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isaac Mao

Solidot | 诺贝尔文学奖得主索尔仁尼琴逝世 - 0 views

  • 1973年在西方出版《古拉格群岛》,由作者的个人经历 ,上百人的回忆、报告、书信,以及苏联官方和西方的资料组成,分七大部分叙述1918~1956年,特别是斯大林执政期间,苏联各地关押迫害数百万人的(由于是不同时期,分批处决,具体数字难以统计)集中营的情况 ,书中描述的情况令人发指。索尔仁尼琴1945年至1953因与友人通信中指责斯大林而被捕;1967年散发对本国书刊检查制度的“公开信“,抗议苏联的报刊检查制度而被苏联第四次作家代表大会谴责为叛徒,1969年他被开除出苏联作家协会。1974年2月13日他被驱逐出境到西德,后流亡美国。
shi zhao

GFW.互联网的中国国情之三 | 读书生 - 0 views

  • GFW想必大家不会陌生。GFW的全称是Great Fire Wall,是伟大而正确的中国共产党用以屏蔽一切不和谐网络信息的防火墙工具。现在奥运期间,官方迫于国际奥委会的压力,暂时地开放了部分被禁的网页比如flikr、Wiki。奥运之后,大家还可以去尝试一下维基百科这个借助Web2.0的力量,在短时间内制作完成的世界百科全书。域名是。
  • 我是如此深爱着我的国家,所以我不能容忍,她被政府践踏。
  • 从某种角度说,我们也应当感谢GFW。是它成就了我们的坚持不懈,让我们发现,原来自己,可以如此顽强。
isaac Mao

东北也在奥[你妈]运 - 0 views

  • 原来为了迎接贵国的闹运会,东北在大幅限电:国有大厂赏到丁点的电,只能减产;私营小厂,白天没电,晚上干活;游泳馆除了照明,就不能干啥了,游泳池淋浴间通通地往里放凉水。
  • 而且我才知道,除了北京青岛香港,沈阳还是个会场,要开足球赛,所以东北其他城市还要省吃俭用地支援沈阳──两年前,我逃出了北京 ,目前在香港被奥运折腾。我妈在东北,也要被奥运折腾──似乎在劫难逃,这是奥运还是霉运?

Z Visa Update: The Bigger Picture | All Roads Lead To China - 0 views

  • A new piece of information that I have to add at what I have already seen at the other sites, that no one else has covered, is that I recently was sitting in a clients office when their HR person gave us some bad news Anyone born after 1983 can no longer get a Z visa. What struck me about this was that if true this would represent the first real change in policy. After all, working on an F visa was always outside the rules, and even extending a Z visa to rep office employees was a poorly enforced rule… but but restricting Z visas to those older than 25… THAT IS NEW Surely, if true, we are going to see a bunc of China bashing, but where I would like to frame this is that when there were economic downturns in Asia circa 1997 and the US circa 2000, there was almost an immediate visa restriction that came along with it. Leadership looked to save jobs for citizens, and those firms who wanted to import labor had to jump a lot of hurdles to prove that doing so was a last report… .that they could not find someone locally.

Obama's support for the FISA "compromise" - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

