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Michel Roland-Guill

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Minds like sieves - 2 views

  • we may be entering an era in history in which we will store fewer and fewer memories inside our own brains.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      conclusion un peu rapide: plutôt que moins de mémorisation ce peut être une différente forme de mémorisation, plutôt que mémorisation des faits mémorisation des lieux de stockage des faits.
  • external storage and biological memory are not the same thing
  • When we form, or "consolidate," a personal memory, we also form associations between that memory and other memories that are unique to ourselves and also indispensable to the development of deep, conceptual knowledge. The associations, moreover, continue to change with time, as we learn more and experience more. As Emerson understood, the essence of personal memory is not the discrete facts or experiences we store in our mind but "the cohesion" which ties all those facts and experiences together. What is the self but the unique pattern of that cohesion?
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • We are becoming symbiotic with our computer tools
  • "It seems that when we are faced with a gap in our knowledge, we are primed to turn to the computer to rectify the situation."
  • "when people expect to have future access to information, they have lower rates of recall of the information itself and enhanced recall instead for where to access it."
  • we seem to have trained our brains to immediately think of using a computer when we're called on to answer a question or otherwise provide some bit of knowledge.
  • people who believed the information would be stored in the computer had a weaker memory of the information than those who assumed that the information would not be available in the computer
  • believing that one won’t have access to the information in the future enhances memory for the information itself, whereas believing the information was saved externally enhances memory for the fact that the information could be accessed, at least in general.
  • when people expect information to remain continuously available (such as we expect with Internet access), we are more likely to remember where to find it than we are to remember the details of the item.
Michel Roland

The Poet and the Computer - 0 views

  • There once was a time, in the history of this society, when the ability of people to convey meaning was enriched by their knowledge of and access to the work of creative minds from across the centuries.  No more. Conversation and letters today, like education, have become enfeebled by emphasis on the functional and the purely contemporary.  The result is a mechanization not just of the way we live but of the way we think, and of the human spirit itself.
  • To the extent, then, that man fails to make the distinction between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision and conscience, the computer could obscure man’s awareness of the need to come to terms with himself.  It may foster the illusion that he is asking fundamental questions when actually he is asking only functional ones.  It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension of it. It may promote undue confidence in concrete answers.  “If we begin with certainties,” Bacon said, “we shall end in doubts; but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient with them, we shall end in certainties.”
  • Nothing really happens to a man except as it is registered in the subconscious.  This is where event and feeling become memory and where the proof of life is stored
Michel Roland-Guill

