signals Backpack review from TechRadar UK's expert reviews of Other software. TechRadar UK | Technology News And Reviews. Retrieved March 31, 2010, from De la Torre, V. G. (2005, December 8). Knowledge Management Systems Research Paper: Knowledge Management Systems and Web 2.0 Tools & Technologies. The University of Texas at Austin School of Information. Retrieved April 1, 2010, from Intranet, Group Calendar, Small Business Organizer: Backpack. (n.d.). Intranet, Group Calendar, Small Business Organizer: Backpack. Retrieved March 31, 2010, from Kelly, W. (2007, July 1). PC Today Article - 37signals Backpack . PC Today - Your Mobile Computing and Wireless Authority. Retrieved March 31, 2010, from Schmidt, A. (2006). PRODUCT PIPELINE.. Net Connect, 131, 18-19. Retrieved April 1, 2010, from the Business Source Premier database.
    Backpack is quite similar to Microsoft's SharePoint Services in that it allows for files to be uploaded and shared in the one place; allows the sharing of information and calendar events (Backpack, 2010a). As Backup is hosted online and offsite, stress can be alleviated in the event of fire or theft. SharePoint on the other hand is stored on internal servers hosted by the business. This may incur an expensive fail safe back-up plan. It seems that Backup is more user friendly than SharePoint and will work well in an online collaboration environment. Both SharePoint and Backup allow for allow for a whole range of third party extras and add-ons (Backpack, 2010b; SharePoint Solutions, 2010). This allows businesses to customise their intranet and use the tools that work for them. 37signals, the company behind Backup, also design other products that help businesses achieve their goals, these include: Highrise, Basecamp and Campfire (37signals, 2010). Although 37signals offers that Backpack has the ability to add-in extras, they do not however take any responsibility in the event that something goes wrong. "Note: These apps and integrations are not endorsed or tested by 37signals. 37signals does not assume responsibility or liability for any issues caused by the use of third party products." (Backpack, 2010b). More importantly, solutions that allow users to read, reflect and collaborate also take more time than a conventional face-to-face meeting/ discussion. "Computer-Mediated Communication not only takes longer than a face-to-face communication, but they produce more ideas and produce greater opportunity for each person to participate." (Bordia, 1997, p99) This can be said for all solutions that offer users time to "think" on events that they have been asked to collaborate on. 37signals (2010). 37signals Retrieved April 1, 2010, from Backpack (2010a). Backpack Retrieved April 1, 2010, from B
Vivien Rayner

