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Joanne S

LTTO Episodes | COFA Online Gateway - 0 views

    COFA Online. (2011, March 1). Understanding Creative Commons - case study. Retrieved April 29, 2011, from
Joanne S

Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on - 0 views

    • Joanne S
      Mark Zuckerberg, a journalist was asking him a question about the news feed. And the journalist was asking him, "Why is this so important?" And Zuckerberg said, "A squirrel dying in your front yard may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa." And I want to talk about what a Web based on that idea of relevance might look like. So when I was growing up in a really rural area in Maine, the Internet meant something very different to me. It meant a connection to the world. It meant something that would connect us all together. And I was sure that it was going to be great for democracy and for our society. But there's this shift in how information is flowing online, and it's invisible. And if we don't pay attention to it, it could be a real problem. So I first noticed this in a place I spend a lot of time -- my Facebook page. I'm progressive, politically -- big surprise -- but I've always gone out of my way to meet conservatives. I like hearing what they're thinking about; I like seeing what they link to; I like learning a thing or two. And so I was surprised when I noticed one day that the conservatives had disappeared from my Facebook feed. And what it turned out was going on was that Facebook was looking at which links I clicked on, and it was noticing that, actually, I was clicking more on my liberal friends' links than on my conservative friends' links. And without consulting me about it, it had edited them out. They disappeared. So Facebook isn't the only place that's doing this kind of invisible, algorithmic editing of the Web. Google's doing it too. If I search for something, and you search for something, even right now at the very same time, we may get very different search results. Even if you're logged out, one engineer told me, there are 57 signals that Google looks at -- everything from what kind of computer you're on to what kind of browser you're using to where you're located -- that it uses to personally tailor you
Joanne S

Keeping up: strategic use of online social networks for librarian current awareness. - 0 views

    Online social networks for current awareness Cook, S., & Wiebrands, C. (2010). Keeping up: strategic use of online social networks for librarian current awareness. In VALA 2010: Connections. Content. Conversations. Melbourne, Victoria. Retrieved from
Joanne S

IOLUG speaker's notes on online identity at Attempting Elegance - 0 views

    Rogers, J. (2010, January 5). IOLUG speaker's notes on online identity. Retrieved October 1, 2010, from
Joanne S

Online social networks in the enterprise - 0 views

    Online social networks in the enterprise Howard, Z., & Ryan, D. (2010). Replacing the water cooler: connecting through enterprise microblogging. In VALA 2010: Connections. Content. Conversations. Melbourne, Victoria. Retrieved from
Joanne S

What is social software? In Social software in libraries: building collaboration, commu... - 0 views

    Farkas, M. G. (2007). What is social software? In Social software in libraries: building collaboration, communication, and community online. Information Today, Inc. Retrieved from
Joanne S

Mobile Strategy | National Library of Australia - 0 views

  • must move towards a model with comprehensive mobile access to online services
  • mobile’ has come to encompass an ever-expanding field of devices, platforms and content
  • Smart (internet enabled) or dumb/cellular
  • ...98 more annotations...
  • Supplied (on-site device distribution) or privately owned
  • Native apps
  • Mobile websites
  • In terms of content this includes:
  • Applications (software designed for specific tasks
  • Podcasts (audio and video content
  • Other downloadable content (e.g. PDFs and ebook
  • the Library may look to harness the potential of these technologies to break away from the traditional broadcast-only website presence and move towards two-way conversations between the Library and its users, or conversations between the users themselves
  • the key objectives stated in the Information Technology Strategic Plan 2012-2015 include Online Presence and supporting “the needs of our users for easy discovery of, access to, and engagement with our services, collections and other information resources in the digital environment”
  • ensure equal access to our resources and services for all Australians.
  • facilitate equal access to Library resources for everyone.
  • Putting Library resources into the hands of users in their lounge rooms reflects a deeper understanding of the need to move beyond the desire to follow our users and instead reach out to them to “take them some place new
  • mobile will only continue to grow and overtake desktop internet usage within 2-3 years
  • building both infrastructure and a culture of engagement will pave the way to more efficiently and effectively meeting that need in the future
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • Improve access to our collection and services for audiences, wherever they are, whether on-site or anywhere else in the world.
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Modernise the Library brand to reflect relevance, accessibility and innovation.
  • Create opportunities for learning
  • Facilitate connections, conversation and overall engagement with national collection material.
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • A focus on strategic, audience-driven activity with a utility function.
  • Seek out and engage new technologies to achieve marketing and communications goals.
  • 6         Recommended activities
  • activities provide a means to implement and ground the strategy with specific and measurable tasks
  • 6.1      Governance and infrastructure
  • The Library’s IT Strategy Group will determine priorities
  • formalising the Web Committee’s role as an advisory body
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • Information Technology Division to examine ongoing resourcing of development work, administrative models, and potential for partial cost-recovery
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • Develop and review policy in support of the use of both enterprise devices and use of personal devices for work-related purposes. Identify
  • Investigate infrastructure and resourcing requirements for digital recording and distribution
  • Collections Management Division to keep a watching brief on any developments pertaining to the extension of Legal Deposit to include digital (and mobile) content
  • developing a statement of collecting intentions for the various categories of ebook titles within the context of revising the collecting policy for Australian electronic publications in general
  • Applications
  • Podcasts (audio and video content
  • Other downloadable content (e.g. PDFs and ebooks
  • 3         Our mobile vision
  • Improve access to our collection and services for audiences, wherever they are, whether on-site or anywhere else in the world.
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • 3         Our mobile vision
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • 3         Our mobile vision
  • Improve access to our collection and services for audiences, wherever they are, whether on-site or anywhere else in the world.
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Modernise the Library brand to reflect relevance, accessibility and innovation.
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Create opportunities for learning
  • Facilitate connections, conversation and overall engagement with national collection material.
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Tactics
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Modernise the Library brand to reflect relevance, accessibility and innovation.
  • Create opportunities for learning
  • Facilitate connections, conversation and overall engagement with national collection material.
  • Tactics
  • Tactics
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Tactics
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • A focus on strategic, audience-driven activity with a utility function.
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • A focus on strategic, audience-driven activity with a utility function.
  • Seek out and engage new technologies to achieve marketing and communications goals.
  • Seek out and engage new technologies to achieve marketing and communications goals.
  • Recommended
  • 6.1      Governance and infrastructure
  • Library’s IT Strategy Group will determine priorities
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Information Technology Division to examine ongoing resourcing
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Develop and review policy in support of the use of both enterprise devices and use of personal devices for work-related purposes
  • Investigate infrastructure and resourcing requirements for digital recording and distribution to ensure the long-term sustainability of online broadcast activity
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Information Technology Division to examine ongoing resourcing
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • Collections Management Division to keep a watching brief on any developments pertaining to the extension of Legal Deposit to include digital (and mobile) conten
  • developing a statement of collecting intentions for the various categories of ebook titles within the context of revising the collecting policy for Australian electronic publications
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • Develop and review policy in support of the use of both enterprise devices and use of personal devices for work-related purposes
Michelle Pitman

