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Garrett Eastman


    Abstract: "This research seeks to look into the design process that promotes the development of an educational computer game that supports teaching and learning processes. The research specifically looks at the design of an educational computer game for teaching and learning of the topic of functions. The topic is essential in the teaching and learning of Mathematics courses such as Discrete Mathematics, Real Analysis and Calculus among others at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Kenya. The computer game was developed using the Basic Unified process (BUP) which is a streamlined version of the rational unified process (RUP). This is an object oriented methodology mostly used for small projects with few end users. Due to the few numbers of end users we used interview method of data collection to gather requirements for the computer game. A paper prototype was used to validate the requirements. Use cases were used for both analysis and design of the game while Class diagrams and activity diagrams were purely used for the design of the game. Owens' six top level design anatomy aided in the design of the computer game. The overall computer game design was based on Crawfords' computer game design sequence model. The well designed and developed game met all its user requirements and was able to facilitate the teaching and learning of functions to Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science students who were taking Discrete mathematics in their first year of study at JKUATs' Taita/Taveta campus. Development of heuristics for measuring interest, fun and motivation are recommendations given to aid in the evaluation of user satisfaction of educational computer games."
Roland O'Daniel

Arcademic Skill Builders: Online Educational Games - 1 views

    Play these online or on the Wii
    The website says: "THE Place For Educational Games!Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students. Click a button below to play our free multi-player and single-player games! In the future we'll add features enabling you to save records, tailor content for differentiated instruction, and pinpoint student problem areas." I think using the games in conjunction with a holistic approach to developing skills would make for a great way of getting students to practices some skills. Let students play, set goals, monitor those goals, reflect on their progress, and apply strategies/heuristics to specific problems they struggle with would create an environment in the classroom where learning was fun, self-monitored, and successful. 
Cassie Banka

Lure of the Labyrinth - 0 views

    Lure of the Labyrinth is today's innovative catch Lure of the Labyrinth is a game for middle school pre-algebra students designed to improve math and literacy skills. It includes intriguing math-based puzzles embedded in a narrative game in which students work to find their lost pet and save the world from monsters. Linked to mathematics standards, the game gives students a chance to think like mathematicians. Lure of the Labyrinth Home Page In Lure of the Labyrinth, students progress through three sections, or wings each related to a different math strand that is part of a the typical pre-algebra curriculum: * Proportions (including fractions and ratios) * Variables and Equations * Number and Operations (including geometry, order of operations and modular arithmetic) Each of the three wings includes three puzzles, and each of the puzzles has three levels progressing from easy to hard. Students have to successfully solve each puzzle three times before they can advance through the game. Lure of the Labyrinth Library Page A professional development video specifically designed for pre-algebra teachers takes them step-by-step through the things they need to do to make this engaging game the focal point of great classroom learning experiences. Planning resources include links to standards, directions for working with specific puzzles, lesson plans, explanations of the background math, and graphic organizers. Video - Lure of the Labyrinth Lure of the Labyrinth was created by Maryland Public Television and MIT Education Arcade in cooperation with FableVision.
    For prealgebra students.
Garrett Eastman

Bublz!: Playing with Bubbles to Develop Mathematical Thinking - 17 views

    Abstract: "We encounter mathematical problems in various forms in our lives, thus making mathematical thinking an important human ability [6]. Of these problems, optimization problems are an important subset: Wall Street traders often have to take instantaneous, strategic decisions to buy and sell shares, with the goal of maximizing their profits at the end of a day's trade. Continuous research on game-based learning and its value [2] [3] led us to ask: can we develop and improve the ability of mathematical thinking in children by guising an optimization problem as a game? In this paper, we present Bublz!, a simple, click-driven game we developed as a first step towards answering our question."
Garrett Eastman


    Abstract: "n this study we explored the impact of performing mathematical tasks presented in the context of an "adventure challenge" or a "mathematical challenge" in a videogame. This videogame - "Matemáquina do Tempo" - is being developed to facilitate learning of mathematical skills like counting, grouping, and relating numbers. The videogame consists in various movement control tasks with dynamic (e.g., running) and static (e.g., pointing) interactions. Our goal was to test the impact of the integration of a direct mathematical task versus an indirect mathematical task. A group of 18 five year-old children performed the game in two conditions: a) adventure challenge , which implied movements such as running or climbing trees to perform mathematical tasks of counting and grouping; and b) mathematical challenge , which included swimming after selecting the correct path through counting, followed by a direct mathematical task of pointing to organize numbers in a line. Our assumptions were evaluated according to questionnaires and video analysis of the children playing the game. Results confirmed our hypothesis, showing that players performing the mathematical challenge generally considered that they were learning with the game, and most agreeing that the game was fun. Participants in the adventure challenge condition on the other hand, showed a tendency to evaluate the game as very amusing and were more distributed in the learning evaluation. In conclusion, we suggest that the inclusion of direct mathematical tasks in the videogame might lead to increased perception of learning, although they also seem to result in lower amusement ratings."
Garrett Eastman

