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…My heart's in Accra » Studying Twitter and the Moldovan protests - 0 views

  • At some point on Friday, we hit a peak tweet density - 410 of 100,000 tweets included the #pman tag. Had I been scraping results by iterating 100,000 tweets at a time, I would have had four pages of new results - my script is only looking at the first page, so I’d be dropping results. If I ran the script again, I’d try to figure out the maximum tweet density by looking for the moment where the meme was most hyped, try to do a back of the envelope calculation as to an optimum step size and then halve it - that would probably have me using 20,000 steps for this set.
  • Density of tweets charted against blocks of 100,000 tweets
  • Picking apart the URL: max_id=1511783811 - Only return results up to tweet #1511783811 in the database page=2 - Hand over the second page of results q=%23pman - The query is for the string #pman, encoded to escape the hash rpp=100 - Give the user 100 results per page While you can manipulate these variables to your heart’s content, you can’t get more than 100 results per page. And if you retrieve 100 results per page, your results will stop at around 15 pages - the engine, by default, wants to give you only 1500 results on any search. This makes sense from a user perspective - it’s pretty rare that you actually want to read the last 1500 posts that mention the fail whale - but it’s a pain in the ass for researchers.
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  • What you need to do is figure out the approximate tweet ID number that was current when the phenomenon you’re studying was taking place. If you’re a regular twitterer, go to your personal timeline, find a tweet you posted on April 7th, and click on the date to get the ID of the tweet. In the early morning (GMT) of the 7th, the ID for a new tweet was roughly 1468000000 - the URL retrieves the first four tweets to use the tag #pman, including our Ur-tweet: evisoft: neata, propun sa utilizam tag-ul #pman pentru mesajele din piata marii adunari nationale My Romanian’s a little rusty, but Vitalie Eşanu appears to be suggesting we use the tag #pman - short for Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, the main square in Chisinau where the protests were slated to begin - in reference to posts about the protests. His post is timestamped 4:40am GMT, suggesting that there were at least some discussions about promoting the protests on Twitter before protesters took to the streets.
  • Now the key is to grab URLs from Twitter, increasing the max_id variable in steps so that we’re getting all results from the start tweet ID to the current tweet ID. My perl script to do this steps by 10,000 results at a time, scraping the results I get from Twitter (using the Atom feed, not the HTML) and dumping novel results into a database. This seems like a pretty fine-toothed comb to use… but if you want to be comprehensive, it’s important to figure out what maximum “tweet density” is before running your code.
  • Picking apart the URL: max_id=1511783811 - Only return results up to tweet #1511783811 in the database page=2 - Hand over the second page of results q=%23pman - The query is for the string #pman, encoded to escape the hash rpp=100 - Give the user 100 results per page While you can manipulate these variables to your heart's content, you can't get more than 100 results per page. And if you retrieve 100 results per page, your results will stop at around 15 pages - the engine, by default, wants to give you only 1500 results on any search. This makes sense from a user perspective - it's pretty rare that you actually want to read the last 1500 posts that mention the fail whale - but it's a pain in the ass for researchers. What you need to do is figure out the approximate tweet ID number that was current when the phenomenon you're studying was taking place. If you're a regular twitterer, go to your personal timeline, find a tweet you posted on April 7th, and click on the date to get the ID of the tweet. In the early morning (GMT) of the 7th, the ID for a new tweet was roughly 1468000000 - the URL retrieves the first four tweets to use the tag #pman, including our Ur-tweet: evisoft: neata, propun sa utilizam tag-ul #pman pentru mesajele din piata marii adunari nationale My Romanian's a little rusty, but Vitalie Eşanu appears to be suggesting we use the tag #pman - short for Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, the main square in Chisinau where the protests were slated to begin - in reference to posts about the protests. His post is timestamped 4:40am GMT, suggesting that there were at least some discussions about promoting the protests on Twitter before protesters took to the streets. Now the key is to grab URLs from Twitter, increasing the max_id variable in steps so that we're getting all results from the st
isaac Mao

胡哥, 这墙拆了得了 - 0 views

  • I can read Wikipedia, but I heard from other people it's hit & miss. I had no problem with porn sites though. I always thought this censoring by Chinese government is really stupid. Today I read a excellent column on NY Times by World-is-flat author Tom Friedman, towards the end of the article, it struck a chord with me:
  • For the benefit of the China and Chinese people's future, Mr. Hu, Tear down this great fire-wall. (tear down this wall). 胡哥, 这墙拆了得了.
shi zhao

