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Saladin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 21 views

  • Saladin
    • jaida pacheco
      He is a guy who who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz, and Yemen. He led the Muslims against the Crusaders and eventually recaptured Palestine from the Kingdom of Jerusalem after his victory in the Battle of Hattin. As such, he is a notable figure in Kurdish, Arab, Persian, Turkish and Muslim culture.
    • Jihad Little
      saladin was one of the leaders of the turks. he captured the jerusalem back from the christians and held it for a very log time. he himself didnt really care for jerusalem but the only reason he regain it was for his people. in the kingdom of heaven saladin did say it meant nothing to him and then said it meant everything to him because he captured it for his people
    • janay harris
      saladi could care less about jerusalem but since he promised his people to get jerusalem back. but he was a good leader. and he was a wise fighter.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      saladin was a very good general. Actually the best. That is what lead him to become a great ruller and king f the muslums. He also went against Damaskus.
    • daniel arocho
      he was a bad person. he was terrible person. he wanted jeruslum to take over but he had a treated. he had a treaty with the lepra king. after that he died and then some one took over ad broke the treaty then they went into war and jeruslum lost. then he took over jeruslum
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      SaLaDiN WaS A veRy q00D gEnErAl.hE WaNtEd jErUsAlEm bUt dIdNt tHinK THat hAd Any VaLuE.He waNtEd cAuSehE pRomISeD ThAT He WoulD qEt iT & hE hAd a BaTtLe wiTh bAlIan. bAlIan baTtLeD CaUsed Cause nOnE ELse wANTED 2.
  • Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb
    • Jihad Little
      he was a great muslim leader and did many great things through out his life. he was the man who actually took jerusalem back from the christians
    • yulissa gomez
      yeah he was a great muslim leader
    • daniel arocho
      yea. the battle for jeruslum was very terrable. many lives were lost. jeruslum fought well but they lost. also saladin had the advantage because he had many swolders and jeruslum had little knights
  • Saladin was a strict practitioner
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      He practiced a learned proffesion. That means a practitionar. I he was a strict proffesioner then he practiced his proffesion very hard. A proffecian also means something or a hobbie you posses.
    • daniel arocho
      yea he was a very stricked proffesioner. he was a good one to. he knew how to do his job. and he knew how to handle his army.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      hE WaS ReAllY StRicT.HE nEw hOw 2 dO HiS JoB.HE NeW HoW 2 HaNlE ThE HiS ARmY THaT IS Y THeY r s0 qOoD aT FiqHtINq
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Saladin as depicted on a Dirham coin, Circa. 1190.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Saladin must have been a very famous person to get his own coin. Cause most people that are very famous and that are loved get there own coins. But if you are not loved or famous you wont get a coin. And that does not look like saladin in the coin. It looks like a baby.
  • Aleppo
  • Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria.
    • devine martin
      muslim had nice armys and knew had to attcak.
  • Saladin
    • kevin cruz
      saladin sent all the muslims out of the town then the next day when they came back in he sent all the cristions out of town then the next day when theyre were supposed to come back in saladin didnt let them back in
    • kevin cruz
      and it started to get crazy outside of the town people started to get hungry so they started to eat there own horses
  • Saladin
    • jaida pacheco
      Saladin's military career began when his uncle Asad al-Din Shirkuh, an important military commander under Nur ad-Din, started training him. In 1163, the vizier to the Fatimid caliph al-Adid, Shawar, had been driven out of Egypt by rival Dirgham, a member of the powerful Banu Ruzzaik tribe. He asked for military backing from Nur ad-Din, who complied and in 1164, sent Shirkuh to aid Shawar in his expedition against Dirgham. Saladin, at age 26, went along with them.After Shawar was successfully reinstated as vizier, he demanded that Shirkuh withdraw his army from Egypt for a sum of 30,000 dinars, but he refused insisting it was Nur ad-Din's will that he remain. Saladin's role in this expedition was minor, and it is known that he was ordered by Shirkuh to collect stores from Bilbais prior to its siege by a combined force of Crusaders and Shawar's troops.After the sacking of Bilbais, the Crusader-Egyptian force and Shirkuh's army were to engage in a battle on the desert border of the Nile River, just west of Giza. Saladin played a major role, commanding the right wing of the Zengid army, while a force of Kurds commanded the left, and Shirkuh stationed in the center. Muslim sources at the time, however, put Saladin in the "baggage of the center" with orders to lure the enemy into a trap by staging a false retreat. The Crusader force enjoyed early success against Shirkuh's troops, but the terrain was too steep and sandy for their horses, and commander Hugh of Caesarea was captured while attacking Saladin's unit. After scattered fighting in little valleys to the south of the main position, the Zengid central force returned to the offensive; Saladin joined in from the rear.The battle ended in a Zengid victory, and Saladin is credited to have helped Shirkuh in one of the "most remarkable victories in recorded history," according to Ibn al-Athir, although more of Shirkuh's men were killed and the battle is considered by most sources as not a total victory. Saladin and Shirkuh
    (c. 1138 - March 4, 1193), better known in the Western world as Saladin, was a Kurdish Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz, and Yemen. He led the Muslims against the Crusaders and eventually recaptured Palestine from the Kingdom of Jerusalem after his victory in the Battle of Hattin. As such, he is a notable figure in Kurdish, Arab, Persian, Turkish and Muslim culture. Saladin was a strict practitioner of Sunni Islam. His chivalrous behavior was noted by Christian chroniclers, especially in the accounts of the siege of Kerak in Moab, and despite being the nemesis of the Crusaders he won the respect of many of them, including Richard the Lionheart; rather than becoming a hated figure in Europe, he became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry.
  • ...2 more comments...
    (c. 1138 - March 4, 1193), better known in the Western world as Saladin, was a Kurdish Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hejaz, and Yemen. He led the Muslims against the Crusaders and eventually recaptured Palestine from the Kingdom of Jerusalem after his victory in the Battle of Hattin. As such, he is a notable figure in Kurdish, Arab, Persian, Turkish and Muslim culture. Saladin was a strict practitioner of Sunni Islam. His chivalrous behavior was noted by Christian chroniclers, especially in the accounts of the siege of Kerak in Moab, and despite being the nemesis of the Crusaders he won the respect of many of them, including Richard the Lionheart; rather than becoming a hated figure in Europe, he became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry.
    saladin was king or also known as the owner of the western empire. he was a muslim. he led Islamic and the franks. he ruled Egypt and Syria.
    saladin this ni**a was my favorite he was bomb like tic tic but he was the greatest muslim emperor i h ave ever herd of... he took jereculim back from the christians ....  
    "Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. "

