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started by Wesley Shu on 05 May 07 no follow-up yet
1More 推出 Salesforce SOA 首個軟件即服務 SOA 方案 - 1 views

shared by unicornz on 25 Jun 07 - Cached
Angel Lin liked it
  • 以軟件為基礎的 SOA 需要花費大量資金來安裝和維護軟件和網絡架構,加上實施的時間較長,其所引申的風險亦相對較高,效果自然較為參差。

Oracle ERP簡介 - 1 views

  • 近年來Oracle開始跨入電子商業(e-business)解決方案,範圍涵蓋B2B到B2C領域,並以SCM(供應鏈管理),ERP(企業資源規劃),CRM(客戶關係管理)等各種商業運作模式為核心,展開為整體電子商業的解決方案
  • *以Internet為運作平台 > *低維護成本 > *跨國企業集團多分公司多工廠多幣別運作模式 > *零負擔整合Oracle SCM與CRM方案 >
  • 在Internet平台上架構一套以JAVA為開發基礎的ERP軟體

A business model is more than a value chain! - 1 views

  • A business model is more than a value chain!

Business Process Management (BPM) - It Takes Two to Tango: SOA and BPM - Part I - 0 views

  • BPM’s conceptual top down approach facilitates business process modeling and process optimization while SOA’s bottom up approach helps in process execution and monitoring.

» The story of Web 2.0 and SOA continues - Part 1 | Enterprise Web 2.0 | ZDNe... - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 and SOA really are largely (but not 100%) the same concepts that merely lay on different — if fairly different — parts of the software continuum
  • SOA is the dominant design paradigm in business software today
  • The core principle of SOA is the decomposition of software into sets of services which can be used and composed into new applications that have a very high level of integration and reuse.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • SOA and Web 2.0 have also crossed over considerably around Rich Internet Applications and Ajax.
  • Web-Oriented Architecture
  • SOAP is not Web-oriented
  • but competing protocols such as REST, and now ATOM, are very clearly Web-oriented
  • This is one reason that Google got rid of its SOAP search API
  • Project Astoria, downloadable today in CTP form here, makes it possible to expose almost any ADO-compliant database as a set of granular, queryable URLs in simple REST form.
  • Project Astoria
  • there are literally thousands of software platforms and enviroments that presently exist in the world. And if they don’t speak your unique flavor of SOA (SOAP and WS-*), interopability with them won’t (and doesn’t) happen.
  • With WOA, anyone that can speak HTTP — the fundamental protocol of the Web — and anyone that can process XML, which is to say just about every tool and platform that exists today, can interoperate and work together simply, safely, and easily and build applications on top of one another services.
  • Importantly, mashups are a key outcome of the trend towards WOA and most mashups are based on REST or REST-like services.
  • Astoria is a solid example of how major software companies are now committing serious and disciplined effort to “WOA-ify” our traditional enterprise datastores

CRM的新趨勢 - 0 views


什麼是Web 2.0( I ) - 0 views

  • 什麼是Web 2.0( I )

GSeeker:壽終正寑:GoogleAnswers將不再接受新問題 - 0 views

  • GoogleAnswers將不再接受新問題

Understanding quality of service for Web services - 0 views

  • QoS covers a whole range of techniques that match the needs of service requestors with those of the service provider's based on the network resources available. By QoS, we refer to non-functional properties of Web services such as performance, reliability, availability, and security.
  • separate QoS language for Web services
  • The following steps should be performed during binding establishment using a QoS-enabled Web services platform: The service requestor requests the establishment of the binding by specifying the reference to a Web service interface. This request also contains the required QoS. The QoS broker searches for the service providers in the UDDI. The QoS broker performs QoS negotiation as described below. The Web service QoS broker compares the offered QoS with the required QoS and uses its internal information to determine an agreed QoS. This process is called QoS negotiation. If the QoS negotiation has been successful, the service requestor and service provider are informed that a negotiation has been successful and a binding has been built. From this moment on these objects can interact through the binding.
1More Amazon ECS, Build an E-Commerce Website: Amazon Web Services - 0 views

  • Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS) exposes Amazon's product data and e-commerce functionality. This allows developers, web site owners and merchants to leverage the data and functionality that Amazon uses to power its own e-commerce business.