XYS Article Reading - 0 views

shared by shi zhao on 05 Aug 08 - Cached
isaac Mao

央视自扇耳光!讽高人预测日本地震----本溪39中教师预测出本次日本地震? 深度娱乐论坛 深度娱乐论坛 - 深度,值得深入! - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 17 Jun 08 - Cached
  • 前地震局领导2008年6月8日在CCTV-2的对话节目上,为了说明地震是无法预测的,现场从口袋里掏出一封信:本溪一中学教师预测最近日本或中国东部还要发生7级以上地震!该官员生动地用归谬法驳斥了地震是可以预测的荒谬言论!还广大地震局的老爷们以清白!全国人民都觉得本溪的中学教师是脑残!惟恐天下不乱,为了抽地震局的脸不惜赌咒发誓说以后还要地震,结果白纸黑字铁证如山地被公仆拿到CCTV-2做全民公示!真是活该!!!!     公元2008年6月14日上午8时43分(北京时间7时43分)左右,日本东北地区发生里氏7.2级地震……
  • 这个地址,在注册后显示:"帖子ID非法"

Chinese Dismayed by Tales of Tibet Violence - - 0 views

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    China Media Project » Blog Archive » Hu Jintao reform blueprint defines CCP m... - 0 views

    shared by feng37 on 18 Apr 08 - Cached
    • As we’ve written elsewhere, the CCP views media development as a critical factor in a global war for public opinion. Likewise, many CCP leaders have come to regard “Western” media as pawns working for the interests of Western governments in spreading their ideology and influence — hence the party’s obsession with “color revolutions” and the role of the press.
      Same thing that I read a day or two ago, on ImageThief I believe, postulating that PRC citizens have come to see MSM the same way way that the CCP officialy sees it, and this has qualified a lot of the anti-CNN sentiment.
    isaac Mao

    Google Update No Longer Runs in Background - Google update - 0 views

    • Good news for users of Google Chrome, Picasa, and other Google desktop apps on Windows systems: Google Update, previously a background new version checker that was mighty hard to kill off, runs as a scheduled task, either when your system is idle or every so many hours. Better still, if you no longer use Google apps at all, it uninstalls itself. [via Google Operating System]
      这也是Google 不作恶的一个侧面
    isaac Mao

    巴斯夏,自由,中国 - 0 views

    • "巴斯夏容易与《独立宣言》的缔约者是同路人。这些缔约者对自由的观点,对政府要扮演恰当角色的观点,被表述成这些不朽的语言:'我们认为,这些真理是不言自明的,即人人受造平等, 造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权﹑自由权和追求幸福的权利。为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们之间建立政府……' 巴斯夏以同样的观点呼应,他说:'生命、工具、生产,换句话说,个体性、自由、财产--这才是人的定义。不管那些政治领袖如何奸诈狡猾,上帝赐予的这三件礼物早于任何人类法例,并且高于一切!'巴斯夏同我们的先驱一样对政府作了同样的解释,他说:'生命权、自由权和财产权不是因为人类创造了法律才存在。恰恰相反,事实是先有生命权、自由权和财产权,才使人类制定法律去保护这些权利。' 对大自然或上帝赐予权利的陈述,没有比《独立宣言》和《法律》讲得更好的。"
    • 虽然五四运动的青年脱下了长衫,放弃了书院里的之乎者也,但实质上,内在的那种"宁作家奴,不作亡国奴"的保守的心态,那种根深蒂固的部落主义的思维方式,却在隐隐作祟,他们誓要冲破传统的枷锁,可是在发泄怨恨和不满时,却陷入了一种类似"义和拳"的复仇冲动。
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    • 再来说巴斯夏,他说的自由是个体的自由,是不做家奴的自由,是挑战某种集体主义意识形态的自由,他要维护个体尊严,做能表达自由的意志的个体,捍卫一个独立的人自由。
    isaac Mao

    惊闻中国青少年读书太多太杂 - 0 views

    • 那还是3年前的一个暑假吧,我的一个同事曾经在找我借书的时候向我提过一个令我张口结舌的问题:你这些书都是怎么来的啊?我以为她是在怀疑我的书的来路,我当即向她出示我的那些购书发票什么的,她知道我误会了,就说我不是说你偷书,我是说你怎么知道买这些书的……我真的不知道她想问什么,我随口说,到书店啊,我们这里有好几个书店都卖好书的。她说,这些书店都在哪里啊?我当即晕倒!我和她都是86年分配到这个大学教书的,而且她毕业的学校是国内响当当的名牌,到了21世纪了,居然、赫然、竟然不知这个文化区的书店地址!这也太离谱了吧?当然她随后的补充就更把我雷倒了,她说:我从来不逛书店的……这话不是我瞎编的,与她同来的还有另外一个老师,当时那个老师也一脸惊诧。后来,这个同事顺利地当上副教授、硕士导师以及读博、入党等等,借给她的书当然是没有读的,想必她也读不懂,可惜我一腔热血为她推荐的几本书!
    Roger Chen