Democrasoft - Social Collaboration & Voting Platforms for Building Online Communities - 0 views

    Astonishing developments in online collaborative tools may not replace the real life "Town Hall" meetings, but they will further democratise difficult discussions.  Fantastic stuff!   
Joanne S

Michael Mace talks about the future of ebooks - YouTube - 0 views

    Michael Mace was a keynote speaker at the ALIA Information Online conference in February 2011. The interview was recorded just after his talk, so there is very loud music in the background. Michael Mace talks about the future of ebooks. (2011). Retrieved from
Joanne S

Reprogramming The Museum | - 0 views

  • Powerhouse experie
  • her APIs
  • Flickr AP
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • Thomson Reuters OpenCalais
  • OCLC's WorldCat
  • Before we began our work on the Commons on Flickr, some museum colleagues were concerned that engaging with the Flickr community would increase workloads greatly. While the monitoring of the site does take some work, the value gained via the users has far outweighed any extra effort. In some cases, users have dated images for us.
  • In subsequent use of the Flickr API, we appropriated tags users had added to our images, and now include them in our own collection database website (OPAC). We also retrieved geo-location data added to our images for use in third party apps like Sepiatown and Layar.
  • In our case the purpose of creating an API was to allow others to use our content.
  • So consider the questions above not in the context of should we or shouldn't we put our data online (via an API or otherwise) but rather in the context of managing expectations of the data's uptake.
  • Steps to an API
  • several important things which had to happen before we could provide a public web API. The first was the need to determine the licence status of our content.
  • The drive to open up the licensing of our content came when, on a tour we conducted of the Museum's collection storage facilities for some Wikipedian
  • This prompted Seb Chan to make the changes required to make our online collection documentation available under a mix of Creative Commons licences. (Chan, April 2009)
  • Opening up the licensing had another benefit: it meant that we had already cleared one hurdle in the path to creating an API.
  • The Government 2.0 Taskforce ( was the driver leading us to take the next step.
  • "increasing the openness of government through making public sector information more widely available to promote transparency, innovation and value adding to government information"
  • the first cultural institution in Australia to provided a bulk data dump of any sort.
  • The great thing about this use is that it exposes the Museum and its collection to the academic sector, enlightening them regarding potential career options in the cultural sector.
  • I will briefly mention some of the technical aspects of the API now for those interested. In line with industry best practice the Powerhouse Museum is moving more and more to open-source based hosting and so we chose a Linux platform for serving the API
  • Images are served from the cloud as we had already moved them there for our OPAC, to reduce outgoing bandwidth from the Museum's network.
  • Once we had the API up and running, we realised it would not be too much work to make a WordPress plug-in which allowed bloggers to add objects from our collection to their blogs or blog posts. Once built, this was tested internally on our own blogs. Then in early 2011 we added it to the WordPress plugin directory:
  • One of the main advantages the API has over the data dump is the ability to track use.
  • It is also worth noting that since the API requests usually do not generate pages that are rendered in a browser it is not possible to embed Google Analytics tracking scripts in the API's output.
  • y requiring people to sign up using a valid email address before requesting an API key we are able to track API use back to individuals or organisations.
  • Concerns that people would use the API inappropriately were dealt with by adding a limit to the number of requests per hour each key can generate
  • An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program
    Dearnley, L. (2011). Repreogramming the museum. In Museums and the Web 2011 : Proceedings. Presented at the Museums and the Web 2011, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics. Retrieved from
Joanne S

