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Policy gaps in the East African Blue economy: Perspectives of small-scale fishers on po... - 0 views

    Recently, the rights of small-scale fishers have increasingly been acknowledged in ocean governance because coastal development and various maritime activities have reduced traditional fishing grounds. More specifically, small-scale fisheries (SSF) are increasingly being threatened by ocean grabbing, pollution, and a lack of inclusiveness in decision-making processes. Although there are guidelines to resolve and reduce conflict, formal avenues to include fisher concerns, particularly in the context of ocean development and governance, remain a difficult task. Moreover, there is insufficient information on how fishers are impacted by coastal and marine development and how their concerns are included in the decision-making process. Hence, this study contributes to the SSF discourse by understanding and describing the characteristics and concerns of small-scale fishers from two coastal towns in East Africa with different levels of port development. Using data from perception surveys, focus group discussions, and participatory mapping, we discuss how fishers were involved in the decision-making processes to develop ports in Lamu, Kenya, and Bagamoyo, Tanzania. We found that fishers rely on nearshore ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs because of their accessibility since most fishers only use low-powered boats for fishing. Moreover, we found that the fishers' livelihoods were severely affected by port development and that they were excluded from the decision-making process concerning the port's construction and fishers' compensations. While some fishers believe that new ports in the region can increase their livelihoods by creating new markets and jobs, this is unlikely to happen since most fishers are not qualified to work in formal port-related jobs. We propose three steps that will allow fishermen to participate in port development decision-making processes and contribute to the development of a sustainable SSF. These include improving engagement with fisher

Risk Assessment of Whale Entanglement and Vessel Strike Injuries From Case Narratives a... - 0 views

    Entanglements and vessel strikes impact large whales worldwide. Post-event health status is often unknown because whales are seen once or over short spans that conceal long-term health declines. Well-studied populations with high site fidelity verified by photo-ID offer opportunity to confirm deaths, health declines and recoveries. We used known outcome entanglements and vessel strikes of right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to model probabilities of deaths, health declines and recoveries with Random Forest (RF) classification trees. Variables included presence or absence of phrases from case narratives ('deep laceration', 'cyamid', 'healing', 'superficial') and a categorical variable for vessel size. Health status post-entanglement was correctly classified in 95.7% of right whale and 93.6% of humpback whale cases (expected by chance=50%). Health status post-vessel strike was correctly classified in 91.4% of right whale and 88.6% of humpback whale cases. Important variables included cyamid presence, emaciation, discolored skin, constricting entanglements, gear-free resightings, superficial or healing lacerations, and vessel size. Cross-validated RF models were applied to unknown outcome cases to estimate the probability of deaths, health declines and recoveries. Total serious injuries (probability of death or health decline > 0.50) assigned by RF were nearly equal to current injury assessment methods applied by biologists for known outcomes. However, RF consistently predicted higher serious injury totals for unknown outcomes, suggesting that current assessment methods may underestimate risk for cases lacking details or long-term observations. Advantages of the RF method include: 1) risk models are based on known outcomes; 2) unknown outcomes are assigned post-event health status probabilities; and 3) identification of important predictor variables improves data collection standards.

Calls For Fishing Vessels To Be Included In The Polar Code - @MarineInsight - 0 views

    Calls For Fishing Vessels To Be Included In The Polar Code.
    Calls For Fishing Vessels To Be Included In The Polar Code.

Via @IAMSPOnline - Iran wants stronger maritime capabilities, including an aircraft car... - 0 views

    Iran wants stronger maritime capabilities, including an aircraft carrier.

EU to unilaterally include shipping in carbon credit trading scheme - @SeaNew_Tr - 0 views

    EUROPEAN UNION lawmakers in their three legislative bodies - Council of Europe (member state leaders), European Commission (civil servants) and Parliament (elected members) - are moving to include shipping in their carbon emissions tax scheme rather than wait for the UN to devise global rules, a course the shipping industry prefers.

Via @MaRRitimeShip - European parliament calls for shipping to be included in COP21 cli... - 0 views

    European parliament calls for shipping to be included in COP21 climate deal.

EU to Include Seafarers in Its Legislation - @SeaNews_Tr - 0 views

    EU to Include Seafarers in Its Legislation.
    EU to Include Seafarers in Its Legislation.

Eight migrants drown off Turkey: media - @AFP via @YahooNews - 0 views

    Eight migrants, including three children, drowned when their overloaded boat sank in the Aegean Sea early Thursday while heading for the Greek island of Lesbos, Turkish media reported.
    Eight migrants, including three children, drowned when their overloaded boat sank in the Aegean Sea early Thursday while heading for the Greek island of Lesbos, Turkish media reported.