About the STEM Challenge - 4 views

    "The Middle School Stream aims to motivate and engage middle school students (grades 5 through 8) in STEM learning, 21st Century Literacy Skills and Systems Thinking by challenging them to design original video games. The High School Stream aims to motivate and engage high school students (grades 9 through 12) in STEM learning, 21st Century Literacy Skills and Systems Thinking by challenging them to design original video games. The Collegiate Stream challenges emerging game developers at the graduate and undergraduate levels to design video games for children (grades pre-K through 8) that teach key STEM concepts and foster an interest in STEM subject areas. The Educator Stream challenges educators to design video games for children (grades pre-K through 12) that teach key STEM concepts and foster an interest in STEM subject areas."
Garrett Eastman

Adaptive Interaction Design for Online Mathematics Education: The Way of the Game - 8 views

    Abstract: "Together, brain science and learning design inform Adaptive Interaction Design (AID), a technique for curriculum planning and development. Mathematics is a particular case in which AID can help. The Way of the Game is vital to learning design. There are many definitions of "game." Here, we mean game to be the means by which spontaneous play becomes responsible learning. That innovative games figure as the centerpiece of many 21st century curricula is no accident. Games are a critical element in modern theories of learning design especially when related to insights from neuroscience and online learning/teaching methods. But beyond simple gamification, can games provide the disruptive transformation to mathematics education that is required to effect substantive and sustainable improvement? Can we game the educational system to ensure students' success in mathematics? To find out, we will look at the AID process and two sample products for the development of mathematical thinking and practice based on the Way of the Game."
Garrett Eastman


    abstract: "In this paper I address the use of digital tools (GeoGebra) in open ended design activities, with primary school children. I present results from the research and development project "Creative Digital Mathematics", which aims to use the pupil's development of mathematical board games as a vehicle for teaching skills with GeoGebra, as well as an entrepreneurial attitude towards mathematics. Using the instrumental approach I discuss how open ended transdisciplinary design activities can support instrumental genesis, by considering the extent to which the pupils address mathematical knowledge in their work with GeoGebra and how they relate their work with GeoGebra and mathematics to fellow pupils and real life situations. The results show that pupils' consider development of board games as meaningful mathematical activity, and that they develop skills with GeoGebra, furthermore the pupils considers potential use of their board game by classmates in their design activities."
Garrett Eastman

Can Preschoolers Profit from a Teachable Agent Based Play-and-Learn Game in Mathematics? - 1 views

    abstract: "A large number of studies carried out on pupils aged 8-14 have shown that teachable agent (TA) based games are beneficial for learning. The present pi- oneering study aimed to initiate research looking at whether TA based games can be used as far down as preschool age. Around the age of four, theory of mind (ToM) is under development and it is not unlikely that a fully developed ToM is necessary to benefit from a TA's socially engaging characteristics. 10 preschool children participated in an experiment of playing a mathematics game. The partic- ipants playing a TA-version of the game engaged socially with the TA and were not disturbed by his presence. Thus, this study unveil exciting possibilities for further research of the hypothesised educational benefits in store for preschoolers with regard to play-and-learn games employing TAs."
Cassie Banka

KU Matrix Learning Games Initiative - 0 views

    The University of Kansas has a wonderful math website designed for middle school students called Matrix Learning. In their words, Matrix Learning "provides resources to improve middle school reading and mathematics achievement through the development of interactive educational games." There are several interactive games/activities that are not only educational and engaging, but fun! There also are videos and mulitplayer games. Many of the activities would present well on the SB and some such as Definition Training- similar to hang man- would work well on the SB. I also would encourage you to check out the videos from the University of New Mexico that are on bottom left of the page. So if you are a middle school math teacher I would highly recommend that you take time to scope out this very worthwhile site. ENJOY!
Garrett Eastman

Numbaland - 4 views

    According to Nancy Kimberly of HASTAC, this set of video games won the 1st National STEM Video Game Challenge: "Numbaland!, produced by graduate students Derek Lomas of Carnegie Mellon University, Dixie Ching of New York University and Jeanine Sun of the University of California at San Diego, was the winner of the Collegiate and Impact Prizes and will receive $50,000 in total. The collection of four games allows children in kindergarten to grade 4 to construct a set of skills that helps develop their sense of number concepts"
Garrett Eastman


