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brandon casiano

Childeric I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 9 views

  • Childeric I (c. 440– c. 481) was the Merovingian king of the Salian Franks from 457 until his death, and the father of Clovis. He succeeded his father Merovech as king, traditionally in 457 or 458. With his Frankish warband he was established with his capital at Tournai, on lands which he had received as a foederatus of the Romans, and for some time he kept the peace with his allies. In about 463 in Orléans, in conjunction with the Roman General Aegidius, who was based in Soissons, he defeated the Visigoths, who hoped to extend their dominion along the banks of the Loire River. After the death of Aegidius, he first assisted Comes ("count") Paul of Angers, together with a mixed band of Gallo-Romans and Franks, in defeating the Goths and taking booty. Odoacer reached Angers but Childeric arrived the next day and a battle ensued. Count Paul was killed and Childeric took the city. Childeric, having delivered Angers, followed a Saxon warband to the islands on the Atlantic mouth of the Loire, and massacred them there. In a change of alliances, he also joined forces with Odoacer, according to Gregory of Tours, to stop a band of the Alamanni who wished to invade Italy. The stories of his expulsion by the Franks, whose women he was taking; of his eight-year stay in Thuringia with King Basin and his wife Basina; of his return when a faithful servant advised him that he could safely do so by sending to him half of a piece of gold which he had broken with him; and of the arrival in Tournai of Queen Basina, whom he married, come from Gregory of Tours' Libri Historiarum (Book ii.12). He died in 481 and was buried in Tournai, leaving a son Clovis, afterwards king of the Franks.
    • Aahlya Mendez
      The Childeric's were smart.They were very good people.I wonder if they were ever good guard. Mr. do u think they were ever good gaurds and smart people.Also who is the Salatian why did they call them selfs the salatians franks.
    • adonys conde
      they may have been smart but they ended up getting in to a war with the romans because the romans believed in one god and the childeric's had their believes as well
  • Childeric I (c. 440– c. 481) was the Merovingian king of the Salian Franks from 457 until his death, and the father of Clovis. He succeeded his father Merovech as king, traditionally in 457 or 458. With his Frankish warband he was established with his capital at Tournai, on lands which he had received as a foederatus of the Romans, and for some time he kept the peace with his allies.
    • Gabriela Morales
      Childeric was the son of Merovech. Merovech was the first leader of the Franks. He was also the start of the Merovingian Dynasty. Which means Childeric would be the next Heir. After him would be Clovis his son.
    • adonys conde
      after Childeric's father died (Merovech) he was to yonug to be the leader so i guess Merovech's right hand man will take over till Childeric is old enough to be the leader
    • emily caba
      childeric's father was merovech. his dad was the leader of the franks and when he died chideric becameof the franks leader eventually
  • hilderic's tomb was discovered in 1653 (May 27) by a mason doing repairs in the church of Saint-Brice in Tournai, a city in modern Belgium, where numerous precious objects were found, including a richly ornamented sword, a torse-like bracelet,
    • anthony rodriguez
      he was the merovingian king of the salian franks
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      He died in 481ad.He was burried in Tournami.He had a son named Clovis.Which he left behind.
    • kimberly ramos
      childeric died in 481 ad. he was burried in his tomb were found jewlery. thye killed his horse because they didnt want something of him.the only question i have is why were bees found in his tomb. because they say there were alot of bees in the tomb.
    • emily caba
      when someone important dies from the franks, they burry him and with all the stuff tht belongs to him
    • brandon casiano
      they were verey weried people
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  • Childeric I
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      A bad thing about childeric is that he was a player. He thought that he owned all the women. He would seuce them all. So he got kicked out for 8 years.
    • adonys conde
      well he was leader but still he couldn't take all the women i mean if the women's wife found out she was having an afair with some on else her husband would freak and destroy him luckly he was kicked out insted of murderd
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Chileric was son of Merovoch.Childeric will grow strong but there is only one problem.He thinks that all Viking women are for him.He got forced out of power for 8 years.
    • ashley hernandez
      Childderic I thought that all the women from his empire were all his.He seduced them as much as he can. He couldn't get enough of them. He couldn't even have at least some self control.
    • Alex Cruz
      Childeric l was the Merovingian king of the Salina Franks from 457 until his death , and the father of clovis.
    • emily caba
      childeric was part of the merovichian dynasty. he was the second one. he had a son named clovis. and he was a player.
  • Some 300 golden bees
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      I wonder those bees were used for. Because an awfull lot was found in this tomb. Along with his treasures. And sord in this tomb.
    • brandon casiano
      i know it was tragity
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      They new it his was his ring becaues it had an inscriptiion on it. It was in latin. Latin was a common language back then. It said this belongs to childeric.
    • adonys conde
      well now he can prove that some one stoll his ring if he acused someone of it
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Salian Franks were the tribes of Childeric.They are going against the Romans.Childeric is leading the people that his dad started
  • Golden bees
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      These bees dont look like bees at all. Why dont they look like bees? Are they a different type of bees? Or did they just have a screw up while making them?
    • adonys conde
      thye don't look like real bees because they were dipped in gold and put together
      childeric was the son of cloves.
  • jewels of gold and garnet cloisonné, gold coins, a gold bull's head and a ring with the inscription CHILDERICI REGIS ("of Childeric the king"), which identified the tomb
    • brandon casiano
      that is cool being rich
  • were also found. Archduke Leopold William, governor of the Southern Netherlands (today's Belgium), had the find published in Latin, and the treasure went first to the Habsburgs in Vienna, then as a gift to Louis XIV, who was not impressed with them and stored them in the royal library, which became the Bibliothèque Nationale de France during the Revolution. Napoleon was more impressed with Childeric's bees when he was looking for a heraldic symbol to trump the Bourbon fleur-de-lys. He settled on Childeric's bees as symbols of the French Empire.
  • On the night of November 5–6, 1831, the treasure of Childeric was among 80 kilos of treasure stolen from the Library and melted down for the gold. A few pieces were retrieved where they had been hidden in the Seine, including two of the bees. The record of the treasure, however, now exists only in the fine engravings made at the time of its disco
  • very, and in some reproductions made for the Habsburgs.
    the childeric was a player
  • ...2 more comments...
    the chideric were smart.he was the son of merovech.merovich was teh first leader of the the means that when he died childeric would rule.but when childeric died his son clovis would rule.clovis died at the age of 45.clovis had four sons.
    messed up how he died. what idiot doesn't see that coming!?
    childeric was cloves son.
    the only thing people didnt like about childeric was that he thought he owned all the woman. he would suduce all of them. so for doing that he was kicked off. he was kicked off for 8 years.
kimberly ramos

