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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How to Find a Job Where You Can Work From Home | Next Avenue - 0 views

  • Here are four steps to find a work-from-home job that might be right for you:   First, learn about the at-home job market.
  • Next, determine your job-search goals.
  • Then, research companies that offer remote jobs.
    Post by sara Sutton Fell, February 2, 2015 on working from home. Good guidance on finding and applying for part-time and full-time jobs that are remote, telecommuting, home-based, distributed or "geographically neutral."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

8 ways to spot a collaborative organisation - NixonMcInnes - 0 views

  • But whether or not they succeed will depend on the alignment of a very special trinity: leadership, culture and strategy. Collaborative organisations have leadership models that are open, conversational in style and flat. That’s certainly the style at Tangerine where everyone is a “leader” and everyone can expect to talk to anyone and be listened too.
  • These organisations also have cultures that are open, high on trust and low on fear of failure. The message isn’t: “What went wrong?” but “What did you learn?”. They have strategies that clearly articulate the benefits of new styles of working. And they create the structures that support, recognise and reward it.
  • Overall, there are eight ways to spot a collaborative organisation:   Leadership teams model collaborative behaviours Resources are devoted to developing and sustaining this way of working High levels of task interdependence The default setting is sharing information There are high levels of trust Conflict seen as part of the creative process – everyone understands and can deal with it The environment of the company and its technology support collaborative working People don’t have to talk about it – it’s just the way things get done
    blog post by Belinda Gannaway, NixonMcInnes, Creating Meaning in Business. 8 Ways to Spot a Collaborative Organization.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

L&D as Agents of Change | Learning in the Social Workplace - 0 views

  • broader definition of workplace learning;  one that encompasses all learning experiences that take place in the organisation – not just those that are organised and managed by L&D – but ones that happen as a result of individuals and teams working together on a daily basis.
  • “The role has shifted over the years, from leader of a portfolio of training elements to enabler of learning,” he said. “More than anything else, it’s a shift in mindset.”
  • But it’s not a matter of waiting for the change in mindsets to happen before you start your new work; it means starting your new work to bring about this change in mindsets.
    Jane Hart's blog post (4.13.2015) on how learning happens everywhere in an organization and how L & D needs to support learning wherever it happens.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What's a Good Faith Effort? - 0 views

  • One of the reasons I wanted to post on this topic was that my thinking about the grading process has been fuzzy, and I knew that the effort required to get a post together would help clarify my thinking. Students, on the other hand, see learning as good when it happens easily, without any struggle.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Learning on the Fly: Rapid Tech Shift Requires a New Type of Thinker - Millennial CEO - 0 views

  • Keeping Your Skill Set Current Can Be Key to Keeping Your Job Small and midsize companies can’t afford to not keep up with technology, and neither can enterprise-level companies. This past fall, IBM notified employees, who it had determined needed additional training, they were required to step up their technological game, and that they would receive only 90% of their salary while embarking upon this additional training. Talk about an incentive to stay on top of changes in technology ! According to the article in the New York Times covering this move, some IBM workers received an email letting them know that an assessment had determined certain members of the team had “not kept pace with acquiring the skills and expertise needed to address changing client needs, technology and market requirements.” While some criticized the move, the reality is that employees can no longer be complacent when it comes to their grasp of technology and how to use it to help their businesses grow. That’s something to keep in mind, for sure, whether you’re just embarking on a career or whether you’re already in the workforce and want to make sure you have the skills you need to stay marketable.
  • The Modern Worker Needs to Be Constantly Learning
    blog post by Daniel Newman, author of Millennial CEO on need to learn continuously and quickly.  Find the reference to IBM asking employees to acquire tech skills.  could be reference in ECO Byte #1. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

To Retain Millennial Workers, Groups Must Embrace Tech: Associations Now - 0 views

  • The option to telecommute is one way to attract and retain that talent. The majority of millennials and gen X-ers prefer to work for organizations that offer telecommuting, and 42 and 44 percent, respectively, will accept a lower salary in exchange for this benefit. However, they both still value face-to-face interaction as much as older generations and prefer to work outside the office only one to two days a week.
  • As a younger generation who grew up using technology, millennials expect companies and organizations to be cutting-edge adopters, using the most up-to-date hardware and software to add flexibility and ease to their workflow, according to a new study from CompTIA.
    new study on impact of millennials in workforce--want to use technology for connecting, communicating, and collaborating in much greater numbers than baby boomers do
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