The End of Solitude - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

  • The camera has created a culture of celebrity; the computer is creating a culture of connectivity. As the two technologies converge — broadband tipping the Web from text to image, social-networking sites spreading the mesh of interconnection ever wider — the two cultures betray a common impulse. Celebrity and connectivity are both ways of becoming known. This is what the contemporary self wants. It wants to be recognized, wants to be connected: It wants to be visible.
  • I once asked my students about the place that solitude has in their lives. One of them admitted that she finds the prospect of being alone so unsettling that she'll sit with a friend even when she has a paper to write. Another said, why would anyone want to be alone?
  • Man may be a social animal, but solitude has traditionally been a societal value. In particular, the act of being alone has been understood as an essential dimension of religious experience, albeit one restricted to a self-selected few. Through the solitude of rare spirits, the collective renews its relationship with divinity.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Communal experience is the human norm, but the solitary encounter with God is the egregious act that refreshes that norm.
  • Like other religious values, solitude was democratized by the Reformation and secularized by Romanticism.
  • The child who grew up between the world wars as part of an extended family within a tight-knit urban community became the grandparent of a kid who sat alone in front of a big television, in a big house, on a big lot. We were lost in space. Under those circumstances, the Internet arrived as an incalculable blessing
  • For Emerson, "the soul environs itself with friends, that it may enter into a grander self-acquaintance or solitude; and it goes alone, for a season, that it may exalt its conversation or society."
  • Romantic solitude existed in a dialectical relationship with sociability
  • Protestant self-examination becomes Freudian analysis, and the culture hero, once a prophet of God and then a poet of Nature, is now a novelist of self — a Dostoyevsky, a Joyce, a Proust.
  • Modernism decoupled this dialectic. Its notion of solitude was harsher, more adversarial, more isolating. As a model of the self and its interactions, Hume's social sympathy gave way to Pater's thick wall of personality and Freud's narcissism — the sense that the soul, self-enclosed and inaccessible to others, can't choose but be alone. With exceptions, like Woolf, the modernists fought shy of friendship. Joyce and Proust disparaged it; D.H. Lawrence was wary of it; the modernist friendship pairs — Conrad and Ford, Eliot and Pound, Hemingway and Fitzgerald — were altogether cooler than their Romantic counterparts.
  • My students told me they have little time for intimacy. And of course, they have no time at all for solitude. But at least friendship, if not intimacy, is still something they want.
  • In fact, their use of technology — or to be fair, our use of technology — seems to involve a constant effort to stave off the possibility of solitude, a continuous attempt, as we sit alone at our computers, to maintain the imaginative presence of others.
  • The two emotions, loneliness and boredom, are closely allied. They are also both characteristically modern. The Oxford English Dictionary's earliest citations of either word, at least in the contemporary sense, date from the 19th century.
  • the previous generation's experience of boredom
  • The more we keep aloneness at bay, the less are we able to deal with it and the more terrifying it gets.
  • Boredom is not a necessary consequence of having nothing to do, it is only the negative experience of that state. Television, by obviating the need to learn how to make use of one's lack of occupation, precludes one from ever discovering how to enjoy it. In fact, it renders that condition fearsome, its prospect intolerable. You are terrified of being bored — so you turn on the television.
  • consumer society wants to condition us to feel bored, since boredom creates a market for stimulation.
  • The alternative to boredom is what Whitman called idleness: a passive receptivity to the world.
  • Loneliness is not the absence of company, it is grief over that absence.
  • Internet is as powerful a machine for the production of loneliness as television is for the manufacture of boredom.
  • And losing solitude, what have they lost? First, the propensity for introspection, that examination of the self that the Puritans, and the Romantics, and the modernists (and Socrates, for that matter) placed at the center of spiritual life — of wisdom, of conduct. Thoreau called it fishing "in the Walden Pond of [our] own natures," "bait[ing our] hooks with darkness." Lost, too, is the related propensity for sustained reading.
  • Solitude, Emerson said, "is to genius the stern friend." "He who should inspire and lead his race must be defended from traveling with the souls of other men, from living, breathing, reading, and writing in the daily, time-worn yoke of their opinions." One must protect oneself from the momentum of intellectual and moral consensus — especially, Emerson added, during youth.
  • The university was to be praised, Emerson believed, if only because it provided its charges with "a separate chamber and fire" — the physical space of solitude. Today, of course, universities do everything they can to keep their students from being alone, lest they perpetrate self-destructive acts, and also, perhaps, unfashionable thoughts.
  • The last thing to say about solitude is that it isn't very polite.
  • the ability to stand back and observe life dispassionately, is apt to make us a little unpleasant to our fellows
Jacques Kerneis

L'Agence nationale des Usages des TICE - Le partage de signets pour la collaboration et... - 2 views