Confluence - Enterprise Collaboration and Wiki Software - 5 views

    Confluence is commercial intranet software produced by Attlassian. It comes in both hosted or dowload options. It is an enterprise Wiki suited to larger organisations as it allows teams to collaborate and manage knowledge. It provide a single place where people can create, share, comment and edit content together. It comes with source code so it can be integrated with the organisations existing systems and processes.[1] [4] Reportedly it is in use in over 8,100 organisations in 94 countries around the globe across government, education and technology sectors. There is a catalogue of over 100 plug-ins available. The plug-in architecture allows organisations to develop their own.[4] Spaces are created for teams and individuals and permission access secures these spaces. It appears to balance user-friendliness, functionality, scalability and security [3] In using this wiki software as a project management tool users report that it feels polished and professional and is a notch above other offerings like Basecamp or MediaWiki (the platform that powers Wikipedia)[2] [3]. Descriptions like "more robust" and a "real workplace tool' [3], "world's most popular" [4] and the evidence that this product enjoys an active open source community creating plug-ins for all to use, signifies its value in the workplace.[3]
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    References [1] Attlassian. (2010). Confluence. Everyone on the same page Retrieved from [2[ Yehuda, G. (2009, 14/4/2010). Confluence 3.0 = Enterprise Wiki +++Gil Yehuda's Enterprise 2.0 Blog. Retrieved from [3] Bailey, C. (2006, 14/4/2010). Confluence Vs BasecampCode Intensity. Retrieved from [4] Administrator. (2006). Confluence. All software reviews and ratings Retrieved from
    The exchange of information easily and freely in modern business would have to be considered necessary to survive. As stated by Happel (2009) "Exchanging information is vital for the success of modern organizations." Confluence by Atlassian provides a Wiki type service for business that allows the exchange of information. One of Confluences strengths is that it can be adapted and integrated into an organizations system to ensure productive process. Confluence has been adapted and used for collaborative group projects. Some of the reasoning for this is as follows: The Australian Research Council's Network for Early European Research (NEER) uses confluence for interaction with its digital base repository PioNEER. Burrows (2008) states that "Confluence is marketed as 'enterprise Wiki' software, which simply means Wiki-type software with various additional features, including the ability to control access to specific spaces and pages." And that a key element in the process of designing new structure is interoperability between Confluence and PioNEER. Networking Computing's, Anderson (2006) states that "Our Editor's Choice, Atlassian Software Systems' Confluence 2.1.2, has all the features that suit an enterprise wiki. It's easy to install and set up, yet flexible and extensible." Infoworld ranked Confluence highest out of four Wiki Collaboration tools compared and Heck, 2007 stated "It doesn't go overboard with extraneous features, yet still stuffs in an amazing amount of functionality - all surrounded by a good-looking, friendly interface." As a business collaboration and knowledge management tool Confluence offers a wide range of flexibility at competitive pricing.
    References Enterprise Collaboration and Wiki Software - Confluence . (n.d.). Atlassian - Software Development Tools and Collaboration Software . Retrieved April 15, 2010, from Anderson, R. (2006, March 30). Review: Wikis In The Enterprise - Network Computing. Network Computing. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from Burrows, T. (2008). DEVELOPING A DIGITAL REPOSITORY FOR A HUMANITIES RESEARCH NETWORK: THE PIONEER PROJECT. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 13(1), 1-11. Happel, H. (2009). Social search and need-driven knowledge sharing in Wikis with Woogle. International Symposium on Wikis, 13. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from the Acm Portal database. Heck, M. (2007, January 5). Wikis evolve as collaboration tools | Applications - InfoWorld. Business technology, IT news, product reviews and enterprise IT strategies - InfoWorld. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from
Liz Power

WiseHive - 3 views

    WizeHive is a collaboration platform which allows groups to share all sorts of information. Tools such as notes, calendars, files, tasks can be shared via email or within WizeHive. Workflow tools, form builder tools enable collaboration around business processes [1] Users are able to share videos, images and files by adding people to workspaces. Workspaces can be customized with corporate colours and logos and it is easily accessible via a browser with integrated email. There is also an integrated email where you can send files and notes via email to your WizeHive workspace for others to view [2]. It is ideal for project management where users are able to organize ideas and tasks for projects. Users are able to communicate and keep up to date with activities in real time as detailed in AppVita's (2009) review. Keeping track of conversations between users and managing communication is another useful function of this application. WizeHive is a free service for personal use and up to US$39 per month for the premium edition. A review from Tea (2009) highlights the ease with which users can contribute to WizeHive and the simple, uncluttered interface. Tea (2009) also emphasizes the crowded online collaboration tools market with the number increasing however with WizeHive's simplicity and powerful features makes it an option to consider. References [1] Organise and Share Information. Retrieved 12 April 2010 from [2] WizeHive: Collaborate Online. Retrieved 12 April 2010 from [3] Tea, K. (2009). Simple But Powerful - The Buzz That Drives WizeHive. Retrieved 13 April 2010 from
    Wizehive - Online Collaboration and Organisational Tool Wizehive is an online collaborative and organisational tool that can be set up to track multiple tasks, activities and deadlines through the sharing of notes, files, and ideas within an individually tabbed workspace interface. It is an interactive application that can be accessed not only from your computer browser, but also through any email, a desktop client, or mobile communication device [1a]. Projects are divided into individual workspaces according to the teams that are working on them and/or the client. Each individual workspace displays as a tabbed file system with the follow categories and functions [1b]: 1. Recent Activity - set chronologically and in real time. o Displays feeds on all activities from all team members. o Instant reply can be facilitated o Notes, ideas and messages are shared between the team here o It can include text, graphics, links or uploaded files. o Information on this page can also be categorised to keep track of specific threads and ideas. 2. Files o Allows uploading, storing and sharing of files o Supports multiple file formats 3. Tasks o Displays all tasks connected to the project. o It identifies who is responsible for each task. o Records the status of each task. 4. Calendar o The calendar is integrated with the task system and identifies key target dates for each project. The application can also allow you to view all activities across all projects in one frame through the 'All' tab. The success of Wizehive was recently manifest within the use of its platform by TechCrunch to determine the top 50 applicants for the, "best new technologies of the year" [2]. CEO of TechCrunch, Heather Harde, stated that its, "…ability to easily collect ratings, make notes, and work collaboratively was fantastic".
    References: [1a] Wizehive (2010) Organize and Share Informaiton. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from [1b] Wizehive (2010) Organize and Share Information. Video. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from [2] Wizehive (2010) TechCrunch50. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from
Liz Power