shared by feng37 on 22 Jun 08 - Cached
  • This bill doesn't legalize every part of Bush's illegal warrantless eavesdropping program but it takes a large step beyond FISA towards what Bush did. There was absolutely no reason to destroy the FISA framework, which is already an extraordinarily pro-Executive instrument that vests vast eavesdropping powers in the President, in order to empower the President to spy on large parts of our international communications with no warrants at all. This was all done by invoking the scary spectre of Terrorism -- "you must give up your privacy and constitutional rights to us if you want us to keep you safe" -- and it is Obama's willingness to embrace that rancid framework, the defining mindset of the Bush years, that is most deserving of intense criticism here.
  • Beyond that, this attitude that we should uncritically support Obama in everything he does and refrain from criticizing him is unhealthy in the extreme. No political leader merits uncritical devotion -- neither when they are running for office nor when they occupy it -- and there are few things more dangerous than announcing that you so deeply believe in the Core Goodness of a political leader, or that we face such extreme political crises that you trust and support whatever your Leader does, even when you don't understand it or think that it's wrong. That's precisely the warped authoritarian mindset that defined the Bush Movement and led to the insanity of the post-9/11 Era, and that uncritical reverence is no more attractive or healthy when it's shifted to a new Leader.
    This bill doesn't legalize every part of Bush's illegal warrantless eavesdropping program but it takes a large step beyond FISA towards what Bush did. There was absolutely no reason to destroy the FISA framework, which is already an extraordinarily pro-Executive instrument that vests vast eavesdropping powers in the President, in order to empower the President to spy on large parts of our international communications with no warrants at all. This was all done by invoking the scary spectre of Terrorism -- "you must give up your privacy and constitutional rights to us if you want us to keep you safe" -- and it is Obama's willingness to embrace that rancid framework, the defining mindset of the Bush years, that is most deserving of intense criticism here.

Inside-Out China: Peter Scheer's Case against China - 0 views

  • As I said, I'm all for information transparency and uncensored internet access. However a lasting progress in political reform comes from inside of a country, not from external pressure. Many Americans seem to believe in the external pressure they place on other countries; this might be a main cause of the problems with the US foreign policy. Looking at history – Americans have been in numerous countries trying to impose an order through external influence, how successful has this been?
  • Peter Scheer's effort to have WTO sanctions imposed based on Beijing's internet censorship, and the hearings that will be held tomorrow in Washington DC.
    As I said, I'm all for information transparency and uncensored internet access. However a lasting progress in political reform comes from inside of a country, not from external pressure. Many Americans seem to believe in the external pressure they place on other countries; this might be a main cause of the problems with the US foreign policy. Looking at history - Americans have been in numerous countries trying to impose an order through external influence, how successful has this been?
shi zhao

共同网 - Story - 0 views


法治论坛 -> 上海袭警前,杨佳拘留期间遭受拳打脚踢 - 0 views

  • 但是当时闸北分局的民警用了他们习以为常的手段对付杨佳--一顿痛殴。随着事件的取证调查,闸北分局民警发现杨佳的确没有参与偷车,只是在并不知情的情况下租赁了自行车而已,所以很快释放了杨佳。然而杨佳在被拘留的期间,闸北分局民警对他很是“照顾”,常常拳打脚踢,杨佳出去以后身体感到不适,就去医院检查,医生告诉他一个惊愕到难以接受的事实:他的性器官受到损害,以后将无法生育。
  • 杨佳很快到闸北分局去讨说法,鉴于有医生证明事实明确,杨佳的态度又十分强硬,闸北分局同意赔偿1.5万元私了此事。但是杨佳认为赔偿太低,坚决不同意,他三番四次去闸北分局去闹。渐渐地,闸北分局没了耐性,对杨佳开始不理不睬。据知情者透露,事发前一个月该分局领导还曾经威吓杨佳“不要再闹了,再闹就抓起来”、“一分钱都不会赔偿”,双方尖锐的矛盾根源由此而来。

Hello UK!討論區 - 英國留學新鮮事-留學英國入口網站, 英國同學會, 英國校友會,留學英國資訊集中地,英國留學討論區, 英國留學貸款, 留學獎學金 - 0 views

