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"risk-free, no obligation Signature Track trial" - Google Search - 4 views

    Tentativo di vedere quali dei corsi Coursera che offrono soltanto la certificazione "Signature Track" a pagamento sono e non sono disponibili per la traduzione nella Global Translator Community di Coursera 14 signature-track-only couses not on GTC: - New World, New Map: GPS for Today's Music Industry . West Virginia University - Re-Enchanting the City - Designing the Human Habitat . UNSW Australia - Pre-Calculus . University of California, Irvine - The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art . The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Foundations of Virtual Instruction . University of California, Irvine - Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination . West Virginia University and Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - What's Your Big Idea? . The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - The Magna Carta and its Legacy . University of London - Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy https://w
    8 signature-track-only courses on GTC: - The Art of Teaching History . Rice University - What a Plant Knows (and other things you didn't know about plants) . - The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem . Tel Aviv University - The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World . University of California, Irvine - Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects . University of California, San Diego - Learning to Teach Online . UNSW Australia (The University of New South Wales) - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship . University of Maryland, College Park - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East | Coursera . Tel Aviv University

Big Brother Awards: Mitten im Leben von Schnüfflern umgeben | heise online - 0 views

    "Datenschutz beim MOOC Die Technische Universität wie die Ludwig Maximilian Universität in München gehen mit der Zeit und bieten ihren Studenten Online-Kurse an. Dabei setzen sie auf die kalifornische Online-Plattform Coursera, nach eigenen Angaben mit 140 angeschlossenen Universitäten der größte Anbieter von Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Coursera sorgte für Schlagzeilen, als der Schweizer Professor Paul-Olivier Dehaye von Coursera wissen wollte, über welche Datensätze Coursera von seinem Kurs und von seinen dort eingeschriebenen Studenten verfügt und was mit diesen Daten gemacht wird. Coursera weigerte sich und geriet darob in Streit mit Dehaye wie mit seiner eigenen Universität (Zürich). Auch in Deutschland gab es Aufregung um Coursera, als die Datenschützerin Marit Hansen die Datenschutzregeln von Coursera kritisierte. Schließlich werden nicht nur die Kurse, sondern auch die Studenten-Daten in den USA gespeichert und ausgewertet. In den Augen der Big Brother Jury ist dabei nicht nur das Verhalten von Coursera fragwürdig, sondern das der Universitäten, die auf Coursera setzen. Es sei schlimm genug, wenn Bildung zum Wirtschaftsgut verkomme und ein US-Anbieter womöglich zum Bestandteil des Pflichtstudiums samt Scheinwerwerb werde. "Falls es keine geeignete europäische Plattform für das Angebot von MOOC gibt, wäre es eine Sache der Unis, eine solche Plattform aufzubauen," wird die Preisvergabe an die Münchener Universitäten in der Kategorie Bildung begründet."

Coursera Announces Details for Selling Certificates and Verifying Identities - Wired Ca... - 0 views

    January 9, 2013 by Jeffrey R. Young "...Setting the Price The company also revealed more details about how it would award certificates and how much it would charge for them. Students who want a verified certificate will have to decide early in the course and pay upfront. Paying that fee will put students on what the company is calling the "Signature Track." The company and colleges are still struggling to decide what to charge for the certificates, though in its latest announcement Coursera said the price would run $30 to $100. "It's a huge decision: You're essentially setting a market," said Daphne Koller, a co-founder of Coursera, in an interview this week with The Chronicle. "No one has ever priced this before." Officials also stressed that they would offer financial aid to students who demonstrated that they could not afford the fees but could benefit from the verified certificates. Ms. Koller said Coursera would continue to offer free unofficial certificates to students who passed some of its courses. So why would someone pay for the verified certificates? Peter Lange, provost at Duke University, which plans to offer one of the courses in the new pilot, said each free certificate would have a clear disclaimer on it: "It says something to the effect of, We cannot vouch that the person who got this document took the course or did the work." The new Signature Track could mean serious revenue for Coursera, and for the 33 partner colleges that will get a cut of it. Exactly how the colleges will divide that revenue is still being worked out, it seems. Mr. Lange said the question was on the agenda at the next monthly meeting of Duke's Advisory Committee on Online Education." So, when Coursera staff offered free Statements of Accomplishment as "Recognition" to the volunteers of the Global Translator community, they did so in full awareness of their lack of value and of the mentioned disclaimer

Materiali del corso "Digital Signal Processing" dell'EPFL (su Coursera) - 2 views

    I miei segnalibri Diigo taggati "DSP" per tutti i materiali di quel corso che sono accessibili liberamente sul web - cioè non sulla piattaforma chiusissima di Coursera. Per quanto riguarda i video, i segnalibri rimandano alla loro copia su Amara: per i primi, con i sottotitoli automatici di Coursera migliorati da volontari, per gli ultimi soltanto con i sottotitoli automatici di Coursera. Un'eccezione: "9.4 - Modulation and demodulation" per il quale Coursera non ha fornito sottotitoli.