Sugar CRM - Open Source Customer Relationship Management - 3 views

    SugarCRM is an open source database management system. It is important to be able to manage customer databases without having to collate numerous spreadsheets of customer information. With SugarCRM it simplifies being able to organize and track people, companies and sales opportunities [1]. Another advantage of SugarCRM is the ability to measure and report customer information across your company [2]. SugarCRM Community Edition is a free application and it is open source so the software can be altered to suit the users' needs. Not all companies have the same requirements when it comes to implementing a CRM, so the advantage of using SugarCRM is it gives users the flexibility to modify the source code [3]. To gain greater benefits of SugarCRM there is a professional edition for US$360 per licence or the Sugar Enterprise Edition for US$600 per licence [4]. A CRM solution will focus on automating and improving current processes and practices mainly supporting sales, marketing, customer service and support as Gupta & Shukla (2002) attest [5]. Implementing a CRM can be a risky business according to Bohling, et al (2006) [6]. Depending on the size of the organization and the current CRM system in operation, if any, implementing a CRM requires plenty of planning and preparation. Also, once a system is up and running, it is important to evaluate the success of the CRM and continue to refine and develop the CRM. References [1] Organise & Share Customer Information. Retrieved 12 April 2010 from [2] Measure & Report Across your Company. Retrieved 12 April 2010 from [3] Open Source CRM. Retrieved 12 April 2010 from [4] Sugar Editions. Retrieved 12 April 2010 from [5] Gupta, M.P., and Shukla, S. (2002). Global Business Review 2002; 3; 99. Learnings from Customer Relationship
    In comparing SugarCRm to another similar product - 'TigerCRM', these are the results:
    SugarCRM Advantages " Sugar Suite is an excellent choice due to its advanced features, and is convenient to organizations from all sizes and industries. The installation of SugarCRM, as well as the installation of additional modules and language packs is quite easy and trouble-free, and the admin area offers a great variety of options and tools." [1]
    SugarCRM Disadvantages "While providing more capabilities and reliability, Sugar Suite loads slower than vTiger CRM and is not so easy to use. Problems may also arise if a user doesn't lock the Installation after finishing it. Contrary to vTiger CRM, some of its add-ons are not free for installing and should be ordered additionally. Another disadvantage of SugarCRM is the very resource-consuming upgrade process. A SugarCRM upgrade can rarely be completed successfully on a shared server because the upgrade times out." [1]
    But the latest release of version 6, raves about the following:
    "SugarCRM has completely re-written a new user interface that places a premium on speed, simplicity, and interoperability with other web applications and mobile devices. Larry Augustin, CEO of SugarCRM, said "Sugar 6 delivers a look, feel and user experience that consumers of popular social networking and other collaboration tools will appreciate." [2]
    "SugarCRM has also moved its mobile application to Appcelerator Titanium so it could have one version of its application run on Apple, Google's Android, BlackBerry, Palm, and other devices without the need for their engineers to build completely different versions. " [2] References: [1] SiteGround, [accessed April 14, 2010]. [2] SugarCRM announces release of ver
meryl olait