Via @HUMAN_SEA - Libyan coastguards rescue 324 migrants including Libyans - @Lyobserver - 0 views

    Libyan coastguards rescue 324 migrants including Libyans.

Lessons From Placing an Observer on Commercial Cargo Ships Off the U.S. West Coast: Uti... - 0 views

    Ship strikes of whales are a growing concern around the world and especially along the U.S. West Coast, home to some of busiest ports in the world and where ship strikes on a number of species including blue, fin, and humpback whales have been documented. This trial program examined the feasibility, logistics, industry cooperation, and effectiveness of placing an observer on board a commercial ship. An experienced marine mammal observer went on five voyages, spanning over 8 days on ships operating between U.S. West Coast ports. Daylight observations were conducted over 68 h and covered over 1300 nm as ships transited between three ports [Seattle, Oakland, and LA/Long Beach (LA/LB)]. Sightings of large whales were reported on all (n = 42), totaling an estimated 57 individuals that included humpback, blue, fin, and beaked whales. Close encounters of large whales occurred (on one occasion a near miss, estimated at 40 m, of two humpbacks), and on another, a ship chose to alter course to avoid whale sightings in its path identified by the observer. All ships personnel cooperated and voluntarily aided in the observations even after initial skepticism by some crew about the program. While most effort on mitigating ship strikes along the U.S. West Coast has focused on shipping lanes, the vast majority of these sightings occurred outside these lanes and on the transit routes, emphasizing the need for added attention to these areas. This experiment demonstrates the effectiveness and promise of observations from ships providing critical information on whale locations at risk to ship strikes.

#coronavirus - Underwater Sound Levels in Glacier Bay During Reduced Vessel Traffic Due... - 0 views

    The global COVID-19 pandemic caused a sharp decline in vessel traffic in many areas around the world, including vessel-based tourism throughout Alaska, USA in 2020. Marine vessel traffic has long been known to affect the underwater acoustic environment with direct and indirect effects on marine ecological processes. Glacier Bay National Park in southeastern Alaska has monitored underwater sound since 2000. We used continuous, calibrated hydrophone recordings to examine 2020 ambient sound levels compared with previous years: 2018, the most recent year with data available, and 2016 for historical perspective. Park tourism occurs mainly in May-September. Overall, the number of vessel entries in Glacier Bay was 44-49% lower in 2020 (2020: n = 1,831; 2018: n = 3,599; 2016: n = 3,212) affecting all vessel classes, including the complete absence of cruise ships and only three tour vessel trips. In all years, we found clear seasonal and diurnal patterns in vessel generated noise, focused from 06:00 to 20:00 local time (LT) in the summer months. Broadband (17.8-8,910 Hz) sound levels in the 2020 Visitor Season were 2.7 dB lower than 2018 and 2.5 dB lower than 2016. Focusing on morning (06:00-09:00 LT) and afternoon (15:00-18:00 LT) time-blocks when tour vessels and cruise ships enter and exit Glacier Bay, median broadband sound levels were 3.3-5.1 dB lower in 2020 than prior years. At the 95th percentile levels, morning and afternoon peak times in 2020 were 6.3-9.0 dB quieter than previous years. A 3 dB decline in median sound level in the 125 Hz one-third octave band in 2020 reflects a change in medium and large vessel noise energy and/or harbor seal vocalizations. Our results suggest that all types of vessels had a role in the quieter underwater sound environment in 2020, with the combined acoustic footprint of tour vessels and cruise ships most evident in the decrease in the 95th percentile loudest sounds. This and other descriptions of the pandemic-induced

Managing the Effects of Noise From Ship Traffic, Seismic Surveying and Construction on ... - 0 views

    The Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty stipulates that the protection of the Antarctic environment and associated ecosystems be fundamentally considered in the planning and conducting of all activities in the Antarctic Treaty area. One of the key pollutants created by human activities in the Antarctic is noise, which is primarily caused by ship traffic (from tourism, fisheries, and research), but also by geophysical research (e.g., seismic surveys) and by research station support activities (including construction). Arguably, amongst the species most vulnerable to noise are marine mammals since they specialize in using sound for communication, navigation and foraging, and therefore have evolved the highest auditory sensitivity among marine organisms. Reported effects of noise on marine mammals in lower-latitude oceans include stress, behavioral changes such as avoidance, auditory masking, hearing threshold shifts, and-in extreme cases-death. Eight mysticete species, 10 odontocete species, and six pinniped species occur south of 60°S (i.e., in the Southern or Antarctic Ocean). For many of these, the Southern Ocean is a key area for foraging and reproduction. Yet, little is known about how these species are affected by noise. We review the current prevalence of anthropogenic noise and the distribution of marine mammals in the Southern Ocean, and the current research gaps that prevent us from accurately assessing noise impacts on Antarctic marine mammals. A questionnaire given to 29 international experts on marine mammals revealed a variety of research needs. Those that received the highest rankings were (1) improved data on abundance and distribution of Antarctic marine mammals, (2) hearing data for Antarctic marine mammals, in particular a mysticete audiogram, and (3) an assessment of the effectiveness of various noise mitigation options. The management need with the highest score was a refinement of noise exposure criteria. Environment