    Abstract: "In traditional mathematics education, students have typically been asked to solve lots of tedious and uninteresting exercises for developing the arithmetic skills of addition and subtraction. The paper provides an account of learning arithmetic skills in a more interesting way through the collaborative playing of a puzzle game. 83 students in three classes in Grade 4 were asked to solve arithmetic problems with three different methods: via playing an adapted "cross number puzzle" game on Group Scribbles (GS) collaboratively, via playing the same game on GS individually, and via the traditional method of teaching and learning, i.e. with no games at all. Analysis of the pre and post learning achievement data reveals that the two classes who played the game performed better than the control class, with the collaborative class students achieving better than the individual class students. By playing the game, low-ability students, in particular, made the most significant progress in arithmetic capability and in building up their confidence in doing arithmetic calculations."
Garrett Eastman

Mathematical Literacy for Everyone using Arithmetic Games - 4 views

    Abstract: "An innovative mathematics game shown to be effective for low-achieving mainstream students is tested in special education for learners with intellectual disabilities. The game relies on a graphical, intuitive representation for numbers and arithmetic operations to foster conceptual understanding and numbers sense, and provides a set of 2-player games to develop strategic thinking and reasoning skills. The game runs on computers and interactive white boards, and as an augmented reality application at a science centre. We compare its use in special education and mainstream education with respect to usage, performance levels and learning gain. The game has been used by teachers in special educations, with gains in mathematical understanding, strategic thinking and communication skills as effects."
Garrett Eastman

3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition - CRC Press Book - 6 views

    "This engaging book presents the essential mathematics needed to describe, simulate, and render a 3D world. Reflecting both academic and in-the-trenches practical experience, the authors teach you how to describe objects and their positions, orientations, and trajectories in 3D using mathematics. The text provides an introduction to mathematics for game designers, including the fundamentals of coordinate spaces, vectors, and matrices. It also covers orientation in three dimensions, calculus and dynamics, graphics, and parametric curves. "Visit the book's companion web site,, to download the example code and access other resources.
Garrett Eastman

Design of Trigonometry Apps for Vocational Education - 7 views

    Abstract: "How can smartphones apps enrich the learning of mathematics in vocational education? This article examines how mathematics teaching can be enriched by apps using smartphone sensors such as gyroscope, compass, camera, and touch screen in a gaming context. An iterative and participatory design process involving two classes of carpentry students from different vocational colleges resulted in two highly successful and course-relevant games based on trigonometry. Each game consists of quests and missions whose successful completion unlocks more theoretical multiple-choice exercises for the classroom. The combination of competition to unlock exercises, competition for placing on the high-score list, and physical activity proved very motivating for the students and was also approved by their teachers. In this article we describe our design principles, the overall game architecture and the games themselves. We talk about our experience in implementing our design process and subsequently summarize the pros and cons of the application and the smartphone platform and how the app developed contributes to vocational mathematics teaching"
Garrett Eastman

Influence of Game Quests on Pupils' Enjoyment and Goal-pursuing in Math Learning - 4 views

    "As a medium for learning, digital games provide promising possibilities to motivate and engage students in subject learning. In this study, a game-based learning system, My-Pet- My-Quest, is developed to support pupils' math learning. This is due to the fact that most students in Taiwan have relatively lower positive attitude towards math learning, even though their math performance is prominent. To this end, a three-tire framework is proposed to guide the design of the My-Pet-My-Quest system. A quasi-experiment was conducted to examine the influence of game quests on pupils' enjoyment and goalpursuing in math learning. The results revealed that game quests were favored by students in terms of enjoyment, goal orientation, and goal intensity. Possible reasons for these results and a discussion of related issues are presented in this paper."
Garrett Eastman

A Competitive Study towards the impact of educational games on the Student Motivation a... - 6 views

    (Self-directed-Learning) "SDL model for planning, managing, and directing the development of student progress when using the educational games while learning math."
Garrett Eastman

Digital Games for Learning Mathematics: Possibilities and Limitations - 5 views

    Abstract :"Drawing from Gee's learning principles developed from the digital games environment, we provide a critical analysis of the difference between using these principles in a literacy environment as opposed to a mathematical environment. Using stimulated recall, primary school-aged students played with a number of contemporary digital games. Feedback was sought. This was compared with the descriptions provided by experienced adult gamers. Both players provided insights into the cognitive process used by gamers when engaging with games. Collectively, these sources allow us to propose that the learning principles may restrict deep learning processes for mathematical learning."
Julie Shy : - 0 views

    The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. To support this aim, members of the NRICH team work in a wide range of capacities, including providing professional development for teachers wishing to embed rich mathematical tasks into everyday classroom practice. More information on many of our other activities can be found here. On our website you will find thousands of our free mathematics enrichment materials (problems, articles and games) for teachers and learners from ages 5 to 19 years. All the resources are designed to develop subject knowledge, problem-solving and mathematical thinking skills. The website is updated with new material on the first day of every month. For guidance on how to find the right resources for you, go to the Help section of the site.
Garrett Eastman

Develop problem solving skills in secondary mathematics classroom through digital game ... - 1 views

    Literature review and research study
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