Education: Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Univer... - 0 views

    "for cooperating with the online learning provider Coursera. (...) We regard this cooperation of the Munich universities with Coursera as a marketing operation. The two universities can present themselves globally together with top international universities. Conversely, Coursera adorns itself with their names. It seems that data protection has not been given much thought. Likewise, we miss a critical discussion of who owns the content produced and who profits from it. By the way, taking Coursera courses is still voluntary for the students. This BigBrotherAward is meant as a warning to colleges and universities not to make participation in MOOCs offered by privacy-ignoring companies a mandatory way to earn study credits. Actually it's bad enough that education increasingly becomes a commodity as publicly financed institutions of higher education distribute their offerings via commercial providers. If an appropriate European MOOC platform does not exist, then it is the the universities' duty to create such a platform. By giving a BigBrotherAward to TUM and LMU Munich, we would like to remind both universities and all other education institutions that the long-term business model of such "education providers" hinges on contracts in which the students are not the customers of the MOOC provider, they are the product being sold."

Coursera Apologizes for Translation Quality Tweet - 0 views

    "By Carl Straumsheim March 6, 2015 1 Comment Massive open online course provider Coursera this week drew the ire of some translators on Twitter after claiming "that the quality of the Coursera's Global Volunteer Translator Community... is better than a professional translator." The roughly 5,600 volunteer members of the community help translate lecture video subtitles. After a number of critical tweets, including from Coursera critic Paul-Olivier Dehaye, the MOOC provider deleted the tweet. Coursera later apologized in its Global Translator Community newsletter. Dehaye chronicled the exchanged on Storify."

What's right and what's wrong about Coursera-style MOOCs - Tony Bates 2012_08_05 - 0 views

    "August 5, 2012 by Tony Bates TED Talks: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller, one of the two founders of Coursera, describes some of the key features of the Coursera MOOCs, and the lessons she has learned to date about teaching and learning from these courses. The video is well worth watching, just for this. However I'm probably going to suffer the same kind of fate of the Russian female punk band, Pussy Riot, by spitting on the altar of MOOCs, but this TED talk captures for me all that is both right and wrong about the MOOCs being promoted by the elite US universities. Let me start by saying that I actually applaud Daphne Koller and her colleagues for developing massive open online MOOCs. Any attempt to make the knowledge of some of the world's leading experts available to anyone free of charge is an excellent endeavour. If only it stopped there. What I object to is the hubris and misleading claims that are evident in this TED video. As someone once said about one of Sigmund Freud's lectures, what is new is not true, and what is true is not new."
    Importante analisi fatta da uno specialista dell'insegnamento a distanza, tutto all'inizio di Coursera

Fair Use, MOOCs, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act: FAQs - 0 views

    "Fair Use, MOOCs, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Frequently Asked Questions In October 2015 the Librarian of Congress issued new rules permitting certain teachers of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to break encryption on DVDs, Blu-Ray discs and streaming videos to create short clips for use in their teaching. It's a major step forward for MOOC teachers and their students. This document, prepared by Professors Peter Decherney and Brandon Butler, answers some of the most common questions you might have about the new rule."
    (Per il contesto, vedi e Parti problematiche: Coursera and Udacity are for profit companies. Can they take advantage of the exemption? Coursera and Udacity are the platforms. Colleges, universities, museums, and other nonprofit organizations offer courses through these platforms. The organization that creates the course must be an accredited nonprofit educational institution, but the provider of the software platform may be for-profit . So a university course offered through Coursera may take advantage of the exemption. How can the material be restricted to students enrolled in the course? We believe that use of passwords provided only to enrolled students will sufficiently limit access to the course content to students or learners. How can redistribution be prevented? Offering streaming rather than downloadable versions of the course content should reasonably limit unauthorized redistribution of the work. Unfortunately, this unfairly disadvantages learners with slower internet access" Cioè l'autorizzazione a far saltare i blocchi anticopia vale soltant per i MOOC che non sono MOOC perché non sono Open ma protetti da password. E l'argomento secondo il quale il fair use vale per i video di corsi Coursera e Udacity, a patto che gli enti che elargiscono il corso non siano a scopo di lucro, anche se le piattaforme lo sono, è dubbio. in effetti Coursera e Udacity traggono profitto dai materiali proposti da questi enti. Quanto all'offerta dei video in solo streaming per impedirne lo scaricamento: almeno nei corsi Coursera dove il link di scaricamento è stato t

