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Akmal Yousuf

Office 2016 for Mac price & buying advice: UK pricing for Office for Mac, plus new Touc... - 0 views

  • Blogs: Office 2016 for Mac is here, so we bring you everything you need to know about the new version of Office for Mac 2016, including Office 365, UK pricing, new features and more. OFFICE FOR MAC 2016 FIRST LAUNCHED AS PART OF OFFICE 365 IN JULY OF 2015, BUT MAC USERS WANTING TO BUY A COPY OUTRIGHT, RATHER THAN SUBSCRIBE, HAD TO WAIT FOR MICROSOFT TO LAUNCH THE BOXED VERSION. THAT FINALLY HAPPENED IN SEPTEMBER 2015, WHEN THOSE MAC USERS GOT THEIR WISH AND OFFICE 2016 FOR MAC BECAME AVAILABLE FOR £119.99 UPFRONT. HERE, WE TALK YOU THROUGH THE FEATURES IN OFFICE FOR MAC 2016, AND HELP YOU DECIDE WHETHER TO SUBSCRIBE TO OFFICE 365 OR BUY A COPY OUTRIGHT. PLUS, WE SHARE OFFICE FOR MAC 2016 UK PRICING FOR EACH VERSION. A number of new features for the MacBook Pro Touch Bar have been added as of February 2017, these are discussed here. Don't expect Microsoft Office for Mac 2017 anytime soon (or at all, for that matter). There was a five year gap between this current version of Office for Mac and its predecessor, Microsoft Office for Mac 2011. However, those with an Office 365 account will get regular, automatic updates since it is an online subscription. If you buy Office outright as a one-time software download, you won't get these benefits, so something to bear in mind. MICROSOFT OFFICE FOR MAC 2016 UK PRICE: HOW MUCH DOES OFFICE FOR MAC 2016 COST? Office Home & Student 2016 for Mac costs £119.99 ($149.99) and includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. It's available to buy from Microsoft UK here or Microsoft US here. Office Home & Business 2016 for Mac costs £229.99 ($229.99) and includes Outlook as well as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. It's available to buy from Microsoft UK here or Microsoft US here. These versions are only available for one Mac. To install on more than one Mac Microsoft appears to be pushing users towards the 365 subscription model. If you buy a copy outright, you will only be able to install the copy on
Wesley Shu Amazon ECS, Build an E-Commerce Website: Amazon Web Services - 0 views

  • Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS) exposes Amazon's product data and e-commerce functionality. This allows developers, web site owners and merchants to leverage the data and functionality that Amazon uses to power its own e-commerce business.

Netflix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Netflix
  • Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX), established in 1998, is the largest online DVD rental service, offering flat rate rental-by-mail to customers in the United States. Headquartered in Los Gatos, California, it has amassed a collection of 80,000 titles and over 6.8 million subscribers. [1] They have over 42 million discs and ship 1.6 million a day, on average. [1] Netflix previously claimed to spend about $300 million a year on postage. On 25 February 2007, Netflix announced the delivery of its billionth DVD. [2][3]
  • Rentals services
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  • The company provides a monthly flat-fee service for the rental of DVD movies. A subscriber creates an ordered list, called a rental queue, of DVDs to rent. The DVDs are delivered individually via the United States Postal Service from an array of regional warehouses. Currently, there are 44 warehouses located throughout the United States.[4] A subscriber can keep a rented DVD as long as desired but has a limit on the number of DVDs (determined by subscription level) that can be checked out at any one time. To rent a new DVD, the subscriber mails the previous one back to Netflix in a prepaid mailing envelope. Upon receipt of the disc, Netflix ships the next disc in the subscriber's rental queue.
  • As of February, 2007, Netflix's most popular plan costs US $17.99 (plus tax) per month, which allows a subscriber to check out up to 3 DVDs at a time. Other monthly plans range from US $4.99 for one disc at a time and a limit of two per month to US $47.99 for eight, unlimited exchange. For the three-out plan and up, each rental slot costs the subscriber approximately US $6 a month. Netflix also sells gift subscriptions for various intervals, although the recipient needs a credit/debit card.
  • Competitive environment
  • Netflix's success has inspired a number of other DVD rental companies both in the United States and abroad, but none of the purely online companies appear to approach Netflix in terms of size or revenues. Wal-Mart began an online rental service in October 2002, but left the market in May 2005 and now has a cross-promotional arrangement with Netflix. Netflix has also cited as a potential competitor.[14] operates online rentals in the UK and Germany but has remained coy about any intentions for the U.S. market.