Raynald of Châtillon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 9 views

  • Raynald of Châtillon
    • ashley hernandez
      Raynald was a templar you knew that because he had a red cross on his chest of his clothes. He got beheaded by Saladin for the following reason. Saladin was so generous he gave water to Guy de Lusignan he took it and gave it to Raynald. That was a bad idea because Saladin said " I didn't give that to you" and Raynald said " no, my lord" and right there he turned around and there he took out his sword as fast as he can and beheaded him.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Raynald was a tempeler.You could tell that he was a templer cause on his clothing he had a reed cross on it.He was hit by Sybillas brother.And then he was arrested.Then he was beheaded by Saladin.Because he Saladin had offered Guy de Lusignan water he rejected and gave it to Raynald.Then Saladin told him that he hadnt gave him that water.Raynald said no my lord.Then a guy behind Saladin gave him his soed and Saladin cut of his head
    • devine martin
      he was a special templer he was a hostpialler so he thought he can help by using jesus on his side
    • emily caba
      raynald was a templar. a templar was ppl tht killed ppl tht believe in different religion i guess
    • yordanka raymond
      Raynald was going to kill the muslems too with Guy. Raynald's job was to keep the people protected but he didnt do that. He worked with Guy secretly. Raynald killed Saladin's sister.
  • In 1187 Saladin invaded the kingdom, defeating the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin. The battle left Saladin with many prisoners. Most prominent among these prisoners were Raynald and King Guy, both of whom Saladin ordered brought to his tent. The chronicler Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani, who was present at the scene, relates: “ Saladin invited the king [Guy] to sit beside him, and when Arnat [Raynald] entered in his turn, he seated him next to his king and reminded him of his misdeeds. "How many times have you sworn an oath and violated it? How many times have you signed agreements you have never respected?" Raynald answered through a translator: "Kings have always acted thus. I did nothing more." During this time King Guy was gasping with thirst, his head dangling as though drunk, his face betraying great fright. Saladin spoke reassuring words to him, had cold water brought, and offered it to him. The king drank, then handed what remained to Raynald, who slaked his thirst in turn. The sultan then said to Guy: "You did not ask permission before giving him water. I am therefore not obliged to grant him mercy." After pronouncing these words, the sultan smiled, mounted his horse, and rode off, leaving the captives in terror. He supervised the return of the troops, and then came back to his tent. He ordered Raynald brought there, then advanced before him, sword in hand, and struck him between the neck and the shoulder-blade. When Raynald fell, he cut off his head and dragged the body by its feet to the king, who began to tremble. Seeing him thus upset, Saladin said to him in a reassuring tone: "This man was killed only because of his maleficence and perfidy".
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      When Saladin had invaded the kingdom something happedned.The following happened.Saladin had tooken Guy yo his property and then gave him a glass of water.Then Guy took it but then gave it to Raynald.Then Saldin told him that he hadnt gav that to him.Raynald sayed no my lord.Then the huy behind Saladin gave him a swaord and then Saldin got the sword and cut Raynalds head.
  • Baldwin IV's
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      He was the knig of Jeruslem.He was very ill.He had a sickness called leprosy.That sickness pealoff your skin and it makes you look ill.When he died Guy became knig.
    • michael escobar
      that is sad what happened to him
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  • Raynald of Châtillon
    • Gabriela Morales
      Raynald of Chatillon was a templar. A templar was a person who killed people of other religion. He was sent to jail. He got killed by Saladin. Saladin was given a sword and then Reynald was beheaded.
    • kimberly ramos
      he was a Templer. He ruled as a prince of antioch from 1153-1187. He was a controversial character in his own lifetime and so on.
    • daniel arocho
      raynald is a templar. he was bad. he wanted everything his way. he was killed. he was killed for beaking the treaty.
  • Raynald's origins are obscure
    • daniel arocho
      what do they mean by obscure? and is his origin good? i think its a bad origion. but i think they were smart. but he was a horible templar
  • Hervé II of Donzy
    • daniel arocho
      who is herve II of donzy? was he another templar or king. he must of been bad also. or if not he must of been a great one. so he must of had many people. he must of been very powerful to be known
    Raynald of Chatillon was a templar. A templar was a person who killed people of other religion. He was sent to jail. He got killed by Saladin...saladin chopped off his head for desprecting him 

