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5 Canned Reports to Start Your Moodle Reporting With LearnerScript | 5 Default Reports ... - 0 views

    LearnerScript, the Moodle reporting tool, is something that can be used right away, with or without minimal configuration after you plug it in on your Moodle. To make it happen, this Moodle analytics tool comes with a set of useful Canned Reports or default reports. Let's dive into the video now to check the 5 most common Canned Reports from LearnerScript to Start Your Moodle reporting journey. #1. Course Summary: Course Summary is one of the most common Canned reports. Since the Moodle platform is primarily course-based, this default report on LearnerScript is even more useful. In this report, drill down each metric such as enrolments, activities, assignments, grades, time spent, etc., to evaluate your course further.  In addition to this, do the comparative analysis of courses side by side. It will help you know why a certain course is faring well and why others do not. #2. Learners Summary This Canned report on LearnerScript shows the complete learning process of your learners. The metrics include his enrolled courses, in-progress ones, completed courses, badges, grades, etc. drill down some of the components of the Learner Summary to get more insights from the report. You can do the Comparative Analysis of learners to learn how different learners are going forward about their learning. #3. Quiz Summary In this report, you will see the highlights of all your quizzes as the Moodle Teacher report (role). This Canned report includes metrics such as quiz, course name, grades, total attempts, completed learners, in-progress learners, etc. This same report is available to the Moodle student role with metrics such as quiz name, the number of attempts, the marks he scored, etc. #4. Assignment Summary This Canned report mainly showcases the columns such as submitted learners, completed learners, non-graded learners, total time spent, number of views, various grades, etc. This is another Canned report available on the Moodle Teacher reports and t

6 Helpful Moodle Statistics Reports for Students on LearnerScript | Moodle Report Tiles... - 1 views

    6 Helpful Moodle Statistics Reports for Students Welcome to this LearnerScript Moodle statistics report for students explanatory short video. In this video, you will see how a student or learner can log in to his LearnerScript account and check his Moodle course statistics reports or report progress using the LearnerScript tiles feature. First, you need to log in as a "student" to check the LearnerScript dashboard. once logged into LearnerScript you can see the following Moodle statistics reports which are helpful for every Moodle learner or student. 1. Enrolled Courses: This tile/statistics report gives the count of total enrolled courses by the student. He can see his course participation from the same report. 2. Site Visits: The objective behind the statistics report is to figure out how frequently your student visits the Moodle learning management system (LMS). 3. Average Time-spent on LMS: this report shows students the average amount of time he spends overall on his Moodle activities. 4. No Login Courses: this report shows a student that he has not logged in yet to so and so (number of) courses. 5. My Quizzes: This tile reports the learning analytics related to the quizzes on the courses enrolled by the Moodle students. It makes a comparison-kind of things about the quizzes, total quizzes across the enrolled courses, and the completed ones to the student. 6. My Assignments: Since assignments play a crucial role in the learning process of a Moodle student, this report becomes useful. Using this Moodle statistics report a student can make himself aware of his learning ability in finishing up his assignments. So these are the six Moodle statistics reports in general. However, customize any of these reports or create a new one on LearnerScript. Because this Moodle analytics plugin is such a custom-friendly one for Moodle users.

How to Check Top 10 Participation Moodle Forum Reports? | Moodle Forum Participation Re... - 0 views

    How to Check Top 10 Participation Moodle Forum Reports? In this LearnerScript features explanatory short video you will see how we can check the top 10 most and least participated Moodle Forum details based on posts count & discussion count on LearnerScript reporting plugin. Let's dive into the video now! In this LearnerScript New Dashboard, we can see the "FOrum participation by Learners "table that contains 17 Forums and their progress details. Let's check the top 10 most & least participated Moodle forums based on Forum discussion counts in this "Forum participation report" table. To do so You need to limit the table results to 10 then you need to sort this table by the "Total Discussions" column in descending order! You can see here the top 10 most participated Moodle Forum details are shown below. You can see the "Forum" in "Finance" Moodle course has the most discussions count with 9 Forum Discussions and followed by other courses forums... Similarly, you can check the Least discussions count Moodle Forums details. To do so you need to sort this table by "Total Discussions" column in Ascending order! Now you can see here the least discussions Moodle forums with 1 discussion count and followed by other forums. ================ Similarly, Let's check the top 10 most & least participated Moodle forums details based on Forum posts count. here you need to limit the results to 10 and sort by posts column in descending order. You can see here the top 10 Moodle Forum posts details are shown below. You can see the "Social Forum" in "Healthcare Marketplace" Moodle course has the most number of forum posts count with 4 posts and followed by other courses forums... Similarly, you can check the Least posted Moodle Forums details. you need to sort this table by "posts" column in Ascending order! Now you can see here the System testing forum 2 has the least participated Moodle forums with 0 posts count and followed by other forums...

