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J.Randolph Radney

Teaching in Social and Technological Networks « Connectivism - 6 views

  • Technological networks have transformed prominent businesses sectors: music, television, financial, manufacturing. Social networks, driven by technological networks, have similarly transformed communication, news, and personal interactions. Education sits at the social/technological nexus of change – primed for dramatic transformative change. In recent posts, I’ve argued for needed systemic innovation. I’d like focus more specifically on how teaching is impacted by social and technological networks.
  • social and technological networks subvert the classroom-based role of the teacher. Networks thin classroom walls. Experts are no longer “out there” or “over there”. Skype brings anyone, from anywhere, into a classroom. Students are not confined to interacting with only the ideas of a researcher or theorist. Instead, a student can interact directly with researchers through Twitter, blogs, Facebook, and listservs. The largely unitary voice of the traditional teacher is fragmented by the limitless conversation opportunities available in networks. When learners have control of the tools of conversation, they also control the conversations in which they choose to engage.
  • Course content is similarly fragmented. The textbook is now augmented with YouTube videos, online articles, simulations, Second Life builds, virtual museums, Diigo content trails, StumpleUpon reflections, and so on.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Thoughts, ideas, or messages that the teacher amplifies will generally have a greater probability of being seen by course participants.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      definition of amplification
  • Views of teaching, of learner roles, of literacies, of expertise, of control, and of pedagogy are knotted together. Untying one requires untying the entire model.
  • The following are roles teacher play in networked learning environments: 1. Amplifying 2. Curating 3. Wayfinding and socially-driven sensemaking 4. Aggregating 5. Filtering 6. Modelling 7. Persistent presence
  • The curator, in a learning context, arranges key elements of a subject in such a manner that learners will “bump into” them throughout the course. Instead of explicitly stating “you must know this”, the curator includes critical course concepts in her dialogue with learners, her comments on blog posts, her in-class discussions, and in her personal reflections.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      definition of curating
  • I found my way through personal trial and error. Today’s social web is no different – we find our way through active exploration. Designers can aid the wayfinding process through consistency of design and functionality across various tools, but ultimately, it is the responsibility of the individual to click/fail/recoup and continue.
  • Fortunately, the experience of wayfinding is now augmented by social systems.
  • Sensemaking in complex environments is a social process.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      Therefore, the teacher helps with wayfinding, but it is also the province of the learning community.
  • Perhaps we need to spend more time in information abundant environments before we turn to aggregation as a means of making sense of the landscape.
  • magine a course where the fragmented conversations and content are analyzed (monitored) through a similar service. Instead of creating a structure of the course in advance of the students starting (the current model), course structure emerges through numerous fragmented interactions. “Intelligence” is applied after the content and interactions start, not before.
  • Aggregation should do the same – reveal the content and conversation structure of the course as it unfolds, rather than defining it in advance.
  • Filtering resources is an important educator role, but as noted already, effective filtering can be done through a combination of wayfinding, social sensemaking, and aggregation. But expertise still matters. Educators often have years or decades of experience in a field. As such, they are familiar with many of the concepts, pitfalls, confusions, and distractions that learners are likely to encounter.
  • To teach is to model and to demonstrate. To learn is to practice and to reflect.”
  • Apprenticeship learning models are among the most effective in attending to the full breadth of learning.
  • Without an online identity, you can’t connect with others – to know and be known. I don’t think I’m overstating the importance of have a presence in order to participate in networks. To teach well in networks – to weave a narrative of coherence with learners – requires a point of presence. As a course progresses, the teacher provides summary comments, synthesizes discussions, provides critical perspectives, and directs learners to resources they may not have encountered before.
    This is a discussion of connectivist learning, particularly the teacher's role(s).
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Teach Online with Moodle - 3 views

    Dear Members of IT4ALL, 2012 is going to be a great year for teaching and learning with technology. You are invited to learn how to enhance your class with technology by learning to teach and be the administrator of Moodle course and learning management system. There are many free and low cost workshops on google docs, blended learning, learning to install and use, how to create WebQuests, Writing Academic Papers, creating e-portfolios and how to integrate technology into your classes. You are invited to join our small group (under 20) low cost 6-week workshops for Moodle for Teacher Administrators at the basic ($150) and advanced ($120) levels.The two workshops provide participants with two Moodle labs to practice as administrators of Moodle. One lab is for 1.9 and one for 2.2. Participants learn how to install and manage Moodle as administrators and facilitate their own online courses. Each participant receive individual attention throughout the workshop. For more information, please contact me and the course syllabus: and Have a wonderful holiday season and a great 2012!!! Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D

How to Choose an [Moodle] LMS System for Higher Edu Sector - Eabyas - 1 views

    Almost every industry keeps pace up with technology for effective processes, resource management, and innovative solutions. However, there is an exception - the education industry lags behind in embracing eLearning tools and technologies. There is no iota of doubt that traditional classrooms and learning methods offer indelible one-on-one or one-to-many learning experiences across the campuses. The Higher Edu organizations are stuck in a rut. To my dismay, they aren't the pioneers to embrace the technologies, but the opposite...
J.Randolph Radney

Simply Speaking - Teaching and Learning with Technology - 3 views

  • Simply Speaking is a series of brief videos created by Teaching and Learning with Technology that explain technology topics in everyday language and with a little humor. They are modeled after the "... in plain english" videos that explain more general technologies such as Google Docs.
J.Randolph Radney

Students prefer good lectures over the latest technology in class | University Affairs - 3 views