Saladin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4 views

  • In July 1187 Saladin captured most of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. On July 4, 1187, at the Battle of Hattin, he faced the combined forces of Guy of Lusignan, King Consort of Jerusalem and Raymond III of Tripoli. In this battle alone the Crusader army was largely annihilated by the motivated army of Saladin. It was a major disaster for the Crusaders and a turning point in the history of the Crusades.
    • julio hernandez
      He won because the crusaders ran out of water.Guy and Reynald came prisinors .Saladin kills Reynald.Saladin moved from wter to water always hydrated.
  • Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (Arabic: صلاح الدين يوسف بن أيوب‎, Kurdish: سه‌لاحه‌دین ئه‌یوبی, Selah'edînê Eyubî) (c. 1138 — March 4, 1193), better known in the Western world as Saladin, was a Kurdish[2][3] Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz, and Yemen. He led the Muslims against the Crusaders and eventually recaptured Palestine from the
    • anthony rodriguez
      saladin was a famous muslin king
  • Saladin
    • devine martin
      he is great guy beacuase he has a massive army that could wipe anything.he a real nice person. but he hates the new king guey.and likes to test people to
    • emily caba
      saladin is the guy tht wants peace to him ppl. the only reason he had war with balian is because saladin promised his ppl tht he will get jerusalem back from the christians and he kept tht promise.
    • yordanka raymond
      Saladin's sister was killed by raynald. After that Saladin killed raynald and planned to take Jeruslam. He could take it anytime he wants but he'll lose a lot of man. He didnt think Jeruslam was a holly place.
    • jonathan perez
      saladin was a muslim king and also faught with his army in war
    when the muslems actakked jeruuslem they killed some people but not all. the cursaders killed every jerusulem they said god loves you but we dont. it took place in 109 a,d the frankls had 100,000 people.
    saladin was born in 1137-1138 in tikrit iraq ...he died at damascus syria ..he died in march 4th 1193 aged 55 or 56 ..h ewas one of the best kings alive at tht time ...he had everything well organized..
    "1138 - March 4, 1193), better known in the Western world as Saladin, was a Kurdish[2][3] Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz, and Yemen. He led the Muslims against the Crusaders and eventually recaptured Palestine from the Kingdom of Jerusalem after his victory in the Battle of Hattin. "

Baldwin IV of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 10 views

  • Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
    • kevin cruz
      they killed him the leper king
  • Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
    • kevin cruz
      died by the diease called leper
    • edward estremera
      he did not die yet in da movie he die cause of leper it is a disses that makes your skin fall of
    • adonys conde
      the disses eats your skin litterally
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      He was the knig of jeruslem.He suffered from leprosy.He was also brother of Sybila.That deaseas makes your skin fall off.When he dies Sybilla takes of his mask and that looked DISGUSTING.
    • devine martin
      i feel real bad beacuse that not something to joke about beacuse something is eating your skin alive that somethings is bad and they did not have real medince.
    • yordanka raymond
      He was the king of Jerusalem and brother of Sibylla. He had a decease called Leper and he had to wear a mask and gloves. He had to wear that because it was contagious. His skin will fall of or something like that but it was really ugly.
  • Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
    • Gabriela Morales
      Baldwin IV of Jerusalem was called the Leper king. He was called that because he had Leprosy, a contagious disease. Leprosy was a skin disease that makes your skin fall off. He actually died from that disease, he was a good king. :(
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  • Baldwin spent his youth in his father's court in Jerusalem, having little contact with his mother, Agnes of Courtenay, Countess of Jaffa and Ascalon, and later Lady of Sidon, whom his father had been forced to divorce.[citation needed] Baldwin IV was educated by the historian William of Tyre (later Archbishop of Tyre and Chancellor of the kingdom), who made a disturbing discovery about the pr
  • He did not ratify Raymond's treaty with Saladin
    • ashley hernandez
      When Balian and Saladin were going into war because the templars attacked the travelers in the Pilgrim Road. Baldwin IV of Jerusalem told Balian which is the king of Ibelin to protect the people coming to trade with them from the Pilgrim Road. Saladin was going to behead Balian Baldwin IV came to have terms.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      When Saladin and Balian got into war it was because of the templers.Baldwin had told Balian tyhat his job was to protect the people.So that was exactly what he did.It was a very long war.Saladin had noticed that Balian was good.
    • devine martin
      him and saldien really got along beacuse when they was about to go to war he came up to him and salldien said i will let you have my doctor and he left then he beat up that fat guy that killed his father.
  • he was Fulk's grandson and thus Baldwin's first cousin; Raymond was Melisende's nephew and thus first cousin of Baldwin's father), claimed authority superseding Raymond's regency. The Haute Cour refuse
  • attempting to injure each other by driving their fingernails into each other's arms, but Baldwin felt no pain.
    • julio hernandez
      In the movie it said that his arm was cut.That Godfrey saw he had no pain.I cant imagine how bad his diseas was to not make him feel pain.He must have felt terrible.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      In the movie his arm was cut off.Godfrey saw and had no pain.That was terrible.
  • conclusively identified as leprosy until a few years later: the onset of puberty accelerated his disease, in its most serious lepromatous form.[citation needed]
    • ashley hernandez
      Baldwin IV of Jerusalem was a king that suffer from a disease called "leprosy." He in the movie "The Kingdom of Heaven" he wears a mask made out of silver I think that cover his face because his skin is all gooey and everything and its also contagious.
  • Baldwin IV married Sibylla to Guy of Lusignan
    • ashley hernandez
      Sibylla got married to Guy de Lusignan because her mother chose him. After, Guy de Lusignan met Balian he hated him so much he couldn't stand him. He hated Balian because he got respect from Baldwin IV.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Sibylla got married to guy named Guy de Lusignan.When Baldwin died he became the knig.And that was how the war between Balian Saldin began.
  • Baldwin marshalled what strength
    • ashley hernandez
      Baldwin IV was the man with the most strength of coming out of his palace and going to lead a battle with Saladin's men. Baldwin IV and Saladin are men of their words and retreated. Baldwin IV was becoming weaker at the moment. He told Reynald to give him the kiss of peace and he did and Baldwin IV hit him with his silver or metal whip and about to leave became so weak he almost fell to the ground.
  • 5Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
    • jaida pacheco
      Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, called the Leper or the Leprous, the son of Amalric I of Jerusalem and his first wife, Agnes of Courtenay, was king of Jerusalem from 1174 to 1185. His full sister was Queen Sibylla of Jerusalem and his nephew through this sister was the child-king Baldwin V.

Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 21 views

  • Crusades
    • yulissa gomez
      the crusades were a series religiosly-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of latin chrishtion europe, particular the franks of france and the holy roman empire.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The Crusades was a war between Cristians and Muslims.Muslims burned down a Cristian church.They burned down on 1009.But then a man rebuilt it.
    • Gabriela Morales
      Crusades was a war between Christians and Muslims. Arabs call people that participate in crusades were called Franks. The first crusade was between Saladin and Balian. Saladin took Jerusalem. Then there was a second crusade. The second crusade was to get Jerusalem back. Richard the first volunteered. Richard the first was the king of England. When he went out to fight he left England to his brother Prince John. He fought for 3 years. He had to little men and decided to surrender. There were exactly eleven crusades.
  • The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and were launched in response to a call from the Christian Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk Turks into Anatolia.
    • yulissa gomez
      also the crusades had the originally the goal of the recapturing jerusalem and also the holy land from the muslim rule and they were launched in the reponse to a call from the christian byzantine empire for help agaimst the expansion of the muslim
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      everything that yulissa says i say
    • jaida pacheco
      The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and were launched in response to a call from the Christian Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk Turks into Anatolia.
    • Jihad Little
      yeah saladin wanted to recapture jerusalem for his people and he did
    • lezlie gonzalez
      it took a lot of years to get jerslium back from the muslims
    • Aahlya Mendez
      The crusades originally had the goal of recapturing jerusalem and the holy land from muslim rule and were launched in responce to a call from the christian byzantine empire for help against the expansion of the muslim seljuk turks into anatolia.
    • Gabriela Morales
      In the first crusade it was for Jerusalem. The battle was between the Christians and the Muslims. The Muslims won because they had more soldiers. But Saladin did promise for the Christians to be safely escorted out. He kept his promise. That was only one of the eleven crusades.
  • The Siege of Antioch, from a medieval miniature painting, during the First Crusade.
    • yulissa gomez
      this is a picture of the siege of the antioch from a medievalminiature painting durin the first crusade.
    • lezlie gonzalez
      now these days they worship the wall
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  • Crusades
    • jaida pacheco
      A Crusade is a war of religion and money. The wars usually began with crusadiers. Crusadiers were christenes warriors. They killed just about any thing that wasn't christene. They created these wars becuase they beileved every person should be christene. But the Muslums didn't feel the same. They thought that Everyone could live together in peace while believing there own religion. Muslums were very forgiving and pacient people. However Muslums were unpacient and hated Muslums. There were eleven crusades.
    • devine martin
      the crusade were big.that 1000 thousand died but they did for god.
    • Jihad Little
      there were many many crusades over many many years all for the holy land Jerusalem
    • Jihad Little
      saladin was in many of the crusades defending jerusalem
    • Jihad Little
      as the crusades went on they got worst and worst
    • janay harris
      there were 11 crusades altogether. the first one was the only one that actually inside jerusalem. and was really fighting. buh the other ones wernt as close as the first crusade.
  • The Crusades were a series of religiously-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.
    • Jihad Little
      there were about 11 or 12 crusades
    • ceferinne polanco
      it lasted 200 years almost
    • lezlie gonzalez
      but they 11 or 12 crusades were not throughly they were like 1 year then 3 years passed and then the crusades happened
  • he Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Crusades resulted in Mamluk and Hafsid victories, as the Ninth Crusade marked the end of the Crusades in the Middle East.[7]
  • The term is also used to describe contemporaneous and subsequent campaigns conducted through to the 16th century in territories outside the Levant[3] usually against pagans, heretics, and peoples under the ban of excommunication[4] for a mixture of religious, economic, and political reasons.[5
    • omar pichardo
      all the crusades were over jerusalum
    • lezlie gonzalez
      yup jersulm now has a part of jews muslims and cristians
    War between Muslims and Christians.
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    The Crusades were a series of religiously-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.Crusaders took vows and were granted penance for past sins, often called an indulgence.
    The Crusades were a series of religiously-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims
    The Crusaders Were a series of religously-Scanctioned Military Campaigns waged by Much latin Christian Europe.
    The Crusades were a series of religiously-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.Crusaders took vows and were granted penance for past sins, often called an indulgence. 3The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and were launched in response to a call from the Christian Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk Turks into Anatolia. The term is also used to describe contemporaneous and subsequent campaigns conducted through to the 16th century in territories outside the Levant usually against pagans, heretics, and peoples under the ban of excommunication for a mixture of religious, economic, and political reasons.Rivalries among both Christian and Muslim powers led also to alliances between religious factions against their opponents, such as the Christian alliance with the Sultanate of Rum during the Fifth Crusade.
    there were alot of different crusades.and some of them were against the cristians. the cristians thought that they were going to win because they had the cristian cross. the cristians fought over 200 years. in the time of 1095-1291

Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 18 views

  • Kingdom of Jerusalem
    • alexi viera
      jeruslem was a very famouse city
    • devine martin
      thats a city i want to own they have everything spices and food and horses.
    • daniel arocho
      yea they had good spices and foods. they had great horses. they had one of the best horses. and they battled great with them.
    • omar pichardo
      all the crusades were over jerusalem
  • The Kingdom of Jerusalem was a Christian kingdom established in the Levant in 1099 after the First Crusade. It lasted nearly two hundred years, from 1099 until 1291 when the last remaining possession, Acre, was destroyed by the Mamluks
    • anthony rodriguez
      they believed Jerusalem was the "holy land"
    • jaida pacheco
      The kingdom of Jerusalem was considered the "holy land", because that was where Jesus was crusifed. Many people say you were able to erase your sins. They also said you could earase other peoples sins. Was that true? If it was then why don't people believen it today? When did the Crusaieders take over Jerusalem?
    • lezlie gonzalez
      jeruslam was so popular there were a lot of wars for the city
    • devine martin
      everybody wanted jersulamen beacuse it was holy and had alot of culture
    • lezlie gonzalez
      there was like 3 religons for jerislum
    • yulissa gomez
      back then the kingdom of jerusalem was the christian kingdom was established in the levant from 1099 and after the first crusade why did it lasted from 200 years and from 1099 until 1291 when the last remaining possession acre was destroy by the mamluks
  • Flag Coat of arms
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • At first the Muslim
    • Mark Ramos
      the Muslims had conquered this place for a long time. The cause why it ended was because of the Crusades. the Crusades killed everybody in there including their own religion the christians. they did this for either, or both reasons, was that their sins would be taken off, or/and so they could be rich the Muslims had conquered this place for a long time. The cause why it ended was because of the Crusades. the Crusades killed everybody in there including their own religion the christians. they did this for either, or both reasons, was that their sins would be taken off, or/and so they could be rich
  • Crusader Jerusalem. The
    • Andy Rosario
      How big was jerusalem in the time of the crusey. even tho the mudslim had more milatery .they still cape on fithing to protect there land. this people were really prave at there time.
  • At first the kingdom was little more than a loose collection of towns and cities captured during the crusade. Later kings expanded its size so that at its height in the mid-twelfth century, the kingdom roughly
      The kingdom of Jerusalem was considered the "holy land", because that was where Jesus was crusifed. Many people say you were able to erase your sins. They also said you could earase other peoples sins.
    • daniel arocho
      yes that is true. they had a king that expanded them. it was the death place of jesus. and they said u can erase your and other peoples sins which were important to you.
  • At first the Muslim world held little concern for the fledgling kingdom, but as the twelfth century progressed, the kingdom's Muslim neighbours were united by Nur ad-Din and Saladin, who vigorously began to recapture lost territory. Jerusalem itself was lost to Saladin in 1187, and by the thirteenth century the Kingdom was reduced to a few cities along the Mediterranean coast. In this period, the kingdom, sometimes referred to as the "Kingdom of Acre", was ruled by the Lusignan dynasty of the crusader Kingdom of Cyprus, and ties were also strengthened with Tripoli, Antioch, and Armenia. The kingdom was also increasingly dominated by the Italian city-states of Venice and Genoa, as well as the imperial ambitions of the Holy Roman Emperors. The kingdom became little more than a pawn in the politics and warfare of the Ayyubid and Mamluk dynasties in Egypt, as well as the Khwarezmian and Mongol invaders. The Mamluk sultans Baibars and al-Ashraf Khalil eventually reconquered all the remaining crusader strongholds, culminating in the destruction of Acre in 1291
  • Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem
  • The First Crusade and the foundation of the kingdom
    • laverne roache
      The crusaders looked scary. I think there were 11 crusades and only 2 lasted. The best one was the first one. the first crusade was preached at the council of clermont.
  •  Kingdom of 1 Jerusalem From Wikipedia, 2 the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Regnum HierosolimitanumRoiaume de JherusalemLatin 2 Kingdom of Jerusalem ← 1099–1291 → Flag Coat of arms The kingdom of Jerusalem and the other Crusader states (in shades of green) in the context of the Near East in 1135. Capital Jerusalem (1099-1187)Tyre (1187-1191)Acre (1191-1229)Jerusalem (1229-1244)Acre (1244-1291) Language(s) Latin, Old French, Italian (also Arabic and Greek) Religion Roman Catholicism (official), Greek Orthodoxy, Syrian Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism Government Monarchy King  - 1100-1118 Baldwin I  - 1118-1131 Baldwin II  - 1131-1152 Melisende- with Fulk 1131-1143  - 1143-1152-1162 Baldwin III  - 1162-1174 Amalric I  - 1174-1185 Baldwin IV Legislature Haute Cour Historical era High Middle Ages  - First Crusade 1099  - Second Crusade 1145  - Siege of Jerusalem (1187)
    • genesis grullon
      jeruzzlem had many people. there were many people that wanted it.there were many people up for it . it was probably big.
    • Gabriela Morales
      The Kingdom of Jerusalem is known as the holy land. It is called that because jesus died there and it is said that if you go there you can erase your sins and the sins of others. In the First crusade Jerusalem was taken by Saladin. After that the second crusade began. Richard the first volunteered . He is also known as Richard the Lionhearted. He was the king of England. When he went out to fight he left England to Prince John. Prince John was Richard's brother. Prince John became a dictator. Richard fought for 3 years. He had to little men so he decided to surrender.
    the Kingdom of Jerusalem was a Christian kingdom established in the Levant in 1099 after the First Crusade. It lasted nearly two hundred years, from 1099 until 1291 when the last remaining possession, Acre, was destroyed by the Mamluks.
    Jerusalem Was a christian kingdom. Many people would Want it. There Was Probably Lots Of Battle For Jerusalem.
    the kingdom of jerusalem was mainly filled with christian. people would go there to forgive their sins. and people would die to be the king of jerusalem. but there could only be 1 king.

