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Boden Chen

Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW - 7 views

    A SNA tool that can work with several LMSs. It works as bookmarklet. (via @laurapasquini)
Tony Searl

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 3 views

  • resulting in a weakening of institutional boundaries
    • Tony Searl
      continuation of the disaggregation of knowledge away from closed institutional model
  • social recognition of achievement.
  • The model is based on a large degree of self motivation and is reliant on learners being able to manage both their own learning and able to develop their own support networks. This is a pretty big limitation.
    • Tony Searl
      not sure I agree with it being a limitation, but rather a focus on learning.
    One of the less successful experiments seems to be attempts to integrate VLEs, especially Moodle, within MOOCs.(was My experience with LAK11)

Marginalia: Basic Annotation - BCcampus Communities + Academic Growth - - 3 views

    How to create annotations in a Moodle discussion forum.
    Can also probably use Diigo to do something similar (e.g., via public sticky notes). Always wonder if that's rude don't give the Moodling person (who might not be using Diigo or the annotation tool) the oppt to respond.
Tony Searl

Learning Analytics: Time Series Visualization | iterating toward openness - 4 views

    My goal with practical learning analytics is to provide access to data in ways that an average teacher, with no special training, can leverage in order to help her students succeed. This is, of course, an extremely tall order
Tony Searl

Just to Clarify: Stories are the Last Mile in Big Data - 3 views

  • Once configured, the system is then able to generate stories at scale without any further human intervention.
    • Tony Searl
      anyone else have a problem with this?
  • For any pool of data, there are always going to be multiple stakeholders, and they should each be receiving their own targeted messaging.
  • But the last mile has to be the Story; the Story that communicates what is happening in the world, and what needs to be done to fix the problems and exploit the opportunities that analysis exposes
    Data alone isn't the answer. In fact, from a business perspective, the data is still part of problem. Insight is the answer, which is derived from the data.
Dianne Rees

Nuts and Bolts: How to Evaluate e-Learning by Jane Bozarth : Learning Solutions Magazine - 3 views

  • The linearity and causality implied within the taxonomy (for instance, the assumption that passing a test at Level 2 will result in improved job performance at Level 3) masks the reality of transferring training into measurable results. Many factors enable — or hinder — the transfer of training to on-the-job behavior change, including support from supervisors, rewards for improved performance, culture of the work unit, issues with procedures and paperwork, and political concerns
  • Robert Brinkerhoff takes a systems view of evaluation of training, believing it should focus on sustained performance rather than attempting to isolate the training effort:
  • learn best from the outliers
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The method asks evaluators to: Identify individuals or teams that have been most successful in using some new capability or method provided through the training; Document the nature of the success; and Compare to instances of nonsuccess.
  • Stufflebeam
  • training as part of a system
  • a means of formative as well as summative evaluation.
    Evaluating training: some alternatives to the Kirkpatrick method

EduFeedr - 2 views

    EduFeedr is a feed reader for online courses where each participant is using his/her personal blog to publish thoughts on course readings, answers to assignments and other course related posts.
Tony Searl

Living Analytics Research Centre - 2 views

    conduct research on behavioural and social network analytics and behavioural experiments so as to discover and harness the laws of information network evolution for networks of people, organisations
Tony Searl

Shiny Badges Everywhere. - Neoteny - 2 views

    sharing and communicating
Tony Searl

The Ed Techie: Learning Analytics 2011 is the place to be - 2 views

    . I think the interesting thing about Learning Analytics is it's one of those areas we think will be important, but we're not quite sure what it is yet, so there's room to explore
Dianne Rees

Learning_Analytics_Background.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 2 views

    Some examples of LAK in action
Tony Searl

Big data in real time is no fantasy - Cloud Computing News - 2 views

  • It will never be what we call “next click,”
    • Tony Searl
  • thanks to various Hadoop optimizations, complementary technologies and advanced algorithms, real-time analytics are becoming a real possibility
  • react promptly to sensor readings or analyze web logs as they are generated because that type of information becomes quickly obsolete.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But the most interesting thing about it might be that it was hardly even possible a few years ago
  • the evolution from batch processing to real-time processing has happened quickly.
    Among the greatest innovations might be the advent of real-time analytics, which allow the processing of information in real time to enable instantaneous decision-making.

Deciphering the social media genome: Toward an ecology of social roles in online collab... - 2 views

    These, and other similar projects, promise the emergence of a new social and theoretical paradigm whose goal is to decipher the web of social interactions generated by social media.

