Nine Notable Uses for Social Bookmarking - 0 views
IN PI on 22 Jun 08"Therefore, if you can attach an URL to a document, then you could use social bookmarking to organize any kind of document. This change of thinking can provide almost limitless opportunities for information management."
Nine uses - A use Information for yourself 1. Create a calendar of upcoming events 2. use bookmarks as a people data base 3. Maintain an on-line folder of research materials and reference sites 4. Create a file indexing system - images, video, audio - for items that are on line: organize them and also graphics and written documents: any kind of file on the Web can be classified and stored. 5. Determine the popularity or a website or a link: if certain bookmarks are being saved by many users, it may be an indication that the material is worth while. B - Share information with other people 6. Create a public on-line portfolio: you can use bookmarks to create a tagged index of your on-line creative work. These groupings of your content may be shared with others in social bookmarking sites. 7. use bookmarks to make new contacts: discover the profile IDs or those who created the bookmarks: you may contact a person that bookmarks a lot of sites that you are looking for too. 8. Become an expert in giving opinions about specific websites. 9. Bookmarks may organize documents by multiple criteria within a single application; but you may use several different bookmarking applications: 9.1. Delicious - large number of users - great sharing. 9.2. Magnoia - with social features making it easier to share ideas. 9.3. Netvouz - powerful search and tagging