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Tero Toivanen

Cloud Learning as Universal Primary Education | Teemu Arina - 2 views

  • The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Näkymätön teknologia
    • Oskari Niitamo
      inspiroiva webinaari tänään joka on katsottavissa täältä: Webinaarien pedagoginen selvitysraportti (Esitys)
  • school teachers are no longer the primary means to knowledge, but should act as a coaches or curators, rather than broadcasters.
  • Now in the age of digital media, the best content and the best people to teach, co-learn and share with are accessible on the network, making centralized models less efficient.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • you have to demonstrate life-long learning, ability to switch jobs, be certified by multiple authorities and effectively becoming someone who evaluates the learning done by others.
    • Tero Toivanen
  • It is evident that digitally distributed learning environments through mobile devices will be more scalable, more effective, more comprehensive, more social and more immersive than traditional physical class rooms and centralized locations for schools.
  • Mobile is about to liberate us from the walls and single point of access to content and resources.
  • We move from just-in-case learning (memorization) to just-in-time learning (interaction), where the real-time web combined with a mobile link enables contextual information to be readily accessible.
  • The whole world available in this manner through mobiles then becomes our 6th sense.
  • Through cloud-based mobile devices the global mind is effectively an extension of our minds – turning our minds from single brains to interconnected clouds.
Tero Toivanen

P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Towards distributed and collaborative learning infrastructures - 2 views

  • Our nation and our schools and universities should invest in distributed and collaborative learning experiences­—curricula emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and geochemical processes in the biosphere, empathy courses that promote social behavior, cyberspace classes connecting students around the globe, service-learning programs in communities, sharing knowledge in peer groups, and interdisciplinary and multicultural studies—with the objective of nurturing students’ empathic nature. “
    "Our nation and our schools and universities should invest in distributed and collaborative learning experiences­-curricula emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and geochemical processes in the biosphere, empathy courses that promote social behavior, cyberspace classes connecting students around the globe, service-learning programs in communities, sharing knowledge in peer groups, and interdisciplinary and multicultural studies-with the objective of nurturing students' empathic nature."
    via Pekka Ihanainen
Tero Toivanen

Mitä uutta Piilaaksossa? - Blogit - - 8 views

    Näkymätön oppiminen on muuttumassa näkyväksi. Tässä hyvä esimerkki siitä. Nyt pannaan töpinäksi ja aletaan toteuttamaan näitä ideoita myös Suomessa!
  • ...5 more comments...
    Mä näin viimeyönä unta että olin juuri "tullut kirjoille" edupunkkarien kouluun. Muistan unesta että luokat olivat avoimia tiloja, alkoveja, joiden läpi pystyi vapaasti kulkemaan. Joka puolella oli menossa keskusteluja, dialogeja ja neuvotteluita. Oppilaat vaikuttivat kiinnostuneilta toimijoilta.... Uni liittyy kans varmaan tenttikirjallisuuteen, jota tankkaan keskiviikoksi: Bereiter, Carl. Education and mind in the knowledge age. 2002. Erlbaum. Wells, G. & Glaxton, G., eds. Learning for life in the 21 st century: Sociocultural perspectives on the future of Education. 2002. Blackwell. Yamazumi, K., Engeström, Y. & Daniels, H. eds. New learning challenges: Going beyond the industrial age system of school and work. 2005. Kansai University Press.
    The system of education must extend beyond the factory-like machine model of mass production and the industrial age system of school and work characterized by strong classification, control and images of machines that imply static and linear ways of human behavior... In contrast to the machine model we must reinforce a broader, more complex image of collaborative self-organization, an organic activity system in which the school continues to offer growth, self-evalutaion, development and creativity for all concerned individuals... (Yamazumi et al. pp. 29-30)
    Nyt tehdään vaan sun unesta totta! Onpa mielenkiintoisia tenttikirjoja!
    Hehehe! Toi Bereiterin 500sivuinen opus tuli muuten PDF:nä vastaan:
    Ehditkö jo lukea sen? Mitä mieltä olet? Suositteletko?
    ekat kaksisataa sivua on vähän turhan teoreettista hmm hiusten halkomista,,, voi ihan aloittaa siitä kakkososasta ihan suosiollakin...mut bereiterillä on erittäin tarkka analyyttinen silmä, hyvää analyysia on lueskelen huomen vielä sitä loppuosaa
    Kannattaa mielestäni lukea vain kakkososa tosta teoksesta. Keräsin tiivistelmän kakkososasta tähän dokumenttiin, jonka laitoin näköyväksi webiin, lupa kommentoida: On varsin innostavia ideoita, toi on tiukka toereetikko bereiter, ehkä hieman kyyninen?
Tero Toivanen

