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Paul Beaufait

Ning Blog » Introducing Ning Apps for your Ning Network! - 1 views

    In addition to matching the look and feel of your Ning Network, Ning Apps can also post updates to the Latest Activity on your Main Page. ... Both members and Network Creators will have fine-grained control over whether or not their Ning Apps send updates to Latest Activity. For more information about managing the settings of your Ning Apps, check out our article here. []
Paul Beaufait

Alternatives To Ning: Guide To The Best Social Networking Platforms And Online Group Se... - 11 views

    "If you are considering the option of switching to a different social networking platform to replace your soon-to-be discontinued free Ning community, in this MasterNewMedia guide you will find all the data you need to identify your best Ning alternative out there." (retrieved 2010.07.27)
Paul Beaufait

7 Things You Should Know About Ning | EDUCAUSE CONNECT - 0 views

    One of the latest publications in the ELI "Seven Things You Should Know About..." series
    Abstract: Ning is an online service that allows users to create their own social networks and join and participate in other networks. No technical skill is required to set up a social network, and there are no limits to the number of networks a user can join. Users of Ning social networks have access to functionality similar to that of more well-known social networks, such as Facebook and MySpace. Various features allow users to read news or learn about related events, join groups, read and comment on blog entries, view photos and videos, and other activities as set up by the network creator. RSS feeds let users subscribe to updates from specific parts of the social network.
Paul Beaufait

The Ning Thing - 5 views

  • it would be folly for educators having suffered inconvenience at best, data loss at worst, to commit their content yet again to a potentially unreliable cloud provider. Alec Couros sees this kind of thing happening more and more in the crystal ball future and suggests that schools and educators would be better off investing in self-hosting using FOSS, free and open source software (Couros, 2010).
  • As suggested above, the only reliable alternative to Ning is to host your community yourself, or at a trusted institution, where you do your own regular backups, and your content is safe behind a firewall, with a UPS power source in case of power outages, and perhaps some sort of RAID system to keep you running through system crashes.
    Vance Stevens recaps recent Ning corporate decisions influencing virtual educational community developers, and outlines alternatives
Paul Beaufait - Conversations - 0 views

    Suggested uses: extending networks, retrieving lost conversations
    Search engine collection by Steve Hargadon ( "that allows you to search across ALL public Ning networks and other conversation-oriented sites for specific content" (On Classroom 2.0: ... New Searching Site; December 16, 2008). allows you to search across ALL public Ning networks and other conversation-oriented sites for specific content.
Paul Beaufait

Ning: About: Ning Apps - 3 views

    Network Creators can enter their social network's URL below to start installing apps
Carla Arena

Top 100 Tools for Learning: Analysis - 0 views

  • For workplace learning For formal education PowerPoint Audacity Articulate Moodle Snagit Captivate Slideshare Word Flash Camtasia YouTube flickr PowerPoint Wikispaces Slideshare Voicethread Audacity Moodle Ning Jing.
    • Holly Dilatush
      (bummer! I had typed a fairly long note on this, and then clicked to a different tab and lost it? apologies if this is a duplicate) Try again: Interesting list -- which do you use? PowerPoint, Audacity, Moodle and SlideShare made both lists. Does this spur your thinking/reflecting about attitudinal differences commonly recurring between workplace and higher ed/adult ed? In light of the likely funnelling of (USA) adult ed funding from K-12 and toward workforce (Workforce Investment Act), is there something to be learned here? More research would be interesting. Why would certain delivery solutions be preferred/selected by one group over another? thoughts? comments? reactions?
    • Carla Arena
      Holly, Very interesting questions for reflection. I don't know why one was chosen over the other in different spheres, but my guess is that in the workplace, it seems to have more of paid softwares like captivate, camtasia, etc, whereas in the formal educaton environment, some read/write web tools with free versions. Also, at the workplace the tools seem to be more of delivery of content, while in formal education, they're more related to social software with possibilities of social construction of knowledge. What do you think?
    I think Carla might be on to something where she surmises workplace content delivery (or training), in contrast to education, as well as the attractiveness of free and open source tools to educators. The Top 100 Tools...: Analysis page cross-links to a CLPT programme on free tools (, which in turn links to a Ning group, whose intro. pairs education with training instead of learning. Perhaps learning is too broad a term for the Top 100 Tools proposed for workplaces. It is also interesting to note that the top ten for neither workplaces nor formal educational settings include web browsers. It is hard to imagine using either Moodle or Slideshare without a browser, isn't it?
Isabelle Jones

ICT in Education - 1 views

    Ning community for visitors to and the newsletter, Computers in Classrooms
David Wetzel

Continuing Education - Professional and Personal Education for the 21st Century - 14 views

    This Ning is dedicated to support of Continuing Education for all adults seeking to improve themselves through education.
Đồ Chơi Xe Hơi Cao Cấp AKauto

Đại Lý Dán Phim Cách Nhiệt Tại Hà Nam: Chọn Lựa Hoàn Hảo - 3 views

1. Trần Phương Auto - Chất Lượng Đỉnh Cao Bạn đang tìm kiếm địa chỉ dán phim cách nhiệt tại Hà Nam đẳng cấp? Trần Phương Auto là lựa chọn hàng đầu. Với địa chỉ tại Cầu Nhật Tựu mới, huyện Kim Bảng,...

#akauto #phim_cach_nhiet_ha_nam #dai_ly_phim_cach_nhiet #dan_phim_cach_nhiet_ha_nam #phim_cach_nhiet #phim_cach_nhiet_o_to #dia_chi_dan_phim_cach_nhiet

started by Đồ Chơi Xe Hơi Cao Cấp AKauto on 15 Jan 24 no follow-up yet
mbarek Akaddar

Make a Group Website - - 8 views

    Looking to create a free social network? Webs is a free Ning alternative.
Maria Perifanou

worldlanguagestech - Wikis, Blogs, Nings to follow - 6 views

gabriela rosso

Vendée Globe 2008 - Hors les Murs - Beyond The Walls - 0 views

    We hope that others in our global networks will join this page to keep in contact and to continue to expand our global community. If you know of other teachers who might enjoy following the Vendee Globe, perhaps you can share this page with them. Thanks very much,
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