Visigoths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4 views

  • Visigoths
    • laverne roache
    • Steven Ramos
      The visigoth started of as not that big of a deal.Later on they became larger than other country's.And it was true that they were the first one to find cities people.It was to be known that portugal and spain are were the visigoth use to live.
    • kimberly ramos
      they were not that big of a deal in the beginning.but then they were. i say that just because their land was getting bigger and bigger.they became a huge deal because other people wanted their land.they became the first to find cities peoples
    • devine martin
      visigoths had all the land and killed rome there one power full army.
    • kimberly ramos
      the visigoths were one of the two main first they were nothing big of a deal. but then people started making it a huge deal. just because there land was getting bigger and bigger. also there enimies were the romans. the visigoths killed the romans. the romans were one huge powerful army.
  • Eventually the Visigoths were settled in southern 3Gaul as foederati of the Romans, the reasons for which are still subjects for debate among scholars. They soon fell out with their hosts and established their own kingdom with its capital at
    • Steven Ramos
      The visigoth soon settled in southern Gaul.So nobody really knows. They are now debated by scholars.But they still established their kingdom in the capital Toulouse.
  • romanized Visigoths first emerged as a distinct people during the fourth century, initially in the Balkans, where they participated in several wars with Rome.
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  • A Visigothic army under Alaric I eventually moved into Italy and famously sacked Rome in 410.
  • Of what remains of the Visigoths in Spain and Portugal there are several churches and an increasing number of archaeological finds, but most notably a large number of Spanish, Portuguese, and other Romance language given names and surnames. The Visigoths were the only people to found new cities in western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and before the rise of the Carolingians. Until the Late Middle Ages, the greatest Visigothic legacy, which is no longer in use, was their law code, the Liber iudiciorum, which formed the basis for legal procedure in most of Christian Iberia for centuries after their kingdom's demise.
    I remember when we learning about emperors from the Roman Empire it said that most of them were killed by the Goths.
    the visigoths lived in southern gaul.the king of the visigoths is alaric. in 508 A.D alaric is killed by clovius himself and clovius becomes consul of the empire.
kimberly ramos

Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 3 views

  • Paganism
  • Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic")[1] is a blanket term used to refer to various non Judeo-Christian religions, however there are various differing definitions as to what religions can actually be defined as being paganism, with no consensus as to which is correct.[
  • Pagan
    • kimberly ramos
      there are many different paganism. paganism are religions. there were non-abrahammic religion. another onw was non judeo-christian.
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  • Etymology
  • The term pagan is from the Latin paganus, an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic" or "of the country."
  • (i) The older sense of classical Latin pāgānus is "of the country, rustic" (also as noun). It has been argued that the transferred use reflects the fact that the ancient idolatry lingered on in the rural villages and hamlets after Christianity had been accepted in the towns and cities of the Roman Empire; cf. Orosius Histories 1. Prol. "Ex locorum agrestium compitis et pagis pagani vocantur." From its earliest beginnings, Christianity spread much more quickly in major urban areas (like Antioch, Alexandria, Corinth, Rome) than in the countryside (in fact, the early church was almost entirely urban), and soon the word for "country dweller" became synonymous with someone who was "not a Christian," giving rise to the modern meaning of "Pagan." This may, in part, have had to do with the closeness to nature of rural people, who may have been more resistant to the new ideas of Christianity than those who lived in major urban centers and were cut off from the cycles of nature and the forms of spirituality associated with them. However, it may have also resulted from early Christian missionaries focusing their efforts within major population centers (e.g., St. Paul), rather than throughout an expansive, yet sparsely populated, countryside (hence, the Latin term suggesting "uneducated country folk") until a bit later on. (ii) The more common meaning of classical Latin pāgānus is "civilian, non-militant" (adjective and noun). Christians called themselves mīlitēs, "enrolled soldiers" of Christ, members of his militant church, and applied to non-Christians the term applied by soldiers to all who were "not enrolled in the army". (iii) The sense "heathen" arose from an interpretation of paganus as denoting a person who was outside a particular group or community, hence "not of the city" or "rural"; cf. Orosius Histories 1. Prol. "ui alieni a civitate dei..pagani vocantur." See C. Mohrmann, Vigiliae Christianae 6 (1952) 9ff.
  • Heathen is from Old English hæðen "not Christian or Jewish",
  • Both "pagan" and "heathen" have historically been used as a pejorative by adherents of monotheistic religions (such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam) to indicate a disbeliever in their religion, although in modern times it is not always used as a pejorative.
  • "Paganism" frequently refers to the religions of classical antiquity, most notably Greek mythology or Roman religion, and can be used neutrally or admiringly by those who refer to those complexes of belief. However, until the rise of Romanticism and the general acceptance of freedom of religion in Western civilization,
lezlie gonzalez

Fjord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Fjords are formed when a glacier cuts a v-shaped valley by abrasion of the surrounding bedrock. Many such valleys were formed during the recent ice age. Glacial melting is accompanied by rebound of Earth's crust as the ice load and eroded sediment is removed (also called isostasy or glacial rebound).
  • Fjord
Genesis Nunez

