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Google 阅读器 (312) - 0 views

  • CNNIC发布了第二十一次互联网调查报告,这个报告里除了宣称中国有2亿网民外,还有两个数据引起了我的注意。 其一,中国网民的即时通信(IM软件,比如QQ)使用率达到81.4%,是仅次于网络音乐的第二大网络应用,超越了搜索引擎和电子邮件; 其二,询问网民上网做的第一件事,有39.7%的人选择了IM,是互联网第一落脚点中网民人数最多的一项。(均引自p.41) 参照国美国,即时通信使用率的情况是? 39%!
  • The Worst Case Scenario, in which all the following happens:1) Tibetan monks or the FLG self-immolate during the opening ceremonies.2) Foreign tourists complain about secondhand smoke, "massage" phone calls to their hotel rooms, spitting, lack of queues and price gouging.3) Domestic tourists complain about even worse price gouging. Indignant domestic visitors get mad when their tickets are revealed to be fakes.4) Wiseacre tourists pose in front of the Olympics logo re-enacting this picture. Hilarity ensues when Chinese citizens/officials get wind of it.5) Athletes complain of racial profiling and repressive security measures at the Olympic Village, though in fairness its the Chinese security apparatus trying to do their best.6) A phalanx of visitors with protest t-shirts are detained.7) Japanese athletes get harassed.8) Triathletes succumb to pollution, or controversy erupts over the US and other teams sporting breathing masks.9) Nasty poor sportsmanship rears its head when Liu Xiang doesn't win the gold.10) Afghanistan's only competing athlete misses his event due to traffic.11) African athletes get harassed in Sanlitun.12) Al Qaeda or some other nutjobs pull a Munich.
  • 然 而,从更严肃的层面上说,我们看“艳照门”,不是要做意淫的看客,而是应该努力透过这个事件讨论一些对网络社会的发展起到重大作用的东西,比如言论自由, 比如隐私权,比如互联网的监管,这些东西全部都是极为复杂的,其解决之道应该通过一个充分的沟通过程来达成。关于如何监管,我的观点很鲜明:第一,应该尽 可能使用现有的法律,而不是匆忙通过新法律,因为法律面对新技术的发展存在一个致命的滞后期;第二,政 府如果犯错误的话,也应该犯规范过少的错误,相信互联网会逐渐更清晰地成形。在互联网提出了那么多难以解答的问题的情况下,政府未见得有最好的解决办法, 即使有,也不见得是最好的解决办法。最终,互联网也许会催生出一种新的规范方式,不那么具有强制性,而更多地相信市场的力量。
    • arden dzx
      从业者对于影视作品分级的制度吆喝多年,始终未能产生一点作用,因为政府相信以官方意志严格控制文化产品出口,有利于维护稳定,在Web1.0传播渠道的模式下,也许是可以维持的,只不过其后果就是产业萎靡,生命力给扼杀。 而今,网络上P2P的信息和创作传播,令官方防不胜防了,他们可曾反思,如何让业者鞠躬反省,首先还是要给公众的自由讨论空间松绑,唯有平等、公开、透明的社会互动,才可能达成最大的共识,从而真正在各个层面贯彻落实。 很遗憾,至今为主,对于网络色情泛滥的状况,网络媒体的反省--如果大家还认同存在这么一个选项的话,我觉得还是远远做得不够。
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  • 其實昨晚,小女子一直在惦記一個人:就是去年八月從三亞奔跑三千多公里進北京支持奧運的海南“小神鹿”張慧敏。我想,今天有二百多位火炬手參加圣火傳遞,可能誰也比不上小慧敏對奧運圣火的感情強烈。然而,因為她的奔跑有爭議,我們在這個對的日子里,沒有見到最對的人。 一個孩子,不論她的行為是否得到廣泛認同,她的支持奧運夢想應該被尊重。全然的漠視,集體的失言,

Carol Lin: "The Flavor of Freedom" - 0 views

  • Lin is also well known for her photography. In this interview, she speaks about the lack of development in the Chinese web 2.0 / Internet industry, Taiwan's uncensored Internet, the opportunity average Chinese people got to "taste the flavor of freedom in an unblocked Internet" during the Olympics, and digitally savvy Chinese netizens.

Beijing spending 45 billion RMB on pro-China international news network - Shanghaiist: ... - 0 views

  • So apparently the controversies in international media this summer over China and the Olympics came as a bit of a shock to the Chinese people. While the government's retained tight control over its own media, it's been less able to harmonize those pesky news outlets abroad. Not one to take perceived insults to its national image lying down, Beijing is now throwing RMB 45 billion into targeting global audiences.

Blogging Is Not A Crime - 0 views

  • Hu Jia (China; December, 2007): “For posting his vocal critiques of human rights abuses and environmental degradation in China and calling the Olympics a ‘human rights disaster.’”

开幕式上的蓝屏:是硬件问题还是软件问题呢? - Engadget 瘾科技 - 0 views

  • 这个小小的瞬间,却让微软和联想感到些许的难堪,鸟巢的灯光和投影显示系统使用了上百台Windows XP Embedded系统的服务器产品,而联想作为IT赞助商,应该机子硬件是Lenovo的,这个镜头出现在李宁要点火的那个之前,不过无论如何,开幕式的整体是完美的,但盖茨大叔已经退休了,他也不用为这个尴尬来解释了,不过可以想见,苹果迷们会乐一阵子

传郎昆新妻开幕式彩排独舞摔下舞台 疑成高位截瘫(组图)_娱乐_凤凰网 - 0 views

  • 在离奥运会开幕只有十天的时候
  • 胸椎以下可能高位截瘫。虽然还神志清楚,但下身已无任何知觉。再也没有了舞台上的辉煌
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  • 但是郎昆本人对再婚消息予以否认。
    • Kenyth Zeng
  • 一名优秀的中国青年舞蹈家,双“文华奖”和“五个一工程奖”获得者,这次奥运会开幕式中唯一独舞《丝路》的A角演员