Reflections on Open Courses: Curation, Ombuds, and Concierges | Learning and Knowledge ... - 2 views

  • we’re going to experiment with running the course without an LMS and using only gRSShopper for interaction
    • Tony Searl
      excellent idea
  • Curation is an important component in the process.
  • Curation is important – yes, it’s biased, yes it misses contributions, but it’s personal
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • I think we need to also focus on the human aspect of data, sensemaking, curation, and trust.
    • Media Lab
      Comentar a Romi
  • la falta de archivos y la integración de las conversaciones en otros espacios en el correo electrónico diario. Hay dos razones principales para ello: Queremos demostrar que si alguien quiere ofrecer un curso en línea abierta, que no es necesario para ejecutar su propio servidor o escribir su propio software. Nosotros no pedimos Stephen si podría funcionar este curso en su sitio
    • Media Lab
      programa que soluciones esto?
  • Lo que perder - y todavía estoy inquieto acerca de esta compensación - es el archivo integrada de la actividad en el curso. Puedo enviar un correo electrónico diario al grupo de Google. Yo enlaces agregados / deliciosa / diigo / enlaces Twitter y comentarios sobre mi página de Netvibes . El problema, sin embargo, es que Netvibes es más bien tonto. Simplemente deja el contenido de la página hasta que algo nuevo ha sido publicado. Si usted es el seguimiento de la actividad en Netvibes, es probable que gran parte del encuentro el mismo contenido hasta que se ha actualizado con nuevo contenido. La actividad no se archivan por fecha.
  • Para CCK11 (a partir del lunes), vamos a experimentar con la realización del curso sin un LMS y el uso de gRSShopper sólo para la interacción. En LAK11, una de las adiciones clave parece ser el papel de "Defensor curso" que Dave Cormier está cumpliendo.
  • Tony Searl está empezando a desempeñar un papel similar al agregar los blogs del curso y contenido en función de sus intereses.
  • Curación es un componente importante en el proceso.
  • Si bien la información está creciendo en la abundancia y las herramientas y algoritmos (minería de datos, visualización) se están desarrollando como soluciones, no podemos pasar por alto la importancia de la señalización y la construcción de sentido en los sistemas sociales
    Social and technological networks don't have a centre. When we learn in a classroom or in a learning management system (LMS), a central place exists where we can go for readings and
Tony Searl

U. of Texas Adopts Plan to Publish Performance Data on Professors and Campuses - Facult... - 2 views

  • help ensure that taxpayers are getting their money's worth
    • Tony Searl
      as I attempted to raise during LAK11, intent is critical. If LAK is primarily accountability driven, then more complex outcomes available IF questioning of data is deeper, may be missed (or ignored/buried/not sought)
  • Among other things, the system will report such factors as research expenditures, publications, teaching evaluations, and external support.
    • Tony Searl
      myschool is already developing into such a site. Insightful LAK, with holistic intention, not narow agendas, is preferable. Metrics, data, inclusions and questions need bipartisan support IF education is to be apolitical.
  • That was a swipe at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative think tank supported by Gov. Rick Perry that has advocated a controversial blueprint known as the "Seven Solutions" to higher education
    • Tony Searl
      Perry, potential president? Fascinating 2012 election
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • It also calls for a review system in which outside experts analyze the performance of individual colleges within the system's universities.
    • Tony Searl
      intent, questions asked, data deemed inclusive, all crucial for LAK outcomes. Enormous potential for misrepresentations exist IF analytics is poorly conceived and managed.
  • Mr. Powell said the database would allow students, parents, legislators, and others to easily examine detailed data about how different campuses and departments performed.
    • Tony Searl
      exact definition of intent of our 2 year old myschool data
    The plan unveiled on Thursday designates money to create a "dashboard"-an interactive, online database-to give students, parents, and legislators access to detailed measures of departments' and colleges' productivity and efficiency. Data on individual professors will probably also be included, although Dr. Cigarroa stressed that each campus would be able to develop its own system of metrics and the details have not yet been worked out
Tony Searl

Gates and Pearson Foundations to Offer Online Courses - - 1 views

  • said the new course materials could provide an important link between the common core standards and the standardized tests that two consortia of states are writing
    • Tony Searl
      oh noes
  • We could get a one size fits all.”
    • Tony Searl
      no shit sherlock
    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world's largest philanthropy, and the foundation associated with Pearson, the giant textbook and school technology company, announced a partnership on Wednesday to create online reading and math courses aligned with the new academic standards that some 40 states have adopted in recent months.
Sylvia Currie

Learning Analytics: Notes on the Future - 2 views

    Slides from Feb 18, 2011 web conference Learning Analytics: Notes on the Future Simon Buckingham Shum, Knowledge Media Institute Open University UK
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