Thor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 6 views

shared by Genesis Nunez on 02 Dec 09 - Cached
  • Thor (Old Norse: Þōrr, Þunarr; Old English: Þunor, Þūr; Old Saxon: Þunær;[1] Frisian: Tonger, Old Dutch: Donar; Old High German: Donar; Proto-Germanic: *Thunaraz) is the red-haired and bearded[2][3] god of thunder in Germanic mythology and Germanic paganism, and its subsets: Norse paganism, Anglo-Saxon paganism and Continental Germanic paganism
    • ashley hernandez
      Thor is a crazy wild viking.Did it really happen in real life that Thor lost one of his eyes because a hawk grabbed it.Thor is really murderous bloody man.His and his people have celebrations. For example, tuggle war whoever lost lands on the fire that is between the two groups
    • ashley hernandez
      And if a wife ever betrayes her husband she would have to have her braids nailed to wood. Her husband would throw an axe to try to cut the braid.if all her braids get cut off she is proved innocent.If he misses she is guilty.But, if i was one of the woman i would be scared to death and i mean it. Imagine that hits your face and you are proved guilty its horrible.
    • ashley hernandez
      He wants to kidnap the princess that is about to become queen of England and marry the prince Ayelah.His father was about to get thrown and feed to the dogs.The dogs haven't eaten for days so they are starving.He wont die without a sword in his when they handed him the sword to him he threw himself off as happy as he can be and the dogs ate him.
    • devine martin
      thor was someone ppl knowed he used a hamer as a weapon and was very powerful.he had wing on a hat that made him fly
    • Christian Mendez
      thor was very powerful to the other except one other viking .the son of the viking named Rangnar the son the powerful viking and only one eye left named Eianr
    • Jihad Little
      he wasnt only a god he waS A MARVEL CHARACTER ALSO = ]
  • Most surviving stories relating to Germanic mythology either mention Thor or center on Thor's exploits. Thor was a much revered god of the ancient Germanic peoples from at least the earliest surviving written accounts of the indigenous Germanic tribes to over a thousand years later in the late Viking Age. Thor was appealed to for protection on numerous objects found from various Germanic tribes. Miniature replicas of Mjöllnir, the weapon of Thor, became a defiant symbol of Norse paganism during the Christianization of Scandinavia.[4][5
    • brandon casiano
      that pic is coool on the side
    • Jihad Little
      wow but yeah it is. and the hammer he has in his hand they mention it in the movie were watching
  • Further information: thunder Proto-Germanic *thunaraz,[6] "thunder" gave rise to Old Norse Þorr, German Donner, Dutch donder as well as Old English Þunor whence Modern English thunder with epenthetic d. Swedish tordön and Danish and Norwegian torden have the suffix -dön/-den originally meaning "rumble" or "din." The Scandinavian languages also have the word dunder, borrowed from Middle Low German. [edit] Characteristics
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  • Thor
  • Thor
    • alexi viera
      i bealeive he was a god if im right
    • Jihad Little
      yeah he was a viking god and he was in alot of magazines and stuff like that
    • Genesis Nunez
      Were the vikings Polytheistic. He was a very Famouse god.
    • Jihad Little
      who is a higher god oden or thor? i truely think it is oden.
    is it true that he lost eye by an attack from an eagle .. thor was the god of thunder in germanic mythology ..
    thor had a giant hammer that would shoot lightning at all his enemies. Wow.
Alex Cruz

Loki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

shared by Alex Cruz on 03 Dec 09 - Cached
  • In Norse mythology, Loki (or Loke) is a god or jötunn (or both). Loki's relation with the gods varies by source. Loki assists the gods, and sometimes causes problems for them.
  • a shape shifter and in separate incidents he appears in the form of a salmon and a mare.
  • Loki is eventually bound by the gods with the entrails of one of his sons.
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  • A serpent drips venom from above him that his wife Sigyn collects into a bowl.
  • positive relations with the gods ends with his role in engineering the death of the god Baldr.
  • Loki is the son of Fárbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Býleistr
  • Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr.
  • Loki, 18th century manuscript
    loki or loke is a god or jotunn maybe both...loki assists the gods and sometimes causes problems for them ...... loki is the son of farbauti and laufey and he is the brother of helblindi and byleistr....
yulissa gomez

