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Stephen Mark

Bank Exam News | Online Education - 0 views

    Online Education news for bank clerical exam dates, IBPS exam, bank PO exams, SBI exam, preparation materials including question papers, guide books and more.
Stephen Mark

CBSE Exam goes Tech Savvy: Software To Prepare Question Papers - 0 views

    Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to develop a software to carry out examinations for classes IX and X. This decision has been taken to do away with repetition of question papers.
David Ellena

14 Developments to Watch for in 2014 - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - Assessment, bl... - 0 views

    Preparing for the new year? Here are spoke trends to watch
Jennie Bales

Bringing It All Together: Literacy, ICT and the 21st Century Skills - 0 views

    This article shares a framework that integrates literacy, 21st century skills and ICT strategies, so that units of work can be prepared that take students from learning basic skills directly from teacher modelling, right through to collaborative application of these skills against real-world, authentic problems.

AWS Online Training | AWS Training and Certification - ASTSTraining - 1 views

    AWS online course are popular from the greatest organizations! Get certified today at ASTS Online Training Institute from Hyderabad. Most value for cash AWS preparing on the web. Get awesome selective arrangements! Check offer at this point. Online training registration form: Feel free please call us: +91 9603704766 Please drop us a mail:

ServiceNow Online Training | ServiceNow Online Course - ASTSTraining - 1 views

    ServiceNow Developer Training in ASTS Online Training we would offer in both classroom teaching strategy and online instructing technique. This preparation is offered by best industry specialists. Online training registration form:
Jason Finley

Inside Stanford's famous course on creativity - Fortune Management - 0 views

    Only about one in three applicants gets into the course, but a new book tells what goes on behind the classroom door, and how it applies to real-world companies.
    "...trying to create something truly new means generating lots and lots of ideas, with the understanding that most of them are going to be flops. Few businesses are prepared to tolerate, much less encourage, the inevitable failures."
    Top management knows that "on average, about one-third of all projects they attempt will work out," Seelig writes. "That means that, in order to get four successes, they need to do a dozen experiments."
Child Therapy

Coaching Both Parent And Child - 1 views

I want to see my kid happy and grow to his full potential. That is why, when I see him having trouble opening up to me or to other people, I feel bad as a parent. I feel that I am not doing a good ...

started by Child Therapy on 28 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
David Ellena

7 important aspects to delegating SmartBlogs - 0 views

  • “I would delegate more if I …” I received these primary responses: Trusted my colleagues more Wasn’t so controlling Had more time to think about what to delegate Knew how
  • Decide what to delegate.
  • Pick the right person or group.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Provide clarity about the expected outcome.
  • Grant the necessary authority
  • Be prepared to assist.
  • Monitor progress.
  • Recognize key milestones and celebrate successes.
    These ideas will also foster teamwork
David Ellena

How to Recruit and Prepare Middle School Volunteers | MiddleWeb - 0 views

    Some ideas on how to get volunteers into your school
Walco Solutions

Academic Projects | Walco Solutions - 0 views

    We provide the best quality and unique projects at very nominal price. We are updated with the latest technology being used in the industries we try to render the same at the student level for proper technical exposure through our projects. We also conduct proper lectures, practical sessions to guide and prepare students for external viva and competitions. Programmable Logic Controller, Supervisory Control and data acquisition, Human machine Interface, Variable Frequency drive, Instrumentation, Panel designing, Embedded System, Mat lab
Helen Otway

Data Wise - Getting Ready | More than just knowing stuff! - 2 views

    Having used the Data Wise process in my district, I agree that taking time to prepare for the process is important. As Stephen Covey has said, "begin with the end in mind." Districts should first start by defining the purpose of their data analysis. Is it focus on student achievement, teacher/principal evaluation, program evaluation, etc.? From there schools can create a process that allows them to utilize the tremendous amount of data available in meaningful and effective ways.
Courtney Jablonski

eLearning Update: Blended Learning Key for Growth - 0 views

  • Blended learning is any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, path, and/or pace.
  • The definition implies simple remote correspondence—like online videoconferencing or web chatting in a real-time environment only—does not qualify as blended learning, and perhaps points to a theoretical division between the labels of "online" and "distance" learning.
  • The report then labels six types of blended learning approaches:• face-to-face driver programs where teachers deliver most instruction in a live classroom and use online activities to supplement or remediate what goes on in the brick-and-mortar school;• rotation models where students follow a schedule that alternates between face-to-face class sessions and in-person instruction;• flex formats where most of the curriculum originates online, but an on-site instructor provides instruction as needed in individual and small group sessions;• online lab sessions where students do work online, but in a computer lab at a brick-and-mortar school with aides who offer supervision but little subject guidance;• self-blend schools where students may take online courses a la carte to supplement their brick-and-mortar school's curriculum; and• online driver constructs where students receive most of the course online and independently, but participate in required or optional face-to-face meetings.
    Our district is very focused on integrating 21st Century Learning Skills with our current Common Core Standards. What else can we be doing to prepare our students for this type of learning environment? At what age is it appropriate to begin this type of learning? What cost will this have on the emotional/personal relations between students and teachers?
David Ellena

The Future of Learning-Digital, Mobile, Real-Time - Getting Smart by Guest Author - #bl... - 0 views

  • the future of learning and education is becoming easier to predict every day: it’s digital.
  • The combination of ubiquitous mobile devices and dramatic improvements in personalized and engaging digital learning experiences has resulted in drastically reduced time-to-market for high-quality, technology-enhanced educational content.
  • Alvin Toffler. For a while now, he has talked about the need for speed in learning—and relearning—and the essential skills required for success. He’s said, “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A major element of the Framework for 21st Century Learning is the “ability to learn through digital means, such as social networking, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, technological awareness, and simulation.”
  • Our digital and connected world calls for changes in how our children learn and how our teachers teach. We’re evolving from the “sage on the stage” model to one of coach and facilitator, and that’s a good thing.
  • I believe that the most effective educator is one who deeply understands the learner—where he or she is in the moment of their learning journey.
    Some very interesting thoughts on the future of learning
David Ellena

7 Hats Principals Must Be Prepared to Wear | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • 1. Coach
  • Someone has to make the final call, and as the principal, that will often be you.
  • Coaches also set the tone, cast the vision, or help motivate their teams to action.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 2. Manager
  • School leadership is much more than management, but it is still an important part of it.
  • 3. Counselor
  • But I have learned the importance of giving my attention to someone in need, providing them feedback, and helping them find solutions.
  • 4. On Duty
  • 5. Chief Communicator
  • Here are a few ways I try to keep communication clear: a. Be present and visible. b. Follow up meetings with email summaries. c. Email parents and teachers in group emails with school updates. d. When someone is upset, call or see in person if possible. e. Send photos and updates to your local media outlets. f. Create a school newsletter so great events are published to a wider audience.
  • 6. Servant-Leader
  • 7. Team Player
  • principal must remember he is not working alone. You are surrounded by teachers, students, or staff members who are talented, intelligent and creative.
    What would you add to tho list?

FCCS online Training | Oracle FCCS Online Course - ASTSTraining - 2 views

    ASTS Training Providing FCCS online Training in India, USA and Hyderabad with Real time Experts, Real time Scenarios, Project Support.
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