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Apply Teaching Jobs Abroad Online - 0 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 24 Sep 12 no follow-up yet

The Perfect Job For Me - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 19 Dec 12 no follow-up yet

Perfect Site to Look for Perfect Job - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 23 Jan 13 no follow-up yet

What Job Do Good Schools Fulfill? - Getting Smart by Guest Author - EdTech, K12, person... - 0 views

  • The job of a good school is creating the partnership between teens and adults that scaffolds this experience and recognizes the multiple ways that adolescents master these skills.
  • If we intentionally design schools that meet students where they are – accommodating young people’s schedules, building on their strengths, and becoming an integral part of their lives – we can recuperate and accelerate learning, empowering young people to succeed in college and career. That’s our job.
    Excellent article o what schools should be doing 

How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer - - 0 views

    Freelance writing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. However, it's not always an easy road to travel. If you're not interested in writing, I don't think this is a good job for you as it involves a lot of writing practice to improve your skills until you're good enough to get jobs from any client in the world! However, if you're interested in writing then here are a few websites you can check out to start you off. Read more

Job Interviews: 5 Questions Great Candidates Ask | - 0 views

    Many of the questions potential new hires ask are throwaways. But not these.

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford commencement address - 0 views

  • And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.
  • The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.
  • you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

9 Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go | - 0 views

  • Nine Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go
  • 1. Things don’t improve with a change of scenery - Maybe it’s the relationship with their boss, certain peers, or the nature of the work has changed and the employee is struggling to perform at his best. Whatever the reason, moving the employee to another role or department can get him back on track.
  • 2. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells around the employee
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Don’t underestimate the destructive power of a toxic, unpredictable employee.
  • 3. Emotional instability
  • If you have an employee that demonstrates severe emotional mood swings on the job and in their relationships with others, you need to pursue the proper legal and ethical guidelines in dealing with him to provide the support he needs.
  • 4. Trouble fitting into the company culture
  • 5. Blames others, makes excuses, and challenges authority
  • Troubled employees will often challenge authority by trying to lay the blame at the boss’ feet by saying things like “You should have done this…” or “You didn’t address that problem…” or whatever the case may be.
  • 6. Distorts or manipulates the truth
  • 7. Unseen gaps in performance
  • Maybe it’s sloppy work, not following correct procedures, or even worse, being intentionally deceptive or unethical. Be careful, things may not always be as they seem.
  • 8. A trail of broken relationships
  • A person may be a high-performer in the tasks of his job, but if he can’t get along with other people and has a history of damaging relationships with colleagues, eventually there will come a point where his contributions are outweighed by the damage and drama he creates.
  • 9. Passive-aggressive behavior
    When it is time to say good bye.

The 7 Principles Of The Future Employee - 0 views

    Interesting take on what future teachers will want from the job

AWS Online Training Archives - ASTSTraining - 1 views

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) training in Hyderabad. Join Advanced Online AWS Training at Asts Training institute with 100% practical assistance & job support. Online training registration form:

Learn It From The Expert - 1 views

started by Henry Jaxx on 21 Nov 12 no follow-up yet

Bank Exam News | Online Education - 0 views

    Online Education news for bank clerical exam dates, IBPS exam, bank PO exams, SBI exam, preparation materials including question papers, guide books and more.

Ilene Gordon of Ingredion, on the Importance of Mentors - - 0 views

  • “You ought to run some of these businesses and see how good your analysis was.
  • somebody has talent and good people skills and drive, I think you can stretch them and put them in a job that they’re not quite ready for, so they grow into it.
  • t’s really about opportunity. I’m taking these lessons in how people treated me as a young professional and use those l
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • essons today to excite our people.
  • I said it’s about tenacity. It’s never giving up
  • I look for young people who have a lot of energy, and who treat other people well, because we’re not looking for bullies. Some people push their way through things and they’re not collaborative.
  • elevator speech.

How Finnish schools shine | Teacher Network Blog | - 3 views

    We have been awash in literature about Finland lately. Mostly because something about what they do works! Of the many articles that I have read, this one in particular does a great job of sharing in a clear an succinct manner a good many of the pieces of the puzzle.
    Also, for those in the Vermont area September 27th, Tony Wagner will be the keynote speaker at a conference on high school transformation. He will also present and discuss his documentary "The Finland Phenomenon" in a special workshop after his keynote.

Coaching Both Parent And Child - 1 views

started by Child Therapy on 28 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
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