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5 Canned Reports to Start Your Moodle Reporting With - LearnerScript - 1 views

    LearnerScript, the Moodle reporting tool, is something that can be used right away, with or without minimal configuration after you plug it in on your Moodle. To make it happen, this Moodle analytics tool comes with a set of useful Canned Reports (or default reports, in other words). This Moodle plugin provides you with 85 plus Canned Reports as of now. Down the line, more of such reports will be added to this list of Canned Reports and are made to be available to Moodle users. Let's see the most common Canned reports...

How to Rearrange Moodle Report Positions in LearnerScript Dashboard? - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript tiles and widgets order rearrangements explanatory short video. In this video, you will see how we can rearrange any particular Moodle report positions in the LearnerScript dashboards. Let's dive into the video now! Here on the "LearnerScript Test dashboard", you can see here that 3 tiles and 2 widgets are being shown side by side. Now let's reposition the tiles and widgets order on this test dashboard. To do so you need to first click on the "Customise this page" button. Now go to the "LearnerScript test dashboard". Here on the test dashboard let's reposition the "Copy active learners" and "Copy Assignments" tiles arrangement order by dragging them across the dotted line sections. Also, let's rearrange the order of below 2 side-by-side widgets of the "Learners summary report" and "Course summary report" to be arranged one after another report. Just drag these 2 report widgets one after the other so that they can reposition on the whole dotted lines section. once finished rearranging orders of these Moodle Reports then you need to go back and click on the "stop customizing this page" button. Now you can see here on the test dashboard that the tiles and widgets positions are being rearranged. This is how you can rearrange any particular Moodle report order on any of the LearenrScript dashboards.

5 Moodle Report Actions to Use from LearnerScript - LearnerScript - 0 views

    Moodle reports make themselves an indispensable part of your eLearning initiative to train your folks in the right direction. Without the insights from these reports reduce your Learning and Development (L&D) to mere 'namesake learning.' That is the training/learning of your folks will be like watering a tree that doesn't bear fruit. Likewise, what's the use of learning without learning analytics? That is why we, one of the Moodle partners, have introduced LearnerScript which is a Moodle reporting tool for advanced Moodle analytics. So every report you create/use the existing report templates (aka Canned Reports) comes with these user-friendly report actions. These are as follows...

How to Add or Remove a Field in Moodle Reports Using LearnerScript? - 0 views

    -How to Add or Remove a Field in Moodle Reports Using LearnerScript? -In this LearnerScript features explanatory short video you will see how we can add an extra column or remove an existing column. -Let's dive into the video Now! -Here on the LearnerScript dashboard you can see this "Course Report Test" widget. Let's customize this moodle report column. -On this "Course Report Test" page you can see the tabular report columns i.e. Course, Enrolments, Completions, activities, views, and progress. -now let's delete the Progress field from this report. -To do so click on the "Design" option from the above menu then you will be redirected to the design page of this course report. -If you want to remove the Progress column then you need to click on the delete icon beside the Progress field or you can also click on the toggle button beside the Progress field from the left-hand side dataset menu. -Once you remove the Progress Column then you need to click on this "preview button" to see the report changes preview. -If everything is okay then you can click on the "save button" and you will see the updated columns report here. -If you want to add an extra field to this report then go back to the design page. -Here let's add the Progress column again to this report. -Using the icons beside this Progress field, you can also rename this column name or you can align it according to your need and you can also set the column width for this field. -This is how you can add a column to any Moodle report using the LearnerScript tool.

How to Access Moodle Reports on LearnerScript Using Roles? - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle Report access permissions using roles explanatory short video. In this video, you will see how we can assign and revoke a Moodle report access to any particular role! Let's dive into the video now! In this LearnerScript Custom dashboard, you can see two report widgets related to Badges and SCORM summary. Click on the "view more" button from any one of these two report widgets to set the access permission to any particular role. From this copy Badge Summary report page, you need to click on the "permissions" tab. From the dropdown below choose "User with selected roles" then set the Context level and Role for this particular report access permission and then click on add button. Here you can see in this table that the context level and role levels that we have added earlier are being shown here for this report permission. You can also set the conditions for multiple role access permissions then click on the update button from the bottom. Now to cross-check whether this copy badge summary report is available to this particular manager role we need to log in with manager role credentials. Once you log in as a manager you can check whether the copy badge summary report is accessible to you or not, by selecting the add widgets action icon from the top menu. Here the manager can see the "copy badge summary" widget is available in the reports list for his access, let's add it to the dashboard. Now let's revoke the copy badge summary report access from the manager role. to do so you need to log in as admin and select that particular report and go to the permissions tab then delete the role access from this table and click on update. once the admin revokes the manager role access to the copy badge summary report, the manager will not find it in his dashboard. here you can see how the manager is unable to find this particular report in his dashboard. Like this, you can grant and revoke any particular moodle report access to a