    Is Web 2.0 Living on Thin Air? - Tom Davenport - 0 views

    • Did you wonder whether our economy had grown a little overly precious? How can we really be producing value if we're all sitting around blogging and Facebook-friending each other?
    • 1999 the British think-tanker Charles Leadbeater published the book Living on Thin Air. It was both an appealing notion and a scary one: that we no longer have to produce anything but ideas. And that was even before Web 2.0--a platform for everyone to share their ideas, opinions, favorite tunes, and relationship statuses with each other. It was all a lot of fun, but I occasionally wondered whether it was really good for economic productivity.
    • it wouldn't be a bad outcome if the current crisis led to a more diligent, industrious economic climate. Chatting and socializing are important things, but they're not the only things.
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    • But it seems to me that many of the activities, business models, and assumptions behind social media are a bit fluffy, and that fluffiness is going to be difficult to maintain in the post-bubble environment we now find ourselves in.
    • Socializing as a distraction has always existed. Though there are more ways to do this now, people still have the ability to recognize that which produces real value in their life, both economically and socially. Balance between these has always been a challenge.
    • A few years from now, only the successful, profitable, and useful will survive.
    Roger Chen

    继承传统,不能脱离时代_谢泳的BLOG_新浪博客 - 0 views

    • 钱穆过去讲,一个本国公民对于自己本国以往的历史应具温情与敬意,现在人们大体可以做到这一点。
    • 一种文化的产生,不能脱离它的时代。中国文化是在农耕时代这个背景下产生的,并达到了这个历史条件下所能达到的最高程度。在面对当时可能产生的所有问题时,中国文化基本都有高明的理解和解释,同时也寻找到了承传这种文化的最佳方式。
    • 今天提倡背《四书》,在知识的承传上,它本身已经没有意义,因为现代保存知识的手段非常丰富,就个人获得知识和养成人格来说,简单背诵只是第一步,但在现代社会,它所要付出的成本却很高,这个成本还不是一个简单时间问题,而是这种背诵的实际意义
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    • 在传统时代,中国文化在事实上寻找到的继承方式所以可行,并能产生作用,主要是没有脱离时代,那种知识,在当时的历史条件下,可以达到经世治用的目的,半部《论语》治天下,在事实上也是一种经验表述和总结,但在今天,这一切就未必能有这样的功效了。也就是说,那时代读经就够用,而现在不够用了,或者说在道德上够用,而在知识上早已不够了
    • 管理现代国家,控制现代社会的知识,传统经典中所能提供的东西毕竟有限。重视传统文化没有借,提倡全民读经,总比“批林批孔”好,背诵十三经,肯定比背诵“老三篇”好,但一切文化继承,绝对不能脱离时代。
    isaac Mao

    "美妙新世界"是怎样造成的? - 0 views

    shared by isaac Mao on 31 Jan 09 - Cached
    • 作者认为,今日中国,虽然还保留了奥维尔(George Orwell)《1984年》的若干成分,但它已经更像是赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)笔下的《美妙的新世界》(Brave New World)。众所周知,《1984年》和《美妙的新世界》都是20世纪出现的反乌托邦、反极权主义的经典名著。但是这两本书所描绘的极权主义却分别属于两种不同的类型。《1984年》里的极权社会主要是建立在无处不在的监视控制和严厉的政治迫害之上的;《美妙的新世界》里的极权主义则主要是建立在满足人的物质欲望和娱乐享受之上的。瓦瑟斯托姆教授认为,从1989年之后,中共认真吸取了东欧共产国家垮台的教训,得出结论,要确保政权稳固,就必须发展更有活力的经济,给民众提供更丰富的物质享受和娱乐。
    • 是的,今日的中共政权在处理国内外许多重大问题时表现得很灵活,故而被黎安友(Andrew Nathan)教授称之为“有弹性的威权主义”(Resilient Authoritarianism)。我要指出的是,中共政权的这种灵活性也是来自六四。六四屠杀彻底消解了中共政权的合法性,促成了中共政权由权力到暴力的转变。
    isaac Mao

