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Morgan Potter

Autism plugged in - free apps - 0 views

    autism website listing free apps
Will Bohmann

iPod Touch & iPad Resources - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Livebinder with an extensive list of special education information and the ipad
Morgan Potter

Autism & Special Needs iPad / Android Apps - Autism Plugged In - 0 views

    Pin board created to collect ipad/android apps. One that caught my eye was "conversation builder teen".
Will Bohmann

Op-Ed: Ipads Transformed My Special Education Classroom - 1 views

    A quote from the Op Ed, "This platform of instruction has established an environment where students are stimulated through exciting, interactive lessons that motivate creativity and hands-on learning. Within this environment, the iPad has become each student's personal learning device. This personal learning device has made learning more accessible with apps that help students with visual and hearing challenges and different learning styles connect with the world in new ways."
Jessica Wilson

Apps for Special Education - 0 views

    This site provides apps for SPED with a good description on how its used, differentiation, a little video of the app, and even comments on the app.
Will Bohmann

List of Android Apps for ASD and Special Needs - 0 views

    App categories and listings for Android devices and special education.
Sam rigby

Top Alternative & Augmentative Communication iPad Apps - 0 views

    I don't like, but this was a solid list of apps for AAC.
Steven Davis

Hardware for Tablets - Brackets, Stands, & Stylus Options - 1 views

    Nice list of links for stands, brackets, and peripherals to use with tablets.
Jessica Wilson

Guide to Apss for Special Needs Students - 1 views

    The apps are leveled in to three groups: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
Francisco Mugnani

Apps For The Blind And Visually Impaired: iPad/iPhone Apps AppList - 0 views

    Here is a site with lists of additional apps that can assist people with special needs. I looked specifically at apps for the visually impaired, but there are many more app lists to look at on this site.
Patricia Palumbo

Vermont Assistive Technology Program - Assistive Technology Program - 0 views

    "Device Loans - we make short-term equipment (not financial) loans of up to 30 days to allow consumers and professionals try out and evaluate AT devices." A good thing is not only that the VT agency is a resource but also you can in fact borrow equipment!
    "Device Loans - we make short-term equipment (not financial) loans of up to 30 days to allow consumers and professionals try out and evaluate AT devices." A good thing is not only that the VT agency is a resource but also you can in fact borrow equipment!
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