New CompTIA Study Offers Insight into How Millennials May Change the Workplace - 1 views

  • “Like the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers that preceded them, Millennials have strong preferences and priorities on what they think the workplace should look like,” said Seth Robinson, senior director, technology analysis, CompTIA. “It will be interesting to see if these preferences become the norm as more millennials enter senior leadership positions; or if millennials change their views as they take on greater responsibilities to clients, communities, employees and shareholders.”
  • rkplace Flexibility
  • Social Media
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Tech Status
  • When it comes to their comfort level and ability to use technology 70 percent of Millennials label themselves as “cutting edge” or “upper tier.” For Gen X workers, the corresponding figure is 55 percent, and for Baby Boomers, 30 percent. 
    summary of main findings from just released CompTIA study on millennials' expectations of technology, telecommuting in the workplace, etc. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

When you don't disclose salary range on a job posting, a unicorn loses its wings / Nonp... - 1 views

  • alary history must die too. And while we’re at it, can we put an end to the equally archaic and bizarre corollary practice of asking people for their salary history during negotiation? How is what someone made in a previous job relevant to the current position? Do we care what snacks they ate in their last job too? Salary history is a great way to ensure that people who are underpaid—again, a lot of women and minorities—remain underpaid. I have a friend who passed by several jobs that would have paid her three times what she is making; because she loves and is loyal to a small organization, she decided to remain there as ED, earning $45,000. When she finally left on good terms, a bigger org asked for her salary history and then offered $49,500 to be its ED, because that’s a “generous 10% increase” from what she was making, even though the industry average for an ED of an organization of that size is about $60,000. That’s effed up. 
    Interesting blog post on D.o.E (depends on experience) job listings in the nonprofit sector but also includes admonition on asking for candidates' job salary history. Will share with LeanIn group
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

8 proven ways to succeed as a freelancer - Freelancers Union - 0 views

  • Set up partnerships
  • I do have an hourly rate, but it’s only a jumping off point for project pricing. I also factor in the incredible amount of experience and knowledge that comes along for the ride, something you ought to do as well.
  • Provide a superlative customer experience
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  • Ask for referrals
  • NEVER work for free
  • But it’s amazing how many talented people will work on spec (you only get paid if the project is picked up) or lower their fees to a ridiculous level. Once you lower your fees, you just cheapened your value and said, “I’m not worth that much.” That’s a tough hole to climb out of.
  • Get serious about accounting
  • Walk away from anything that seems weird or wrong
    really good advice for freelancers from Monika Jansen writing for Freelancers Union
Lisa Levinson

Free Updated Resources | Rethinking Learning - Barbara Bray - 1 views

    Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey of Rethinkinglearning have, with the input of those who took their Personalized Learning eCourse, revised the chart for the Stages of Personalized Learning Environments. They now have a chart for Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization, an adapted chart to transform learning to Personalized Learning, and the Stages of Personalized Learning Environments chart. This bookmark brings you to the page to download all 3 charts, as well as their report explaining the Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization chart.
    Excellent catch, Lisa. I commented on Barbara's page about its utility and shared the page with her on our inquiry last Fall and our use of Jane Hart's matrix on the evolution of the learning support professional's role.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Willpower Works: Decision Fatigue and How to Avoid Bad Choices - 0 views