Franks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 12 views

shared by yulissa gomez on 20 Nov 09 - Cached
  • some Franks raided Roman territory while other Franks joined the Roman troops in Gaul.
    • ashley hernandez
      The Franks wanted the Roman emperor to give them some land to their people.They didn't want to destroy Rome.Rome told them they will give themm some land unless they become part of the Roman army.The Romans are going to teach them how to fight like a Roman soldier.
    • Steven Ramos
      It was retarted for the romans to teach the franks how to fight like romans.Now if the franks want to retaliate they know how to fight like romans.Rome even gave the framks some land.The franks were suppose to guard the edges.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The franks wanted land from romans.they wanted land for there own people.The romans said that they had to join them.The romans would show them how to fight like romans
    • yulissa gomez
      back then the romans wanted to land from romans
  • Frank has sometimes been traced to the Latin
    • ashley hernandez
      The modern country France comes from the word Frank.Wow, that is so cool the word Frank came from the word Francisca.Aren't the Franks barbarians so why is their name is from the Francisca which is latin.
    • Steven Ramos
      France was called frank.,Then as time past then it fot the name of France.Their name is Francisca which is a latin name.So you can just say that the barbarians were latin.
  • Franks
    • Steven Ramos
      The Franks were just another type of barbarians.They were all very powerful.They are not the only Barbarian army.Their are also the goth its like a umbrella of barbarians.
    • Jihad Little
      the franks were the most sucessful goths
    • eric santiago
      what do you mean they were the most sucessful
    • devine martin
      i dont know who this is.
    • adonys conde
      being the most sucessful the other must of been green with envy
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Franks were just another type of Barbarians.They were barbarians but they acted like romans.They had the same traditions.When clavius became there leader they could still have there traditions but became barbarians
    • kimberly ramos
      franks were another type of people like barbarians.they were the most modern in france. at the same time they were discusting.i say that just because they didnt bath.they would conquer most of the land too. they also became french too. they were barbarians but they acted like romans.they had the same tradition and every thing.
    • devine martin
      franks had a funny name but were like the barbains but i think they are barbians.they would go wild but sometimes work togheter.any killed rome
    • yulissa gomez
      the franks wre just another name barberians
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  • The Franks or Frankish people (
    • Steven Ramos
      The franks were known as Frankish. For example Europe, europian.Franks were refer to Western European.Franks would have slouter the Romans.
    • Jihad Little
      franks were dirty.they diddnt take baths = [ illllll
    • javier villanueva
      they were never clean they always smelled and dirty
    • adonys conde
      well if thier barbarins it's likelly thta they will never take a bath
  • In general Germanic peoples on the borders are known to have served in the Roman army since the days of Julius Caesar.
    • Kevin Torres
      Ever since Julius Ceasar? so they server to rome in military ever since Julius Caesars Time
  • Echoes of Frankish paganism arise in the primary sources, but their meaning is not always clear.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The franks had the same traditiona as romans.They belived in the same gods.They also ate how they ate.They were barbarians acting like romans
  • In the climate of the collapse of imperial authority in the West, the Frankish tribes were united under the Merovingians and conquered all of Gaul save Septimania in the 6th century. The Salian political elite would be one of the most active forces in spreading Christianity over western Europe.
  • Christianity
  • The Franks
  • The primary sources for Frankish military custom and armament are Ammianus Marcellinus, Agathias, and Procopius, the latter two Eastern Roman historians writing about Frankish intervention in the Gothic War. Writing of 539, Procopius says:
    • yulissa gomez
      why were the primary sources for the frankish military custom and armament??
    the franks were goths
    ranks were another type of people like barbarians.they were the most modern in france. at the same time they were discusting.i say that just because they didnt bath.theyd conquar alot of lands they were good warriors ...
devine martin

Battle of the Catalaunian Plains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 10 views

