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Accenture-Future-of-HR-Rise-Extended-Workforce.pdf - 0 views

    published in 2011, excellent chart on page 8 of The Extended Workforce: Old and New Realities, 3 columns headed Dimension, Old Reality, and New Reality. Reports that type of work by extended employees has changed from primarily low-skilled, low-value work to high skilled, high value knowledge work, personal profile of workers has changed, reasons for becoming an extended worker have changed.

Home Economics: The Link Between Work-Life Balance and Income Equality - The Atlantic - 0 views

    From the Atlantic July/August 2013 edition by Stephen Marche "Men's absence from the conversation about work and life is strange, because decisions about who works and who takes care of the children, and who makes the money and how the money is spent, are not decided by women alone or by some vague and impersonal force called society. Decisions in heterosexual relationships are made by women and men together. When men aren't part of the discussion about balancing work and life, outdated assumptions about fatherhood are allowed to go unchallenged and, far more important, key realities about the relationship between work and family are elided. The central conflict of domestic life right now is not men versus women, mothers versus fathers. It is family versus money. Domestic life today is like one of those behind-the-scenes TV series about show business. The main narrative tension is: "How the hell are we going to make this happen?" There are tears and laughs and little intrigues, but in the end, it's just a miracle that the show goes on, that everyone is fed and clothed and out the door each day." He goes on to criticize Sheryl Sandberg for perpetuating an outdated model of women acting like men to get ahead. Marche advocates for a new paradigm of family friendly policies that reflect the reality of today - couples making decisions based on economic and social factors, not whether they will get to the C suite.

How Freelancers Could Determine The Next Presidential Election | Fast Company | Busines... - 0 views

  • 53 million voting-age Americans
  • Politicos, meet freelancers.
  • More than one in three Americans (34%) is doing some type of freelance work
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  • freelancers’ economic reality is so different from what most politicians understand. Freelancers are simultaneously entrepreneurs and precarious workers. They’re small business owners and workers. That’s why you’re starting to hear echoes of their concerns in the rhetoric of both Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren.
  • Up-and-down income. Double taxation. No benefits. No safety net. And a government and culture that still doesn’t understand them or the way they work.
  • The bottom line is that this type of gig work is here to stay, whether we choose to embrace it or not.
    Sara Horowitz, founder and Ed of Freelancers Union, speaks to economic realities of freelancers who make up 53 million adults, who are also voters. May 8, 2015

Reality Check Reveals Ed-Tech Challenges - Education Week - 0 views

  • That, ultimately, is the challenge: to identify digitally driven, innovative practices that work and scale them up. Schools can look to a growing number of models to meet that challenge, as well as the lessons that can be learned from others' mistakes.
  • many schools are turning to open educational resources. They're convinced that the free, malleable, and shareable academic content offers advantages that traditional commercial materials cannot match.
  • administrators and teachers are learning to embrace the eclectic jumble of student-owned devices, in the belief that taking a flexible approach will benefit instruction.
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  • "Bring your own device," or BYOD, programs have also proved to be cost-effective and flexible options for 1-to-1 computing goals
  • "Learning to use the right tool for the right purpose that's a life skill."
    article by Kevin Bushweller, June 10, 2015 in EdWeek, good guidance for adult ed programs and informal adult learning as well IMO.

Reality Check Reveals Ed-Tech Challenges - Education Week - 0 views

  • "The new digital content that is being developed is so superior to old-world print, and it's cost-efficient," says Mark Edwards, the superintendent of the Mooresville, N.C., district, which attracts hundreds of visitors who want to see how its schools have integrated digital teaching and learning.
    blog post by Kevin Bushweller, 6.10.2015 on how ed-tech visions are not being realized.

Harold Jarche | work is learning & learning is the work - 0 views

    Harold Jarche blog, 11.16.12 Excerpt: summary by participant of keynote that Harold delivered in Denmark "Moving from local to global We live in a less barriered world: self-publication, group forming across the world, unlimited information. In the past we linked up with people with similar interests locally, due to simply physical realities… now we can link up with people from around the world. So from a learning perspective our learning group grows (personal addition: this also means that the group that lives inside the personal zone of proximal development grows, as more people can potentially be in this). Groupforming is now becoming networks. This has an effect on mentorship: per mentor you can only have so many learners, but with the growing group more mentors can stand up and the learners themselves can become mentors."

The Digital Realities Of Work Life Blending - 2 views

    I've been in Maine for the past week on a so-called digital vacation. Yes, the craggy coastline, salt air and lobster rolls are great, but as for "getting away from it all", it just ain't happening as I imagined it could. I've got my iPhone, my tablet, my laptop, my [...]