Ning | Create Social Networks for your interests. - 11 views

  • Ning is the social platform for the world's interests and passions online. Millions of people every day are coming together across Ning to explore and express their interests, discover new passions, and meet new people around shared pursuits.
  • Get your Ning Network up and running in less than 30 seconds.
  • Turn your passion into a business, or drive grassroots funding for your campaign or cause.
    Web2 has seen the rise in online social networks like MySpace and Facebook, Ning is different because it allows you to create your own social network to share with a few people or with the world [1]. Project managers, activists, educators or anyone interested in starting-up an online community have the opportunity to create their own free Social Network with Ning [1] [2]. With your own Social Network you can share and discuss projects, form workgroups, collaborate and meet over any cause or topic of interest [1]. Members can ask to join a created Social Network, the administrator and network friends can invite other members to join [3]. Your Social Network can be a public, globally accessible network or it can be a private, select group of approved members only [3]. Ning is a feature-rich Social Network and with the Ning Apps directory, members can add extra functionality to their personal Ning page [4]. Ning network administrators can pick and choose from many features to customise the look and feel of their social network and their members' experience [5]. Your network's members can upload photos to their own photo gallery, they can chat, create conversation topics, upload videos and customise the appearance of their profile page [6]. The searchable Ning Blog [7] has a series of FAQ and help articles to assist new users and network administrators. Your Ning Network can be set up so it appears under your own domain name [8]. Since it commencement in 2005 Ning's co-founders Marc Andreessen (from Netscape fame) & Gina Bianchini have been the brains behind developing the platform for the 20 million visitors who currently use Ning today [9]. see References below
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    References [1] Ning Inc. (2010). 'Ning | Create and discover Ning Social Networks for your interests and passions'. Retrieved March 30, 2010 from [2] boyd, d.m. & Ellison N.B. (2007). 'Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship.' Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13 (1). Retrieved April 15, 2010 from [3] Oppenheimer, L. (2010). 'Engaging Your Members in Three Simple Steps'. Ning Blog. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from [4] Ford, K. (2009). 'Announcing the Ning Appathon Winners'. Ning Blog. Retrieved April 1, 2010 from [5] Ning Inc. (2010). 'Choose the right features for your Ning Network'. Ning Help. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from [6] Ning Inc. (2010). 'Customize the theme of your profile page'. Ning Help. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from References continued below
    Ning is an online social collaboration tool which brings together networks of people with similar interests and passions [1]. Ning submits information into categories to ensure content is accessible for users. The categories include: sports, causes, education, art, politics, entertainment, networking and music [1]. It is about creating a customized social network and inviting people to join or joining social networks already created with topics of interest. Ning integrates different applications like blogs, wiki, forums, photo galleries and calendars [1]. Ning's main competitor in the online social network space is SocialGo with Facebook and MySpace offering a similar service however not as tailored and unique [2]. As at 12/11/2008 Ning had over 4 million visitors a month [4] after its launch in 2005. In a recent article, McCracken (2009) [2] revealed that Ning has announced it will no longer provide free networks, which means network creators will either have to switch to a paid plan or leave Ning and move elsewhere. It is a brave move and with other competitors offering a similar service for free, it will be interesting to see if creators will remain with Ning or move on. However as Ramirez (2009) [3] points out, according to the 'ownership rights' which is part of the 'Terms of Services', "Ning owns all right, title and interest, including, all intellectual property rights, in and to the Ning Technology". So depending on what Ning is to be used for, it is important to read the terms of service for any online collaboration tool. References [1] Ning: Create and Discover. Retrieved 16 April 2010 from [2] McCracken, H. (2010). Ning: No More Free Networks. Retrieved 16 April 2010 from [3] Ramirez, N. (2009). Ning Review. Retrieved 16 April 2009 from [4] Nations, D. (n.d.). What is Ning? Retrie
    References continued .... [7] Ning Inc. (2010). 'Why You'll ♥ Ning'. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from [8] Ning Inc. (2010). 'Extend your brand by using your own domain'. Retrieved March 30, 2010 from [9] Parr, B. (2010). 'Ning CEO Gina Bianchini Stepping Down. Mashable - the social media guide'. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from
Jacqui Harry - Web based group training - 2 views