Analysis of influencing factors and prediction of China's Containerized Freight Index -... - 0 views

    China, as a major maritime nation, the China Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) serves as an objective reflection of the Chinese shipping market and an important indicator for understanding China's shipping industry globally. The shipping market is a complex ecosystem influenced by various factors, including vessel supply and demand, cargo supply and demand relationships and prices, fuel prices, and competition from substitute and complementary markets. To analyze and study the state of the Chinese shipping market, we selected the CCFI as an indicator and collected data on six factors that may affect the overall shipping market. These factors include "the China Coastal Bulk Freight Index(CCBFI)", "the Baltic Dry Index(BDI)", "the Yangtze River Container Freight Index", "Global: Aluminum (minimum purity of 99.5%, London Metal Exchange (LME) spot price): UK landed price", "Major Ports: Container Throughput", and "Coal Price: US Central Appalachia: Coal Spot Price Index". Then, we constructed an analyticaland predictive framework using Deep Neural Network (DNN), CatBoost regression model, and robust regression model to study the CCFI. Based on the R2 results of the three models, it is evident that DNN provides the best analytical and predictive performance for the CCFI, accurately forecasting its changes. Additionally, the robust regression model indicates that "Global: Aluminum (minimum purity of 99.5%, LME spot price): UK landed price" has the greatest impact on the CCFI. Finally, from a business perspective, we provide some suggestions for China's container shipping industry.

Maritime greenhouse gas emission estimation and forecasting through AIS data analytics:... - 0 views

    The escalating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from maritime trade present a serious environmental and biological threat. With increasing emission reduction initiatives, such as the European Union's incorporation of the maritime sector into the emissions trading system, both challenges and opportunities emerge for maritime transport and associated industries. To address these concerns, this study presents a model specifically designed for estimating and projecting the spatiotemporal GHG emission inventory of ships, particularly when dealing with incomplete automatic identification system datasets. In the computational aspect of the model, various data processing techniques are employed to rectify inaccuracies arising from incomplete or erroneous AIS data, including big data cleaning, ship trajectory aggregation, multi-source spatiotemporal data fusion and missing data complementation. Utilizing a bottom-up ship dynamic approach, the model generates a high-resolution GHG emission inventory. This inventory contains key attributes such as the types of ships emitting GHGs, the locations of these emissions, the time periods during which emissions occur, and emissions. For predictive analytics, the model utilizes temporal fusion transformers equipped with the attention mechanism to accurately forecast the critical emission parameters, including emission locations, time frames, and quantities. Focusing on the sea area around Tianjin port-a region characterized by high shipping activity-this study achieves fine-grained emission source tracking via detailed emission inventory calculations. Moreover, the prediction model achieves a promising loss function of approximately 0.15 under the optimal parameter configuration, obtaining a better result than recurrent neural network (RNN) and long short-term memory network (LSTM) in the comparative experiments. The proposed method allows for a comprehensive understanding of emission patterns across diverse vessel types under vari

Importance of Duration, Duty-Cycling and Thresholds for the Implementation of Ultraviol... - 0 views

    The introduction of a surface into the marine environment begins a process known as biofouling, which increases the weight and hydrodynamic drag of the fouled structure. This process is detrimental to maritime vessels and costs the industry ∼$150B in fuel and maintenance spending annually. Preventing the settlement of fouling organisms mitigates these issues and limits the spread of non-indigenous species (NIS). This is primarily achieved via antifouling paints. Ultraviolet light is a sterilization method used in water purification, food storage packaging, and within medical fields. Ultraviolet C (UV-C) radiation interacts with DNA to prevent growth, proliferation, and survival of bacteria, and biofilm formation. Recent progress in microelectronics technology has advanced the range of commercially available light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to include the UV wavelengths, and the reduced size and cost has allowed their integration into previously inaccessible locales. This study builds on recent progress in integrating UV-C LEDs into UV-lucent silicone tiles for fouling control. The operational cycle needed to prevent growth of Navicula incerta cells was determined. Constant irradiance at a peak of 5.77 μW/cm2 resulted in a significant reduction in diatoms within 2 h, and a 2 log and 3 log reduction after 48 h and 5 days, respectively. Duty cycling (pulsing) in all variations from 50 to 2.5%, indicated significant reductions in cell densities, and the lowest cycle could effectively reduce biofouling growth and increase the longevity of the LEDs for up to 45.6 years. Irradiance and exposure were altered over a set duration and indicated a restriction in growth between 0.01-0.82 J/cm2 and an increased mortality at irradiances > 2.65 J/cm2, suggesting an effective antifouling threshold between these dosages. The effective dosage for 1 log reduction in fouling was estimated to be 25 J/cm2 but varied according to irradiance delivery method. Effective dosage for a 1 log re