5 Moodle Report Actions to Use from LearnerScript || Helpful LearnerScript Report Actio... - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript feature explanatory short video, In this video, you will see, the 5 Moodle Report Actions to Use from LearnerScript for Insightful Learning Analytics. Let's dive into the video now... For demonstration purposes let's apply all these 5 LearnerScript report actions on the "BigBlueButton Summary report" from this "Course" Dashboard. To do so you need to visit the "manage reports" page and scroll down till you find "BigBlueButton Summary report" here. On the right side of this BigBlueButton Summary report, you can see the 5 Moodle report actions. Let's cover all these actions one after the other... 1. Edit: Revise Your Moodle Report This 'Edit' action helps you change this BigBlueButton Summary report, you can change its name, report type, SQL coding, columns, calculations, export options, graph/chart type, etc. as per your requirement. 2. Duplicate: Replicate Your Moodle Report Using the duplicate report action you can replicate any particular moodle report as per your need. For example, let's duplicate this BigBlueButton summary report by clicking on this action icon. Here you can see that the exact Copy of the BigBlueButton Summary report has been recreated. 3. Delete: Remove Your Moodle Report Use this report action to make your LearnerScript free from any unwanted or outdated Moodle reports. For suppose we don't want this recently created duplicate BigBlueButton Summary report. So to remove this report click on the delete action icon and confirm the deletion. After refreshing the page you can see the Copy BigBlueButton summary report has been removed. 4. Hide: Repose Your Moodle Report You can hide Moodle Report from your Manager, Teacher, Student, etc. Let's hide this BigBlueButton Summary report for example. After selecting the hide option you can see that this particular report has been hidden on this Course dashboard. Let's show this particular report again by clicking on this EYE action icon. After refreshi

9 Moodle Reports Related to Courses on Moodle LMS || 9 LearnerScript Report Types For M... - 1 views

    9 Moodle Reports Related to Courses on Moodle LMS   Welcome to the LearnerScript feature explanatory short video, In this video, you will see 9 most common Reports Related to Moodle Courses on LearnerScript   Let's dive into the video now...   #1. Course Activity Summary:   This report summarizes all course activities in a single report, with all the related course metrics. Use this Activity column sort option to check all course activities and their metrics.   #2. Course Competency Summary   Using this Course competency summary report Teachers/managers can check who has completed which competency in a particular Moodle course.   #3. Course Participation   The Course Participation tile/statistics report shows us how many completions have happened out of the enrolments at the site level, at any given period.    #4. Course Performance | Topic-wise   In the Course Performance report, check each student's progress in each topic of a course. Also, see the performance (topic-wise) of your folks enrolled in their respective courses available in your Moodle LMS. Use the filter above to change the course report.   #5. Course Profile   the Course Profile showcases the number of enrolments, completions, the progress of the course, various grades, badges, total activities, total time spent on it, enrolment methods, and sundry. Moreover, do make a comparative analysis of two or more courses at a time on LearnerScript.   #6. Course Views by Learners   Course views of your students help you know how they engage themselves with the courses they enrolled in.  This Moodle report shows up the number of hits i.e. number of times the Course is visited by your student.   #7. Course-wise User Time-spent   The Course-wise User Time-spent reports the amount of time spent on it by its learner. Use the course filter from above to find out any particular course-related most amount of total time spender and the least total time one.   #8. Courses   the Courses report

Multitenancy Moodle Course Activity Completion Report in LearnerScript |IOMAD Course Ac... - 0 views

    Multi-Tenancy Moodle Course Activity Completion Report in LearnerScript Welcome to the LearnerScript feature explanatory short video, In this video, Using LearnerScript, How we can track Multi-Tenancy Moodle Course-related top learners with most Activity Completions. Let's dive into the video now... To track Multi-Tenancy Moodle Course-related top learners with most Activity Completions, In this LearnerScript IOMAD Dashboard, you need to go to the manage reports section and scroll down till you find the "Top Learners" report. Using these multi-tenancy filters you can select any particular company, its department, and any particular Moodle course. Here in the below report table, you can see details such as learners, and their completed assignments, quizzes, SCORMS, activities, and grades. To track the details of learners with most activity completions you need to sort this table using the Completed Activities column in Descending order. Here you can see these are the top course activity completions counts by each learner. Using this "learns filter" you can search for any particular learner details as well. Let's show this top learners report in graphical format and to do so select add graph from the above menu then select "Bar" type from this dropdown. Enter chart name, Select series column, Y-axis value, and sort by "completed Activities" in "Descending" order then click on Add button. Here you can see this "Completed Activities" graph showing us the top learners and their completed activities count details. Similarly, this time let's select the "Artificial intelligence" Moodle course to see top learners' details with most activities completion. After sorting the completed activities column in descending order you can see that these are the top learners of the "Artificial intelligence" moodle course who have completed most of the activities. Let's show this course activities completion report in graphical format! This time let's select a different c