  • offers a web based training solution for collaborative groups [1], the multi-user program is an online application that lets a single administrator manage a group of Online Training Library® subscriptions. This program is ideal for institutions, offering Online Training Library® access to a group of 5 or more users. The multi-user program administrator has access to a series of reports that track individual account usage. A key benefit of is the 24 hour online access to the database of thousands of training videos [2], which reduces costly offsite training expenses, with production loss and geographical transport issues, with a trainer can find out, down to the minute, how long a section of training will take, making easy to fit the training into a hectic schedule. Traditionally, inter-departmental training interactions within organisations and collaborations have been infrequent and difficult to maintain and monitor the benefit of the adoption of the software tools and services that foster fluidity and cooperation uses technology to build bridges between departments. The comprehensive reporting and graphing within this training application, tracks usage per account and offers other statistical data such as most viewed titles, total usage by all users, offering simple analysis of performance. A case study is provided by the media giant Time Warner Cable Media, who produce television commercials and require constant training on the latest multimedia applications, but the company's offices, are spread across a large region. Historically, assembling these busy professionals together for training was a huge challenge [3].
    References: [1] available from [2], Is It Really Worth The Money? Retrieved 8th April 2010 from [3] Anonymous. 'Case Study:Time Warner Cable Media Sales'. Retrieved 9th April 2010 from http://www.lynda/casestudy.pdf
  • is a useful tool to help software users keep up to date with the latest releases and technology available [1]. No matter what software skills you require, there is bound to be a online tutorial available on to watch and learn. With access to 40,000+ tutorials, there is sure to be a software program to suit your needs [1]. Even if users are comfortable with an application, there are always tricks to learn or additional upgrades with more features. With keeping up to date is simplified [2]. Whether you're into digital photography, web design and development, motion graphics, or just need to brush up on Excel, you can learn all the software skills you need to gain a competitive edge with our online tutorials. Once users have registered, they are able to watch any of the videos available from anywhere at any time with their login details. There are different subscription options available either on a monthly or annual basis. The prices range from US$25 per month for the basic subscription which allows access 24/7 to all courses. The monthly premium package for US$37.50 per month includes exercise files which you can use to follow along with the tutorials. The annual subscription saves $50 which is an extra 2 months free and the annual premium subscription [2]. Online education plays an important role in today's education and as Richardson (2009) [3] explains it is common for both on campus and off campus higher education refers to "face-to-face and online course delivery as 'blended learning'". Over the years, online learning has improved significantly and the accessibility of anywhere, anytime learning is an attractive factor in choosing online learning [3]. References [1] Our Mission. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from [2] Products. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from [3] Richardson, J. T. E. (2009). Face-to-Face Versus
Jacqui Harry

Lighthouse - Issue Tracking - 3 views

    This issue tracking software is for used for project development and allows participants to collaborate on a variety of projects, such as tracking fixes waiting for QA or urgent issues, ideally suited to software developers through a customer support application. [1] The simple user interface allows large and small groups to quickly create efficient workflows and automatically organize specific tasks by creating, assigning, tagging and resolving project issues. The insertion of milestones helps to plan features and establish release dates and agreed deadlines and the ability to share documents and images directly to tickets, so anyone within the project team can find them. As a customer relationship management tool, Lighthouse is efficient at managing a company's interactions with its clients and involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes, which are essential within sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support by creating time-saving functionality.[2] As a case study Croogo [3] is a free, open source, content management system powered by CakePHP framework, and distributed under the MIT License. And uses lighthouse to create and reply to tickets and review the status of all projects in a simple overview that can be followed along with feeds, creating exceptional user support , as participants can create new Lighthouse tickets directly from Tender [4], Lighthouses specialized customer support service. To reduce the costs of planning and implementing software initiatives and increase the support from user base, enterprises are required to automate processes according to best practices. Using Lighthouse's email integration team members can utilize email to reply to tickets directly from inbox and as it is a web based application, it means that support can access critical information on the move, such as using the iPhone optimized interface, manage tickets through the email system, or subscribe to pro
    References: [1] Lighthouse [2] Wikipedia [3] Croogo PHP [4] Tender [5]Neath, K. (2007) "Lighthouse: The bug tracker you've been looking for" retrieved on 11th April 2010 from:
    "Communication, Collaboration, and Bugs: The Social Nature of Issue Tracking in Software Engineering" (Bertram, Voida, Greenberg, & Walker, 2010) This article, written by the Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, is a qualitative study of a group of software development teams that make use of one or more formal issue tracking systems and examines the social aspects that reside within the software engineering and bug tracking process. They argue that an issue tracker is not just a system for tracking bugs but becomes a focal point for all stakeholders of the program including engineers, users, designers and owners. The collaborative knowledge and shared journey of tracking bugs and designing software is a social process as much as it is a design process and the tracking system should be able to facilitate and archive the exchange of information and ideas. From the study of up to 15 participants spread across 4 North American software teams they were able to articulate various real world practices for examining issue and bug tracking software. The paper enunciates the main features of an issue tracking system and what the main considerations should be when designing or implementing one. References Bertram, D., Voida, A., Greenberg, S., & Walker, R. (2010). Communication, Collaboration, and Bugs: The. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from DSpace:
blue puffle