Library 2.0 : service for the next generation library. - 0 views

  • he heart of Library 2.0 is user-centered change
  • nviting user participatio
  • It also attempts to reach new users and better serve current ones through improved customer-driven offerin
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Technological advances in the past several years have enabled libraries to create new services that before were not possible, such as virtual reference, personalized OPAC interfaces, or downloadable media that library customers can use in the comfort of their own homes. This increase in available technologies gives libraries the ability to offer improved, customer-driven service opportunities.
  • Libraries are in the habit of providing the same services and the same programs to the same groups
  • , Stephens believes that “Library 2.0 will be a meeting place, online or in the physical world, where [library users'] needs will be fulfilled through entertainment, information, and the ability to create [their] own stuff to contribute to the ocean of content out there.”
  • . It's never been easy to reach this group with physical services, because libraries are constrained by space and money and cannot carry every item that every user desires
  • Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired, who coined the phrase in an article of the same name in 2004, argues that the demand for movies or books that are not hits far outnumbers the demand for those that are hit
  • Going after the diverse long tail requires a combination of physical and virtual services
    Casey, M. E., & Savastinuk, L. C. (2006). Library 2.0 : service for the next generation library. Library Journal, 131(4), 40-42. Retrieved from
Joanne S

safer internet group - 5 Point Plan - 0 views

  • The Safer Internet Group brings together a diverse group of stakeholders who all share the goal of developing the Internet as a platform for education, communication and economic activity.
  • Australia needs to take effective action to ensure that Internet users, and particularly children, have a safe experience online, while ensuring that the benefits of the open Internet are available to all Australians.
  • We believe our way is comprehensive and practical. More importantly, we know it works. It delivers:
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • . More Effective Education
  • Comprehensive Policing of Illegal material on the Internet
  • User Tools that work
  • A new dialogue about Internet safety
  • Targeted Research of Internet Risks and Opportunities for Young People
    Safer Internet Group (2009) 5 Point Plan. Retrieved from (The Australian Library and Information Association is one of the members of the Safer Internet Group)
Joanne S

Companies and information: The leaky corporation | The Economist - 0 views

  • the WikiLeaks threat and the persistent leaking of other supposedly confidential corporate information have brought an important issue to the fore.
  • Companies are creating an ever-growing pile of digital information, from product designs to employees' e-mails.
  • Much of this information would do little damage if it seeped into the outside world; some of it, indeed, might well do some good. But some could also be valuable to competitors—or simply embarrassing—and needs to be protected. Companies therefore have to decide what they should try to keep to themselves and how best to secure it.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • more and more data are seeping out of companies, even of the sort that should be well protected.
  • To be able to work better with data, employees often transfer them into spreadsheets and other types of files that are easier to manipulate—but also easier to lose control of.
  • Although most leaks are not deliberate, many are.
  • “data loss prevention” (DLP).
  • software that sits at the edge of a firm's network and inspects the outgoing data traffic.
  • “bells in the dark”. False records—made-up pieces of e-mail, say—are spread around the network. Because they are false, no one should gain access to them. If somebody does, an alarm is triggered
  • In the corporate world, to limit the channels through which data can escape, some companies do not allow employees to bring their own gear to work or to use memory sticks or certain online services.
  • How then to strike the right balance between secrecy and transparency?
  • Intel, the world's largest chipmaker, issues “speeding tickets” to employees who break its rules.
  • Transparency is not just a natural inclination but a necessity, says Mitchell Baker, who chairs the foundation. If Mozilla kept its cards close to the chest, its global community of developers would not and could not help write the program. So it keeps secrets to a minimum: employees' personal information, data that business partners do not want made public and security issues in its software.
Joanne S

Taylor & Francis Online :: Optimal Results: What Libraries Need to Know About Google an... - 0 views

    Cahill, K., & Chalut, R. (2009). Optimal Results: What Libraries Need to Know About Google and Search Engine Optimization. The Reference Librarian, 50(3), 234-247. doi:10.1080/02763870902961969 ( You will need to be logged into Curtin Library to access this).
Joanne S

Page 1. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • profound concept: that any person could share information with anyone else, anywhere.
  • Web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because it was built on egalitarian principles and because thousands of individuals, universities and companies have worked, both independently and together as part of the World Wide Web Consortium
  • Large social-networking sites are walling off information posted by their users from the rest of the Web.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Wireless Internet providers are being tempted to slow traffic to sites with which they have not made deals.
  • Governments—totalitarian and democratic alike—are monitoring people’s online habits, endangering important human rights.
  • eb is now more critical to free speech than any other medium
    6 pages long. see other links
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