Even though heutagogy is usually defined and described for adult learners, given
these times where we are living with open education resources and information abundance, learners as young
as the elementary level have the potential to engage in educational experiences
based on heutagogy. In other words, they can engage in
self-determined and self-driven learning where they are not only deciding the
direction of their learning journey but they can also
The point at which kids learn is when they go into their community and research
noteworthy historical sites to understand their significance.
What the mobile phone added was an immediacy to the task at hand. Was it
imperative to the learning process? Probably not. But did the QR creation make
the project more interesting, more relevant to their lives, and thus more
personal for students? That’s what educators are betting on.
When the child takes a picture with a phone, the child can then integrate the
picture into an artifact that also contains a concept map, an animation, etc. In
fact, the picture can be imported into a drawing program, then labeled with
text. So it is more than a camera.”