不辣哥的BLOG:Netflix與iVideo - 樂多日誌 - 0 views

  • Netflix > > 如此強勁的主因大致上也和 > > Amazon > 差不多,兩者皆為業界的首次進入者,但不同的是 > > Netflix > 的營收相對 > > Amazon > 則是好上許多, > > Netflix > 提供的是網路租借 > > DVD > > > 的服務,一方面貨品只是再市面流通而不是實際賣出,且在規模日增的情況下有更強大的採購優勢,在某些情況下甚至是由 > > Netflix > 自行決定數量壓片生產,同時也有某些獨立製片電影因無能力宣傳與上映,和 > > Netflix > 的配合方式居然是付錢交由 > > Netflix > 限期出租,租金收益互分之外,如反應良好甚至會發生先出租後上映的狀況。 > > Netflix > 採取月租費的方式,郵寄 > > DVD > 至租戶家中,還片時間並無限制,原則上就是每當影片寄回後,兩天後即可收到另一部影片,租戶於個人戶頭中需預先選好影片依喜好順序放入片庫, > > Netflix > 將盡可能依照客戶的喜愛順序出片。以最常選用的每次三片每月18美元方案來說,基本上如果每天都可以看一部影片,一個月看三十片應該不是問題,平均一片約20元台幣左右而已,這也就是順應一般人貪便宜的心理,基本上真的能以這樣速度看影片的大概只有電影系的學生吧。 > >
  • 片庫中超過四萬五千部影片的Netflix,由於規模驚人加上成本分攤,因此有能力採購各類型十分冷門或專門的影片,這對喜歡研究藝術或音樂的人士真是一大福音,一般租片公司並不會引進曲高和寡的影片,但由於Netflix廣大的客戶層基礎,基本上客戶可以找到任何想看的影片。 
  • Netflix的威力到底有多驚人呢?實體租片連鎖巨頭百視達已被搞得七葷八素,後來自己也跳進網路租片的經營模式打算通吃,不過以現在的情況看來,在網路這個通路上還是落後許多,僅僅有不到一百萬的用戶。
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  • 另外,就連戰無不勝零售連鎖龍頭Wal-Mart也慘敗Netflix手下,進軍網路租片的Wal-Mart近日已宣布放棄這個通路且將手中三十萬左右用戶轉交Netflix受理,在這種大者恆大的美國市場競爭模式下,未來想必Netflix會有更令人驚奇的作為。 
Akmal Yousuf

An Introduction to Office 365 - Should You Buy Into the New Office Business Model? - ww... - 0 views

  • Blogs: Office 365 is a subscription based package that buys you time limited access to a number of Microsoft services and software packages, including the latest desktop Office suite, an online version of Office, cloud storage, and premium mobile apps.Stop Bashing Microsoft: 5 Ways In Which They're Awesome Stop Bashing Microsoft: 5 Ways In Which They're AwesomeMicrosoft doesn't always get fair treatment. When it comes down to it, they're a pretty awesome company. There's been enough Microsoft bashing, now it's time for some love.READ MORE Office 365 follows a business model known as Software as a Service (SaaS), which has commonly been used for deploying enterprise software. With subscription-based services like Spotify, Napster, or Amazon Prime, it has found its way into the consumer software market some time ago. Does Office 365 provide enough value to be worth the money? CAN YOU STILL USE IT ON YOUR DESKTOP? Yes, absolutely! Microsoft isn't moving Office entirely into the cloud just yet. While you can access Office Online via the browser and store your documents on OneDrive, Office 365 offers many other ways to access and edit your documents. The current package of Office 365 includes the Office 2013 desktop suite (Office 2011 for Mac users). In the summer or fall of this year, you will be able to upgrade to Office 2016.Don't Pay For Word! 5 Reasons You Should Use Office Online Don't Pay For Word! 5 Reasons You Should Use Office OnlineOffice Online is the free and cloud-connected version of Microsoft Office. Limitations are compensated by features, useful even to users of desktop Office. Best of all is itsREAD MORE Microsoft Office - WHAT IS INCLUDED & WHAT IS THE PRICE TAG? The exact composition of the package depends on the Office flavor you choose. Office 365 Home, Office 365 Personal, and Office 365 University include the following software: Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote (now free for everyone) Outlook Publ
Wesley Shu

