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Lisa Levinson

Determining the ROI of Enterprise 2.0 | ZDNet - 0 views

    "Innovation often comes from where you least expect it and harnessing collective intelligence, the core principle of Web 2.0 as well as Enterprise 2.0, is the very art of eliciting value from emergent systems such as the Web and our intranets. That this value is forming the bulk of the networked economy (open source software, social networks, social media sharing, etc.) is one of the signature lessons of the era of open business models and 2.0."
    Dion Hinchcliffe's blogs are very interesting and he has great graphics. He also explores stats to show ROI in the networked age, or explains why they are not forthcoming. His home page is:
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Who Are Social Entrepreneurs? How Will They Change the World? | The 7 Graces of Marketi... - 0 views

    Great blog on social enterprises and social entrepreneurs at the 7 Graces, Lynn Serafinn, June 13, 2014 Sounds like the WLS to me! "there are many more social entrepreneurs on the planet than there are those who own or operate 'official' social enterprises. Many independent business owners approach their enterprises in what I would call a new-paradigm way. Their mission is to use their businesses as vehicles to serve the public as well as make a living. They have clearly defined missions and sets of values by which they operate. They aim to address the specific needs of particular communities. They are passionate, value-driven business people who are dedicated to increasing happiness and wellbeing in the world and are able to see a 'meta-view' of the world and their places within it."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Letting go of Twitter's other big number. And learning to listen. - NixonMcInnes - 0 views

  • witter gives us many ways to find relevant conversations. There are a range of searches, lists, groups, hashtags and apps to help us navigate to the people and the comments that need our attention. For most brands, the simple ‘following’ mechanism (great for personal users) is just too clumsy a tool to have much meaning or utility in itself, so more nuanced forms of listening have to take place. To judge an account by a ‘following’ number is to draw conclusions about the ways a person or brand uses Twitter to listen.
    Very good article on not overinflating value of our followers or what whom we follow says about us. Instead, look for value in other ways such as how those whom you follow/those who follow really listen to what is being said in social media. by Clive Andrews, NixonMcInnes (UK social media firm), 7/4/2012
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Building a Nation that Values Diversity: Winners of "Canada's Best Diversity Employers"... - 0 views

  • People have different views of what diversity means in practical terms, but there's one thing everyone can agree on: making people from diverse backgrounds feel at home has become a value that runs deep in the fabric of Canadian society.
  • "Promoting diversity and inclusiveness is one of Canada's defining values,
  • inclusive workplaces for employees from five diverse groups: women; visible minorities; persons with disabilities; Aboriginal peoples; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) peoples.
    Nice article on "best diversity employers in Canada," top 100 employer winners of diversity inclusion awards, Mediacorp Canada, Inc.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Student Perspectives on the Value of Lectures - 0 views

  • They see the lecture, at its best, as a critical, thought-provoking discourse in which a seasoned expert shares knowledge, experience and insight3
  • 1) Lectures provide focus and emphasis
  • 2) Multimodality exposure reinforces learning
    "students in medical and dental school explain why they find lectures of value. from McGill University researchers, Medical Science Educator "
    "students in medical and dental school explain why they find lectures of value. from McGill University researchers, Medical Science Educator "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Malia's decision to take a gap year isn't just good for her - it's good for the country - 0 views

  • There is growing research showing that taking a bridge year boosts motivation, confidence and achievement and, for many, a cost savings as it decreases the timeline to graduation. 
  • When we enable students to step out of the classroom and focus on what really matters, they discover who they are and who they hope to become. And they do that before someone (whether a parent, benefactor or government program) makes the single largest investment of a young person’s life: a college education.
  • It's time to rebrand the “gap year” as what it has the potential to be -- a “bridge year” or “launch pad” -- and to make it a more encouraged, accepted and accessible option for kids from all backgrounds. 
    like this assessment of value of gap year by Abby Falik
Lisa Levinson