Management in Networks | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Once again, Jarche comes through for me. Tuesday, January 14, 2014 "The keys to motivation at work are for each person to have a sense of Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. This is a network management responsibility." Could we do a play on RAMP-R-----Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose in the Studio? Another excerpt that I buy to a point--I don't think networks are the new companies but short of that, I agree with his premise: Most management practices today still focus on 20th century models, such as Henry Fayol's six functions of management [look familiar?]. forecasting planning organizing commanding coordinating controlling I heard these same functions discussed by a workplace issues consultant on the radio as recently as yesterday morning. Notice that there is no function for enhancing serendipity, or increasing innovation, or inspiring people. The core of management practice today has not changed since the days of Fayol, who died ninety years ago. "But the new reality is that networks are the new companies. The company no longer offers the stability it once did as innovative disruption comes from all corners. Economic value is getting redistributed to creative workers and then diffused through networks. Knowledge networks differ from company hierarchies. One major difference is that cooperation, not collaboration, is the optimal behaviour in a knowledge network. In networks, cooperation trumps collaboration."

Leaders and the Learning Organization | You're Not the Boss of Me - 0 views

    Digest of ideas by Gwen Teatro, You Are Not the Boss of Me, reprinted 9/7/14, originally written in 2010. Very interesting look at the Fifty Discipline by Peter Senge. "There was a time when everyone was jumping onto The Learning Organization bandwagon. This usually happened when times were good, when organizations felt a little more ebullient...Budgets were cut....wisdom and decisions would only come from the few and learning for the many was a luxury no one could afford." Learning Organization components 1. Vision--shared--may start with one person, it must be embraced and shared by all. Can be simple, i.e., Zappo's Delivering Happiness 2. Team learning--in an age where shared leadership is or will become critical, the need to understand the dynamics and functional operation of teams is pretty great--how team members communicate with each other, how they manage conflict, and how they examine their successes...and their failures 3. Personal Mastery--taking the time to study and understand our reality and our purpose 4. Mental models--dangers of clinging to and operating from narrow perspectives--assumptions and biases in our thinking 5. Systems thinking--paying attention to the connections between and among a variety of elements that make up the whole.

Connected Learning Alliance » Why Connected Learning? - 0 views

    The explanation of Connected Learning has a great graphic on learning principles and design principles that we can adapt for the WLS's work with professional membership groups. "Connected Learning leverages the advances of the digital age to make that dream a reality - connecting academics to interests, learners to inspiring peers and mentors, and educational goals to the higher order skills the new economy rewards. Six principles (below) define it and allow every young person to experience learning that is social, participatory, interest-driven and relevant to the opportunities of our time. "

70:20:10 by Charles Jennings & Fuse - YouTube - 0 views

    great four minute video by Charles Jennings on how workplace learning should change to reflect reality of 70:20:10 model

Jane Fonda: Life's third act | TED Talk | - 0 views

    entropy means everything in the world in a state of decay and decline except for human spirit--staircase of life bringing us into wisdom, contentment, etc. "we can feel unfinished" "task of third act is to finish ourselves" "what determines our quality of life is how we relate to these realities" Neural pathways--It's not having experiences that makes us wise, it is reflecting on our experiences that make us wise." "older women are the largest demographic in the world"

Recovering from information overload | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

  • Drucker’s solutions for fragmented executives—reserve large blocks of time on your calendar, don’t answer the phone, and return calls in short bursts once or twice a day—sound remarkably like the ones offered up by today’s time- and information-management experts.2
  • Add to these challenges a torrent of e-mail, huge volumes of other information, and an expanding variety of means—from the ever-present telephone to blogs, tweets, and social networks—through which executives can connect with their organizations and customers, and you have a recipe for exhaustion. Many senior executives literally have two overlapping workdays: the one that is formally programmed in their diaries and the one “before, after, and in-between,” when they disjointedly attempt to grab spare moments with their laptops or smart phones, multitasking in a vain effort to keep pace with the information flowing toward them.
  • First, multitasking is a terrible coping mechanism.
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  • econd, addressing information overload requires enormous self-discipline.
  • Third, since senior executives’ behavior sets the tone for the organization, they have a duty to set a better example.
  • Resetting the culture to healthier norms is a critical new responsibility for 21st-century executives.
  • What’s more, multitasking—interrupting one task with another—can sometimes be fun. Each vibration of our favorite high-tech e-mail device carries the promise of potential rewards. Checking it may provide a welcome distraction from more difficult and challenging tasks. It helps us feel, at least briefly, that we’ve accomplished something—even if only pruning our e-mail in-boxes. Unfortunately, current research indicates the opposite: multitasking unequivocally damages productivity.
  • he root of the problem is that our brain is best designed to focus on one task at a time
  • When we switch tasks, our brains must choose to do so, turn off the cognitive rules for the old task, and turn on the rules for the new one.
  • arely helps us solve the toughest problems we’re working on. More often than not, it’s procrastination in disguise.
  • the likelihood of creative thinking is higher when people focus on one activity for a significant part of the day and collaborate with just one other person.
  • survey of managers conducted by Reuters revealed that two-thirds of respondents believed that information overload had lessened job satisfaction and damaged their personal relationships. One-third even thought it had damaged their health.8
  • feeling connected provides something like a “dopamine squirt”—the neural effects follow the same pathways used by addictive drugs.9
  • some combination of focusing, filtering, and forgetting.
  • Managing it may be as simple—and difficult—as switching off the input.
  • A good filtering strategy, therefore, is critical. It starts with giving up the fiction that leaders need to be on top of everything, which has taken hold as information of all types has become more readily and continuously accessible.
  • ome leaders now explicitly refuse to respond to any e-mail on which they are only cc’d, to filter out issues that others think require no action from them. Y
  • giving our brains downtime to process new intellectual input is a critical element of learning and thinking creatively
  • Getting outside helps—recent research has found that people learn significantly better after a walk in nature compared with a walk in the city.
  • The strategies of focusing, filtering, and forgetting are also tougher to implement now because of the norms that have developed around 21st-century teamwork.
  • But there is a business responsibility to reset these norms, given how markedly information overload decreases the quality of learning and decision making. Multitasking is not heroic; it’s counterproductive. As the technological capacity for the transmission and storage of information continues to expand and quicken, the cognitive pressures on us will only increase. We are at risk of moving toward an ever less thoughtful and creative professional reality unless we stop now to redesign our working norms.
  • First, we need to acknowledge and reevaluate the mind-sets that attach us to our current patterns of behavior.
  • eaders need to become more ruthless than ever about stepping back from all but the areas that they alone must address.
  • eaders have to redesign working norms together with their teams.