Big Brother Award für LMU und TU: Plattform verscherbelt Daten von Studenten - 0 views

    "Ein bequemer Weg, potenzielle Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für Top-Jobs zu finden und mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, kritisiert Digitalcourage - "selbstverständlich nicht kostenlos". Die Daten würden außerdem in den USA gespeichert und verarbeitet, "damit dürften sie auch dem Zugriff durch US-Behörden ausgesetzt sein". Die TU München war die erste deutsche Hochschule, die Partnerschaften mit Anbietern wie Coursera und edX einging, auch die LMU nutzt Coursera. Dafür haben die Unis am Freitag den Negativpreis Big-Brother-Award verliehen bekommen. Die Technische Universität relativiert das Thema: MOOCs seien ja nicht vorrangig für TUM-Studierende konzipiert, sondern für Externe. Auch die LMU merkt das an. Außerdem weise man darauf hin, "dass es sich bei den Plattformen um privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmen mit eigenen AGBs und Datenschutzrichtlinien handelt", sagt TU-Sprecher Ulrich Marsch. Von der LMU heißt es: Spezielle Vereinbarungen mit Coursera sähen unter anderem vor, dass mit ausdrücklichem Einverständnis des Kursteilnehmers Daten an Dritte weitergegeben werden können. Noch ist das Kursangebot freiwillig. Der Award, schreibt die Jury, solle eine Warnung an die Hochschulen sein, Online-Kurse bei datenschutztechnisch zweifelhaften Anbietern nicht zum Pflichtangebot für den Scheinerwerb zu machen."

Coursera Privacy Policy - 0 views

    "Privacy Shield Policy Introduction. Coursera, Inc. (referred to as "we," "us," or "our"), believes in protecting your privacy. We participate in and commit to adhering to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework which includes the Privacy Shield Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access and enforcement (the "Principles") for all transfers of personal data from EEA to the U.S. To learn more about Privacy Shield, please visit the U.S. Department of Commerce Privacy Shield website: For more information regarding our Privacy Shield certification, please see: (Note: Coursera is currently in the process of obtaining formal self-certification to Privacy Shield)."

Proposal Lesson plan for- Teaching goes massive: new skills required - 2 views

    "Overview - This course is offered by University of Zurich with Prof Paul-Olivier Dehaye and his students. This lesson plan is created by Dilrukshi Gamage ( a MOOC student from this class due to few reasons. 1. Course started with giving some ideas, but now it appears no more ideas facilitated 2. Forums are closed and we have no clue of what to do 3. Students who take this course or any of coursera for the first time will be wondering and might lose the context of learning. 4. This lesson plan will guide us to collaboratively find solution to be in synchronized and learn from the time we invest in this. Introduction - The course named Teaching goes massive : new skills needed. It is our responsibility to find out what are the skills we need when we are teaching to a massive class.. or any class. Prof.Paul mentioned some experiments which we can do and previous forums already started and gone very well until suddenly closed everything. So let us drive this MOOC , learn to learn ourselves how to be organized and learn from each other. Anyone can suggest things but not like as forums it has to be much more effective. This document will contain how to participate and what can you do in contributing to expand your learning. Don't worry this will not stop suddenly as we the students are in charge. First step lets set some objectives so we can see did we achieve when we finish this course. Objectives - After you complete this course 1. You will learn how to learn yourselves to work without a real teacher or a lecturer. 2. You will learn to make communications and build a network where you can share and learn throughout your interest. 3. You will learn to work on inclusive projects in the same course ( by inclusive what I mean was anyone can work in one project or more) 4. You will gain knowledge on what skills you need and how to handle it when teaching is massive Where to contact - Please use the links provided in collaborating
    vedi anche di George Siemens per un ottimo riassunto e altri link utili
    e , il Pad dove Dehaye spiega il contesto della sua decisione. Se qualcuno ne ricancella il contenuto, usate la storia delle revisioni: funziona come PiratePad