    • Jacques Kerneis
      Logique applicationniste ?
  • pour la
  • compétence essentielle pour appréhender les flux informationnels
  • ...44 more annotations...
  • invite
  • peut entraîner
  • catégorisation
  • peut en outre
  • faire une mobilisation collective
  • l’usager souhaite
  • bibliothèques de liens 
  • e commenter les liens sauvegardés, ce qui donne une valeur ajoutée à ces liens et contribue à les caractérise
  • catégories
  • stockage
  • Braga
  • devant utiliser une plateforme de partage de signets durant un semestre
  • devaient
  • voir où ils en sont de leurs recherches et incite à produire un travail régulier » ;
  • uisque chaque membre a envie d’être utile à l’équipe ».
  • onfère ainsi une dimension sociale à la recherche d’informations.
  • résultats similaires
  • devaient
  • sciences physiques
  • ont collecté un nombre plus important d’informations par rapport au groupe utilisant le moteur de recherche.
  • plus d’attention aux ressources associées à des commentaires déposés par les internautes et par leurs pairs.
  • (BTS) devaient
  • le suivi du travail des élèves par leur enseignante.
  • la pertinence d’une ressource,
  • pour évaluer la répartition des tâches dans l’équipe, le choix et la pertinence de certaines ressources ou la qualité des mots clés retenus.
  • ue lorsque les élèves ne travaillent qu’avec un moteur de recherche traditionnel.
  • ouvre également la porte
  • et de ses besoins
  • niveau équivalent à la première année d’IUFM
  • ur les connaissances et compétences acquises en cours.
  • ont dû
  • Un groupe contrôle
  • Les résultats montrent que
  • impact positif
  • se rappeler
  • apacité à les relier avec des connaissances en cours d’acquisition ou déjà stabilisées
  • oblige à un effort de catégorisation et de conceptualisation, et tend à induire une lecture plus approfondie de celles-ci.
  • e partage et l’indexation de signets sont intéressants également pour des élèves de première.
  • matérialise plusieurs étapes de la recherche d’informations dans un seul et même outil.
  • et l’accompagner via un suivi individualisé.
  • ontribue à responsabiliser et impliquer les élèves dans le travail de groupe.
  • au service d’une co-exploration de l’offre informationnelle.
  • et éviter ainsi que ces bibliothèques de signets ne soient que de simples réservoirs de liens.
  • en les raccrochan
    "Le partage de signets pour la collaboration et l'apprentissage Résumé : Organiser de façon structurée des ressources sélectionnées sur le Web est une compétence essentielle pour appréhender les flux informationnels. Des recherches ont souligné qu'un usage collaboratif du partage de signets invite à une co-exploration du Web, ce qui peut entraîner l'implication forte des membres d'un groupe et mettre en œuvre un processus d'intelligence collective. La catégorisation des ressources au sein des bibliothèques de signets en ligne, via l'indexation ou les commentaires, peut en outre, aider à la conceptualisation et à l'appropriation du contenu des ressources par les apprenants. Recommandations : Encourager les élèves à commenter les ressources mises à disposition en les raccrochant à un contexte pédagogique précis. Aider les élèves à choisir les mots clés :  éviter les synonymes (il peut être intéressant ici de faire une mobilisation collective des idées au préalable); associer plusieurs mots clés pour indexer plus précisément une ressource.  Voir aussi : Témoignage - recherche sur le romantisme Témoignage - centre multimédia Thèse de Michèle Drechsler (IEN) sur Eduscol Article de Michèle Dreschler - revue Les cahiers du numériques Usages pédagogiques du « social bookmarking » Travaux personnels encadrés Utilisation pédagogique du social bookmarking lors de la recherche d'informations Médias sociaux et éducation Article de Laurence Juin, documentaliste - « Un nouvel outil au service de ma pédagogie ! » par Florence Canet * Les signets, aussi appelés "favoris" ou "marques-pages", sont des pages Web enregistrées auxquelles l'usager souhaite avoir un accès ultérieur facilité. Le partage de signets en ligne (également connu sous le terme anglais de social bookmarking) est une pratique qui permet de sauvegarder, organiser et commenter des pages Web dans une bibliothèque virtuelle créée via un
Michel Roland-Guill