Marine Natural Products: A Promising Source of Environmentally Friendly Antifouling Age... - 0 views

    Biofouling in the marine environment refers to an unwanted build-up of marine organisms on subsea surfaces including harbor docks, hulls of ships and offshore installations. The first stage of marine fouling occurs as a microbial biofilm which forms via the aggregation of bacterial, algal, and fungal cells. This biofilm provides a favorable substrate for the larval settlement of larger organisms such as mussels, barnacles and hard corals which accumulate to uncontrollable extents, causing issues for the maritime industries. Since the ban of tributyltin (TBT) in 2008 by the International Maritime Organisation, alternative antifouling agents have been used such as algaecides and copper-based coatings. Recent studies are showing that these can accumulate in the marine environment and have toxic effects against non-target species. Marine microbes and invertebrates are known to be prolific producers of bioactive molecules, including antifouling active compounds. These compounds are often produced by marine organisms as a means of chemical defense to deter predators and prevent fouling of their own surfaces, making them a promising source of new antifouling agents. This article discusses the effects of biofouling on the maritime industries, the environmental dangers of currently used antifouling compounds and why natural products from marine organisms could be a source of environmentally friendly antifouling agents.

The use of alternative fuels for maritime decarbonization: Special marine environmental... - 0 views

    The introduction of several alternative marine fuels is considered an important strategy for maritime decarbonization. These alternative marine fuels include liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied biogas (LBG), hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, ethanol, hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), etc. In some studies, nuclear power and electricity are also included in the scope of alternative fuels for merchant ships. However, the operation of alternative-fuel-powered ships has some special risks, such as fuel spills, vapor dispersion and fuel pool fires. The existing international legal framework does not address these risks sufficiently. This research adopts the method of legal analysis to examine the existing international legal regime for regulating the development of alternative-fuel-powered ships. From a critical perspective, it evaluates and predicts the consequences of these policies together with their shortcomings. Also, this research explores the potential solutions and countermeasures that might be feasible to deal with the special marine environmental risks posed by alternative-fuel-powered ships in the future.

The impact of EU-ETS on the global marine industry and the relevant investment dispute ... - 0 views

    Emission trading is an efficient measure to combat climate change, which is one of the biggest threats to the international community and human health. The shipping industry has previously been considered an energy-saving industry but the growth rate of its emissions far exceeds that of other industries. On 10 May 2023, the EU enacted Regulation (EU) 2023/957, which officially included the shipping industry in the EU-ETS. Therefore, this may lead to investor-state disputes regarding emission trading in the marine industry due to the conflicts between the obligation to combat climate change and the obligation to protect investments of the host states. This has resulted in the breaching of International Investment Agreements. In this context, this study aimed to propose practical recommendations for global marine market practitioners to avoid the potential risks of disputes by reflecting on the existing practice regarding climate change-related investor-state dispute resolutions and identifying the trends and problems of the current dispute resolution mechanism. These included inconsistency in the review standard, inconsistency in the review scope, and broad interpretation by the tribunal. Finally, this study proposed that by setting public purpose and exception clauses in the preambles of the International Investment Agreements and incorporating the specific obligations of the foreign investors and the regulatory power of the hosting states in the drafting stage, the potential risks for disputes regarding the new EU directive in the global marine industry could be effectively reduced.

Risk of a collision-related oil spill on the Gulf of Finland could up to quadruple in t... - 0 views

    A single oil spill can release 30,000 tonnes of oil into the ocean if two vessels collide. In grounding the high weight can lead to oil disaster, in the Baltic Sea up to 120 000 tonnes. This estimate does not include the new giant tankers.
    A single oil spill can release 30,000 tonnes of oil into the ocean if two vessels collide. In grounding the high weight can lead to oil disaster, in the Baltic Sea up to 120 000 tonnes. This estimate does not include the new giant tankers.
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