Welcome CE-Logic, Inc. Our Exclusive Partner in the Philippines - LearnerScript - 0 views

    It's our delight to introduce to you our latest and exclusive partner - CE-Logic, Inc.- from the Philippines. Like our other exclusive partners - Sofia Edu Tech and adaptiVLE, CE-Logic, Inc. has become our 'exclusive' partner for the Philippines. Welcome, CE-Logic, Inc.! With more and more Moodle educators like CE-Logic, Inc. going for LearnerScript, this Moodle reporting tool sees its purpose of fulfilling and bridging the gap between Moodle LMS and Moodle learning analytics...

How to Re-brand Your Moodle Report on LearnerScript? - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript reports rebranding concept explanatory short video. In this video, you will see how we can change any particular Moodle report colors according to your need. Let's dive into the video now! To rebrand any particular report on the LearnerScript you need to first click on the "Customise this page" button. Now let's visit any dashboard from the LearnerScript Here on this New Test Dashboard, we will rebrand the "Trending Course" and "Activities" reports. To rebrand the report you need to click on the settings cog icon and select the "Configure Report Tile Block" option from this settings menu. From this "Configuring a Report Tile block" page, you can change the Background Colour and Text Colour fields according to your need and then click on the "Save changes" button. Now you can see here that the "Trending course" tile colors have been modified. Similarly, you can rebrand the "Activities" report tile as well using the same steps showed previously. You can also change the icon on this tile report according to your need.

How to Hide/Remove Moodle Reports on LearnerScript? - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle reports hiding and removing concept explanatory short video! In this video, you will see how we can Hide or completely delete any particular Moodle report on the LearnerScript tool. Let's dive into the video! Here on the LearnerScripts' New Test Dashboard, you can see some reports in the form of tiles and widgets. If you want to hide any particular tile or widget report temporarily then you need to visit the manage reports section. From the manage reports page, you need to look for that particular report you want to hide. Here let's hide the "Copy Active Learners" report by clicking on the "EYE" icon. Now you can see that the "Copy Active Learners" tile report is being hidden from this dashboard. Similarly, you can also enable this report again using the "EYE" icon from the manage reports page. You can also hide and unhide the "assigment summary" widget report from this dashboard. You can also Delete permanently any particular tile or widget report using the "Cross" icon. Let's take an example of deleting the "Copy Active Learners" report. First, you need to find that report on the manage reports page and from there click on the "Cross" icon to delete this particular report permanently. Now you can see here that the "Copy Active Learners" report is now gone and also you can not find it on the manage reports list section also. As it is being removed permanently.

6 Filters on LearnerScript for Quick Moodle Analytics - LearnerScript - 0 views

    Who doesn't love a 'thing' which cuts through a long process/the oodles of data and gives you what exactly they search for? Filters on LearnerScript will do the same for you, as you are already aware of if you are a Moodle admin, teacher, or student. There are six important filters on LearnerScript. You will quickly get through the Moodle analytics to get 'what you look for', by using them. One more thing. In case you do not know what LearnerScript is, here is the gist: LearnerScript offers Moodle analytics for Moodle and IOMAD. Available as a Moodle plugin, this reporting tool has the respective demo sites. Walkthrough a demo site whenever you feel like wanting more info. And there you will spot all these filters by yourself. Each of these filters intends to do a specific job.