[ METAMUSE ]: Google IPO 啟示錄 - 0 views

  • Google
  • Google主要的獲利模式有兩種,第一種就是廣告廠商依據使用者輸入的關鍵字詞在搜尋頁面顯示該廠 商的資訊,例如輸入搜尋METAMUSE的時候,搜尋結果的頁面最上方出現「請問你是不是搜尋METAMOUSE?」並且在右方有所謂的TEXT-AD (文字式廣告),另外一種就是提供Google搜尋引擎的技術給其他大型公司使用,例如華爾街日報或是最新AMAZON的A9搜尋功能等,都是利用 Google搜尋引擎的計數供瀏覽者搜尋站內或相關資訊。
  • YAHOO所提供的引擎是屬於較落後的被動式搜尋引擎,也就是說網站擁有者必須主動的去YAHOO 登錄自己的網站,並自行輸入關鍵詞才能讓搜尋者從YAHOO中搜尋到相關連結與資料
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 使用者合約內附註一項聲名是進出的 郵件需要經過搜尋引擎掃瞄過後插入相關且與內容相符合的廣告。這是一種精準式的廣告行銷,因為有精準的搜尋引擎才能提供廠商這樣的服務
  • 第一個發展搜尋引擎又放棄的是YAHOO,第一個提供免費電子郵件又放棄的還是YAHOO,但是Google卻能看到YAHOO所沒看到的事情,將 被YAHOO放棄的市場拾回並準備重新創造新的市場