  • What the researchers found was that at the beginning of the day, a judge was likely to give a favorable ruling about 65 percent of the time. However, as the morning wore on and the judge became drained from making more and more decisions, the likelihood of a criminal getting a favorable ruling steadily dropped to zero.
  • It didn’t matter what the crime was — murder, rape, theft, embezzlement — a criminal was much more likely to get a favorable response if their parole hearing was scheduled in the morning (or immediately after a food break) than if it was scheduled near the end of a long session.
  • As it turns out, your willpower is like a muscle. And similar to the muscles in your body, willpower can get fatigued when you use it over and over again. Every time you make a decision, it’s like doing another rep in the gym. And similar to how your muscles get tired at the end of a workout, the strength of your willpower fades as you make more decisions.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • decision fatigue.
  • If you have a particularly decision-heavy day at work, then you come home feeling drained. You might want to go to the gym and workout, but your brain would rather default to the easy decision: sit on the couch. That’s decision fatigue.
  • 1. Plan daily decisions the night before.
  • When you want to get better decisions from your mind, put better food into your body
  • Start your day by working on the most important thing in your life.
  • 3. Stop making decisions. Start making commitments.
  • 4. If you have to make good decisions later in the day, then eat something first.
  • 2. Do the most important thing first.
  • 5. Simplify.
    James Clear on how to use willpower and decisions more effectively
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

6 Steps To Creating Learning Ecosystems (And Why You Should Bother) - 0 views

  • Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he’s not interested, it’s like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it eating.” – Katrina Gutleben
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • We don’t learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey
  • This might include linking it to projects that participants care about; leading discussions that actually help address issues of concern; and using the platform to distribute key resources and information. Similarly, other events or tools can promote a social aspect
    guest post by Arun Pradhan for Learnnovators on learning ecosystems
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Keeping Introverts in Mind in Your Active Learning Classroom - 0 views

  • Often confused with shyness, introversion is an aspect of personality which affects how we engage in social activity and our preferences for learning.
  • ntroverts may prefer to work completely alone and discover their best ideas in solitude. They are likely to be comfortable in a lecture hall; listening and learning without the demands of engaging with others. But what we know about learning suggests that this passive mode of learning has its limitations, so many of us infuse our classrooms with more active learning strategies.
  • So how do we respect introverts’ needs amidst all of this active learning?
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • An activity where students work with a partner is likely to fall within the comfort zone of even the most introverted student, and it still communicates that active participation is both an expectation and a benefit for learning.
  • With time to think, and an opportunity to try an idea out with a partner, some students will be more willing to share with the large group.
  • In small group discussions, introverts typically prefer to listen first, gather their thoughts before they speak, and may be gifted in synthesizing the ideas communicated by others.
  • learning and assessment strategies
  • create at least one personal contact for the introverted student
  • online discussion environment
  • Given some choice and input, students might choose to have their participation grade based on verbal contributions in class, written responses in an online discussion forum, or a series of journals or reflection papers.
  • develop the skills often identified by potential employers — teamwork, problem solving, and interpersonal communication.
  • balance and choice
    Really good articles that comes down to offering choice and balance to keep both introverts and extraverts learning and growing. Nicki Monahan, Faculty Focus, October 28th, 2013
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

10 Habits Successful People Give Up to Increase Their Productivity - 0 views

  • 2. They don’t do without first learning.Learning is what we do best. The greatest thing about learning is the benefit that we receive in all aspects of our lives. Successful people strive to continue learning new things and expanding on things that they already know.If we stop learning, then the only thing we can do is settle with what we already know; if we settle for that, then there is no way to expand our minds. Expansion is essential on the path to success. Since our minds require learning for expansion, we must never stop seeking new knowledge.Imagine what would have happened if Bill Gates stopped learning and growing. The internet would be much more primitive than it is today. But because he followed his dreams and continued growing, he founded one of the biggest companies in the world and it is still flourishing and growing today.
    article by at LifeHack on what to stop doing in order to get the right things done
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Find Your Tribe | Jennifer Louden - 0 views

  • If you had to relocate to a place in which you knew virtually no one, how would you go about finding or creating a community of intelligent, creative, professional women (very much like yourself) who are interested in becoming their best self in order to do their best work – whatever that may be?
    nice blog post by Jennifer Louden on finding your tribe nourished by women who wrote in examples of how they found their tribes (not necessarily online)
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

REMOTE: The new book from 37signals - 0 views

    all about why remote working is the way to go with new book Remote
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Slack Aims to Become a Control Panel for Your Job - The New York Times - 1 views