Balian of Ibelin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 12 views

  • For other figures with the same name, see Balian.
      Balian of abelin was the son of godfrey. Godfrey was the king of jeruselem or something like that. He was very famous. Because he was and old king. He told his son 2 go 2 the jeruselem so he had a new beginning an a new start.
  • Balian of Ibelin
    • Aahlya Mendez
      Balian of abelin was the son of godfrey. Godfrey was the king of jeruselem or something like that. He was very famous. Because he was and old king. He told his son 2 go 2 the jeruselem so he had a new beginning an a new start. Not just for him for his dead wife 2. To be the nesw king 2 and find a new love 2 i think.
    • adonys conde
      both his wife and baby diedhis wife comited suicide and his baby just died
    • adonys conde
      he was also the son of Barisan of Iblein plus he killed a prest caus ehe toke the neacklce be long ing to his wife while she was being baried
    • adonys conde
      he became a crusader the day he meet his father
    • adonys conde
      didied one year before guy did
    • adonys conde
      lived in the kingdom jerusalem as a crusader in the 12th centry
    • eric santiago
    • devine martin
      he is a great guy he help only people of his casltle and pligrim road.he was a blacksmaith until his father made him a knight then his father died beacuse of a arrow in his hip. and his wife commite sucide and went to hell.
    • emily caba
      balian of ibelin was godfreys son. balian was an intelligent guy just like godfrey. balian had war with the muslims because the muslims wanted jerusalum. saladin wanted war because he promised his people tht he will rule jerusalum and he kept tht promise.
  • Balian was the youngest son of Barisan of Ibelin, and brother of Hugh and Baldwin. His father, a knight in the County of Jaffa, had been rewa
    • anthony rodriguez
      he was the son of godfrey
    • jaida pacheco
      of course Balian was the youngest son of The Barisan of Ibelin. Because he was the only son of his. He was also the greatest son of his. He was heroic. When was he born? When did he die? How old was he when he was married? How old was his wife when she comitted suicide? How old was his son when he died? How did his son die?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Balian and Baldwin supported Raymond III of Tripoli over Miles of Plancy as regent for King Baldwin IV in 1174, and in 1177 the brothers were present at the Battle of Montgisard, leading the vanguard victoriously against the strongest point of the Muslim line. That year Balian also married Maria Comnena, widow of King Amalric I, and became stepfather to their daughter Princess Isabella. He received the lordship of Nablus, which had been a dower gift to Maria following her marriage to Amalric. In 1179, Baldwin was captured by Saladin after the Battle of Jacob's Ford, and Balian helped arrange for his ransom and release the next year; the ransom was eventually paid by Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus, Maria's great-uncle.
  • Early life
    • Alex Cruz
      Balian was the youngest son of Barisan of Ibelin , and brother of Hugh and Baldwin.
      to be the balen of iblen means to be the ruler of iblen
  • In 1183 Balian and Baldwin supported Raymond against Guy of Lusignan, husband of Sibylla of Jerusalem and by now regent for Baldwin IV, who was dying of leprosy. The king had his 5-year-old nephew Baldwin of Montferrat crowned as co-king in his own lifetime, in an attempt to prevent Guy from succeeding as king. Shortly before his death in spring 1185, Baldwin IV ordered a formal crown-wearing by his nephew at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was Balian himself—a notably tall man—who carried the child Baldwin V on his shoulder at the ceremony, signifying the support of Isabella's family for her nephew. Soon after, the eight-year-old boy became sole king. When he, too, died in 1186, Balian and Maria, with Raymond's support, put forward Maria's daughter Isabella, then about 14, as a candidate for the throne. However, her husband, Humphrey IV of Toron, refused the crown and swore fealty to Guy. Balian reluctantly also paid homage to Guy, while his brother refused to do so and exiled himself to Antioch. Baldwin placed Balian in charge of raising his son Thomas, the future lord of Ramla, who did not go with his father to Antioch.
    alian of Ibelin (early 1140s-1193) was an important noble in the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century..balian was the youngest son of Barisan of Ibelin, and brother of Hugh and Baldwin. His father, a knight in the County of Jaffa, had been rewarded with the lordship of Ibelin after the revolt of Hugh II of Le Puiset. Barisan married Helvis of Ramla, heiress of the wealthy lordship of Ramla. 

Kingdom of Heaven (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 9 views

  • Kingdom of Heaven (film)
    • devine martin
      these a good movie but were not done yet i cant wait
    • adonys conde
      kingdom of heaven is more than just a film full of blood and violance and muslims its about one person named Balian of Iblein who lived his life as a slave and then found his father who was a crusader,but sadly shortly after they meet his father died and then he became a knight and took a journy to jerusalem and thats all I known
    • Genesis Nunez
      Kingdom of Heaven is an amazing movie it shows you why the army add to go from water to water if not they will die but shows you lots more
    • lezlie gonzalez
      kingdome of heaven shows you a little bit how the crusades were. it was almost like the real one but they added a little hollywood to it
  • The story is set during the Crusades of the 12th century.
    • omar jimenez
      it is crazy how we no all of this stuuf. its is cool how can acted it out and do it exactly hoiw they did it. its alsome
  • King Baldwin IV.
    • omar jimenez
      this man was very brave and strong. he had this dessies that can kill you in a couple years or so. it is called leopsey . this dessiase eat ur skin and it is contation so u can get put ibut it is bad cause u need to ware gloves and stuff
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Kingdom of Heaven i
    • laverne roache
      This was a great movie. I enjoyed watching it very much. The actors are great. It was very intresting to know what happen.
    • lezlie gonzalez
      it was so realalistic!
  • Kingdom of Heaven (f i lm) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    • genesis grullon
      this was a very intersting movie. i didnt like it that much. it was alright. the actors were good.
    • Jihad Little
      this movie was about the crusades and times around that period. this movie was one of the greatest movies i had ever saw. it was so realistic and gave alot of great information about that time
  • Kingdom of Heaven
    • Jihad Little
      kingdom of heaven was a great movie. it showed how things were during those days.
  • Balian
    • Genesis Nunez
      Bailian was a great leader and a great worrior and he respected all the muslims
  • A French village blacksmith goes to aid the city of Jerusalem in its defense against the Muslim and Kurdish leader Saladin, who is battling to reclaim the city from the Christians. The film script is a heavily fictionalized portrayal of
    • Gabriela Morales
      This movie was really good it told the story about Balian. He was a french blacksmith. After he kills a preist he flees to Jerusalem. His father was king. He promised king Baldwin ( hes not the father) that he would protect Jerusalem and he kept his promise all through the movie. Even when he lost a battle he compromised with Saladin and the people in Jerusalem were safely escourted out.
  • In a remote village in France, Balian (Orlando Bloom), a blacksmith, is haunted by his wife's (Nathalie Cox) recent suicide,
  • Directed by Ridley Scott
    • Gabriela Morales
      Kingdom of heaven was a really good movie. It was directed by Ridley Scott. He directed Gladiator as well. I like how Ridley Scott not only makes movies of history but actually puts historic facts. He does not put lies in the movies he tells us the truth very vividly and accurately.
    Kingdom Of Heaven shows you some things about the crusaders. this movie was good.
    "Kingdom of Heaven"

Siege of Kerak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Baldwin immediately marched with a relief force, accompanied by his regent, Raymond III of Tripoli. Although suffering from leprosy since childhood, Baldwin's determination to frustrate Saladin's attempt was such that he led personally, although he had to be carried on a stretcher. The Christian forces arrived while Saladin was still struggling against the heavy fortifications. Knowing he risked being crushed between the Royal army and the walls of Kerak, he lifted the siege.
    • julio hernandez
      Baldwin came with alot of men.When Saladin saw him he stoped attacking.The men talked and stopped.Five years later the king dies

