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Frank Barnes

The Innovative Educator: Finally! Research-based proof that students use cell phones fo... - 1 views

  • Here are some of the most exciting findings from the study: "An unexpected number of middle school students (from all ethnicities and incomes) say they are using mobile devices including smartphones and tablets to do their homework. Previous TRU research indicated that middle school students are using smartphones and tablets for communication and entertainment. However, this is the first TRU research that shows that middle school students are also using these mobile devices to complete homework assignments.
  • More than one out of three middle school students report they are using smartphones (39%) and tablets (31%) to do homework. More than 1 in 4 students ( 26 %) are using smartphones for their homework, weekly or more.
  • Where 39% of middle school students use smartphones for homework, only 6% report that they can use the smartphone in classroom for school work. There is also a gap in tablet use. Although 31% of middle school students say they use a tablet for homework, only 18% report using it in the classroom. 66% of students are not allowed to use a tablet for learning purposes in the classroom, and 88% are not allowed to use a phone. Students say using mobile devices like tablets makes them want to learn more.
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  • Despite the high numbers of middle school students using laptops, smartphones and tablets for homework, very few are using these mobile devices in the classroom, particularly tablets and smartphones. A large gap exists between mobile technology use at home and in school.
  • Teacher education and training on the effective integration of mobile technologies into instruction may provide significant benefits for all. Mobile device usage in class appears to have the potential to sustain, if not increase interest in STEM subjects as students progress into high school.
    Research concerning mobile devices in the classroom. Verizon initiated, so caution toward bias.
Frank Barnes

The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks - Mobiledia - 2 views

  • This pilot program reveals when it comes to engaging today's students, it's not the content that matters, but the format. Students in the California experiment accessed the same content on the iPad as in a traditional book, but those who used the digital version tested higher.
  • A small but growing number of researchers are uncovering evidence that readers are better able to remember what they read in printed books long-term when compared to materials read via an electronic screen, raising questions about tablets in the classroom.
    Divided as researchers sort out whether readers of tablets or textbooks perform better. As well as hidden costs of mobile devices.
    I tried sharing comments using Evernote as an experiment. I don't think it worked, so here is what I had posted there: The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks BY MARGARET ROCK "Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt tested an interactive, digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook for Apple's iPad in California's Riverside Unified School District. Students who used the iPad version scored 20 percent higher on standardized tests versus students who learned with traditional textbooks." * This is interesting. It's noted later in the article that students who read a more traditional textbook in digital format, without the benefit of the bells and whistles of a book designed to play on the strengths of digital media, did no better than those reading paper books. My thinking on this is that the books that moved beyond just the traditional text and images were more intriguing because they allowed students to interact in more diverse ways with the information. One of the reasons I enjoy reading on my Nook is that it more closely resembles the experience of reading on paper. The advantage over paper is that I can annotate and highlight without damaging the book, plus I like the dictionary feature. Reading a book on a computer is not as rewarding as reading on a good quality reader. The Houghton Mifflin Harcourt folks add much more to the experience through videos, audio links, animations, and links to ancillary information while maintaining the options I mentioned in my Nook experience. It's more engaging because there's more to do and more of the senses are being addressed. "A small but growing number of researchers are uncovering evidence that readers are better able to remember what they read in printed books long-term when compared to materials read via an electronic screen, raising questions about tablets in the classroom." "For example, Kate Garland, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Leicester in England, conducted a study on the effects of e-books
    The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks
Lucie deLaBruere

Best Tablets - Top Ratings and Reviews | TechCrunch - 0 views

    This site compares tablets and proviles comparison for many different types of mobile devices (tablet).  If you are shopping for a tablet or comparing other mobile devices to yours, you should add this site to your list of resources

Education Week: Eyeing Schools' iPad Alternatives - 0 views

    "Even though the iPad commands the majority of the tablet market in education, there are a growing number of tablet options schools can choose."
Will Bohmann

The future of mobile CPUs, part 1: Today's fork in the road | Ars Technica - 0 views

  • In this grand progression, 2013 will certainly be a significant milestone for mobile devices, smartphones and beyond. It's likely to be the first year in which tablets out-ship notebooks in the US. And in the coming years, this will lead to a confluence of high-end tablets and ultra-mobile notebooks as the world figures out how these devices co-exist, blend, hybridize, and/or merge.
    Good article on the divergence of tablets and phones
Steven Davis

Hardware for Tablets - Brackets, Stands, & Stylus Options - 1 views

    Nice list of links for stands, brackets, and peripherals to use with tablets.
Lucie deLaBruere

Horizon Report Videos - 0 views

    Watch the videos on Mobile and Tablets from the Horizon Report 2012 and 2011
Berta Winiker

An Alternative Search Tool for Your Tablet - The Digital Shift - 1 views

    I quote from the article one of the most salient features/best uses. "What distinguishes Izik is a search tool known as slashtags. This feature enables users What distinguishes Blekko is a search tool known as slashtags. This feature enables users to refine results and build curated collections of select Web pages and then search and share those resources with others. So create a collection of Web resources, then share the slashtag with students, suggests Price. "Now, the only sites they'll be searching are the ones you've selected," he refine results and build curated collections of select Web pages and then search and share those resources with others. So create a collection of Web resources, then share the slashtag with students, suggests Price. "Now, the only sites they'll be searching are the ones you've selected," he writes." I would be curious as to what you think of this. It's very visual, but has a trendy, pop, "People's Magazine" to it. I searched something and wanted solid results, but couldn't find a source. I wouldn't accept Izik as a source. Started out looking good to me, but having second thought.
Patricia Palumbo