  • About two million people a day now use Slack, mainly to chat with others at work. On Tuesday, the company is unveiling a couple of initiatives that will add new capabilities to the system. The first is an app store that will let developers of business software more easily plug their programs into Slack. Together with its investors, the company is also creating an $80 million fund to invest in apps that can be integrated with Slack.
  • Atlassian makes HipChat, one of Slack’s chief rivals, which also offers integration with other applications.
  • In its first incarnation, the directory will feature 150 apps that are compatible with Slack, including programs from Google, Twitter, Dropbox and Box.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Slack is useful all by itself, but it’s much more useful if all these things are integrated with it,”
    How Slack will become a centralized integration point for many functions, NYT, Farhad Manjoo, Bits, December 15, 2015, making it more possible for workers to work remotely.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Collaborative Solutions Newsletter from Tom Wolff and Associates - 0 views

  • Himmelman defines networking as exchanging information for mutual benefit. T
  • go-around of information exchange,
  • Himmelman defines coordination as exchanging information and altering activities for mutual benefit and for a common purpose.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • A lack of coordination is a serious shortcoming in our helping system
  • We started with a networking exchange: we had the representatives indicate when each church group served warm meals. This revealed that two churches provided meals on Sundays. When the churches agreed that one would offer a meal on Sunday and the other would serve its meal on Wednesday, we moved from networking to coordination
  • Himmelman defines cooperation as exchanging information, modifying activities, and sharing resources for mutual benefit and to achieve a common purpose. Cooperation builds on the exchanges of networking and coordination and adds the new concept of sharing resources.
  • common purpose really become critical in cooperative exchanges.
  • Common purpose is more complex than mutual benefit
  • visioning process about where they want to go as separate entities, and then they have to determine what parts of their visions are held in common.
  • element of sharing resources. Here Himmelman has included the magic word: resources.
  • collaboration, which builds on networking, coordination, and cooperation. Our definition already includes the concepts of exchanging information, modifying activities, sharing resources, and having a common purpose. To reach collaboration, Himmelman adds enhancing the capacity of another for mutual benefit and to achieve a common purpose by sharing risks, resources, responsibilities, and rewards.
  • enhancing the capacity of another.
  • risks, resources, rewards, and responsibilities
  • resources
  • Rewards, too, must be shared.
  • sharing responsibilities.
    wonderful article on differences between networking, coordinating, cooperating, and collaborating drawn from work of Arthur Himmelman.  They add up:  exchange information, alter activities, share resources, enhance capacity for each player. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

There's a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration - 0 views

  • most managers are cooperative, friendly, and willing to share information — but what they lack is the ability and flexibility to align their goals and resources with others in real time. Sometimes this starts at the top of the organization when senior leaders don’t fully synchronize their strategies and performance measures with each other.
  • First, consider the goal you’re trying to achieve. Map out the end-to-end work that you think will be needed to get the outcome you want.
  • Second, convene a working session with all of the required collaborators from different areas of the company to review, revise, and make commitments to this collaboration contract.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • work through the plans, make adjustments, and find ways to share resources and align incentives.
  • cross-functional collaboration is easy to talk about but hard to do, particularly because we tend to get stuck in cooperating mode.
    article by Ron Ashkenas on difference between cooperation and collaboration and how to set up and negotiate successful collaborations, April 20, 2015
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Don't Give Up on the Lecture - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • According to the data, students exposed to lecture more than other classroom activities showed more significant learning gains than their peers
  • Burgan points out that “being clueless in a discussion class is much more embarrassing and destructive of a student’s self confidence than struggling to understand in the anonymity of a lecture.” As a college student, I was often advised by well-meaning adults to sign-up for seminars rather than lectures in order to get “face time.” To be perfectly honest, though, the lecture format, far more than the noisy seminar, enabled me to think deeply about a topic rather than being distracted by poorly planned and redundant comments from peers (often aggravated by a teacher who is reluctant, for fear of being too top-down in terms of pedagogy, to deflect them).
  • They are delivered on engaging topics, by engaging people, and they offer time for reflection by the audience. Ever since Susan Cain delivered her 2012 TED talk “The Power of Introverts,”
    article by Abigail Walthausen on value of lectures such as Ted Talks that enable independent, deeper thought especially for introverted types than being thrust into a group discussion; The Atlantic, November 21, 2013 
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