Collaboration Software and Online Project Management for Businesses - 6 views

    Central Desktop is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) social technology tool that allows global online collaboration between multiple users within organisations. The flexibility of Software-as-a-Service or SaaS for short, is that it allows organisations to rent the use of developed software, without the costs involved in maintaining licensing and continual upgrading to the latest product [5]. Central Desktop offers low cost, scalable SaaS solutions, advanced enterprise security, support, secure online meetings, centralised IT and staff resources and integration. In 2009, Central Desktop announced Zoho Projects as online spreadsheet partner [2]. Central Desktop offers a range of plans to cater for different industries, with a 30-free trial option. Plans are available as the Workgroup edition, the Enterprise edition and the Community edition. Central Desktop offers risk free, Upgrade Anytime and Cancel Anytime options and no cancellation fees. The upgraded 2.0 version announced in February of 2010, offers wizards, templates with drop-down menus and an online file viewer that is compatible with Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF and Photoshop, JPEG and TIF [3]. YouTube [4] offers an overview of the database features available through Central Desktop. According to Central Desktop it "is a Web-based collaboration software solution that allows users to securely organize, share and communicate from a single online location. With no software or hardware to install, organizations using Central Desktop can increase revenue, maximize productivity and improve project management. Central Desktop offers a full suite of collaboration tools, including wikis, document sharing, Web conferencing, task management and shared calendars. Central Desktop also features a fully integrated micro-blogging tool that allows users to post their status and syndicate their updates out to other social networks like Twitter and Facebook" [1].
    Customers of Central Desktop include the Humane Society of the U.S., CBS, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Avid Technology, Omniture, InterContinental Hotel Group and the University of Wisconsin-Madison [1]. Central Desktop has received a range of awards and recognition from industry peers since it's founding in 2005. The latest awards received are the 2010 Hot Technology Companies and the 2010 Hot 90 Award - Southern California [1]. References: [1] CentralDesktop (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [2] CrunchBase (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [3] PcWorld (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [4] CentralDesktop overview (2007). Retrieved April 10, 2010 from [5] What is SaaS (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from
    With 275,000+ customers……"Central Desktop is a heavy-hitter in the online collaboration arena. It's used by companies such as Sony, Adobe, J.D. Power and Associates and Greenpeace…" [1] Benefits of central desktop are: * Does not require you to download any software. It is 100% web based. * Data can be exported from CentralDesktop ®. * Three types of workspace options for teams, the company at large, and external customers. * Avoids the need of using multiple passwords, usernames, and products to share information and collaborate with teams. * 5 different levels of security and protection. * Strong support from customer base that is over 200,000 strong and received a number of awards touting the software. " [2] "Central desktop offers real-time collaboration for your team members. With the web meetings and audio conferencing features you can also collaborate with customers or partners by voice, sharing screens or remote presentation. Central Desktop also integrates with Skype (with voice supported), Yahoo, MSN Messenger, AIM, ICQ and Jabber, centralizing all your communication".[1] "Their next moves include upgrading mobile device support, and providing an enhanced API, as well as increasing the ability to customize for verticals. Recent research has indicated that collaboration will be one of the major growth uses of mobile devices so this is timely. Central Desktop also plans to set up a marketplace where customers can share templates. [3] References: [1] The Mobility Guy [accessed April 14, 2010]. [2] Business Services Insider, [accessed April 14, 2010]. [3] Appopedia, [accessed April 14, 2010].
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