  • they want lectures. They want to listen to a professor who’s engaging, who’s intellectually stimulating and who delivers the content to them,” says Vivek Venkatesh, associate dean of academic programs and development in the school of graduate studies at Concordia University.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      Perhaps what students WANT is not what is best for them. Are they being lazy learners to expect a teacher to 'deliver content', as compare with more active learning strategies?
  • The reporter fails to mention that the majority of both teachers and students like technology in the classroom. And then tries to turn this report into one that is anti-technology.
  • But frankly when I find an eager proponent of, say, group work and student-directed discussions, I often (although not always) find a professor who simply can't lecture; and, worse, is not liked by their students.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      It is possible, however, to be a professor who lectures well and still prefers the use of more active learning in the classroom.
J.Randolph Radney

Don't Confuse Technology With Teaching - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 5 views

  • Education is not the transmission of information or ideas. Education is the training needed to make use of information and ideas. As information breaks loose from bookstores and libraries and floods onto computers and mobile devices, that training becomes more important, not less.
  • Educators are coaches, personal trainers in intellectual fitness. The value we add to the media extravaganza is like the value the trainer adds to the gym or the coach adds to the equipment. We provide individualized instruction in how to evaluate and make use of information and ideas, teaching people how to think for themselves.
  • A set of podcasts is the 21st-century equivalent of a textbook, not the 21st-century equivalent of a teacher.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Technology can make education better. It will do so, in part, by forcing us to reflect on what education is, identify what only a person can do, and devote educators' time to that.
J.Randolph Radney

Technology a key tool in writing instruction | Community | - 1 views

  • The report found that the use of Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, podcasts, wikis, and comics-creating software can heighten students’ engagement and enhance their writing and thinking skills in all grade levels and across all subjects.
  • “The experience of these nine teachers reminds us of the central role they play in true education reform. It’s teachers who are the technology drivers, seeking out digital tools, learning them, testing them, and finally implementing them successfully in their classrooms,” said Sharon J. Washington, executive director of NWP.
  • Students also must have an opportunity to write about real issues and for a real audience outside of their classroom. They should be able to get responses from other students in and out of the classroom, and to collaborate on writing projects. All of these things, Eidman-Aadahl said, can be done by using the internet.
    This is an article on the use of Web 2.0 tools in writing classes.
J.Randolph Radney

Cramming computers: It's still the same old story | Clayton Christensen - 2 views

  • The New York Times woke many with a start over the weekend when it reported in its Sunday edition on a school in Arizona investing lots of money in technology but seemingly getting few results from the investment, as student test scores remained stagnant.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Integrating Technology for Active Life-long Learning (IT4ALL) - 3 views

    The November Moodle for Teacher 2-week course is starting on November 15:
J.Randolph Radney

neccunplugged - home - 6 views

  • ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) conference, the "world's premier educational technology event (formerly the National Educational Computing Conference, NECC). Each year nearly 20,000 enthusiastic ed tech professionals and corporate representatives from around the globe unite for five days of professional learning, collaboration, and hands-on demonstration of the best new technologies for the classroom, school, or district."
J.Randolph Radney

Free Technology for Teachers: 47 Alternatives to Using YouTube in the Classroom - 3 views

    Some resources for teachers who may not be able to use YouTube in their schools

BLOGGING 2.0 IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION: I wish you a Christmas with peace my friends and... - 1 views

    I wish you a Christmas with peace my friends and my #edtech20 PLN ; the Birth of Son of God , the reason for Christmas . I invite you to join #edtech20 facebook page has a new look . Do you like ? If you like please post useful information for teachers related to integrating eSafety of new technologies web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0 . Using #edtech20 hastag All the posts will appear on the main page . Let's collaborate and share knowledge toghether also when you join eSafety in #edtech20 PLN
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Course: Moodle for Teacher (M4T) Introductory Course - 2 views

    Join the next 2-week Moodle course for teachers on September 15 an learn about and practice the resources, activities and blocks available on Moodle 2.2.3:
J.Randolph Radney

untitled - 0 views

  • Faculty members at many campuses have been debating whether they should ban laptops in class. At Cornell University, students are trying to change the discussion. The Student Assembly there adopted a resolution last month pushing for “greater freedom of student laptop usage” in certain classes.
  • But realistically, he said, faculty members can't develop a single, catch-all policy for laptop usage -- there is simply too much variation in class sizes, teaching styles, course levels and subject matter to expect the same policy to apply to every instructor.
  • Katherine Fahey, director of Student Disability Services, supports technology use in the classroom -- if not as a full-on policy, then at least in the sense that all students feel comfortable asking for an exception.   “In courses in which the instructor believes that learning is enhanced by students not using laptops, there should be an opportunity for any student to request an exception based on individual learning style, the impact of one’s disability or other factors,” Fahey said in an email. But even asking to overrule a professor’s classroom technology policy can be uncomfortable for many students, especially at the beginning of the semester when there is no established relationship.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Moodle for Teacher Administrators (M4TA) - 0 views

    Moodle for Teacher Administrators (M4TA) 6-week online workshop for those who wish to be administrators of 2.0 or 1.9 Moodle (see syllabus: The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Nellie Deutsch, an experienced admin of a few Moodles and facilitator of Moodle for Teachers workshops and Dariem Garcés Urquiza the tech support person for IT4ALL and creator of the WebQuest module for Moodle. Join the January 2012 course to ensure your place (first 20). Moodle for Administrators is a 6-week workshop for teachers who wish to be an administrator of a Moodle (see syllabus). The tuition for the course is $150 with ongoing support. Enroll today for the next workshop that will begin on January 10, 2012:
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