Amara's Wiki-subtitling Platform Adopted by the World's Leading Online Education Provid... - 0 views

    ""Amara's captioning and translation services have helped Coursera deliver educational videos to hundreds of thousands of students around the world," said Andrew Ng, co-founder of Coursera. "This was key to making our content accessible to non-native speakers, and has allowed our content to be delivered in dozens of languages.""
    Queste "pagine nascoste" del blog about di Amara sono strane: un pezzo di codice per embeddare un player con una trascrizione interattiva, comunicati stampa non datati, fra i quali questo: ora la cosa bizzarra è che è da un anno che Coursera ha smesso di usare Amara, e da 10 mesi che ha cancellato il suo team Amara. Il team di Khan Academy c'è ancora, ma è praticamente deserto.

How Does Coursera Make Money? | EdSurge News - Dhawal Shah 2014-10-15 - 0 views

    "Dhawal Shah Oct 15, 2014 Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide to offer courses online for free. It was started by two Stanford professors in late 2011. In less than three years it has reached 10 million students around the world and raised $85 million in venture capital. Why have VCs invested so much money in the company? How does offering free online courses generate revenue? Many have asked, so we examined Coursera's different monetization models and offer estimates based on some known numbers. "

Ebola : Vaincre ensemble ! - "Where is the normal Coursera Interface? - 0 views

    "Where is the normal Coursera Interface? Philippe Faucon · 3 days ago · In "Faut-il avoir peur? L'emballement des médias autour d'Ebola - Claudine Burton-Jeangros" This course seems totally broken and unpractical. I am really interested in the topic, this is why I have been trying to follow it until now, but candidly I am reaching my limit."

MOOCs Are Largely Reaching Privileged Learners, Survey Finds - The Chronicle of Higher ... - 1 views

    "Most people who take massive open online courses already hold a degree from a traditional institution, according to a new paper from the University of Pennsylvania. The paper is based on a survey of 34,779 students worldwide who took 24 courses offered by Penn professors on the Coursera platform. The findings-among the first from outside researchers, rather than MOOC providers-reinforce the truism that most people who take MOOCs are already well educated. The Penn researchers sent the survey to students who had registered for a MOOC and viewed at least one video lecture. More than 80 percent of the respondents had a two- or four-year degree, and 44 percent had some graduate education."
    Ma vedi anche il commento di Stephen Downes : "Goodness gracious, the word "MOOCs" does not mean the same thing as "courses offered by Penn professors on the Coursera platform." The Chronicle can be so infuriating at times. Coursera very deliberately targeted an upmarket customer profile, so no wonder that's who they got"

Coursera Blog * An update on enrollment and grading 2016-01-19 - 0 views

    January 19, 2016 "Starting today, when you enroll in certain courses, you'll be asked to pay a fee (or apply for Coursera's financial aid program) if you'd like to submit required graded assignments and earn a Course Certificate. You can also choose to explore the course for free, in which case you'll have full access to videos, discussions, and practice assignments, and view-only access to graded assignments. You'll see the options for each individual course when you click "enroll" on the course information page; courses that aren't part of this change will continue to show the options to enroll in the course either with or without a Certificate. Most courses that are part of Specializations will begin offering this new experience this week, and certain other courses will follow later this year."
    Ironia: quando ho fatto questo segnalibro, il solo tag raccomandato (dal blog Coursera) che è apparso era "mooc"...

Coursera's inventive claims about its Global Translator Community (with image... - 0 views

    "Making Coursera accountable towards its volunteers, its "learners" and its partners byPaul-Olivier Dehayeil y a 2 années1,028 Views Favicon for Embed "

MOOCs for Teachers: Coursera Offers Online Teacher Training Program | MindShift - 0 views

    "he courses will be free to teachers, and for those who want a verified certificate, there will be a $50 fee. Coursera will verify that the teacher actually completed the course and participated fully along the way."

Sudan sanctions are keeping secure communications tools from activists. Slate Danielle ... - 0 views

    "They are making it difficult for activists to use secure communication tools and putting them at risk."
    aggiungo coursera e MOOC. ai tag, perché il blocco tramite IP dei corsi Coursera in Iran, Siria, Sudano e Cuba viene menzionato, con link, nell'articolo.
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