Eurocall CMC & Teacher Education SIGs Annual Workshop - Home - 2 views

  • “A culture of sharing resources and practices will help facilitate change and innovation in education” (OER Commons, 2011).
    • Tero Toivanen
      Jakamisen kulttuuri tukee opetuksen muutosta ja uudistamista.
  • Open access initiatives to make research publications freely available online or the adoption of open source software solutions, such as Moodle or Mahara, are already having a big impact on education.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Avoimen tieteen periaatteet kunniaan!
  • This two-day conference focuses on the impact of adopting openness as a key principle in education.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Avoimuus perusperiaatteeksi koulutuksessa!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Open Educational Resources (OER) are defined as “materials used to support education that may be freely accessed, reused, modified and shared by anyone” (Downes, 2011). Open Educational Practices (OEP) are practices which “support the production, use and reuse of high quality OER through institutional policies, which promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower learners as co-producers on their lifelong learning path.” (ICDE, 2011). Open Communication is reciprocal and respectful exchange which contributes to social presence in online learning (Gunawardena & Zittle, 1997), and the development of intercultural awareness and competence in language learning.
Tero Toivanen

The Wisdom of Motivated Crowds | FLOSSE Posse - 0 views

  • People who work on Wikipedia … are not the indiscriminate crowd [but] are the part of the crowd who feels motivated to work with Wikipedia. Here it is: I’d replace the theory of the “wisdom of the crowd” with the theory of the “wisdom of the motivated crowds.” The general crowd says we should not pay taxes; the motivated crowd says that it’s fair to pay them. In fact, it’s not the ditch diggers or illiterates who contribute to Wikipedia, but people who already belong to a cultural crowd for the very fact they’re using a computer.”
    • Tero Toivanen
      Umberto Eco -sitaatti
  • I have been sceptical about the idea of massive open online course (MOOC). I have a theory: many courses (not only the MOOCs) are not motivating because they do not pay enough attention to the participant’s desires.
  • In a good course students should have the opportunity to practice leadership, gain knowledge, and be autonomous. Students should be provided ways to get social attention and opportunities to play and compete with each other. But this is not enough.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Maybe the idea of school children gymnastics and the Bauhaus’ practice to began lessons with exercises is not that bad idea (I have tried the morning exercises, stretching, yoga, etc. in my lessons).
Tero Toivanen

DIY U: The Future Of Learning [Video] | Fast Company - 3 views

    Vesa Linja-Ahon twiittaama 3,5 minuutin video kaikille avoimesta oppimisesta.
Tero Toivanen

Informal Learning :: - 1 views

  • Informal learning accounts for over 75% of the learning taking place in organizations today
    • Tero Toivanen
      Informaalin oppimisen osuus 75 % organisaatioissa!
  • Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school-like programs created in business for technical and professional training.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Formaalin oppimisen määritelmä Connerilta.
  • Informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, from the market place, the library and the mass media.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Informaalin oppimisen määritelmä Connerilta.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Intentional learning is the process whereby an individual aims to learn something and goes about achieving that objective.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tarkoituksellisen oppimisen määritelmä Connerilta.
  • Accidental learning happens when in everyday activities an individual learns something that he or she had not intended or expected.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Sattumalta oppimisen määritelmä Connerilta.
  • Non-formal learning. I define it is any organized educational activity outside the established formal system whether operating separately or as an important feature of some broader activity intended to serve identifiable learning objectives.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Non-formaalin oppimisen määritelmä Connerilta.
  • In my experience and from the work we have done with organizations, there are far more opportunities for informal accidental learning than any other single type of learning.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Satunnaista-informaalia oppimista kaikista eniten Connerin kokemuksen mukaan.
  • List all of the informal programs going on in your organization. Post that for others to add to and work with. Ask for employees to share informally gathered knowledge with peers in a formal way. Support informal communities of practice. Create others where you there are gaps. Look at what your meetings really offer. Find more opportunities for accidental learning and make it a topic of conversation.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Miten oppia ymmärtämään informaalia oppimista organisaatioissa.
    Tähän viittaan Näkymätön oppiminen jättiläisten olkapäillä -blogissa. Conner ehdottaa, että oppimisen muodot voivat sekoittua keskenään ja näin syntyy tarkoituksellista-formaalia oppimista, odottamatonta-formaalia oppimista, tarkoituksellista-informaalia oppimista ja odottamatonta-informaalia oppimista.
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