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Learning Sciences Institute - YouTube - 8 views

shared by Evrim Baran on 25 Sep 13 - No Cached
    I've watched the video twice and in the end I've felt some concerns about the results of the studies. In the "how people learn" part, researchers were testing the storage and connection system of the brain through some high-tech tools. However, does neuropsychology provide enough evidence on the functioning of the brains? Can we generalize the results to all people from all cultures? I am not the one who is against neuropsychology, but for me one discipline may not give an appropriate answer to such a deep question. My second concern is about the integration of computer programs into the curriculum as a major learning tool. We see a program where "Betty" is speaking and giving feedback on the video. The program seems user friendly, but what about the negative aspects and limitations of the integration of technology into learning? Ok, I agree that we have to adapt to the rapid technological changes in the society. However, is technology the key to all learning processes? Plus, the program is designed on the mapping of the concepts. Does concept mapping make a curriculum compelling all the time? I am not sure about all characteristics of the program, but if it hasn't been designed in a challenging style and if all students come up with the same products, then how will they develop their knowledge and reasoning abilities? I couldn't find an answer to that. As for the part "effective teaching", I am in the same opinion with the researchers that there should be a connection between the real world and the subject taught. Moreover, I think the integration of the disciplines is difficult but a very good way of giving meaning to life. Besides, in the video we see teachers as a guide, as a facilitator and there is no doubt that providing individual support to the students helps students feel more involved.
    Firstly, even if it is designed by utilizing modern technology and different understanding, which makes it a more developed and complicated one, the program used in the video reminded me the teaching machines of old times. It gives the priority to the cognitive aspect of learning. This seems to be a one-dimensional approach which underestimates the social aspect of learning. I think the value of classroom interaction for effective learning cannot be replaced by any kind of computer programs. Research on brain is really important and it provides very useful insights for learning and instructional activities. However, it should be supported by the findings of research by social psychologists as well. The very same individual may perform at varying levels when he is taught with the same methods in different environments. I personally experienced many times that even the absence of one individual in my classes affected the teaching an learning processes in a negative or positive way depending upon the classroom dinamics.

How we learn: Synapses and Neural Pathways - 2 views

shared by Yelda Sarıkaya-Erdem on 01 Oct 13 - No Cached
afranur liked it
    It is the most fascinating metaphor for learning according to neuroscientific view. Actually I do not have some much information about how learning takes place in our brains but this video made some parts clear for me. I do not whether it can be an appropriate conslusion from this video or not, but I think that learning without assistance of someone more competent than us could be very difficult, as the older man in the video helped the younger one. so that is why we, teachers are priceless ;)
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    The example of bridging to explain the gap between synapses were clear to understand how learning occurs in our brain.What most attracted my attention is the difficulty of taking the first step, which reminded me of the conditions necessary to prompt students to learn and make connections.
    I like the video very much; I got the message for myself that start learning the upcoming process will be easier :)
    What a good way of showing an unknown concept through known ways..Thank you, The bridge is a very well-selected metaphor:-) When we think about our own way of learning, isn't it the same? It's always difficult to make the first link but then everything becomes easier...step by step...
    In the video, there exists a really interesting metaphor about how we learn. Through this video some neurological concepts and comments about learning became concrete in my mind. I think there is a smooth transition from difficulty to easiness in our brains during the learning process.

