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Frank Barnes

The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks - Mobiledia - 2 views

  • This pilot program reveals when it comes to engaging today's students, it's not the content that matters, but the format. Students in the California experiment accessed the same content on the iPad as in a traditional book, but those who used the digital version tested higher.
  • A small but growing number of researchers are uncovering evidence that readers are better able to remember what they read in printed books long-term when compared to materials read via an electronic screen, raising questions about tablets in the classroom.
    Divided as researchers sort out whether readers of tablets or textbooks perform better. As well as hidden costs of mobile devices.
    I tried sharing comments using Evernote as an experiment. I don't think it worked, so here is what I had posted there: The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks BY MARGARET ROCK "Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt tested an interactive, digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook for Apple's iPad in California's Riverside Unified School District. Students who used the iPad version scored 20 percent higher on standardized tests versus students who learned with traditional textbooks." * This is interesting. It's noted later in the article that students who read a more traditional textbook in digital format, without the benefit of the bells and whistles of a book designed to play on the strengths of digital media, did no better than those reading paper books. My thinking on this is that the books that moved beyond just the traditional text and images were more intriguing because they allowed students to interact in more diverse ways with the information. One of the reasons I enjoy reading on my Nook is that it more closely resembles the experience of reading on paper. The advantage over paper is that I can annotate and highlight without damaging the book, plus I like the dictionary feature. Reading a book on a computer is not as rewarding as reading on a good quality reader. The Houghton Mifflin Harcourt folks add much more to the experience through videos, audio links, animations, and links to ancillary information while maintaining the options I mentioned in my Nook experience. It's more engaging because there's more to do and more of the senses are being addressed. "A small but growing number of researchers are uncovering evidence that readers are better able to remember what they read in printed books long-term when compared to materials read via an electronic screen, raising questions about tablets in the classroom." "For example, Kate Garland, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Leicester in England, conducted a study on the effects of e-books
    The Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks
Will Bohmann

The future of mobile CPUs, part 1: Today's fork in the road | Ars Technica - 0 views

  • In this grand progression, 2013 will certainly be a significant milestone for mobile devices, smartphones and beyond. It's likely to be the first year in which tablets out-ship notebooks in the US. And in the coming years, this will lead to a confluence of high-end tablets and ultra-mobile notebooks as the world figures out how these devices co-exist, blend, hybridize, and/or merge.
    Good article on the divergence of tablets and phones
Patricia Palumbo

Middle Grades Makers: Invent to Learn | MiddleWeb - 0 views

  • Amazing new tools, materials, and skills turn us all into makers. Using technology to make, repair, or customize the things we need brings engineering, design, and computer science to the masses. Hundreds of thousands of adults and children are frequenting Maker Faires, hackerspaces, and DIY (Do-It-Yourself) websites. A growing library of literature inspires learners of all ages and experiences to seize control of their world.
    This is a 360 degree viewpoint of The Maker Movement inspiring a reemergence and metamorphosis of art and STEM in the classroom. The focus of learning can be on inventiveness and creativity rather than being so heavily on standardized testing that is devoid of engagement. Mobile learning is a part of this movement. This is of high interest to me because I think it will give our culture a positive new energy that will uplift our economy and increase production. This will be production not focused on consumerism but production grounded in meaning. The future needs people that can create solutions to world problems.
Frank Barnes

How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios - 1 views

    • Frank Barnes
      Evernote has been extremely helpful in organizing and assisting my own productivity. This sheds some light on how many of it's features can be a powerful addition to teaching and learning.
    • Lucie deLaBruere
      Thanks Frank, this was my GEM find for the day. I will use it with my eportfolio group.
  • he Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. Plus, the ability to upload photos and videos from the camera roll. WIth many PDF annotation apps such as Notability and Paperport Notes now allowing direct upload to Google Drive, the process of curating student work becomes even easier.
    • Lucie deLaBruere
      Must show this to my eportfolio team
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • unanswered question is how do we determine
  • unanswered question is how do we determine
  • that they have also gained greater understanding, reflected on their learning, and mastered content?
  • Evernote provides one possible solution to the challenge. The ability to sync across multiple devices, email directly to a notebook, include photos and audio recordings in notes, and share notes, makes Evernote a powerful assessment and portfolio tool. Teachers can create one notebook per student and then curate their projects by taking photos of physical assignments, sharing digital ones via email to the student’s notebook, recording students’ thoughts and reflections with audio, and typing additional notes for assessment purposes, to create a robust portfolio for each child. These student notebooks could then be shared with colleagues, peers, or parents.
    Curation and collecting tools for eportfolio. especially helpful if you are using mobile tools to create eportfolios.
    Frank Shared this amazing article that will inform our work in this class in future weeks.
Frank Barnes

Reading of a Different Sort - 0 views

    I chose to post this video of some compelling technology that is under development. These kinds of things intrigue me. How can we truly know what the world will look like 20 years from now. The path we are on, and the speed we are traveling it, is mind-boggling.

Classroom 2.0 - Archived audio webinars - 3 views

    This is a great site for listening to webinars about what education might look like in the future. Lots of big ideas and food for thought.
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