Moodle Reports Export Options in LearnerScript | Moodle Report Export Enable & Disable ... - 0 views

    -Welcome to the LearnerScript - Moodle Reports export options explanatory short video. -In this video, you will see how to export any particular LearnerScript report and also how to enable or disable a particular report export. -Let dive into the video. -Here on the LearnerScript dashboard you can see the course summary report widget. -Click on this "hamburger icon" to export this participation report graph as a PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG format image. -Click on this download icon to export this report as a PDF, XLS, CSV, and ODS format attachment. -To disable any particular format export you need to click on the "Design" option from the "Actions" menu item of this report. -you can enable or disable any particular report download format by clicking on that particular report type download from this Enable exports section then click save. -Now you can see this PDF report export option is not available here as we have disabled it. -To enable it again go to the design option from the above and then you will be redirected to this report design page. -You need to click on the PDF option from the Enable Export section and save it again. -Now you can see the PDF format download option again appearing here on this Course summary report. -Like this, you can enable or disable any particular report format export in the LearnerScript!

12 Reasons for Why You Need This Moodle Analytics Plugin - LearnerScript - 0 views

    When you think of Moodle learning analytics, what problems come to your mind while measuring them? Depending on the context, your answer might change from time to time. What if all such problems you have encountered will be answered in a single Moodle analytics plugin? Yes, LearnerScript is offered as a good analytics and reporting tool to counter all the problems you are facing now. Here in this write-up, 12 reasons are given for why you need this advanced analytics plugin for Moodle LMS. Take the tour of LearnerScript's highlights here and can't agree more!

9 Common Moodle Reports to Know for Multitenancy Moodle/IOMAD - LearnerScript - 0 views

    Multitenancy Moodle and LearnerScript Multitenancy in Moodle Learning Management System (aka Moodle LMS) is a big deal in many aspects of eLearning. The reasons for that for medium to large organizations are obvious and lucid - bringing their individual companies' L&D under one umbrella LMS, with the least possible investment. For that reason, the cost-effective multitenancy Moodle paves the way for the easy control and dispensation of L&D to each company within it, without the interference of them one another. IOMAD, Workplace, and some Corporate LMSes are the best examples of multitenant Moodle platforms...

How to Leverage This Moodle Plugin for Moodle Quiz Analytics - LearnerScript - 1 views

    A brief about Quiz in Moodle The courses in the Moodle Learning Management System (aka Moodle LMS) form its essence. And there are various methods to assess the learning experience of your folks. They include Assignments, Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes. Moodle Quiz is part and parcel of a Moodle course. In the sense, if you are a (Moodle) admin or teacher, you can add a quiz, to check your learners' progress, across the course. In order to form a quiz, you need questions from a Question Bank of your course. It contains a variety of Quiz Question Types in Moodle, which we will discuss separately in another post. So, you save these quiz questions of a course here for usage as and when required...

Moodle Reports Import & Export Feature In LearnerScript - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle Report Import & Export Features explanatory short video. -In this video, you will see how we can import or export a Moodle report in the LearnerScript tool. -Let's dive into the video. -To import a Moodle report in the LearnerScript, you need to click on the Manage reports icon on this LearnerScript dashboard. -Here from this "import report" section you can choose or drag and drop a Moodle report. -Once the report gets imported into LearnerScript, you can see that report in this manage reports dashboard. -Find the imported report on this manage reports dashboard and click on it to check whether the imported report is looking fine or not! -You can also rename this report by clicking on the settings icon beside this report. -You can also delete this report if you don't like it using the cross icon. -If you like any particular Moodle report from the LearnerScript and want to re-use it in another instance then you can export that particular report from this LearnerScript manage reports dashboard. -All you need to do is to select that particular report and click on the export icon beside that report.

Moodle Need Grading Report in LearnerScript - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript - Moodle Need Grading Report explanatory short video. In this video, you will see the Needs grading report which a teacher or instructor uses to see the pending assignments that need grading along with the number of due days. In this LearnerScript demo site Lets login as a "Teacher role". Here on the LearnerScript dashboard you can see the Need Grading report widget, click on the view more button to see this report. Here in the Need grading report, you can see the column names for Users, their associated courses, Assignment names, delay, date submitted, and grades. You can sort these columns according to your need. Use the rows, pagination filters to show the results. If the trainer wants to see the needs grading report for a specific category in Moodle then you need to select that Moodle course category from the LearnerScript dashboard. Here on the LearnerScript dashboard, you can see the Course category filter available. Select any course category to see the Need grading report. Here you can see the Selenium course category filter related Needs grading report widget on this LearnerScript dashboard. Click on the "View more" button link from this widget to see this particular course category-related Needs grading report.