Orthographic Processing in Baboons (Papio papio) - 1 views

  • Our results demonstrate that basic orthographic processing skills can be acquired in the absence of preexisting linguistic representations.
  • The computation of letter identities and their relative positions is referred to as orthographic processing, and there is a large consensus today that such processing represents the first “language-specific” stage of the reading process that follows the operations involved in the control of eye movements (bringing words into the focus of central vision) and early visual processing (enabling visual feature extraction; Fig. 1A) (1–4). In the present study, we examined whether the ability to efficiently process orthographic information can operate in the absence of prior linguistic knowledge.
  • Orthographic processing lies at the interface between the visual processing and the linguistic processing involved in written language comprehension.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Dehaene and colleagues proposed that skilled reading involves an adaptation of general object-identification processes in ventral occipitotemporal brain areas to the specific characteristics of printed words
  • according to the dominant theories of reading, orthographic processing is still primarily considered to be an extension of already established linguistic skills in the domain of spoken language processing
  • We challenged the hypothesis that learning an orthographic code depends on preexisting linguistic knowledge by investigating whether nonhuman primates can learn this skill.
  • the word versus nonword discrimination could be made implicitly on the basis of statistical dependencies between letters.
  • More detailed analyses revealed that baboons were not simply memorizing the word stimuli but had learned to discriminate words from nonwords on the basis of differences in the frequency of letter combinations in the two categories of stimuli (i.e., statistical learning).
  • words that were seen for the first time triggered significantly fewer “nonword” responses than did the nonword stimuli
  • Even more striking is the strong linear relation, shown in Fig. 4, between accuracy in response to nonword stimuli and their orthographic similarity to words that the baboons had already learned. The more similar a nonword was to a known word, the more false positive responses it produced.
  • Our findings have two important theoretical implications. First, they suggest that statistical learning is a powerful universal (i.e., cross-species) mechanism that might well be the basis for learning higher-order (linguistic) categories that facilitate the evolution of natural language (18, 19). Second, our results suggest that orthographic processing may, at least partly, be constrained by general principles of visual object processing shared by monkeys and humans.
  • Our study may therefore help explain the success of the human cultural choice of visually representing words using combinations of aligned, spatially compact, ordered sequences of symbols. The primate brain might therefore be better prepared than previously thought to process printed words, hence facilitating the initial steps toward mastering one of the most complex of human skills: reading.
  • Our results indicate that baboons were coding the word and nonword stimuli as a set of letter identities arranged in a particular order. Baboons had learned to discriminate different letters from each other (letter identity) and to associate those letter identities with positional information. Their coding of the statistical dependencies between position-coded letters is reflected in (i) their ability to discriminate novel words from nonwords (i.e., generalization), (ii) the significant correlation between bigram frequency and the accuracy of responses to words, and (iii) the increase in errors in response to nonword stimuli that were orthographically more similar to known words.
Michel Roland-Guill

How the net traps us all in our own little bubbles | Technology | The Observer - 3 views

  • The basic code at the heart of the new internet is pretty simple. The new generation of internet filters looks at the things you seem to like – the actual things you've done, or the things people like you like – and tries to extrapolate. They are prediction engines, constantly creating and refining a theory of who you are and what you'll do and want next.
    • Michel Roland-Guill
      Externalisation de la construction de l'identité
  • you're the only person in your bubble
  • the filter bubble is a centrifugal force, pulling us apart.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • the filter bubble is invisible
  • from within the bubble, it's nearly impossible to see how biased it is
  • you don't choose to enter the bubble
  • the filter bubble can affect your ability to choose how you want to live. To be the author of your life, professor Yochai Benkler argues, you have to be aware of a diverse array of options and lifestyles. When you enter a filter bubble, you're letting the companies that construct it choose which options you're aware of
  • You can get stuck in a static, ever- narrowing version of yourself – an endless you-loop.
  • Bowling Alone, his book on the decline of civic life in America, Robert Putnam
  • major decrease in "social capital" – the bonds of trust and allegiance that encourage people to do each other favours
  • our virtual neighbours look more and more like our real-world neighbours, and our real-world neighbours look more and more like us.
  • We're getting a lot of bonding but very little bridging
  • It's easy to push "Like" and increase the visibility of a friend's post about finishing a marathon or an instructional article about how to make onion soup. It's harder to push the "Like" button on an article titled "Darfur sees bloodiest month in two years".
  • "It's a civic virtue to be exposed to things that appear to be outside your interest," technology journalist Clive Thompson told me.
  • More and more, your computer monitor is a kind of one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click.
  • Starting that morning, Google would use 57 signals – everything from where you were logging in from to what browser you were using to what you had searched for before – to make guesses about who you were and what kinds of sites you'd like. Even if you were logged out, it would customise its results, showing you the pages it predicted you were most likely to click on.
  • With Google personalised for everyone, the query "stem cells" might produce diametrically opposed results for scientists who support stem-cell research and activists who oppose it.
  • on 4 December 2009 the era of personalisation began
  • What was once an anonymous medium where anyone could be anyone – where, in the words of the famous New Yorker cartoon, nobody knows you're a dog – is now a tool for soliciting and analysing our personal data.
  • "You're getting a free service, and the cost is information about you. And Google and Facebook translate that pretty directly into money."
  • Acxiom alone has accumulated an average of 1,500 pieces of data on each person on its database – which includes 96% of Americans – along with data about everything from their credit scores to whether they've bought medication for incontinence.
    il est temps de proposer une critique - francophone ! - de ce social web que l'on nous propose, et l'on alimente, et qui structure nos vies de plus en plus; indispensable littéracie au delà du search et de l'identité numérique; merci pour ce signet
Michel Roland-Guill