    印度精英被中国厕所保洁员"雷"倒[转]|万国纵横 - 朝圣山之思学人社区 - powered by - 0 views

    shared by isaac Mao on 13 Aug 08 - Cached
    • 这段场景让她被“雷”到了。原因很简单,在他们印度,如果在印度的某些地方哪个上流社会的精英不小心触到了一个bhangi人(专门从事厕所清洁的下等人),people would rush off to take a bath(赶回家洗个澡)。Pallavi Aiyar女士自己见多识广自然不会如此反应,让她震惊的是中国的厕所清洁工会如此自信地伸出手来和她握手,毫无印度bhangi的自卑心理。
    • Pallavi Aiyar女士有一位中国大学生助理Cindy,是个喜欢KFC的时尚女性。有一次她们在SOHO的公寓里一起喝下午茶,这个中国女孩突然问Pallavi Aiyar女士能否给自己的妈妈找一份“阿姨”的工作。这个问题又把Pallavi Aiyar女士“雷”到了,她形容自己是处于“失语”状态(Cindy’s question left me speechless),因为这使她再次体会到了中国人骨子里和潜意识中的平等意识。这种平等观念正是印度人所缺乏的,也是印度社会经济发展的一个障碍。
    isaac Mao

    开幕式,我校杨沛宜演唱了《歌唱祖国》 - 0 views

    •       夜里12点,一个短消息发过来,说那天在开幕式上唱歌的孩子是我们北大附小的学生杨沛怡,于是我马上搜索相关消息,发现在网上有这样一段话:“在8月8日晚举行的北京奥运开幕式上,一支《歌唱祖国》震撼了数十亿观众的心,舞台上的红衣小姑娘林妙可给大家留下了深深的印象,其实这甜美、可人的天籁之音来自另外一位幕后小英雄——北大附小的杨沛宜小朋友。正是两位小朋友的珠联璧合的完美配合让40亿观众得以享受这场视听盛宴,点缀了华美绝伦的北京奥运开幕式。”
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    Magazine Preview - Malwebolence - The World of Web Trolling - - 0 views

    • That the Internet is now capacious enough to host an entire subculture of users who enjoy undermining its founding values is yet another symptom of its phenomenal success. It may not be a bad thing that the least-mature users have built remote ghettos of anonymity where the malice is usually intramural. But how do we deal with cases like An Hero, epilepsy hacks and the possibility of real harm being inflicted on strangers?
    • n June, Lori Drew pleaded not guilty to charges that she violated federal fraud laws by creating a false identity “to torment, harass, humiliate and embarrass” another user, and by violating MySpace’s terms of service. But hardly anyone bothers to read terms of service, and millions create false identities.
      That the Internet is now capacious enough to host an entire subculture of users who enjoy undermining its founding values is yet another symptom of its phenomenal success. It may not be a bad thing that the least-mature users have built remote ghettos of anonymity where the malice is usually intramural. But how do we deal with cases like An Hero, epilepsy hacks and the possibility of real harm being inflicted on strangers?
    shi zhao

    『Shooting in China』外籍摄影师的中国摄影"攻略" - Leica中文站 - ...Leica中文摄影杂志...Making Photog... - 0 views

    shared by shi zhao on 13 Jun 08 - Cached
    • 当你拍摄敏感话题时,一定要注意被拍摄对象的保密工作,绝对不要公布相关人的名字、个人资料,避免拍摄人的面孔——你的失误有可能毁了另一个人的人生。
    • 拍摄敏感话题时不要雇佣本地翻译,至少找一个拥有外国护照的翻译者,同时避免雇佣少数民族参与你的拍摄工作。
    shi zhao

    右派网=>公平、理想主义和其它恶行--别处不大可能听到的毕业建议 - 0 views

    shared by shi zhao on 12 Jun 08 - Cached
    • 不要成为理想主义者 不要把自己捆在红杉树上。相反,成为个公司律师每年挣50万美元。不管你从美国税务局逃税多少,最终你仍要付出10万美元的财产、销售和消费税。那是给学校、排水系统、道路、消防和警察的10万美元。你为社会作了好事。把自己捆在红杉树上能给社会带来10万美元的收益? 理想主义者其实是恶棍。理想主义者说,“我比你更在乎红杉树。我如此在乎以致于我不能吃。我不能睡。我的婚姻被破坏。因为我比你更在乎,所以我是个更好的人。因为我是更好的人,所以我有权力指挥你。” 找把电锯割掉那树。 不管怎样,谁对红杉树和社会做得更多?是束缚在树上的家伙?还是成立“拥抱红杉树绿色之旅公司”并将红杉树变为旅游者目的地(人们愿意去看看并付钱的宝贵资源)而赚了无数的家伙? 所以,通过发财做出你的贡献。不要成为个理想主义者。
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