[商界纵横] 主火炬手李宁的商业胜利-华尔街日报 - 0 views

  • 当这位1984年洛杉矶奥运会六枚奖牌获得者升到高空,沿着国家体育场鸟巢屋顶飞奔数分钟最后点燃火炬时,他似乎无视地心引力的存在──更别提奥运赞助商了。
  • 即便是在奥运开幕式那一幕传递给世人之前,李宁公司在中国消费者对企业的奥运认知度方面上也并未落后阿迪达斯太多。事实上,胜三公司最近的一项调查显示,45%的中国消费者误将李宁认为是奥运赞助商。

打破定律-评耐克雅典奥运广告之刘翔篇 - 0 views

  • “打破定律,你能比你快”这句广告语深入人心,甚至成了教练孙海平训练刘翔和刘翔自我激励的口号,赛前赛后被大量媒体甚至官员引用,耐克品牌的“势能”也自然被推到一个理想高地。
  • 广告的定义超越了单纯的民族主义思想,却不流俗于简单的国际主义,它是民族主义向国际主义的勇敢跨越,这似乎迎合了中国人民的感情,因为中国正在经历“在全世界和平崛起”。毫无疑问,刘翔广告代表了耐克在中国本土市场营销传播的突破,打破了李宁在本土的的民族情感堡垒和阿迪达斯在国际市场的夹击。
  • “定律1.亚洲人肌肉爆发力不够?”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • “定律3.亚洲人缺乏必胜的气势?”
  • “定律2.亚洲人成不了世界短跑飞人?”
  • “定律是用来被打破的 ”

胡佳可能获得诺贝尔和平奖 - 0 views

  • "There was a lot of repression during the Olympic Games. Now is a golden opportunity to underline that repression is unacceptable," said Janne Haaland Matlary, a professor of international relations at the University of Oslo, and a previous candidate to be a member of the Nobel committee.
  • The Chechen human rights lawyer Lydia Yusupova is another contender. "It would be an opportunity to focus on Russia at a time of increased interest following the conflict with Georgia," said Matlary.

女排的脆败 - 0 views

  • 第 三局的脆败,如同一支射向心魄的利箭,那样冷酷凌厉,将中国女排打入了深渊。
    • Andre Li Pan

The Crackdown to Come - - 0 views

  • As a key element of the revival of Chairman Mao Zedong's "people's warfare," Beijing and a number of other cities have revived the vigilante and spying functions of neighborhood committees. Municipal administrations along the coast -- and in the autonomous regions of Tibet and Xinjiang -- have recently earmarked additional budget to maintain the "spying" functions of neighborhood committees and similar vigilante outfits after the Olympics. Moreover, the Politburo's Central Political and Legal Commission, China's highest law-enforcement agency, has urged the courts and prosecutors to do more in fulfilling the party's priority task of thwarting anti-Beijing conspiracies and upholding sociopolitical stability. That the courts will comply in this is evident from a just-released article by the President of the Supreme People's Court, Wang Shengjun. Writing in this week's edition of the official Seeking Truth journal, Mr. Wang said: "We must pay more attention to maintaining state security and social stability. . . We must boost our consciousness of [safeguarding] the power of the regime . . . and fully develop our functions as a department for [proletarian] dictatorship."

China glosses over dark past at opening ceremony - Times Online - 0 views

  • “If there is going to be a way of moving the planet forward as a society it comes from people below government level getting on and working together and doing projects,” he said.

戏说奥运门票之经济学 - 0 views

  • VIP的奥运门票大概和天价月饼一样,是中国现阶段市场经济的特殊现象,反映了社会资源的分配现状
  • 此前的"天价月饼猜想"再次浮现在脑海。天价月饼这种"畸形产品"的存在,与奥运VIP票有几大共通点:  第一,自己享用的效用常常低于流通价值,后者随时间推延迅速递减,导致送票与送月饼一样,是与时间赛跑的行为。(这也是笔者得以如此幸运,在“鸟巢”马拉松开赛的七个小时前,即上周六的深夜,会撞到贵宾包厢票的主要原因。)  第二,边际效用迅速递减,而资源向高端人群严重倾斜,高端人群没有动力使用市场机制转让。用人话来说就是,少数有票的不稀罕,也懒得卖。  结果便是,空着的贵宾包厢。■

闹运禁止 - 0 views

  • 奥运场馆禁喝非赞助商饮料奥运期间禁止露宿街头奥运期间禁止邮寄香水洗发水奥运期间禁止小型航空器飞行奥运期间禁止售卖感冒药奥运城市禁止空运危险品自拍奥运DV禁止上网传播奥运期间手术暂缓 保证血液供给奥运 万恶的X运会,X!奥运期间禁止邮寄液体奥运期间,禁止装修

[特写] 福娃会否成"败"娃?-华尔街日报 - 0 views

  • 奥运官员接连不断地向韩美林的工作室发来传真,要求增加其他能代表中国的意象,比如风筝、中华鲟、古代岩画等等。因此,韩美林给它们加上了彷佛四十年代美国著名女艺人卡门•米兰达(Carmen Miranda)式的超大号帽子,以容纳所有的象征符号。为了能代表13亿中国人,他画了大约1,000个不同的模型,其中包括一条龙,还有一个拟人化的拨浪鼓。
  • 一些中国人最近开始叫它们“巫娃”,而网上对福娃的批评意见通常会遭到屏蔽。
  • 韩美林与奥组委的关系也陷入冷淡。“我设计福娃本来应该得到象征性的一元钱报酬,但就连这个我现在也没得到。
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