Is China trying to emulate Finland? - 9 views

    it seems that we will try to go to some Chinese Universities in ten years time, instead of Europe or States.
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    The scandinavian pioneering role in school reforms has a long tradition. It is not only the comprehensive-school-system which makes Finnland a top-performer. Many countries are trying to emulate Finland and more equal opportunities in education can be a good progress. But why is Finnland a top-performer? In my opinion it could be PISA which is responsible for the comparison of school systems. PISA is criticized by many researchers, so first we have to scrutinize whether Finland can be a prototype.
    According to the latest scores of PISA, it seems like we all start to search how China and South Corea is doing in their education systems. As for the question why Finland is a top-performer, there are several aspects to explain it. I think, initially, teacher education comes first and equality and equity in education follow this. Therefore they show up as top thanks to PISA. Their school tradition, history of both economics and education, population and mentality of learning could be obstacles to make it as a prototype and compare with some countries.
    My aim was not to call Finland as a top-performer into question. I want to criticize PISA and their purposes. For example the test-structure are determining the results, so if sth. would be changed, another country will be the top-performer. I found an interesting critique: But maybe I failed the original topic, because that article doesn't discuss PISA.
    We had the same conversation here with my colleagues from Belgium and Netherlands the outcomes that PISA is measuring. It is after all measuring certain outcomes that OECD wants to measure. We also have to be careful in taking Finland as a model and such comparative approach just like mentioned in a series of reports that Christian shared.
    PISA is a big goal for policy makers. They want to success even they don't believe, because it makes country popular as seen above:) We have to focus on real indicators like development... And here is an infographic about Finland's educational system:
    In my oppinion, we couldnot seek the other countries' educational systems, at the begining of possible educational reform process. Before this, students profile and the reasons behind the problems have to be analysed; such as economic and social problems, teacher's competencies, subject matter, schools' physical equipments, etc. As I mentioned, before analysing other countries systems, we have to analyse our educational systems indetail and clearly. From that point, solutions can be seeked and useful after determination fo the problems..
    Now I understand your point, Christian. Thanks for sharing that pdf, I think that is related with the article since it discusses the whole structure of PISA which is showed as a scale. And for sure,that might happen that another country would be top according to another kind of testing but still there is a hard fact about Finland and their school culture. I have seen that infographic before but I feel the need to correct some issues there according to my stay in Finland. For instance, it says that there are no seperate classrooms for accelerated learning or special education but there are many of them. As for homeworks, this saying of having rarely homework is not actually reflecting the reality. They do have homeworks but the definiton of it might cause misunderstandings;)
    Thank you Sinem for correcting the infographic's assumptions. I would like to hear more about your experiences in Finland.
    In my opinion education policy of the countries do not be planned based on the students' academic achievement. Real achievement of an education system could be observed as individuals' adaptation to life. For example the main vision of the elementary science curriculum defined by Ministry of National Education of Turkey [MONE] (2005) is that regardless of the individual differences of students, they are educated to become scientifically literate, the uniqueness nature of the learner; background and culture of the learners and motivation of the learners were taken into consideration in the development of the curriculum (MONE, 2005), but putting those in the practice is very difficult.
    Also, as mentioned in the text "… those results come at the cost of one of the highest levels of student anxiety in the world." Anxiety is very important and big research area in educational psychology also the news in the link exemplifies its importance in Chinese case.

Schools Must Bring Creativity to Blended Learning - 2 views

    The article totally reflects my opinions about blended learning. Technology integration is necessary but to what extent?
    I agree with you Sermin, use of technology is considered as a must for effective instruction by most of the teachers nowadays. However, in some cases using traditional methods and techniques can be more feasible, cost-effective and practical.

Listen to a podcast with Jim Pellegrino (Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinguished Profes... - 0 views

    The professor made a distinction between learning and deeper learning and he says deeper learning differs as it does not suggest superficial comprehension. Actually, deeper learning is not something specific to science learning; it is learning with understanding (as far as I understood). Deeper learning is what we mean by learning, is not it?
    Deeper learning is what we are supposed to teach our students. Not superficial but deep and comprehensive knowledge. I don't think that the professor limits it to science learning since he doesn't focus on one subject area "science". What he says is that no matter what students learn, they should be guided and provided help in order to let them get comprehensive and permanent knowledge. Superficial knowledge which is gathered through memorization is more likely to be forgotton soon.

statistics about learning - 1 views

    It is an interesting video related to learning which occurs around the world.
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    I liked the definition: "Education is how information becomes knowledge" and the metaphor of sponge sucking the fluid of knowledge like our brains and minds.
    I agree with the idea that we are all really fortunate and We should never stop learning regardless of our status, gender, and etc. also, the video advises us to make a distinction between right and wrong . once people believed that the earth was flat but at those times there were people that they knew that the earth is round. so, in order to be like the ones who are always at the right side we should be very careful and should nor accept every information as it is and question it.
    If the education would be completely trading thing, that would be an affective commercial! It gives an overview to several kinds of education and its oppurtinities as well as motivation!