  • The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (or Fields), also called the Battle of Châlons (also spelled Chalons or Chalon) or Battle of the Campus Mauriacus, took place in 451 between a coalition led by the Roman general Flavius Aetius and the Visigothic king Theodoric I on one side and the Huns and their allies commanded by Attila on the other. It was one of the last major military operations of the Western Roman Empire and marks the apex of the career of Flavius Aetius.
    • Aahlya Mendez
      The battle weas a batlle of people who were good nfiters.the franks.the romans. and the other goths visigoths. the romans are cruel.
  • Attila crossed the Rhine early in 451 with his followers and a large number of allies, sacking Divodurum (Metz) on April 7. Other cities attacked can be determined by the hagiographic vitae written to commemorate their bishops: Nicasius was slaughtered before the altar of his church in Rheims; Servatus is alleged to have saved Tongeren with his prayers, as Genevieve is to have saved Paris.[3] Lupus, bishop of Troyes, is also credited with saving his city by meeting Attila in person.[4] Attila's army had reached Aurelianum by June. This fortified city guarded an important crossing over the Loire. According to Jordanes, the Alan king Sangiban, whose foederati realm included Aurelianum, had promised to open the city gates;[5] this siege is confirmed by the account of the Vita S. Anianus and in the later account of Gregory of Tours,[6] although Sangiban's name does not appear in their accounts. However, the inhabitants of Aurelianum shut their gates against the advancing invaders. Attila began to besiege the city, while he waited for Sangiban to deliver on his promise.
    • Aahlya Mendez
      there are no more romans the franks ruled. they got good fiters.rome are now now they are foreners.
  • The Huns
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      The huns were a very good group. They would have battle between romans. And always win. They were lead by a very famous barbarian, Attila the Hun. That is where they got their name from.
    • jason ocasio
      the huns was a group of highly trained people to fight in battle.the huns would always fight againts the romans and win.attila the hun was one of the most famous leared.attila the hun will win all his battle.
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  • Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      This was a very famous battle. It was during the middle ages. And it was against the franks and the chalons. The franks were really from france.
    • brandon casiano
      great battle
    • laverne roache
    • kimberly ramos
      this battle was very was during the middle ages. in this battle the franks and the chalon were versing.and of course the franks one. the franks were really from france.. this battle was exetemely important.
    • adonys conde
      if this battle never even who knows what today would be like,then agian every thing that happened in history is extremly important
  • By 450 Roman control of Gaul had grown feeble,
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      When it grows a feeble that means it grows a lot. That means it grows in a rapid speed. If it grows in a rapid speed then it is a well joined group. It works good to get this rapid or feeble grow of territory.
  • Gaul b
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Gaul was conquered by Ceaser. He was the governer of gaul. He governed it for 8 years. He also had a very famous battle there.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Gaul was conquered by Julius Ciesar.He was govoner of gaul.He became the Govener of Gaul when Ponpey made him it.He made him it cause Ciesar gave him Julia his daughter.He had a very famouse battle there.He ruled for 8 years.
  • he historian Jordanes states that Attila was enticed by the Vandals' king Gaiseric to wage war on the Visigoths. At the same time, Gaiseric would attempt to sow strife between the Visigoths and the Western Roman Empire (Getica 36.184–6).[1] Other contemporary writers offer different motivations: Honoria, a troublesome sister of the emperor Valentinian III, had been married off to the loyal senator Herculanus a few years before. This kept her in respectable confinement. In 450, she sent a message to the Hunnic king asking for Attila's help in escaping her confinement. She offered her hand in marriage, and half of the empire as dowry. He demanded Honoria to be delivered along with the dowry. Valentinian rejected these demands, and Attila used it as an excuse to launch a destructive campaign through Gaul.[2]
    • brandon casiano
      acroding 2 wat ive read it is a very historic battle
    • eric santiago
      yes, it was a historic battle
  • Upon learning of the invasion, the Magister militum Flavius Aetius moved quickly from Italy into Gaul. According to Sidonius Apollinaris he was leading forth a force consisting of few and sparse auxiliaries without one regular soldier.[7] He immediately attempted to convince Theodoric I to join him. The Visigothic king learned how few troops Aëtius had with him and decided it was wiser to wait to oppose the Huns in his own lands.
  • Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
    • jaida pacheco
