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Is English Language So Popular because of the USA? - 1 views

Americans might tend to inflate the influence of the United States in the history of the spread of English. Before the World Wars, particularly WWII, the US was a bit player on the world stage. The...

english quiz online

started by puzznbuzzus on 17 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Hurray Software Academy

Spoken English|Communication Course|Training in Bangalore-HURRAY Software Academy - 0 views

    Training in Bangalore|Communication course:Join spoken english class and learn etiquette,how to speak english fluently and improve your business english. For more details visit:
Hurray Software Academy

English Course|Communication Course|Training in Bangalore-HURRAY Software Academy - 0 views

    Training in Bangalore:Learn basic english and advanced english along with accent neutralization and enhance your presentation and job interview skills.For mroe details visit:
Paul Beaufait

Free online Beginners English Dictionary in simple visual format - 0 views

    This marks the beginning of an online dictionaries list. I'd love to hear your recommendations for learners of English as an additional language (all levels).
    Sister-site of the Online Japanese-English Dictionary (OJED), notes plans to branch out into: "Idioms, English shorthand, penmanship, contests, verb lists and their conjugations, puzzles, [and] grammar pages" (Future Projects at Beginners English Dictionary, ¶1)
Learning with Computers group

Real English - 0 views

    Free English lessons to help you learn English vocabulary, idioms, slang, grammar, and more! To have fun learning conversational English at Better @ English
Paul Beaufait

English: Who speaks English? | The Economist - 3 views

  • This was not a statistically controlled study: the subjects took a free test online and of their own accord. 
  • But Philip Hult, the boss of EF, says that his sample shows results similar to a more scientifically controlled but smaller study by the British Council.
  • Several factors correlate with English ability.  Wealthy countries do better overall. But smaller wealthy countries do better still: the larger the number of speakers of a country’s main language, the worse that country tends to be at English.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Export dependency is another correlate with English. Countries that export more are better at English (though it’s not clear which factor causes which).
  • Teaching plays a role, too. Starting young, while it seems a good idea, may not pay off: children between eight and 12 learn foreign languages faster than younger ones, so each class hour on English is better spent on a 10-year-old than on a six-year-old.
  • Teaching plays a role, too. Starting young, while it seems a good idea, may not pay off: children between eight and 12 learn foreign languages faster than younger ones, so each class hour on English is better spent on a 10-year-old than on a six-year-old.
    R.L.G. (2011.04.05) suggests a large-scale study of an uncontrolled sample population "confirms ... stereotypes" (¶1), and "shows results similar to ... [an unspecified] study by the British Council" (¶3 [URL from original, retrieved 2011.04.14).
Valentina Dodge

YouTube - English360's Channel - 14 views

    With English360, English teaching is changing. Our web-based learning platform can be used to create and deliver face-to-face, online and blended courses. Teachers an create personalised courses using digital authoring tools that let you combine coursebook content from Cambridge University Press
    What a great way to improve learning in the online field. Thanks for posting!
Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: Effectively incorporating technology with English learners - 2 views

  • Perhaps the first consideration is the instructional purpose of the lesson, and how the technology will enhance that purpose or help students to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • Technology, as mentioned earlier, has the power to increase student knowledge and skills in various content areas. Yet another consideration that must be taken into account when working with English learners is how the technology is increasing academic language knowledge and skills. It is critical, then, that teachers take into account not only the content goals and objectives for the lesson, but also the language goals and objectives as well as the linguistic demand of the tasks students will need to accomplish in the classroom.
  • English learners need additional instructional supports or scaffolds, including providing students with necessary background knowledge that other students may possess, using graphic organizers, pictures/visuals, demonstrations and realia, and providing redundant information and differentiated instruction based on students' language proficiency level. When researching various technology tools, it is critical that we investigate how the tool addresses these principles.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The use of technology in the classroom is quickly becoming not only commonplace, but also essential for helping students gain the 21st-century skills they will need to be successful in the future.
  • when implementing technology in the classroom, an important component of instruction is to teach students how to use technology effectively and responsibly. Students may need guidance and instruction on how to use technology appropriately given the task and learning at hand, how to avoid distractions with technology, and how to effectively navigate the digital world.
    In this article, Herrmann explains principles to guide the adoption and utilisation of technology to help meet general and specific needs of English-as-an-additional language learners.
Paul Beaufait