  • “五毛”最早见诸官方文件,是2006年初安徽省宣传部《关于南昌、长沙、郑州宣传文化工作的考察报告》透露:“2004年10月开始,长沙市委外宣办坚持每天向市委、市政府主要领导报送《长沙舆情快报》。为此,他们从市委办公厅、市委党校、市委政研室等单位选聘了一批网络评论员,建立了网络评论员队伍,建立并完善了网络评论督查、考核、总结、表彰制度。网络评论员每月底薪600元。网评员主要职责是密切监控网络舆情,提供舆情信息,并有针对性地开展网络宣传策划、网络舆情引导工作。网评员每周围绕一个中心,在中国精神文明网、人民网、新华网等20多个国内著名网站论坛上,围绕长沙市三个文明建设的新做法、新成就、新经验,发布贴文、图片。” 网评员实行计件工资制,底薪600元,按发贴量加薪,每发一帖,键入“网络评论员管理系统”进行统计。一帖“五毛”,“五毛”由此而来。 湖南省委宣传部对湖南在全国网络监控的先进地位颇为自毫,湖南省委宣传部2007年编辑发行《我们这个家----2006中共湖南省委宣传部家书》,透露了很多网络监控的信息。湖南的经验在全国推广后,中宣部成立舆情信息局,全国各省宣传部成立舆情信息处,往下延伸,形成一套完整的网络监控系统。湖南省委宣传部借调人员聂廷芳等人在《在宣传部的日子里》等文章透露,他们搜罗网上涉及湖南的文章言论,每天编辑《涉湘舆情》,还经常与网站交涉,删除文章,“正确引导”网上舆论;祝平良则在《忙碌让我充实》一文透露:湖南舆情信息工作是全国先进,每个月报送中宣部的信息达到了800多条,(忙不过来时,在网上挖掘)临时发展和聘请网上舆情信息员。 除专职网评员外,2006年,湖南省宣传部还召开工作人员“人人都当网评员”,宣传战线的工作人员闻风动员,人人兼职赚“五毛”,极大地壮大了湖南的“五毛”队伍,在网络这一无形世界上,形成一条有特色的风景线。本人的看法:我想也不是所有为中国说话,为共产党说话的人都是共产党雇佣的网络特务组织,很大一部分是被洗脑后,或者意识形态方面有自己看法的中国网友,不是想给所有人带上特务这顶帽子,只是提醒一下各位网友这种有中国特色的组织
shi zhao

共同网 - Story - 0 views

shi zhao

共同网 - Story - 0 views

shi zhao

尼泊尔首都发生反华游行 藏民113人被捕 - 0 views

  • 加德满都的藏民聚居区则举办了追悼会,悼念在西藏自治区等地镇压骚乱中包括汉族的牺牲者,约1000名藏民参加了祈祷悼念活动。
  • 西藏自治区等地的骚乱被镇压后,尼泊尔境内几乎每天都有游行活动发生。

Behind the Scenes: Unrest tests China PR machine - - 0 views

    tibet tests China's PR machine
shi zhao

日本公使考察西藏后称中国政府的说明不够充分 - 0 views

  • 向巴平措称,游行人员中有3人死亡,数人受伤。关于对抗议活动的取缔,向巴平措表示,在公共场合主张分裂或独立,在中国都是违法行为,认为和平游行活动也是处罚对象。
shi zhao

关注西藏__许志永文集--法律博客网站 - 0 views

  • 关于中央政府处理这次事件的态度,我一直有一个判断,似乎把达赖喇嘛推到对立面去不是一个理性的选择。在藏人面前批达赖喇嘛就是批判他们世世代代信封的神灵,这样的大批判只能让全体藏人从内心里远离中国。在国际上,事实证明,试图借助这次暴力事件给达赖喇嘛贴上暴力的标签是不可能的。从战略上考虑,这种拿达赖喇嘛的寿命来赌博的心理看起来很精明,实际上既有风险也会失去全世界的民心。武力、文革式宣传攻势在国内很有效,但在国际上很难凑效,奥运火炬的麻烦就是后果之一。
  • 建立在苏联意识形态上的这个巨大的画饼还有一个重要结果就是不断强化少数民族的民族特性而不是国家认同。
isaac Mao

乌有之乡 >> 文章中心 >> [专题]某报系造假录 - 0 views

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