Contemporary and Comprehensive Theory of Learning - 0 views

    I think this is a good article by Knud Illeris to read as an introduction or brief view towards contemporary learning theories.
    Thanks sharing this Burcu. Knut Illeris is one of the scholars who writes on particularly on adult learning. I will bring one of his recent books to the class.

The Death of Theory in Educational Research - 0 views

    Here is the link to the this week's assigned reading (The Death of Theory in Educational Research) by Geelan (2003).

Contemporary Learning Theories - 3 views

    Contemporary Theories of Learning - Learning Their Own Words - Knud Illeris >>>
    Thank you for the source, I found it last week too and I believe it is a very comprehensive source that can guide us in this course.
    Thanks for sharing the link. I found it in the METU library too. I can bring it to our class on Thursday. We can benefit from it for the discussion sessions or refer to it in our personal learning theories.

Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment - 1 views

    I am interested in social learning theory and this famous experiment can let us discuss this alternate view on learning in the classroom. Is it influential after 50 years?
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    I, the one who is into Social Learning Theory, believe that there are three important factors influencing each other; these are Person, Environment and Behavior like the theory says and like this experiment talks about. Apart from this, according to Albert Bandura, who is the owner of the theory, people set their own goals, monitor themselves (self-observation), evaluate their own behavior (judgment), and then have self-response. It's like a cycle and in the end learning occurs. In addition to that, in order to reach the biggest goal people can set sub-goals and flexibility about immediate tasks. Moreover, in this theory to learn something from our failures and not to give up because of our failures are some of the major points. So as you said, this theory might be an alternative view on teaching and learning in the class, which means students may set their own sub-goals going straight to their own biggest goal (learning and performance).
    Yes actually following this experiment, we know that it has been influential in education. But still today, it provides us with alternate views for our classrooms.
    Canan, I think social learning theory will be alive until societies will die..:) Main concern of the theory is related to people who is living in the society. However we could not mention the social learning in online learning or distance education settings which is without interaction between learns and instruction. Interaction at least observation of someone leads revealing social learning in every settings.

Learning science through gaming - 0 views

    We should completely be aware of the informal learning through gaming. they can be more motivating than any type of instruction as they have lots of insteresting aspects.

They stored digital data in DNA - 1 views

    Here is news about the scientists who stored data in DNA. I really wonder what the next step is. Maybe they are going to store all knowledge in DNA and then find ways to use it. Most probably, the only thing that our grandchildren do will be learning how to use and transfer the stored data. Who knows:)

What Are Learning Disabilities? - 0 views

    LD is frequently mistaken as laziness or associated with disorders of emotion and behavior.
    In my undergraduate education, I had chance to be involved in a project on the learning disability; dyslexia, problems of sounds and words. We gathered data from children in various elementary school children in Istanbul. This was a fruitful experience to learn on the topic learning disabilities.
    I wanted to share a topic on learning disabilities as I have encountered such students studying at the college I work for and did not know what to do with them. When I tried to involve parents to acknowledge them they preferred blaming the education system or the school itself. It must be very difficult for a parent to accept it but as teachers we need to be more knowledgeable about what to do and how to deal with it to save these learners with learning disabilities from exclusion and failure.

Learning Styles - 0 views

    Here is the reminder of 12 different learning styles and how they intersect with Multiple Intelligences
    The existence of learning styles is debatable if I am not mistaken or at least there are researchers arguing against categorizing learners according to these styles. Also there exists different categorizations for them. However it is also true that they are useful in the instruction process and teachers can make use of them if used effectively.
    Yeah, I think most of the learning theories to some extent depend on or connect to the said learning styles such as problem-based learning, inquiry based learning or project-based learning. We cannot separate them from our instruction methods.

