Contents contributed and discussions participated by Michel Roland
eLanguage - 0 views
P.L.E. Consulting: De la lecture extensive à une lecture intensive - 0 views
Más información, menos conocimiento · ELPAÍ - 0 views
Más información, menos conocimiento
Lo que significa, si él tiene razón, que la robotización de una humanidad organizada en función de la "inteligencia artificial" es imparable. A menos, claro, que un cataclismo nuclear, por obra de un accidente o una acción terrorista, nos regrese a las cavernas. Habría que empezar de nuevo, entonces, y a ver si esta segunda vez lo hacemos mejor.
untitled - 0 views
“We begin by assuming that there is a difference between the kind of reading that people do when they read Marcel Proust or Henry James and a newspaper, that there is a value added cognitively when we read complex literary texts,”
“We begin by assuming that there is a difference between the kind of reading that people do when they read Marcel Proust or Henry James and a newspaper, that there is a value added cognitively when we read complex literary texts,”
Why do we read fiction? Why do we care so passionately about nonexistent characters? What underlying mental processes are activated when we read?
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Literacy in the Roman Empire? - 1 views
Reading ebooks on your phone- why do it? - Mobile Technology News - 1 views
There is nothing better than finding an unexpected five minute window open up that can be spent enjoying a good book.
The key to the unexpected free time scenario I mentioned is that I must have the reader with me at all times. My experience has taught me that the only way I can guarantee always having the reader with me is if it lives in my cell phone.
in the first two weeks of iPhone ownership I had read six books on it
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Quelle est la valeur de la linéarité d'un livre ? - La Feuille - Blog - 0 views
SoBookOnline - 1 views
The Poet and the Computer - 0 views
There once was a time, in the history of this society, when the ability of people to convey meaning was enriched by their knowledge of and access to the work of creative minds from across the centuries. No more. Conversation and letters today, like education, have become enfeebled by emphasis on the functional and the purely contemporary. The result is a mechanization not just of the way we live but of the way we think, and of the human spirit itself.
To the extent, then, that man fails to make the distinction between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision and conscience, the computer could obscure man’s awareness of the need to come to terms with himself. It may foster the illusion that he is asking fundamental questions when actually he is asking only functional ones. It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension of it. It may promote undue confidence in concrete answers. “If we begin with certainties,” Bacon said, “we shall end in doubts; but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient with them, we shall end in certainties.”
Nothing really happens to a man except as it is registered in the subconscious. This is where event and feeling become memory and where the proof of life is stored
A vos liseuses, à vos tablettes ! - Blog Lecteurs de la Bibliothèque national... - 0 views
Le livre numérique sonne-t-il le glas du livre papier ? Ou faut-il plutôt parier, à l’inverse, sur une coexistence durable des deux supports, dans un rapport de complémentarité ? Sans oublier la question de la distribution, où libraires et plateformes en ligne sont à la recherche du modèle économique leur permettant de fonctionner.
des ressources internet répertoriées par les bibliothécaires
iPad or Smartphone: Which Has Impacted Your Life More? - 0 views
P.L.E. Consulting: Lecture extensive vs lecture intensive - Prospective Livre Edition -... - 0 views
Alphabetic Literacy and Brain Processes. - 0 views
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