How to Leverage This Moodle Plugin for Moodle Quiz Analytics - LearnerScript - 1 views

    A brief about Quiz in Moodle The courses in the Moodle Learning Management System (aka Moodle LMS) form its essence. And there are various methods to assess the learning experience of your folks. They include Assignments, Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes. Moodle Quiz is part and parcel of a Moodle course. In the sense, if you are a (Moodle) admin or teacher, you can add a quiz, to check your learners' progress, across the course. In order to form a quiz, you need questions from a Question Bank of your course. It contains a variety of Quiz Question Types in Moodle, which we will discuss separately in another post. So, you save these quiz questions of a course here for usage as and when required...
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Moodle for Teacher Administrators (M4TA) - 0 views

    Moodle for Teacher Administrators (M4TA) 6-week online workshop for those who wish to be administrators of 2.0 or 1.9 Moodle (see syllabus: The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Nellie Deutsch, an experienced admin of a few Moodles and facilitator of Moodle for Teachers workshops and Dariem Garcés Urquiza the tech support person for IT4ALL and creator of the WebQuest module for Moodle. Join the January 2012 course to ensure your place (first 20). Moodle for Administrators is a 6-week workshop for teachers who wish to be an administrator of a Moodle (see syllabus). The tuition for the course is $150 with ongoing support. Enroll today for the next workshop that will begin on January 10, 2012:

9 Common Moodle Reports to Know for Multitenancy Moodle/IOMAD - LearnerScript - 0 views

    Multitenancy Moodle and LearnerScript Multitenancy in Moodle Learning Management System (aka Moodle LMS) is a big deal in many aspects of eLearning. The reasons for that for medium to large organizations are obvious and lucid - bringing their individual companies' L&D under one umbrella LMS, with the least possible investment. For that reason, the cost-effective multitenancy Moodle paves the way for the easy control and dispensation of L&D to each company within it, without the interference of them one another. IOMAD, Workplace, and some Corporate LMSes are the best examples of multitenant Moodle platforms...
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Moodle Mania on Facebook - 4 views

Moodle Mania caters to Moodle users - teachers, administrators, and/or anyone interested in using Moodle for online instruction and learning. MOODLE stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Lea...

Moodle Mania Online Learning Blended

started by Dr. Nellie Deutsch on 21 Apr 13 no follow-up yet

6 Filters on LearnerScript for Quick Moodle Analytics - LearnerScript - 0 views

    Who doesn't love a 'thing' which cuts through a long process/the oodles of data and gives you what exactly they search for? Filters on LearnerScript will do the same for you, as you are already aware of if you are a Moodle admin, teacher, or student. There are six important filters on LearnerScript. You will quickly get through the Moodle analytics to get 'what you look for', by using them. One more thing. In case you do not know what LearnerScript is, here is the gist: LearnerScript offers Moodle analytics for Moodle and IOMAD. Available as a Moodle plugin, this reporting tool has the respective demo sites. Walkthrough a demo site whenever you feel like wanting more info. And there you will spot all these filters by yourself. Each of these filters intends to do a specific job.

[Part I] How to Understand and Improve Your Moodle LMS Performance - Eabyas - 0 views

    Moodle is undoubtedly the best open-source learning platform, with 248, 250, 478 users (and counting) in 251 countries around the world. And 196, 000+ sites use Moodle for their online learning and development. Those numbers for an open-source technology are overwhelmingly incredible! Your Moodle LMS's performance will be mainly a point of concern as you grow your user-base. There are several things that play a key role in your Moodle Learning Management System's (simply Moodle) performance.

5 Canned Reports to Start Your Moodle Reporting With - LearnerScript - 1 views

    LearnerScript, the Moodle reporting tool, is something that can be used right away, with or without minimal configuration after you plug it in on your Moodle. To make it happen, this Moodle analytics tool comes with a set of useful Canned Reports (or default reports, in other words). This Moodle plugin provides you with 85 plus Canned Reports as of now. Down the line, more of such reports will be added to this list of Canned Reports and are made to be available to Moodle users. Let's see the most common Canned reports...