ITIS智網 - 0 views

  • 線上DVD出租-經營典範Netflix之成功關鍵因素及未來面臨之挑戰
  • Netflix之成功關鍵因素
  • 取消到期日
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • 取消到期日 > > 、個人的影片清單、精確快速的存貨與運籌管理以及長尾(long-tail)策略是Netflix能在短短九年之內成為線上租片霸主的關鍵因 >素
  • 第一,會員會有儘早還片的誘因;第二,即使會員久久未歸還片子,由於該會員能租的片數也相對減少,因此Netflix也可省下郵寄影片的成本;第三,取消到期日以及沒有逾期罰金更是行銷與打擊競爭對手的利器
  • 個人影片清單
  • 精確快速的存貨與運籌管理
  • 顧客只要現在編輯好清單,在未來想租片的時候就不用連到Netflix網站去選擇現在其實已經確定想看的片子,如此自然可以帶來省事、省時的好處;此外,自動寄出下一部在清單上的影片也可以減少顧客的等待時間,使得顧客家中一直都有影片可看,客源就不會流失到坊間的影片出租店;不過對於Netflix來說,最重要的還是藉以取得顧客喜好的資訊,因為從顧客的清單中,Netflix可以估算每部影片所需購買的份數、每個配送中心所需的份數以及顧客對不同類型影片的喜好程度,這對後端的存貨管理以及顧客資料探勘都將有極大的助益。
  • 信封不但堅固耐用、重量控制在合理範圍,而且信封上的兩段條碼也有助於Netflix處理郵件的接收與發送
  • 存貨處理系統也在存貨與運籌管理上扮演重要的角色,這套Netflix自詡是商業機密的系統可以精確的掌握所有存貨的位置、計算出每部影片的最適訂購量、計算存貨在各配送中心的配置量以及在每片DVD被歸還之後,能夠迅速作出再寄出、存回倉儲或是報銷的決策。
  • 長尾策略(long-tail strategy)
  • Netflix常常被用來解釋長尾策略,原因之一是它那包括冷門、熱門多達6萬種的龐大影片選擇,原因之二則是根據統計,百大熱門影片的銷售僅佔Netflix營業額的38.8%(相對於競爭對手Blockbuster的69.4%),新片的銷售也僅佔Netflix營業額的30%(Blockbuster 則高達70%以上),代表Netflix勤於耕耘需求曲線的尾端得到了相當的回報。 >從成本的角度來說,電影公司對於熱門新片會要求較高的權利金以及分紅比例,冷門的影片則相對較低,因此,如果Netflix能夠提高顧客對冷門片的租用率,自然能夠增加獲利。Netflix的作法是提供每位會員個人化的推薦電影名單以推銷較冷門的影片,雖然Netflix宣稱該推薦名單是利用會員的個人影片清單、租片歷史以及對各影片的評分等資料製作而成,但是有研究顯示Netflix極可能刻意在推薦名單中摻雜一些較冷門的影片,另外根據Netflix所宣稱,大約60%的客戶是依據推薦名單來挑選影片,由此可推斷,推薦名單的確有助於推銷冷門但獲利較高的影片,從而挹注Netflix的營收,而這正是長尾策略的應用。
  • 與其他的家用影音娛樂業者共同競爭電影的愛好者
  • Netflix之未來面臨之挑戰
  • 增加更多會員並同時維持高顧客滿意度
  • Netflix的5百萬名會員看似不少,但是卻只佔美國總家戶數(約1.2億戶)的5%左右,此外,線上租片業的總銷售金額也只佔影片出租業的16%而已,因此Netflix在會員數目的成長上還有很大的空間。
  • 現有與潛在競爭者之威脅
  • 其經營模式也迅速被複製
  • Netflix常常被用來解釋長尾策略,原因之一是它那包括冷門、熱門多達6萬種的龐大影片選擇,原因之二則是根據統計,百大熱門影片的銷售僅佔Netflix營業額的38.8%(相對於競爭對手Blockbuster的69.4%),新片的銷售也僅佔Netflix營業額的30%(Blockbuster 則高達70%以上),代表Netflix勤於耕耘需求曲線的尾端得到了相當的回報。 > > > 從成本的角度來說,電影公司對於熱門新片會要求較高的權利金以及分紅比例,冷門的影片則相對較低,因此,如果Netflix能夠提高顧客對冷門片的租用率,自然能夠增加獲利。Netflix的作法是提供每位會員個人化的推薦電影名單以推銷較冷門的影片,雖然Netflix宣稱該推薦名單是利用會員的個人影片清單、租片歷史以及對各影片的評分等資料製作而成,但是有研究顯示Netflix極可能刻意在推薦名單中摻雜一些較冷門的影片,另外根據Netflix所宣稱,大約60%的客戶是依據推薦名單來挑選影片,由此可推斷,推薦名單的確有助於推銷冷門但獲利較高的影片,從而挹注Netflix的營收,而這正是長尾策略的應用。 > >
  • 消費者可以到威名百貨(Wal-Mart)或亞馬遜書店(購買影片、消費者可以訂購HBO或Showtime的電影頻道、消費者可以觀看付費電影(pay-per-view)或是利用VOD下載電影、甚至消費者可能選擇只看有線電視(cable)或衛星(satellite)的電影頻道而不租DVD。
  • 隨選視訊系統(VOD)之影響
  • VOD是利用有線電視網路(cable)、數位用戶迴路(DSL)、衛星(satellite)或是無線(wireless)來傳輸影片,然後藉助電腦或是特定的機上盒(set-up box)來觀賞影片,透過VOD,消費者不需要等候DVD寄達就能夠開始享受影片;此外,目前在手機以及蘋果電腦的iPod上也有業者提供類似的影片下載播放功能
  • 電影片源取得風險
  • 電影公司在未來決定縮短這些媒介之間的發行間距或是甚至允許其他媒介(如VOD)領先DVD的發行,則Netflix就有可能遭受DVD出租率下降與會員人數減少的困境。
Wesley Shu

Electronic business - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Lou Gerstner, CEO of IBM
  • While e-business refers to more strategic focus with an emphasis on the functions that occur using electronic capabilities, e-commerce to be a subset of an overall e-business strategy. E-commerce seeks to add revenue streams using the Worldwide Web or the Internet to build and enhance relationships with clients and partners and to improve efficiency using the Empty Vessel strategy. Often, e-commerce involves the application of knowledge management systems.
  • E-business involves business processes spanning the entire value chain: electronic purchasing and supply chain management, processing orders electronically, handling customer service, and cooperating with business partners.
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  • E-shops E-procurement E-malls E-auctions Virtual Communities Collaboration Platforms Third-party Marketplaces Value-chain Integrators Value-chain Service Providers Information Brokerage
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