Zengi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 8 views

  • Zengi
    • kimberly ramos
      Zengi was The Son Of Aq Sunqur al-Hajib. He was Govenor Of Aleepo Under Malik Shah I. His Father Was Beheaded For Treason in 1904. He Died By Assassination. Yarankash Was A Frankish Slave He was The One Who assassinated Zengi.
  • Zengi
    • Gabriela Morales
      Zengi was born in 1085 AD. Zengi was the king of Aleppo.Zengi was assassinated. He died on September 14, 1146. He was assinated by a Frankish slave named Yarankash. Zengi was the type of person that wanted what he asked for immediately.
    • devine martin
      he was attacking eddasa after jerusalmen left.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Zengi was short for ,lmad ad-Din Zengi. He was born in 1085. He also was king of Aleppo. He was also king from 1127-1146.
    • Alberto Torres
      he was turkish. he was born in1085 and died in 1146
  • n May 1138 Zengi came to an agreement with Damascus. He married Zumurrud, the same woman who had murdered her son Ismail, and received Hims as her dowry.
    • Daniel Gomez
      Wow in May 1138 Zengi came to an agreement with Damascus. Then he married Zumurrud the same woman who murdered her son Ismail. He must have been a great man to have done that. I guess it was alright to have chosen him as Govener
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Imad ad-Din Atabeg Zengi (al-Malik al-Mansur) (also Zangi, Zengui, Zenki, or Zanki; in Turkish İmadeddin Zengi, in Arabic: عماد الدین زنكي) (c. 1085–September 14, 1146) was the son of Aq Sunqur al-Hajib,
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Wow now I know where Zengi got his name from. Well very crazy name from. He got it from his father. Most boys get there name from there father.
  • Predecessor
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Preddeser means a person who holds your spot for something later on. Like say you want to be king one day.Your preddesser will hold that spot for you.Untill you get it.
  • Saladin
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Saldin was a very good general. and that was how he became to be ruler of the muslums. Then he went to Jeruseum to get it. And then after that the first crusade happened.

Battle of Hattin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 8 views

  • Battle of Hattin
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The Battle of Hattin was also known as The Horns of Hatin.It was named like that because of a nearby extincted volcano which was of the same name.It was a battle between Muslims and Crusades.The Muslims were under Saladin.The Ialamic armies reconquered Jerusalem and any other crusade cities.
    • devine martin
      this was a battle was a big battle.
  • Location
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      That battle took place near Tiberius.Which is now known as Isaerl.The battlefield was near a town called Hittin.The Darb al-Hawarnah road was built was by the Romans.It was used to serve as the main east-west passage between the fords of Jordan.
  • Guy of Lusignan
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      He was the husband Sibylla.When Sibyllas brother died he became king of Jerusalem.That happened in 1186.That was a bad choice.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      This is a picture of the batle
  • The Battle of Hattin
    • laverne roache
      It is was know of the hornes of hatties. Also it was an important battle. The battle took place near Tiberias in persent day Isrel. it looked like a crazy battle.
    The Battle of Hattin (also known as "The Horns of Hattin" because of a nearby extinct volcano of the same name) took place on Saturday, July 4, 1187, between the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid dynasty.The Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces, removing their capability to wage war. As a direct result of the battle, Islamic forces once again became the eminent military power in the Holy Land, reconquering Jerusalem 
    The Hattin Was A Battle. This Battle Was Mostly Known as The Horns Of Hattin.This Battle was The Battle that the Crusaders of Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid dynasty.

Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 8 views

  • Jerusalem
    • Jihad Little
      it is the jewish holy city and where jesus christ was crusified
    • Jihad Little
      it is the third holiest city in the world
    • Gabriela Morales
      Jerusalem was known as the holy land. They called it that because Jesus died there and it is said if you go there you can erase your sins and the sins of others,In the first crusade Saladin took Jerusalem over. After that became a second Crusade. The second crusade was took get Jerusalem back for the Christians. Richard the first volunteered. He was the king of England. When he went out to fight he left England to his brother Prince John. He fought there for 3 years. He had to little men so he decided to surrender.
    • ceferinne polanco
      this place Jerusalem was a Christian central of forgiveness well not really people go there to for give their sins because of the church built there it was said that tat church is built on top of were jesus died
  • Jerusalem contains a number of significant Christian sites, and although it is never mentioned explicitly in the Qur'an, Islam regards Jerusalem as its third-holiest city.[
  • he Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Quarters
  • ...4 more annotations...
    • Julian Berni
      jerusalem is the third holiest city in the world
  • Jerusalem
  • city
  • Jerusalem
    jerusalem was a very holy city in the world
  • ...1 more comment...
    jerusalam was the place you can forgive your sins. and if you went to hell. for example if someone one goes to hell. someone can go. and make god forgive them. then they will go to heaven.
    jerusalem was called the holy city because that is were jesus was cursified. if you go there you can forgiven for all your sins

