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Vance Stevens Portal Page - 0 views

    Vance Steven's homepage. (In case you don't know - Vance started the avalanche by creating webheads).
Learning with Computers group

Introducing Vance Stevens, CALL/ESL Specialist - 0 views

    Another Vance Steven's page.
Learning with Computers group

Introducing Vance Stevens, CALL/ESL Specialist - 0 views

    Vance Stevens 3. Mirror (copy) of his site for those whose access is blocked
Nelba Quintana

Second Life in Education PORTAL - 0 views

    Vance attempts to make sense of an overwhelming amount of information on transformative technologies with huge potential for education
Paul Beaufait

The Ning Thing - 5 views

  • it would be folly for educators having suffered inconvenience at best, data loss at worst, to commit their content yet again to a potentially unreliable cloud provider. Alec Couros sees this kind of thing happening more and more in the crystal ball future and suggests that schools and educators would be better off investing in self-hosting using FOSS, free and open source software (Couros, 2010).
  • As suggested above, the only reliable alternative to Ning is to host your community yourself, or at a trusted institution, where you do your own regular backups, and your content is safe behind a firewall, with a UPS power source in case of power outages, and perhaps some sort of RAID system to keep you running through system crashes.
    Vance Stevens recaps recent Ning corporate decisions influencing virtual educational community developers, and outlines alternatives
Paul Beaufait

Vance Stevens: TESOL EVO Proposal for 2009: Multiliteracies - 0 views

    A little something I found while seeking to retrieve Gladys Baya's Elluminate Live session with Vance for the Multiliteracies EVO (2009)
    Model proposal for TESOL Electronic Village Online session (approved)
Learning with Computers group - Online web dictionary & thesaurus word linking lookup reference t... - 1 views

    Highlight word, lookup in dictionary of your choice. Rec Vance, Susana
Gladys Baya

Addictomatic: Inhale the Web - 20 views

    "Instantly create a custom page with the latest buzz on any topic". Recommended by Vance Stevens!!!! AMAAAAAZING!!!!!!
    You have to try this. It's superb!
susana canelo

Videos with syncro subtitles - 0 views

    Suggested by Vance. A cool tool from Japan
Sasa Sirk

TESL-EJ June 2008 -- Trial by Twitter - 0 views

    great overview of twitter
Carla Arena

adVancEducation: Trial by Twitter - 0 views

    Very informative article Vance wrote about Twitter.
Carla Arena

Easy Thumbnails Software -- Free thumbnail utility from Fookes Software - 0 views

shared by Carla Arena on 16 Jun 08 - Cached
    ver. 3.0 avail. for: Windows 95/98/2000/2003/NT4/Me/XP/Vista
  • ...3 more comments...
    reportedly easy to use tool for down-sizing pictures
    Thanks to Vance for pointing this out in:
    Easily resize photos with this downloadable freeware. Recommended by Dafne
    I first heard about this software during a BAW session, when I knew nothing about working with pictures (not that I know much now! :-P!!!). Loved it immediately 'coz of its intuititive interface. Still today, I'm fascinated by how I can copy (while at the same time compress) tens of pictures from my mobile devices to my hard disk in just a couple of clicks and seconds! Definitely worth trying!
    Thanks Gladys and Paul for sharin these photo manipulation sites. We all need them nowadays. I must confess I'm totally in love with Flickr together with Picnik . It gives lots of editing options, including adding text, special effects, etc and when I'm done, it saves directly to my Flickr account. Lots of fun and very useful to create tutorials, for example.
Learning with Computers group

Internet Workshop: 10 steps to basic web pages - Start Here - 0 views

    Maria's recommendation of Vance's instructions of how to do HTML.
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