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Buthaina Al-Othman

Tabula rasa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • As understood by Locke, tabula rasa meant that the mind of the individual was born "blank", and it also emphasized the individual's freedom to author his or her own soul. Each individual was free to define the content of his or her character - but his or her basic identity as a member of the human species cannot be so altered. It is from this presumption of a free, self-authored mind combined with an immutable human nature that the Lockean doctrine of "natural" rights derives. Tabula Rasa is also featured in Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. Freud depicted personality traits as being formed by family dynamics (see Oedipus complex, etc.). Freud's theories show that one can downplay genetic and congenital influences on human personality without advocating free will. In psychosanalysis, one is largely determined by one's upbringing. The tabula rasa concept became popular in social sciences in the 20th century. Eugenics (mainstream in the late 19th and early 20th centuries) came to be seen not as a sound policy but as a crime. The idea that genes (or simply "blood") determined character took on racist overtones. By the 1970s, some scientists had come to see gender identity as socially constructed rather than rooted in genetics (see John Money), a concept still current (see Anne Fausto-Sterling). This swing of the pendulum accompanied suspicion of innate differences in general (see racism) and a propensity to "manage" society, where the real power must be if people are born blank.[original research?]
Paul Beaufait

Educators wiki / Wiki Etiquette for Students - 0 views

    "Wiki Etiquette for Students - How to act on a wiki" (2008.07.15) provides advice and suggests additional resources regarding personal safety, truthfulness, permission to post, acknowledgements, accuracy, and other issues related to online activities and collective editing.
    This page displays a password to enable editing by educators, "but you need to enter the wiki invite key to associate this wiki with your account." I havn't figured out where to get one of those keys yet.
David Wetzel

Little Known Ways to Integrate Wikis in Science Class - 13 views

    Wiki pages are always a work in progress. The wiki is like a dynamic online science classroom which continually grows and changes. Applications for the use of Wikis in science classrooms is only limited by the creativeness of the teacher in support science teaching and student earning.
Paul Beaufait

Learning technology teacher development blog: Using wikis with EFL students - 0 views

    "This tutorial shows you how simple it is to edit the wiki (2008.05.29), and suggests ways of using wikis with students.
    One in a series: Related posts * How to create a wiki * Using wikis for teacher development
Learning with Computers group

WikiMatrix / Wiki Feature Comparison - Compare them all - 0 views

    Rec. Claudia Wih Wiki matrix choose the right Wiki for myour purposes.
Learning with Computers group

Wiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Rec. Gladys. Definition of a Wiki from Wikipedia.
David Wetzel

Making the Most of Wikis in Your Science or Math Classroom - 10 views

    Wikis are the most popular Web 2.0 tool being used in science and math classrooms. Based on a survey of readers - 43 percent use them to support their teaching and student learning. A Wiki is appealing, encourages participation, supports collaboration, and promotes interaction by students who love to use technology. By the way - this includes most students today!
Learning with Computers group

UseMod Wiki: WhatIsaWiki - 0 views

    Rec. Gladys. Info on Wikis.
Paul Beaufait

Teaching knowledge wiki | Teaching English | British Council | BBC - 15 views

    "The teaching knowledge wiki is a collection of definitions of ELT terminology. Each entry includes a definition, an example illustrating the concept and information about how the concept can be applied in the classroom context." (subsite of BBC/British Council Teaching English site)
Joao Alves

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: wiki - 0 views

    A lot about wikis here.
John Evans

Why Wiki? - 0 views

    Four part video course on wikis
Carla Arena

How do you envision using the Webslides feature? - 124 views

Dear Berta, I have the same feeling...I wish I had known about Diigo and Webslides before I had taught the Listening Plus online course, but it's never too late, and I'll surely see how it can be ...

diigo goodpractices learningwithcomputers practices webslides

David Wetzel

Wiki or Blog: Which is Better? - 18 views

    Both wikis and blogs provide teachers with a a dynamic process for integrating Web 2.0 technology in their science and math classes. These two types of online tools offer students a more engaging process for learning. Both are relatively easy tools which do not require teachers or students to learn any special program tools or computer skills. Their uses and applications are only limited by the vision and purpose for helping students learn.
Gladys Baya

Microsoft Office Word Add-in For MediaWiki - 3 views

    Create and format a document in Word as before, choose File -> Save As and select MediaWiki* under file types. Word will now convert and save the document in Wiki style markup. It is supported on Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Office 2010. Reviewed by Amit Agwaral at Digital Inspiration
    This could be useful when we want students to try wiki writing... Has anyone tried it? Would love to know how well it works for Pbwiki, Wetpaint and Moodle wikis...
Maria Rosario Di Mónaco

Educators / FrontPage - 0 views

    a pbworks wiki with lots of resources for education
Paul Beaufait

technology4kids [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage - 10 views

    "great tips for using technology with kids" (Welcome to our Wiki!, ¶1, 2010.11.09) - everything from A (audio) to W (wikis)
    Thanks to Claudia for pointing this out.
Paul Beaufait

digistories / FrontPage - 0 views

    Pointed out by wiki author in Resources for Languages (Diigo
    "a wiki all about creating and sharing digital stories" with various computer and web applications (Welcome to Digistories..., 2009.02.06)
Learning with Computers group

Yahoo -Wiki - 0 views

    The place to get a wiki for your Yahoo group
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