Moodle - BigBlueButton Report Filters in LearnerScript Tool - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript BigBlueButton activity report filters video. -open the BigBlueButton summary report in the LearnerScript tool. -Here you can see different courses and their associated activity types and the respective BBB activity starting date & time details. - As we can see there are multiple courses and dates available in this report, for our convenience we will choose a date and a particular course. -Here you can see the "Diode characteristics" BBB activity started on Thursday, 9th July 2020 at 3:35 PM and 4 students have attended it. -Here can see their BBB session join time details also. -To further explore this report you need to click on the view more button and it will take you to the Active Students Summary Report. -You can use the calendar filter to select any particular date for this Diode characteristics BBB activity selection report. -you can compare this generated report with the BigBlueButton summary report to see when a BBB activity session started and how many students joined along with when they've joined this particular session. -Using the drop-down option in this active students summary report, you can select any particular activity for example "Doubt clarification" BBB activity, and then generate the active students summary report. - here also you can compare this Doubt clarification activity report with the BigBlueButton summary report.

[Part I] How to Understand and Improve Your Moodle LMS Performance - Eabyas - 0 views

    Moodle is undoubtedly the best open-source learning platform, with 248, 250, 478 users (and counting) in 251 countries around the world. And 196, 000+ sites use Moodle for their online learning and development. Those numbers for an open-source technology are overwhelmingly incredible! Your Moodle LMS's performance will be mainly a point of concern as you grow your user-base. There are several things that play a key role in your Moodle Learning Management System's (simply Moodle) performance.
eabyasinfosol - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle Multi-Tenancy User Profile Reporting explanatory short video. -In this video, you can see the IOMAD User Profile report using which you can see the IOMAD users' information like progress, enrollments, completions, SCORMS, badges, etc. of each user and also using this report multiple IOMAD users information can be compared. -Let's dive into the video now. -Here you can see the IOMAD course profile report presented on the LearnerScript tool. -Use the drop-downs to select any specific company, its associated department, and select any particular user to generate this IOMAD user profile report. -in this user profile report you can see his course progress, enrollments, completions, grades, badges, assignments, etc. details. -You can also compare multiple IOMAD user-profiles side-by-side using this report. You just need to select those particular IOMAD users whom you want to be compared with each other. -Here you can even dig further into each IOMAD user's course information that is you can see the details of enrolments, in-progress, completions, SCORMS, quizzes, assignments, badges, etc. And you can compare these with each individual IOMAD users.

Moodle Multi-Tenancy Course Profile Reporting | LearnerScript IOMAD Course Profile Reports - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle Multi-Tenancy Course Profile Reporting explanatory short video. -In this video, you will see the IOMAD course Profile report using which you can see the information like enrollments, activities, badges, etc. of each course, and also using this report multiple course information can be compared. -Let's dive into the video now. -Here you can see the IOMAD course profile report presented on the LearnerScript tool. -Use the drop-downs to select any specific company, its associated department, and select any course to generate this course profile report. -here you can see the course full name, enrollments, completions, total activities, progress, grades, badges, etc. details. -You can compare two or more course profiles information side by side using this report. You just need to select those particular courses which you want to be compared with each other. -Here you can even dig further into the course information that is you can see the details of enrolments, completions, and total activities.

Moodle Multi-Tenancy Learners Reporting - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle Multi-Tenancy Learners Reporting explanatory short video series. In this video, you will see what are the features provided in the LearnerScript tool for the IOMAD Learners progress reporting. Let's dive into the video explanation. -Here we are going to login to the LearnerScript IOMAD demo site as a Manager. -Here on this LearnerScript IOMAD dashboard you can see these two comapany and department selection drop downs. you can select any particular company and its associated Department using these drop down options. -Here on the Learners summary report widget you can see the Learner progress details such as Total Course enrolments, Completions, in-progress courses, grades, badges, etc. for any particular company and it's associated departments. Let's see this Learners summary report in detail. -From here you can select any particular Company from the drop-down and then according to that company selected, you need to select the department from this beside department selection drop-down then click on the "get report" button. -Here using the filter icon you can select any particular Learner from that particular company and its associated department. -You can also make use of the calendar icon to select any particular date range for generating the results. -Using the graph icon you can see the Learner participations and progress reports in graphical formats. -Here on the report table using the sorting feature from the columns you can sort any particular column according to your need. -Using the message feature you can instantly send a direct message to any particular learners from this report.
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