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David Boxer

Students Distracted by Screens? The #1 Antidote - from Tom Daccord on Edudemic - 0 views

    "More importantly, it happens in K-12 classrooms all the time.  I know because when teachers relate stories of engaged students using technology, their students all ask the same question: "Can I have more time to work on it?" The ingredients for cooking up engaging activities vary, but certain elements are constant. For one, the activities are challenging and expectations high. There's no "click-along-with-me-and-do-what-I-do-kids" passiveness in these classrooms. Instead, it's more like: "This is hard. And I'm not going to show you how to do it. But I expect what you create will be excellent." There's also an authentic audience. Tell students you're going to present their work at a conference, or submit it to a state publication, and then watch the heightened focus in their eyes. Yet, the audience doesn't necessarily need to be outside the school walls. Just tell them you're going to show their work to other classes and teachers. As one teacher noted: "I didn't realize how little I mattered, until I told my students that I was going to publish all their work to an audience." And great teachers figure out other ways to make kids care. They personalize the content - drawing connections to kids' lives - and help students understand why what they're doing is important."
Renee Hawkins

Q&A: Cathy Davidson on Institution Building to Prepare Students for the Information Age... - 1 views

  • s cofounder of Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory,
  • Cathy Davidson on Institution Building to Prepare Students for the Information Age
  • Six or seven years ago, the conversation in many other venues was almost all about EdTech.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • university admissions officers were involved in our project as well, campaigning for new kinds of standards. Until college admissions change the kind of testing that measures who does and doesn’t get into college, high school can’t change, and if high school doesn’t change, grade school can’t change. If grade school can’t change, kindergarten can’t change, and if kindergarten can’t change, preschool isn’t going to change.
    • Renee Hawkins
      High School college counselors have more influence on digital teaching and learning in high schools than any other individual or policy.
  • more corporations involved—not in terms of the corporatizing of public education but rather in being more vocal and persuasive about the kind of workforce that is needed today and the mismatch between the training we support in our schools and the demands of a changing workplace.
  • they hire brilliant students with excellent test scores and grades and then find that they are so focused on getting the right answers that they don’t actually know how to do what is essential—which is identifying what you don’t know, and then finding out who can help you get the answers.
  • excited about connecting worlds that aren’t traditionally connected—game designers with teachers with institutional authorities like superintendents, principals, and school boards.
  • People are beginning to see that “digital media and learning” isn’t just about the machines; it’s about a new way of thinking and learning.
    Cathy Davidson looks at the transition from EdTech to Digital Media Learning.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Positive Impact of Technology On Education - EdTechReview (ETR) - 2 views

    Technology's Impact on Education infographic
David Boxer

Healthier Testing Made Easy: The Idea of Authentic Assessment | Edutopia - 1 views

    ""The big point -- it comes up over and over again as crucial -- is the importance of quick and detailed feedback. Students overwhelmingly report that the single most important ingredient for making a course effective is getting rapid response on assignments and quizzes. ... An overwhelming majority are convinced that their best learning takes place when they have a chance to submit an early version of their work, get detailed feedback and criticism, and then hand in a final revised version. ... Students improve and are engaged when they receive feedback (and opportunities to use it) on realistic tasks requiring transfer at the heart of learning goals and real-world demands.""
David Boxer

Deeper Learning: Performance Assessment and Authentic Audience | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Change Your Gradebook into a Logbook Only list things in your gradebook that students and parents can Google. If the search of that assignment title doesn't bring up the beginning of the breadcrumb trail you intended, then you need to word it better. I used to list things like "Quiz 1" or "Homework from Chapter 3" in my gradebook. No one has any idea what those are, and if those scores are low, no one has any idea how the kid can improve them. This is opposite of how psychology shows that humans work. We want to be shown our mistakes so we can fix them. Student grades need to fluidly move up and down as kids show learning, retention or lack thereof. So, start listing the big ideas from your course as your assignments. "
David Boxer

Project RED - 0 views

    "Project RED conducted the first and only national study of education technology to focus on student achievement and financial implications. In our research of nearly 1,000 schools, we discovered a replicable design for successfully introducing technology into the classroom- one that leads to improved student performance and cost benefits. "
David Boxer

1:1 Things to Think about When Considering a 1 - Google Drive - 1 views

    "Moving a campus to one-to-one is a huge change for schools when properly implemented. It can and should change the ways that teachers teach and students learn. The technology allows for lessons to be enhanced in ways that are nearly impossible without the use of it. But before any of this can happen, there should be a lengthy period of discussion and research, and certain questions must be answered by all involved. Here are some of the questions to consider."
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Another View on iPad Keyboards | Multiple Pathways - 0 views

    Studies show that there is little advantage to physical keyboards vs the virtual keyboards on tablets.
Renee Hawkins

Four Tips to Keep Students on Track When Using Devices in Class | MindShift - 5 views

    Advice on ways to manage digital devices in your classroom.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Q&A: Howard Rheingold on Using Technology to Take Learning into Our Own Hands | Spotlig... - 0 views

    Technology allows students to take learning into their own hands.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Q&A: Mimi Ito on Connected Learning for All | Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning - 0 views

    Mimi iTo, a cultural anthropologist, looks at technology and today's learners.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

26 Instructional Activities on the IPAD from A to Z by courtney pepe on Prezi - 0 views

    Prezi from a high school professional development session.
Renee Hawkins

Jamie McKenzie: From Now On - Great Digital Lessons - 1 views

    Jamie McKenzie has been around for a long, long time along with his Educational Technology Journal "From Now On."  
David Boxer

125 Top Blogs on Blended Learning - Getting Smart by Katie Vander Ark - #blendchat, Adv... - 1 views

    "Last year we published a list of 60+ blended learning articles. With the extensive use of blended learning in classrooms and lots of shared success stories, we doubled that total.  Following are 125 blogs by category."
    This is great! Thanks for sharing this. It will help with my lit review on blended learning
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads - from Greg on Edudemic | Leading Change in ... - 0 views

    Ways to collaborate using iPads
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Learning Without Frontiers | Learning, Innovation and Society - 0 views

    Current thinking on learning and education
Teresa Sengel

Amidst a Mobile Revolution in Schools, Will Old Teaching Tactics Work? | MindShift - 0 views

  • The point at which kids learn is when they go into their community and research noteworthy historical sites to understand their significance.
  • What the mobile phone added was an immediacy to the task at hand. Was it imperative to the learning process? Probably not. But did the QR creation make the project more interesting, more relevant to their lives, and thus more personal for students? That’s what educators are betting on.
  • When the child takes a picture with a phone, the child can then integrate the picture into an artifact that also contains a concept map, an animation, etc. In fact, the picture can be imported into a drawing program, then labeled with text. So it is more than a camera.”
    A focus on the pedagogy required to fully embrace mobile technologies.
    Things to consider when selecting tech tools
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Mobile Learning: Resource Roundup | Edutopia - 0 views

    Resources on mobile learning categorized by topic.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Mobile Schools for a Mobile World - 0 views

    Mobile Schools for a Mobile World - Independent School Magazine - thoughts on changing pedagogy along with changing technology
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

@Ignatia Webs: 20 strategies for learner interactions in mobile #MOOC - 0 views

    Research on strategies learners use with mobile devices
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