      Since the battle of Catalaunian Plains has another name why did they call it Catalaunians Plains? They had other names to pick from. just cause it was around that place they didn't have to call it that. The name isn't that bad but still they aren't even taking place there. It was just near there.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The war called Catalaunian Plain was named like that because it was fought near there.It was also called Battle of Chalons.It took place in 451ad.
    • brandon casiano
      a hostric battle
  • 450 Roman control of Gaul had grown feeble, as had control over all of the provinces beyond Italy. Celtic Armorica was only nominally part of the empire. Germanic tribes prowling around Roman territory had been forcibly settled
    • jaida pacheco
      Ever since the battle almost all the romans have perished and the Franks have basicly taken over.
  • By 1 450 Roman control of Gaul had grown feeble, as had control over all of the provinces beyond Italy. Celtic Armorica was only nominally part of the empire. Germanic tribes prowling around Roman territory had been forcibly settled and served as foederati under their own leaders
  • The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (or Fields), also called the Battle of Châlons (also spelled Chalons or Chalon) or Battle of the Campus Mauriacus, took place in 451 between a coalition led by the Roman general Flavius Aetius and the Visigothic king Theodoric I on one side and the Huns and their allies commanded by Attila on the other. It was one of the last major military operations of the Western Roman Empire and marks the apex of the career of Flavius Aetius.
    • anthony rodriguez
      this was a very important battle
    • anthony rodriguez
      this was a very important battle
    • devine martin
      the battle was so big vikings everywhere
  • Battle of Châlons
    • jason ocasio
      the battle of chalons was one of the crazy battles.the battle of chalons almost lead to the end of roma.luckly roma got back on thier feet and saved roma.they did win but they still did not let them take over roma.
  • Northern 1 Gaul b etween the Rhine and Marne rivers ( Gallia Belgica ) had unofficially been abandoned to the Franks . The Visigoths in Gallia Aquitania were growing restive. The Burgundians near the Alps were more submissive, but likewise awaiting openings for revolt
    • jason ocasio
      northen gaul was between the Rhine and the Marne rivers.but it had been abandoned to the ever was living thire they lost in a battled to the franks. then who ever was living thire befor had a couple people that was living thire still and they were wanting forr revolt
  • the powerful local magnate Avitus for help, who was not only able to convince Theodoric to join with the Romans, but also a number of other wavering "barbarians" resident in Gaul[8]. The combined armies then marched for Aurelianum (Orléans), reaching that city about June 14. Course of the battle According to the author of the Vita S. Anianus, they had reached the besieged Aurelianum literally at the last possible minute. Attila's men had made a breach in the city's walls and had positioned a party within the city. At this very moment, news of an advancing hostile army reached the Huns. They were virtually in control of the city, but to keep it meant to be besieged in it. Hence they broke camp and proceeded back homewards, doubtless looking for an advantageous spot to make a stand. Theodoric and Aetius followed in close pursuit. The two forces at last met at the Catalaunian Fields on June 20, a date first proposed by J.B. Bury[9] and since accepted by many, although some sources claim September 20.
    • devine martin
      the barbians were mad beast they destroyed everything
    this was one of the biggest battles ever
  • ...1 more comment...
    took place in 451. led by Flavius Aetius and Theodoric I vs Attila the Hun and his people.
    this was also called the battle of chalons it took placed in 451 b.c ... on the roman side they also had the visigoths and together they formed an allie so beat the huns ..
    this battle had another name was called the battle of chalons.this battle took place in 451 b.c. on the romans side they had the visigoths. them two got together and made an allieance to beat the huns.
Julian Berni

List of Germanic deities and heroes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 3 views

  • List of Germanic deities and heroes
  • Odin: Óðinn (North Germanic), Wōden (West Germanic), *Wōdanaz (Proto-Germanic) (see List of names of Odin for more) "Frenzy"[11] Creation, death, Einherjar, Geri and Freki, Gungnir, Hugin and Munin, knowledge, place names, poetry, royalty, runic alphabet, sacrifice, the valkyries, Valhalla, warfare, Wednesday, Wild Hunt Frigg (consort), Skaði (Heimskringla only), Gunnlöð, Jörð, Rindr See Sons of Odin Most attestations of Germanic paganism
    • Julian Berni
      Odin was the chief god of all in valhalla
edward estremera

Salian Franks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 5 views

  • Salian Franks
    • laverne roache
  • Their language belongs to, and is ancestral to, the family of Low Franconian dialects.
    • edward estremera
      i think that they spoke latin
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