What we learn before we're born - 4 views

    I found his video highly interesting in that it begins with a thrilling question "when does learning start?" , it talks about the research that shows how much we learn in the womb -- from the lilt of our native language to our soon-to-be-favorite foods.
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    Years ago a seminar that I attended called "brain-based learning" discussed about similar topic. It was the first time that I had learned about "when learning starts". And this video reminds me of the seminar and it is like adventures of a fetus very open to learning. It is really interesting that a fetus can understand each and every language besides its native one. And as you mentioned this video shows how much we learn in womb, which means learning starts with a fetus in womb and goes till the end of life.
    Yes, it really is interesting and hard to understand for me as well. There are various factors involved in our learning process for sure, but frankly I did not imagine the time before birth. "brain-based learning" sounds like an efficient keyword to achieve new knowledge on this topic.
    It is really interesting to see that fetuses behave like the photocopies of their mothers. They can nearly comrehend everthing during their life in their mothers' belly. I think this video implies many ideas for the improvement of future generations and of course warnings and precautions for the pregnant women.
    Language acquisition process of babies is a real miracle.They are born with certain tendencies towards their mother language which is an indicator that they strart language learning before birth as mentioned in the video recording. Moreover, they acquire their native language in an incredible speed without any special training. Thus, this video reminded me a major debate in understanding language acquisition: Is language an innate or learned abilitiy?
    I agree that such research can be influential in discussing precautions or alternative perspectives for pregnant women and also for all involved in the study of learning. About the language acquisition, the very interesting question you raised has a long history of debate as you already mentioned. Maybe additional research in the future will help to put more light on the issue.

Communication with Parents to Enhance Learning - 2 views

    The article has talked about the importance of communication with parents for learning as well as what problems we as educators may confront with by asking parents to help their children in order to enhance learning.
    Thanks for sharing this:) Actually, it is not only important but also vital to include parental communication into education procedure. I think school, parents and the student himself/herself compose the core family in education process rather than the biological family of the student. In the literature about this issue, it has been put forward that there is a positive relation between parental communication and student learning or achievement both academically and psychologically.
    One of the most difficult tasks that educators are to achieve is ensuring positive parental involvement in education. As parents are very sensitive about their children's education, nowadays most of the teachers have difficulty to create fruitful communication with parents. Parents question and crticize everything at school as they do not have confidence in educators because of improper practices they experienced or witnessed. Having training sessions, meetings and home visits can be useful in this framework. In this way, parents will be informed about the activities at school and can be involved in decision making process which will change their perceptions in a positive way.

learning from social media - 3 views

    Here is an interesting example how learning is practiced in social media. If you want to find out more about the theoretical background, google "Professor Sreenivasan".
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    Social media is mainly for entertainment and socializing. Altough it can assist the classroom subjects in different ways, I am not sure if using social networking as the main tool in the classroom is a great idea.
    Of course social media shouldn't be the main tool. But I think excluding it as it is done in most of the schools is not up-to-date. Social media is part of our modern world and we have to discuss, if it may could be included in our learning environment. So what we are doing now (using diigo or twitter in our course) is the try to learn referring to social media.
    Some of social media samples can be used during some spesific classes such as History, English, Biology and likewise. But as a Maths teacher, I do not believe that I can use it as a tool to teach a subject. However, I definately aggree that it is obviously a great thing to exchange new ideas, to make brain storms, to create a discussion platform and broaden ideas according to several perspectives.
    I liked the idea of integrating social media into instruction. But the teacher or instructor should be extra careful and strategic as it may be risky. Such devices or technology are mostly to capture the attention of the students or to keep students engaged in the lesson. I still think that the magic is in the hands of the teacher to keep the students attention and ensure effective learning. It may be too much technological to use facebook or tweeter in each lesson, which constitutes a balance issue. The students need to be close to the books, pencils and notebooks, papers etc. The dose of social media should be arranged carefully and strategically.
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