From supply-chain management to value network advocacy: implications for e-supply chains - 0 views

  • Of respondents to a Booz Alien Hamilton SCM survey, 45 percent reported that their solution failed to meet expectations (InformationWeek, 2003).
  • A Forrester Research survey found that more than half of the companies interviewed had SCM systems that failed to meet their expectations (Mazur, 2003)
  • A chain typically implies linear, sequential relationships from one link to the next. There are two problems with this term. First, not all goods flow sequentially. Some supply chains involve concurrent material flow. For example, Dell's monitors ship concurrently with its computers. second, the information flow, which is often what is managed for competitive advantage in a supply chain, does not always flow sequentially. In fact, information that is shared with many nodes at once can result in faster, more accurate, and nimble supply chains.

IDC 台灣 - 中國IT市場最新報導 - 0 views

  • DC中國跨產品與外設研究部進階分析師鄭玲女士和袁勃先生認為,隨著網路遊戲及運營商數量的持續增長,2006年中國網路遊戲市場競爭較往年將更加激烈。競爭意味著優勝劣汰。2005年,已經有一些廠商黯然結束了中國網路遊戲市場,而且還有一些尚在艱難地維持。在競爭日趨激烈的網遊市場,如何生存下去,成為眾多網路遊戲廠商面對的難題。各網路遊戲運營商的競爭集中在產品、渠道、市場推廣、盈利模式等諸多方面。各開發商及運營商紛紛積極尋求新的利益增長點,以規避運作風險;同時,各運營商開始在運營模式上下功夫。儘管目前的免費運營模式仍待市場檢驗,但已充分顯示在遊戲產業的各個環節,競爭無處不在。 IDC中國跨產品與外設研究部研究總監武連峰先生指出,網路遊戲廠商要在激烈的市場競爭中生存下來取得長足發展,就必須跟蹤並關注商業模式的變化,建立廣泛的產業鍊合作聯盟。2005年中國遊戲產業的亮點是部分網路遊戲對玩家免費開放,這對於遊戲運營商既是挑戰又是機會,如何依靠遊戲中的虛擬物品或遊戲週邊產品維持收入不降成為遊戲運營商必須面對的問題。實物點卡與網上點卡並存、虛擬物品與遊戲週邊實物產品並存、收費遊戲和免費遊戲並存、收入分成與一次買斷並存等都需要廠商建立廣泛的產業鍊聯盟。另外,PS3及Xbox360一定會正式進入中國市場。考慮建立同索尼及微軟合作關係或如何與之競爭對於網路遊戲運營商也變得越來越重要。
5More : 新聞專區 : 企業軟體 : 對手相繼被收購 PTC:利多消息 - 0 views

  • Agile則較專注於高科技製造業
  • 軟體巨人甲骨文(Oracle)買下愛捷軟體(Agile)
  • 市場只剩下PTC、達梭(Dassault)兩大獨立PLM軟體供應商
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Agile功能面以及企業資源規劃(ERP) 市場的競爭關係分析該公司的優勢。以功能而言,Agile雖然具備與ERP系統整合的能力,但「缺乏產品生命週期的前端功能,如CAD/CAM(電腦輔助設計/電腦輔助製造)
  • UGS由德國西門子(Siemens)收購

ERP軟體走向壟斷將促進開源ERP的普及 - 中國資訊化 - 賽迪網 - 0 views

  • 軟體供應商的減少其直接後果將是軟體總類的減少
  • SAP、Oracle等本質上不是為中小企業服務的,它們的軟體提供的很多功能遠遠超過了中小企業的需要,同時價格也是中小企業所不能接受的

iTunes Store Still Dominates With 90% Market Share :: iPod Hacks :: The Latest and Grea... - 0 views

  • Apple's iTunes store accounted for a whopping 90% of the online music downloads. Napster's share of the music-download market held steady at an anemic 3%

» BPM and SOA need each other | Service-Oriented Architecture | - 0 views

  • Agility is important, and SOA is all about agility, but agility is really IT’s concern and not the central focus of business executives, nor is dealing with change the key objective of BPM.
  • BPM’s top-down model-initiated approach can actually accelerate the SOA rollout by fostering business-IT alignment with concrete performance metrics, and encouraging an iterative approach to the production implementation.

Business Process Management (BPM) - BPMS Watch: BPM and SOA: One Technology, Two Commun... - 0 views

  • Last month we talked about how service-oriented architecture (SOA) is making BPMS technology more agile by eliminating the custom code once needed to integrate the various systems involved in a business process.
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