Theater School: Students as Actors and Writers for the Stage - 0 views
M.Antonella Perrotta on 02 Aug 13The "Teatro a Scuola" (Theater School) project, directed at 14-18 year-old, Real innovation lies in the involvement of students as writers, in a collaborative theatrical storytelling. During the theater workshop the teacher in charge of the project planned and implemented with the participants experimental activity that was inserted within the Italian program. Its purpose is to stimulate participants' creativity. It aims at to become an integral part of the activities foreseen by the school syllabus and to offer, next to the traditional learning method, a form of learning by doing. The project consists in three distinct, yet interdependent, moments: a first theoretical stage, which foresees a short series of lessons on the history of theater; a second stage dedicated to a theater workshop (elocution, lively reading, mime, song, dance etc.); and a final show, i.e. a genuine theatrical representation for the whole school and all citizens. Characteristics of innovation and experimentation of the project were that: students were not only actors but also authors and screenwriters; also, the project involved elders of the University of the Third Age (NGO)