4 Moodle Report Formats Useful for Report Exporting - 0 views

    Report formats in Moodle analytics play their fair share of a role. LearnerScript is here to talk about them and let you know about them in your Moodle reporting. How do you want it to be when you create a custom Moodle report? I mean the download/export format of your report? Here in this blog post, we will discuss four Moodle report formats that are useful for report exporting. And, all these four report exporting formats include in LearnerScript for the convenience of Moodle educators. Let's move to the subject quickly...
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Teach Online with Moodle - 3 views

    Dear Members of IT4ALL, 2012 is going to be a great year for teaching and learning with technology. You are invited to learn how to enhance your class with technology by learning to teach and be the administrator of Moodle course and learning management system. There are many free and low cost workshops on google docs, blended learning, learning to install and use, how to create WebQuests, Writing Academic Papers, creating e-portfolios and how to integrate technology into your classes. You are invited to join our small group (under 20) low cost 6-week workshops for Moodle for Teacher Administrators at the basic ($150) and advanced ($120) levels.The two workshops provide participants with two Moodle labs to practice as administrators of Moodle. One lab is for 1.9 and one for 2.2. Participants learn how to install and manage Moodle as administrators and facilitate their own online courses. Each participant receive individual attention throughout the workshop. For more information, please contact me and the course syllabus: and Have a wonderful holiday season and a great 2012!!! Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D

Moodle Reports Import & Export Feature In LearnerScript - 0 views

    Welcome to the LearnerScript Moodle Report Import & Export Features explanatory short video. -In this video, you will see how we can import or export a Moodle report in the LearnerScript tool. -Let's dive into the video. -To import a Moodle report in the LearnerScript, you need to click on the Manage reports icon on this LearnerScript dashboard. -Here from this "import report" section you can choose or drag and drop a Moodle report. -Once the report gets imported into LearnerScript, you can see that report in this manage reports dashboard. -Find the imported report on this manage reports dashboard and click on it to check whether the imported report is looking fine or not! -You can also rename this report by clicking on the settings icon beside this report. -You can also delete this report if you don't like it using the cross icon. -If you like any particular Moodle report from the LearnerScript and want to re-use it in another instance then you can export that particular report from this LearnerScript manage reports dashboard. -All you need to do is to select that particular report and click on the export icon beside that report.

How to Enable or Disable Moodle Report Table Using LearnerScript? - 0 views

    How to Enable or Disable Moodle Report Table Using LearnerScript? Welcome to the LearnerScript feature explanatory short video, In this video, you will see using LearnerScript, How we can Enable or Disable Moodle Report tables. Let's dive into the video now... From this LearnerScript dashboard go to the "manage reports" page and select the "course summary" report. Here in this course summary report, you can see the participation graph and in the below section showing us the course summary report table. Let's disable this Moodle report table by Using the edit option from the menu. Click on the "Expand All" option and scroll down till you find the "Disable table" option below. Now Check the "Disable for table" option and then click on "Next" and click "Save". Here you can see that in this course summary report we can now only see the participation graph report only. Let's enable the report table so that we could see it here again! Click on the edit option and select the "Expand All" option, scroll towards the bottom and uncheck the Disable table option and click "Next" then click the "Save" option. Now you can see here that the course summary report table has been enabled again. Similarly, let's try this feature for one more report. From this "manage reports" page let's select the "Top Learners" Moodle report. In this report, you can see that only the graph is shown and the report table is not available. Let's enable the table for this report. Go to the edit option from the menu and click on "Expand All" then scroll towards the bottom and Uncheck the "Disable table" option. Click next and save. Now you can see this "top learners report" showing us both graph and report table as well. This is how you can enable or disable any Moodle report tables using LearnerScript.

5 Moodle Report Actions to Use from LearnerScript - LearnerScript - 0 views

    Moodle reports make themselves an indispensable part of your eLearning initiative to train your folks in the right direction. Without the insights from these reports reduce your Learning and Development (L&D) to mere 'namesake learning.' That is the training/learning of your folks will be like watering a tree that doesn't bear fruit. Likewise, what's the use of learning without learning analytics? That is why we, one of the Moodle partners, have introduced LearnerScript which is a Moodle reporting tool for advanced Moodle analytics. So every report you create/use the existing report templates (aka Canned Reports) comes with these user-friendly report actions. These are as follows...

11 Important Regular Tasks of Moodle Admin - Eabyas - 0 views

    The administrator role in Moodle learning management system (LMS) is one of the three default roles. And it's crucial; something like it's akin to the role of the captain in a ship, given the tasks the role performs. So, here in this blog post, we will focus our discussion on the important tasks (at least a few of them!)of a Moodle admin. By the way, this blog will be helpful (we hope so!) to those geeks who wanna take up the Moodle administration as their long-term career. Let's dive into the tasks of a Moodle admin straight away...

How to Add Course Content in the Moodle LMS - Eabyas - 0 views

    How about having an engaging course on your Moodle LMS? And who doesn't like to create such a course if they are a teacher, an admin, or a course creator? Hence the contents of your course play a king's role in the successful engagement of your course. So, how to add content to your Moodle course? If you are a beginner in the Moodle administration, make no mistake. Add some content to a course as we show you in the following step-by-step beginner guide. Let's get started and create a wonderful course on Moodle LMS...
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