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David Wetzel

Integrating Technology into Project Based Learning - 20 views

    "Integration of technology is an integral part of project based learning, because technology is an integral part of life outside the classroom as revealed in this part of the definition - "types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.""
    David, there is a local school that has all of their students 7-12 with a laptop computer. They don't have any textbooks that are books, they are all ebooks now. This is definitely the directions technology is going in the schools.
Barbara Moose

ABCya! Learning Computers | Input & Output Devices - 1 views

    ABCya! Learn about the Computer - Input and Output devices. Mouse, monitor, keyboard, digital camera, scanner, printer, what are these devices? Input or Output devices - Learn it here!
Zaid Mark

A Simple Guide to Make PC Faster - 0 views

    Computer slowing down, crashing upon opening certain programs are a part of many PC users' daily life. Many bloats can swamp and slowdown your system if you have not been properly maintaining it. The worst scenario a slow PC can put you in is "It would not Allow you to do Anything".
David Wetzel

Why Interactive White Boards are Used Ineffectively in Classrooms - 11 views

    An interactive White Board (IWB) or SMART Board has the potential to deliver content better than traditional methods of teaching. Why? Because it provides multi-media functional interaction across audio, video, and computer media. It is also ideal for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. These qualities of an IWB also promote the dynamic delivery of content (if used to its full potential) in an engaging manner, which allows students to interact with science or math content their self. Examples include: * data manipulation * responding to data * even creating data So with all these attributes - "How are interactive white boards unsuccessfully used in science and math classrooms?" For the most part - not effectively!
Paul Beaufait

FAQs-III: Groupwork in distance learning (Felder & Brent, 2001) - 3 views

    "Even in traditional classes students may do little or no work but get the same grade as their more industrious colleagues, and serious conflicts may arise between teammates with varying levels of ability and senses of responsibility. The problems may be even worse when groups are virtual and don't have the self-regulating capability provided by face-to-face meetings. It is therefore particularly important in distance classes to adhere to the defining principles of cooperative learning, especially positive interdependence (if anyone fails to do his or her part everyone loses in some way), individual accountability (all team members are held accountable for all the material in the assignment), and regular self-assessment of team functioning."
Adildi ldinlio

Beginning Mac OS X Tiger Dashboard Widget Development part I|free ebooks download - 0 views

    Beginning Mac OS X Tiger Dashboard Widget Development free download at the best library for free mac os ebooks download.
Paul Beaufait

braz2010vance [licensed for non-commercial use only] / PLN - 4 views

  • Etienne Wenger (2007) asked Cristina Costa when she knew she was in a community of practice and she said, when she noticed her practice had changed. And this is the correct answer.  When your practice changes, you know you have truly learned. The next step as a teacher is to model what you did for your students so that some will follow in your footsteps. So how can you do it?  Your change in practice probably won't be from this one encounter, unless I can convince you or nudge you, if you were heading that way already, into taking the next step in your journey.  The goal is to move from being just a consumer of networked content, which you in essence hoard, to a creator of content, which you share with the network that shares with you.
  • language teachers need to look beyond what it appears on the surface is happening between them and the learner and consider the bigger picture, such as ways in which technology fosters connections with communities and networks that humanize rather than isolate to strengthen individuals as an integral part of modern society and how that society acculturates, or learns together.
  • I encourage colleagues to think SMALL because in my view the computer is no longer the salient aspect of technology. The salient aspect is the use to which technology is put, and the salient use is to re-wire and expand how we are able to learn by enabling us to nurture and participate in always-on PLNs, or Personal Learning Networks.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In order for teachers to grasp the fundamentals of applying technology to transformative learning outcomes, practice with peers is necessary, where teachers themselves become mentors for one another while sharing with one another their discoveries and experiences with their own learning.
  • Teachers who drive their own professional development through participation in PLNs constantly express and assess each other's needs, and promote professional development on an as-needed basis, from where it is only a short leap to applying it to students.
    PLN: The paradigm shift in teacher and learner autonomy

Buy Old Gmail Accounts - 100% real and verified accounts - 0 views

    Buy Old Gmail Accounts Introduction There are several reasons why you should buy old Gmail accounts. You can do so when you want to start a new email address or if your current one needs an update. This article will tell you more about this topic as well as how to buy old gmail accounts without having any hassle in the process. How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts? How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy aged Gmail accounts at reasonable prices. We have a wide range of 2 years old Gmail accounts available for sale, which are ready to use and can be activated within minutes. You will have full access to all your emails, calendar events and contacts when you purchase our service. The best part is that we offer free shipping in all countries worldwide so there is no need for you or your recipient to pay any extra charges if they live outside of Europe! Buy Old Gmail Accounts With Us Today! Why Should You Buy Old Gmail Accounts? Why should you buy old Gmail accounts? Old Gmail accounts are very beneficial because they allow you to access your mail, contacts and calendars in an easy way. When it comes to other Google services such as Hangouts or Drive, these apps can be accessed through the web browser so that they do not require any third party application (e.g., Chrome). The main advantage of using an old Gmail account is that there's no need for installing anything on your smartphone or computer; all that needs to be done is login into the website where you'll find all of your personal information stored securely within one place! How to Buy old Gmail accounts How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy old Gmail accounts from a reliable source, such as the original owner of your email address. This is typically a good idea if you want to keep your information private and secure. However, it may also come with a cost: You will have to pay an additional fee for each account that you purchase. You'll need an account number (it's usually something like "123456789 a

USA Gmail Account - 100% real and usa verified accounts - 0 views

    USA Gmail Account Introduction Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. Gmail users can send, receive and manage email using their web-connected computers, smartphones or tablets. USA Gmail USA Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. It's similar to the old Hotmail, but with a lot more storage space and other benefits. Gmail is a web-based email that provides users with one gigabyte of storage, as well as additional storage if you refer other people to the service. What is USA Gmail address? What Is USA Gmail Address? A USA Gmail address is a Gmail account that is in the United States of America, and it does not have an Indian IP address. If you want to create a new G Suite account for your business or personal use, you can use this type of address instead of an Indian one since it will be more secure and reliable for sending emails from the US. USA Gmail Account How can I get a USA Gmail account without a phone number? You can get a USA Gmail account without a phone number. You can buy a USA Gmail account. You can get a USA Gmail account without an address or email address, as long as you have an Internet connection, which most people do these days anyway! Does USA have Gmail? Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. It's available as part of a free, advertising-supported offering called Google Apps Free Edition. Email account sign up You can create a new email account for free. To do this, follow these steps: Go to the Gmail website and click "Get started" in the top right corner of your screen. Click "Create an account." The next page will let you choose which type of Gmail account you want to create (personal or business), as well as whether or not it should be encrypted. If it's going to be encrypted, then enter your password twice; if not, then just leave those fields blank. Finally, click "Next Step." USA Gmail Accounts In order to get a USA Gmail account, you need to follow these steps
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