At this collaborative board you will find an amazing array of pins leading you back to Top Teacher blogs where the authors are sharing their favorite tips and freebies. We work hard to mix it up every day so you hear from a variety of folks.
"Tips for Home and School & DB-Link Fact Sheets
The Nevada Dual Sensory Impairment Project has a number of tips available that may be helpful for use at home or in a school setting. These documents may be downloaded and printed. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.
"YouTube has recognized the problems educators are facing and has also come up with a solution. YouTube has recently launched education related sectionsin which only educational content is permitted."
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"Canva tutorial showing the basic features of the online design tool and some advanced tips for drop shadows, selecting groups of items, linking text and more!"
"Canva tutorial showing the basic features of the online design tool AND some advanced tips for drop shadows, selecting groups of items, linking text and more!"
"If you're new to Office 2013, you can download any of our free Quick Start Guides. These printable guides contain useful tips, shortcuts, and screenshots to help you find your way around."
Great video showing the power of "driving" an adapted toy car for mobility. The GoBabyGo project modifies off-the-shelf toy racecars to provide mobility and independence to kids who have difficulty moving on their own. Some tips on adapting a toy car are provided!
AAC Scotland's Chatter Charter provides seven tips for more being a more effective partner when chatting with individuals who have communication challenges.