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Patricia Palumbo

Mobile Teaching Versus Mobile Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 5 views

    • Frank Barnes
      The one doing the work is the one doing the learning. Simply consuming information is not enough "work" to satisfy the notion of rigorous learning.
  • I'd argue that content delivery isn't even half the picture of teaching and learning.
  • Individuals have had access to "portable learning devices" since the advent of the printing press; we call them books
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • To achieve the promise of mobile learning, we have to stop thinking about these powerful mobile multimedia devices as only consumption devices and get students using them as production devices.
    • Frank Barnes
      Addressing more than one of the senses, coupled with response output (the "work" component of learning) makes for a more robust learning experience.
  • Brain researchers have been telling educators for quite a while that engaging multiple senses helps students better learn material. Therefore, the excitement here is not so much about the portability or mobility of these teaching devices; instead, it is that these devices can both convey teaching material in more than two media (text and images) and be portable.
    • Frank Barnes
      The 3-D Brain app is one of the first apps I loaded onto my first smartphone and all subsequent devices. It appealed to me at the time (and still does) as moving to a higher level of information accessibility and interaction.
  • it is not enough to just give students PDFs of pages from an anatomy textbook. It's not even enough to allow them to take self-grading quizzes. We need to provide materials or applications that allow students to practice identifying parts of the body on their mobile multimedia devices before taking the high-stakes midterm or final exam.
  • It's one thing to learn about different architectural styles in a Western Civ or Construction textbook or lecture; it's another to apply what you've learned by going out into the community and taking pictures of buildings and then identifying the architectural influences. It's one thing to hear or read about the results of sociology studies about gender bias; it's another to go out, collect primary data, and immediately show, as well as discuss, the dynamically growing study results with the recently queried participant. In both cases the activity of capturing "raw" digital material can lead to further learning or assessment activities where students might develop multimedia projects.
  • access is not an excuse. Just as instructors will need to be creative in developing and assessing these mobile learning activities, instructors and institutions will need to help students be creative in finding access to different mobile multimedia production devices.
  • One of the easiest ways for individual instructors to address the access and support issues is to have students work in groups, share access to resources, and help one another figure out how to do it all. Bonus point: Employers want students who know how to work in groups. Getting students engaged in mobile learning projects might not only better facilitate learning, it might also have them learning about various 21st century literacies like group work, composing in multiple environments, and information literacy.
  • "What makes electronic books a potentially transformative technology is the new kinds of reading experiences that they make possible."
    • Karen Trenosky
      New kinds of reading: adding the highlighting features like this app in diigo has enhanced my own reading experience
    • Berta Winiker
      keyword is practice
  • At minimum we could be asking our students to capture raw material from the real world and engage with it based on the concepts we are teaching them.
    Defining mobile learning
  • ...1 more comment...
    Common Reading for Week 2
    The start of a conversation about teaching and learning with mobile tools.
    I do think of my phone as more of an output device than the tablet or pc. Now It is becoming a bit more of an "input also" device!

Mobile and Portable Devices as Assistive Technology - 0 views

    "Most smartphones and tablet devices have a range of accessibility features built in, such as screen readers and the ability to enlarge the screen, though these vary between devices. Some have functions that are not specifically designed for people with disabilities but may be particularly useful for them - voice search, for example, allows you to say what you want to search for rather than type"
Berta Winiker

Suren Ramasubbu: What Are Mobile Devices Teaching Your Kids? - 0 views

  • A generation of students is growing up with a different level of access to information at their collective fingertips.
  • mlearning
  • Subjects like algebra are more palatable when placed in a game format and students can relate the relevancy of real world experiences.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • allowing the learner to work through their weak spots in the privacy of their handheld.
    • Berta Winiker
      I'm curious as to to specifics of this study about discipline issues vanishing. What was the population studied? Other questions.
    • Berta Winiker
      clicking on the word estimates doesn't provide more details about this statement
  • Young people communicate differently based on today's technology.
  • Discipline issues nearly vanish:
  • Whether schools will allow ad-supported technology in the classroom remains to be seen.
  • ebook learning experience can be enjoyed anywhere for free.
  • The iSchool Initiative estimates each $150 iPod touch would save at least $600 per student per year.
  • Any notes she made on any platform would be saved automatically. This content and extra portability cost the student and the school nothing.
    • Berta Winiker
      Back it up with the info, please
  • Adults need continuing education
  • The majority of the world accesses the Internet through a mobile device instead of a desktop PC.)
  • "Learning in the 21st Century: Taking it Mobile!" survey.
    includes a link to a 2 hour audio Global Education Conference via Blackboard Collaborative
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