Mobile Teaching Versus Mobile Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 5 views

    • Frank Barnes
      The one doing the work is the one doing the learning. Simply consuming information is not enough "work" to satisfy the notion of rigorous learning.
  • I'd argue that content delivery isn't even half the picture of teaching and learning.
  • Individuals have had access to "portable learning devices" since the advent of the printing press; we call them books
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  • To achieve the promise of mobile learning, we have to stop thinking about these powerful mobile multimedia devices as only consumption devices and get students using them as production devices.
    • Frank Barnes
      Addressing more than one of the senses, coupled with response output (the "work" component of learning) makes for a more robust learning experience.
  • Brain researchers have been telling educators for quite a while that engaging multiple senses helps students better learn material. Therefore, the excitement here is not so much about the portability or mobility of these teaching devices; instead, it is that these devices can both convey teaching material in more than two media (text and images) and be portable.
    • Frank Barnes
      The 3-D Brain app is one of the first apps I loaded onto my first smartphone and all subsequent devices. It appealed to me at the time (and still does) as moving to a higher level of information accessibility and interaction.
  • it is not enough to just give students PDFs of pages from an anatomy textbook. It's not even enough to allow them to take self-grading quizzes. We need to provide materials or applications that allow students to practice identifying parts of the body on their mobile multimedia devices before taking the high-stakes midterm or final exam.
  • It's one thing to learn about different architectural styles in a Western Civ or Construction textbook or lecture; it's another to apply what you've learned by going out into the community and taking pictures of buildings and then identifying the architectural influences. It's one thing to hear or read about the results of sociology studies about gender bias; it's another to go out, collect primary data, and immediately show, as well as discuss, the dynamically growing study results with the recently queried participant. In both cases the activity of capturing "raw" digital material can lead to further learning or assessment activities where students might develop multimedia projects.
  • access is not an excuse. Just as instructors will need to be creative in developing and assessing these mobile learning activities, instructors and institutions will need to help students be creative in finding access to different mobile multimedia production devices.
  • One of the easiest ways for individual instructors to address the access and support issues is to have students work in groups, share access to resources, and help one another figure out how to do it all. Bonus point: Employers want students who know how to work in groups. Getting students engaged in mobile learning projects might not only better facilitate learning, it might also have them learning about various 21st century literacies like group work, composing in multiple environments, and information literacy.
  • "What makes electronic books a potentially transformative technology is the new kinds of reading experiences that they make possible."
    • Karen Trenosky
      New kinds of reading: adding the highlighting features like this app in diigo has enhanced my own reading experience
    • Berta Winiker
      keyword is practice
  • At minimum we could be asking our students to capture raw material from the real world and engage with it based on the concepts we are teaching them.
    Defining mobile learning
  • ...1 more comment...
    Common Reading for Week 2
    The start of a conversation about teaching and learning with mobile tools.
    I do think of my phone as more of an output device than the tablet or pc. Now It is becoming a bit more of an "input also" device!
Will Bohmann

10 Ways for Teachers to use You Tube - 1 views

    In case you are experiencing students surfing on You Tube, especially mobile devices like phones and tablets - why not find some education in there!

Mobile and Portable Devices as Assistive Technology - 0 views

    "Most smartphones and tablet devices have a range of accessibility features built in, such as screen readers and the ability to enlarge the screen, though these vary between devices. Some have functions that are not specifically designed for people with disabilities but may be particularly useful for them - voice search, for example, allows you to say what you want to search for rather than type"
Ryan Fleming

Does Mobile Learning Work? | Defense News | - 0 views

  • Todd Richmond, director of advanced prototype development and transition at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies, said his gut feeling is that what a user gets out of mobile learning depends on the user. “If you have a user that is comfortable with a tablet or a smartphone, they will be more willing to put up with issues and engage with the content,” he said
  • Jan Cannon-Bowers, research director of University of South Florida’s Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation, said the convenience of mobile learning makes it useful for refresher training in rare procedures. For example, she’s working with the military on an app for refresher training for corpsmen.
  • “We do this all the time. It was the same thing with PC-based training and distance learning,” she said. “It was dominated by very, very smart people who are engineers and software designers. They see possibilities — and there are possibilities — but we don’t apply them smartly
Frank Barnes

Reading of a Different Sort - 0 views

    I chose to post this video of some compelling technology that is under development. These kinds of things intrigue me. How can we truly know what the world will look like 20 years from now. The path we are on, and the speed we are traveling it, is mind-boggling.
Frank Barnes

14 Excellent PDF Annotating Apps for iPad ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    14 excellent pdf annotating apps for ipad
Francisco Mugnani

The New Media Consortium | Sparking innovation, learning and creativity. - 0 views

shared by Francisco Mugnani on 25 Jan 13 - Cached
    • Sam rigby
      Good resources for Tablet Learning
    • Francisco Mugnani
      I have added a sticky note to this page!
    New Media Consortium report
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