Second Crusade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 10 views

  • Second Crusade
    • emily caba
      the second crucade was prevented by richard. richard heard about balian having the first crucade against the muslims. now richard wants jerusilum back from the muslims and he wanted a second crucade. richard asked balian to join him and he said "i am a black smith".
    • Aahlya Mendez
      The second crusade was prevented by King Richard I. Richard the I heard aboust balian having the first crusade against the muslims. Know Richard wants jerusalem back from th muslims and he wanted a second crusade. Richard the I asked balian to join him and he said "i am a black smith." But king richard the I new it was Bailian not a simple black smith.
    • ceferinne polanco
      i hate wars like just get along if u dont stay out of each others lives there is o reason to fight
    • Michelle Barrueto
      War is what brought us together: ceferinne. If there was no war (especially that one) then the world would have changed. The Second Crusade was really big and caused alot.
    • Gabriela Morales
      Both of you have a good point. Wars are very important but we are not saying that is good. Sure, if we did not have wars there will be less the struggle but it helps us acheive so much more. The Second Crusade was interesting because Balian was helping to protect Jerusalem which he did. Sure, Saladin got it, but he kept his promise, to keep everyone safe.
    • janay harris
      the second cursade was prevented by the man named richmond. but the good thing was balian was helping jerusalem and was protecting it because everyone wanted to own jerusalem.
    • Bryan Cardenas
      Why couldent they do that in the beggining. It wold of endet the war a long time ago. Man people so greedy back then.
  • After the First Crusade and the minor Crusade of 1101 there were three crusader states established in the east: the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa. A fourth, the County of Tripoli, was established in 1109. Edessa was the most northerly of these, and also the weakest and least populated; as such, it was subject to frequent attacks from the surrounding Muslim states ruled by the Ortoqids, Danishmends, and Seljuk Turks.[2] Count Baldwin II and future count Joscelin of Courtenay were taken captive after their defeat at the Battle of Harran in 1104
    • Devin Figueroa
      I don't get what was the point of taking over jerusalem.Isn't your life more valuable.If God really wanted jrusalem he could have sent his army.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Baldwin and Joscelin were both captured a second time in 1122, and although Edessa recovered somewhat after the Battle of Azaz in 1125, Joscelin was killed in battle in 1131
    • Devin Figueroa
      didn't the king of jerusalem have some type of illness?that must have sucked. I think it must have been painful
  • The Pope commissioned Bernard to preach the Second Crusade and granted the same indulgences for it which Pope Urban II had accorded to the First Crusade.
    • Devin Figueroa
      Wasn't ballyen a great general in the crusades.He fought againtst some fearful muslim.Also dont you need to be back smacked to be a knight.

Richard I of England - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 5 views

    • Genesis Nunez
      Was the king of England and he was fighting in a crusade for years and and he was about to take over Jereslem and didnt get to take over it becouse did not have lots of men so he said the war was over
    • Genesis Nunez
      The king of Germany Captured Richard becouse he was in the Mederteranian sea and they had a ship wreck and the king put him in jail and he said pay me millons of dollars and i will let him go and it took 15 years for them to pay so Richard could get out of jail
    • anonymous
      richard was king of england. he was king of england from 6 july 1189 untitl his death. richard also ruled as duke of normandy at the same time. richard had a brother, his brother was jealous of him because richard was more loved.
  • Richard I
    • Gabriela Morales
      Richard the first was the king of England. When the Pope started another Crusade he was the first to answer. He was to get Jeruselum back. When he went out he left his brother Prince John to take over. Prince John became a dictator. Richard was also know as Richard the Lionhearted. He went to fight Sladin but he had to little men so he gave up. They fought for three years. Saladin and Richard the first respected each other. Then Richard the first went out to a ship voyage but since it is very dangerous to go out at sea he got shiprecked and got captured. He was held for Ransom. The guy that took him told England that if they wanted their King back they need to pay millions of dollars for him. It took England years to get the money. They got it and then Richard the first became their king again! :)
    When the pope called for the crusaders one of the people Who answered was Richard the 1st. he was also know as Richard the lionhearted.He was also the king of England.He fought in the Crusade for many many years. he was also almost going to take over Jerusalem But He Didnt because He didnt have many mens. So by that being said he said the war was Over.

William of Tyre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 18 views

  • William of Tyre (c. 1130 – September 29, 1186), was a medieval prelate and chronicler. As archbishop of Tyre, he is sometimes known as William II to distinguish him from a predecessor, William of Malines. He grew up in Jerusalem at the height of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which had been established in 1099 after the First Crusade, and he spent twenty years studying the liberal arts and canon law in the universities of Europe.
    • edward estremera
      william was a medivil guy he grew up in ingld
    • devine martin
      he was a good guy to the ppl that all i know
    • jonathan perez
      willian of tyre was a medival prelate and chronicler
    • Steven Ramos
      william was a medivle man.Everybody loved him.he was perlate and chronicler.William was a great man.
    • Alberto Torres
      he was roman catholic
  • expanded and secured the kingdom's borders, which encompassed roughly the same territory as modern-day Israel,
  • The highest religious and political offices in Jerusalem were usually held by Europeans who had arrived on pilgrimage or crusade. William was one of the few natives with a European education, and he quickly rose through the ranks.[12] After his return to the Holy Land in 1165, he became canon of the cathedral at Acre. In 1167 he was appointed archdeacon of the cathedral of Tyre by Frederick de la Roche, archbishop of Tyre, with the support of King Amalric I
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  • William of Tyre
    • laverne roache
      Willam of tyre was an medevil chronicter. He was born in Jersueleum. He study liberal agrts and cannon law for 20 years.He died 1186.
    • Steven Ramos
      William died september 29 1186. he study libral agarts and cannon of law.He was born in jerusulam he was a very inportant person.
    • edward estremera
      yea he did die on september he is about like 824 years old really old aww if he was alive we could of have know every thimg bout the past
    • emily caba
      william of tyre was a historian i think...he told the pope or the ppl tht the muslims are doing bad things to the other religions which was not true.
    • Alberto Torres
      william of trye was an chronicter during the time of the crusades. he was born in the holy land (jerusalem) in 1130. he deid in sept. 29 1186
  • Baldwin
  • Baldwin
  • The Kingdom of Jerusalem was founded in 1099
  • William of Tyre
    William of Tyre was the first eye witness that we actually have accounts and records of. He was a christian historian. He was born in 1130 AD. He died in 1186 AD. He grew up in Jerusalem. He was there when Jerusalem was at it's height of it's power. He was probably there when the crusade was going on between Balian and Saladin.
    Willam of tyre was an medevil chronicter. He was born in Jersueleum. He study liberal agrts and cannon law for 20 years. he was born in the holy land (jerusalem) in 1130. He died 1186.
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