8 digital skills we must teach our children | World Economic Forum - 0 views

    Written by Yuhyun Park , the chair of infollutionZero Foundation. Great graphic of the digital literacies children must learn as "they spend, on average, 7 hours a day in front of screens from television and computers to mobile phones and various digital devices." He defines these skills as Digital Intelligence, or DQ: Digital Safety (behavior risks, content risks, contact risks), Digital Security (password protection, internet security, mobile security), Digital Emotional Intelligence (empathy, emotional awareness/regulation, social and emotional awareness), Digital Communication (online collaboration, online communication, digital footprint), digital literacy (computational thinking, content curation, critical thinking), digital rights (privacy, intellectual property rights, freedom of speech), digital identity (digital citizen, digital co-creator, digital entrepreneur), and Digital Use (screen time, digital health, community participation).
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Glass ceiling study: Women and people of color are penalized for valuing diversity. - 0 views

    article by Amanda Hess, XXfactor, July 23, 2014 ""Minority and women leaders' engagement in diversity-valuing behavior may be viewed as selfishly advancing the social standing of their own low-status demographic groups."" So the trade-off is to get promoted yourself, but not help other women or people of color get promoted. In order to enter the executive suite, women have to backseat their desire to bring in more women or other diversity, and the stereotype of women not helping others advance is reinforced.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How To Avoid Being Overwhelmed And Exhausted | Akoya - Empowering Women thru Life Coach... - 0 views

    nice blog post by Vanessa Loder, July 1, 2014 on how to avoid being overwhelmed, Akoya Power From Within. Published originally in Forbes. Seven how-tos by Brigid Schulte to manage overwhelm 1. Recognize and release the pressure 2. Align With Your Values (...being clear on your enjoy the journey) 3. Cultivate leisure time 4. Simplify your to do list 5. Work smarter, not harder 6. Get a support group 7. Practice appreciation and gratitude; be mindful
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Value of Networking for Learning and Development - 0 views

    Being there (in your colleagues' work environments in their meetings, etc.) is a great way to learn according to Helen Blunden
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Leadership groups for social learning | Wenger-Trayner - 0 views

    Blog post by Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner on leadership groups within communities as act of service to lead group process. September 14, 2012 Need to do something like this in setting up Studio leadership roles that could be period specific, event specific, etc. See excerpt: The practice goes like this: everyone at a meeting belongs to a leadership group - and each group stewards one part of the learning process of the whole group. In this way leadership of the community meeting is distributed over the entire event. Leadership here is seen as an act of service, that is, not leadership in terms of telling others what to do, but helping the group develop itself as a learning partnership. We've seen these groups lead to some transformational turn-arounds in group dynamics and the learning potential. (Notwithstanding the times they flopped - which led us to learn a great deal!) We gave playful names to the groups in the spirit of making it a fun and inventive way of leading the process: agenda activists, community keepers, critical friends, social reporters, external messengers, value detectives. Over the years we've come to see that these groups can work well in lots of different contexts including group meetings, conferences, and long-term community development. Anywhere, that is, where there is an intention for collective learning.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Learnlets » Transcending Experience Design - 0 views

    blog post by Clark Quinn, September 25, 2012, on transcending experience design "they argued that what was due next was a "transformation economy", where people paid for experiences that change them (in ways that they desire or value).
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

5 Social Networks To Achieve 10 Business Tasks - The BrainYard - - 1 views

    A thoughtful slide program on how to use Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn in your business, Donston-Miller, June 20, 2012. One finding, only use as many platforms as you can manage well. You have to have a "there" (i.e., relevant, timely content) in order to send people there for it to have value.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Pinterest: Why Your Company Should Take An Interest - The BrainYard - - 0 views

    Explores value of Pinterest for business, Donston-Miller, March 6, 2012. Pinterest users are heavily women and younger (ages 25-44) Assessment: "Companies are finding themselves challenged to effectively marshal their externally facing social networking efforts, and most are likely focusing on Facebook and Twitter. So, with resources at a premium, should your company be paying attention to upstart social network Pinterest right now? The short answer is yes." Pinterest experiencing huge growth and now drives more traffic to Real Simple website than Facebook does. Caveat: Pinterest user boards overwhelmingly focus on food, fashion, home decor, and hobbies, things that are visual and usually visually appealing. "Pinterest is best used to inspire or remind... looking at capitalizing on Pinterest as a gift registry ...even if your company doesn't make or promote something highly visual probably has something that can be visualized and put into context... data infographics--things like data sets, visualization of data.... even with something like a technology company, there are always ways to visualize information in an engaging way."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