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: The remains of the book - 0 views

  • The sense of self-containment is what makes a good book so satisfying to its readers, and the requirement of self-containment is what spurs the writer to the highest levels of literary achievement.
  • The web is an assembly not of things but of shards, of snippets, of bits and pieces.
  • To move the words of a book onto the screen of a networked computer is to engineer a collision between two contradictory technological, and aesthetic, forces. Something's got to give. Either the web gains edges, or the book loses them.
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  • What people do more of is shift their focus and attention away from the words of the book and toward the web of snippets wrapped around the book - dictionary definitions, Wikipedia entries, character descriptions from Shelfari, and so forth.
  • He is, in a very real sense, treating a work of art as though it were an auto repair manual. Which is, of course, what the web wants a work of art to be: not a place of repose, but a jumping-off point.
  • Up until now, there's been a fairly common assumption that a divide would emerge in the presentation of different kinds of electronic books. Reference works would get the full web treatment, tricked out with multimedia and hypermedia, while fiction and literary nonfiction would be shielded from the web's manifest destiny. They'd go digital without losing their print nature; they'd retain their edges.
  • Updike observed that "the book revolution, which, from the Renaissance on, taught men and women to cherish and cultivate their individuality, threatens to end in a sparkling cloud of snippets."
Michel Roland-Guill

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - 0 views

  • Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.  
  • A really big discontinuity has taken place.  One might even call it a "singularity"
  • Today’s students - K through college - represent the first generations to grow up with this new technology.
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  • today's students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors.
  • it is very likely that our students’ brains have physically changed - and are different from ours - as a result of how they grew up.  But whether or not this is literally true, we can say with certainty that their thinking patterns have changed.
  • our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language.  
  • Digital Natives are used to receiving information really fast.  They like to parallel process and multi-task.  They prefer their graphics before their text rather than the opposite. They prefer random access (like hypertext). They function best when networked.  They thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards.  They prefer games to "serious" work. 
  • They have little patience for lectures, step-by-step logic, and "tell-test" instruction. 
  • Often from the Natives' point of view their Digital Immigrant instructors make their education not worth paying attention to compared to everything else they experience - and then they blame them for not paying attention! 
  • Smart adult immigrants accept that they don’t know about their new world and take advantage of their kids to help them learn and integrate.  Not-so-smart (or not-so-flexible) immigrants spend most of their time grousing about how good things were in the "old country."
  • As educators, we need to be thinking about how to teach both Legacy and Future content in the language of the Digital Natives.  The first involves a major translation and change of methodology; the second involves all that PLUS new content and thinking.  It's not actually clear to me which is harder - "learning new stuff" or "learning new ways to do old stuff."  I suspect it's the latter.  
  • My own preference for teaching Digital Natives is to invent computer games to do the job, even for the most serious content. 
Michel Roland-Guill

Nicholas G. Carr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Carr originally came to prominence with the 2003 Harvard Business Review article "IT Doesn't Matter" and the 2004 book Does IT Matter? Information Technology and the Corrosion of Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business School Press). In these widely discussed works, he argued that the strategic importance of information technology in business has diminished as IT has become more commonplace, standardized and cheaper.
  • In 2005, Carr published the controversial [4] article "The End of Corporate Computing" in the MIT Sloan Management Review, in which he argued that in the future companies will purchase information technology as a utility service from outside suppliers.
  • Through his blog "Rough Type," Carr has been a critic of technological utopianism and in particular the populist claims made for online social production. In his 2005 blog essay titled "The Amorality of Web 2.0," he criticized the quality of volunteer Web 2.0 information projects such as Wikipedia and the blogosphere and argued that they may have a net negative effect on society by displacing more expensive professional alternatives.
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