When Big Data Marketing Becomes Stalking - Scientific American - 0 views

  • but we do know that third-party data brokers sell all manner of information to businesses, including “police officers’ home addresses, rape sufferers, and genetic disease sufferers” as well as suspected alcoholics and cancer and HIV/AIDS patients.
  • The first is that almost everything is personal. In the words of computer scientists Arvind Narayanan (Princeton
  • this model simply doesn’t reflect the reality of the deeply unequal situation we now face. Those who wield the tools of data tracking and analytics have far more power than those who don’t.
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  • narrow focus on individual responsibility is not enough. The scale of the problem far exceeds the individual: it is systemic. We are now faced with large-scale experiments on city streets where people are in a state of forced participation, without any real ability to negotiate the terms, and often without the knowledge their data is being collected.
  • We need a sweeping debate about ethics, boundaries and regulation for location data technologies.
    Great article on inability of big data marketing brokers failing to regulate themselves by Kate Crawford, January 28, 2014. Individuals can do little to protect themselves or opt-out.

Learning on the Fly: Rapid Tech Shift Requires a New Type of Thinker - Millennial CEO - 0 views

  • Keeping Your Skill Set Current Can Be Key to Keeping Your Job Small and midsize companies can’t afford to not keep up with technology, and neither can enterprise-level companies. This past fall, IBM notified employees, who it had determined needed additional training, they were required to step up their technological game, and that they would receive only 90% of their salary while embarking upon this additional training. Talk about an incentive to stay on top of changes in technology ! According to the article in the New York Times covering this move, some IBM workers received an email letting them know that an assessment had determined certain members of the team had “not kept pace with acquiring the skills and expertise needed to address changing client needs, technology and market requirements.” While some criticized the move, the reality is that employees can no longer be complacent when it comes to their grasp of technology and how to use it to help their businesses grow. That’s something to keep in mind, for sure, whether you’re just embarking on a career or whether you’re already in the workforce and want to make sure you have the skills you need to stay marketable.
  • The Modern Worker Needs to Be Constantly Learning
    blog post by Daniel Newman, author of Millennial CEO on need to learn continuously and quickly.  Find the reference to IBM asking employees to acquire tech skills.  could be reference in ECO Byte #1. 

How to Build Good Habits - 0 views

  • Goals should be the big picture items that you wish to someday accomplish. Your quotas on the other hand are the minimum amounts of work that you must get done every single day to make it a reality.
  • Professor Fogg’s entire system on Tiny Habits is built around this principle that it’s better to set micro quotas to get out of the analysis phase and right into the action:
  • An “Ahscrewit!” moment is any specific instance where you throw your arms up in the air and say, “Screw this, it’s not worth the effort!”
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  • “analysis paralysis,” or
  • Identify where exactly ‘getting started’ falls apart for you and try to create shortcuts so that the uncomfortable moment is lessened,
  • For those “what the hell moments,” some startlingly simple advice is to just focus on the total days you’ve done your habit, rather than the fact that you broke the chain.
  • Making too many decisions is a part of this problem: Baumeister’s research on mental energy suggests that acts of self-control and self-regulation deplete mental resources in future activities.
    by Gregory Ciotti, good tips and research links on building good habits
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