Free online English Japanese Dictionary, and Japanese English Dictionary, in simple rom... - 0 views

  • Free Search English-Japanese Online Dictionary
    The EJOD has an English sister:
    If you become an EJOD member, you apparently get access to twice as many words: "Free version (2006 version) contains about 10,000 words. Member version (2008 version) contains about 20,000 words" (Free Search English-Japanese Online Dictionary, ¶1). Site also notes plans to branch out into polite language, and cultural topics (Future Projects)
Gramarye Gramarye

How to Learn English Verbs with an iPod - 0 views

    f you want to know how to learn English verbs with an iPod, you are in the right place. Rory Ryder has published a book called "101 English Verbs for your iPod", and it is FANTASTIC!

English Dissertation Help | Online English Dissertation Help Services - 2 views

    For instance, you are in need of dissertation writers that can help you solve Advanced higher English dissertation topics and not being able to find satisfactory results on your search engine, take a look here. Visit-
Paul Beaufait

: : : British Council - English Teacher's Portfolio : : : - 5 views

    "... a unique self-study language improvement programme, specifically designed to help Brazilian teachers of English develop listening and speaking skills. / ETP focuses on pronunciation and vocabulary development. There are also teaching tips and all from a Brazilian context." (English Teachers' Portfolios, ¶¶1-2)

Search Tutors | TutStu - 0 views

    "Search Tutor" is the fourth option in the Left Menu, inside Student Portal. Using this option, Students can Search, Find and Connect with more Tutors, as per their choice. Suppose, you already take tutoring for Math, you already have a Math tutor. Now you want to find another Math tutor. You might click on "Search Tutor", to search for another Math tutor. Again say, you already have a Math tutor. Now you may want to find an English tutor. Then you must click on 'Search Tutor' to find an English tutor. There is no limitation. Students can have unlimited number of tutors. Students can have multiple tutors in any subject. A Student might have 5 Tutors for Math, 3 Tutors for English, 4 Tutors for Science, 2 Tutors for History and so on.
Paul Beaufait

TOEFL Equivalency Table - TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS Score Comparison Chart - 3 views

    Vancouver English Centre (VEC) comparison of various tests, score ranges, and approximate VEC levels, with links to PDF of English Language Competency Descriptor for the IBT TOEFL Test, and to a directory of Language Schools in Vancouver
Learning with Computers group

English Club ~ Learn English | Teach English - 0 views

    A site that helps you to "learn and to teach English". Rec. Liliana.
Learning with Computers group

English through stories - 0 views

    English Through Stories is for advanced speakers of English wishing to improve their listening and speaking skills. These scripts may be copied by teachers for classroom use
Paul Beaufait

English Language and Usage - Stack Exchange - 17 views

    This is "a collaboratively edited question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It's 100% free, no registration required" (Welcome! 2011.02.02).
Paul Beaufait

Phonetic Chart of IPA symbols - 12 views

    "This web page is for people interested in learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols. This is a useful skill for learners and teachers of English who may want to check the pronunciation of a word in a dictionary. Use the phonetic chart to learn the sounds of English. Then do a quiz to see how well you have learnt them" (The Phonetic Chart, ¶1).
Paul Beaufait

App Review: English Central (ECentral) | MIDTESOL - 3 views

    "ECentral could be a good supplementary resource for language learners looking to strengthen their language skills and increase their exposure to English beyond the textbook. Used in isolation, the app could end up being somewhat confusing for learners." (Jackson, 2016, Overall assessment, ¶1). Jackson, Lindsey. (2016.04.29). ...
Christine Bauer-Ramazani

Pronuncian - 0 views

    American English Pronunciation--Pronuncian offers free access to hundreds of pronunciation lessons and thousands of American English sounds. ■Exercises and even more playable audio files ■Video lessons ■TrueVoice recording and feedback system ■Structured online classes ■Personalized study recommendations ■Expanded tests, quizzes, and progress tracking ■Third-party ads are removed from all pages
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