5 Ways Social Changes How We Work - The BrainYard - InformationWeek - 0 views

    blog post by Donston-Miller, June 4, 2012 on how social changes how we work 1. website home pages (home pages less of a destination, Facebook timeline becoming more important) 2. Email--with built-in IM systems on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, email less important. Google+ users get tight integration on communication tools 3. Help desk call centers--moving to discussion forms on social networking platforms 4. Resumes-- "Now, social networks are basically living resumes. Or, looked at another way, you are your resume; what you post, how you interact, what you share, who your friends and followers are, and more all combine to demonstrate your value to a company." 5. PBXes--enterprise wide phone systems are affected by Skype and online chat and messaging features
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Facebook is for bonding, Twitter is for bridging: Contextualizing social media involvem... - 0 views

    Interesting working paper by Annie Feighery, on Participatory Epidemiology website, asserting primary value of Facebook and Twitter. Note this example of virtual penetration for mobile phones below. Does this threshold hold true for social media use? "Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, now has a majority of countries with populations whose mobile phone market is at the level of virtual total penetration. Virtual total penetration is reached when more than half of potential mobile phone owners have a mobile phone. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Walk Deliberately, Don't Run, Toward Online Education - Commentary - The Chronicle of H... - 0 views

    Blog post by William Bowen, March 25, 2013, on movement towards online education. He would like more hard evidence to understand impact/success among other effects, tool kits (platforms), new mind-set to attempt online to reduce costs without adversely affecting educational outcomes, what we must retain in terms of central aspects of life on campus such as "minds rubbing against minds." Excerpts: "My plea is for the adoption of a portfolio approach to curricular development that provides a calibrated mix of instructional styles." ... "Their students, along with others of their generation, will expect to use digital resources-and to be trained in their use. And as technologies grow increasingly sophisticated, and we learn more about how students learn and what pedagogical methods work best in various fields, even top-tier institutions will stand to gain from the use of such technologies to improve student learning." Really like this comment for value of MOOCs for post-college graduates: "A quibble. I am intrigued by your comment about "minds rubbing against minds." While there is undeniable worthiness of the thought inside academic communities perhaps underestimated is the lack of such friction after graduation and how MOOCs can provide opportunities outside the alma maternal environments. To take courses at the local U. costs both in inconvenience of scheduling, transportation and monetary costs equivalent to constantly having a new Hyundai. Those requirements wind up as being unreasonable. Since January I have had the great pleasure of thinking about the thoughts of Dave Ward and colleagues from the University of Edinburgh and arguing about points in the forums. More recently, Michael Sandel on Justice from Boston. These opportunities are enormously better than nothing at all, clearly benefiting myself and probably also friends, colleagues and civil society. While these experiences do not provide the intensity of a post seminar argument in the Ree
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Older Workers Can't Be Ignored - Forbes - 0 views

    Article by Kerry Hannon, Forbes, 1.25.13 This author asserts that older workers will become more valued by employers even though they aren't making special efforts to hire or retain them now and do not want to pay for the cost of training/retraining them. These trends suggest that taking charge of one's own learning with a PLP, PLN, etc. and taking advantage of all the free opportunities will be valuable skills to have. This author only looks to community colleges for retraining and does not reference any of the online options that we know about from the work on the directory. Should we draft a comment back to Kerry Hannon on this website? "1. Who is going to pay for that training? Most labor market experts I have interviewed say the government and private employers need to ramp up more training programs for older workers and create workplaces that make it easier for them to do their jobs. Employers don't want to spend for it. They've already cut to the bone to stay competitive globally in recent years and this kind of spending is a tough sell. Conceivably, as I discussed as a panel member at a recent Federal Reserve Workforce Development conference, one way to provide the needed training is through the community college system. The coursework could be offered at an affordable cost for the worker. Depending on who foots the bill, employers or employeees could receive tax incentives to ease the tuition bill. (Please continue to next page.) "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Adjunct Project - 0 views

    A community of adjuncts for adjunct teaching at colleges that uses crowdsourcing to collect data for the field, research issues, and get and give advice. Something like this could be adapted to provide value for other part-time workers be they professional or not, such as baby boomers shifting into retirement (what would such a site or community be called?), contractors, etc.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Facilitating Serendipity with Peel-and-Eat Shrimp - Grant McCracken - Harvard Business ... - 0 views

    Best short article on mixing it up in networks and forums to innovate, expand one's thinking, etc. that I have seen. By Grant McCracken, HBR, 1.4.13. Believe this short article has value for personal learning plan/network development. Excerpt: Only the person with several addresses in the conceptual world can hope for serendipity, that extraordinary moment when vexing problems vanish before the approach of deeply unexpected understanding.
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