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David Holt

UDL Exchange - 2 views

  • It is a place to browse and build resources, lessons and collections. You can use and share these materials to support instruction guided by the UDL principles.
    "What is CAST UDL Exchange? -- dibs chris It is a place to browse and build resources, lessons and collections. You can use and share these materials to support instruction guided by the UDL principles."
    It is a place to browse and build resources, lessons and collections. You can use and share these materials to support instruction guided by the UDL principles.
David Holt

CAST: Professional Learning - 0 views

    Share: Facebook Twitter Google+ CAST Professional Learning offers many opportunities for educators, teachers, administrators, and organizations to enhance their professional understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework for education design that is based upon cognitive neuroscientific principles. UDL, developed by CAST, has become one of the most widely, nationally accepted set of Guidelines that enable educators to amplify the learning experience and reach the variability of all learners.
David Holt

Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice | CAST - 0 views

    Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice by Anne Meyer, David H. Rose, & David Gordon $59.99 (Paperback/Full color edition) | $29.99 (Paperback/Black and white) Anne Meyer and David Rose, who first laid out the principles of UDL in the '90s, provide an ambitious, engaging discussion of new research and best practices. This book gives the UDL field an essential and authoritative learning resource for the coming years.
Sally Norton-Darr

Let's Talk: About AAC & AAC Apps for ipad/iphone - Technology in (SPL) Education - 0 views

    considerations and guiding principles in AAC
Christopher Bugaj

See! I was right: people are reluctant to change their minds, even when facts don't mat... - 0 views

    Confirmation Bias is a psychological principle/logical fallacy. This recent (2015) study documents how people will seek out ways to justify or confirm their beliefs when presented with cognitive dissonance. Date: November 16, 2015 Source: University of Iowa Summary: Once people reach a conclusion, they aren't likely to change their minds, even when new information shows their initial belief is likely wrong and clinging to that belief costs real money, new research shows"
Christopher Bugaj

Teacher Resources for UDL Guidelines - ThingLink - 0 views

    Hover over the pictures to find resources to support the different principles.
lcps at

Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation ... - 2 views

    Learners differ in the ways that they perceive and comprehend information that is presented to them. For example, those with sensory disabilities (e.g., blindness or deafness); learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia); language or cultural differences, and
lcps at

How to Avoid Copyright Infringement: 7 steps - wikiHow - 1 views

    "Have you ever uploaded an image or a video to a website, only for it to be deleted because of copyright issues? While some areas of copyright law can be complicated enough to cause copyright lawyers sleepless nights, the basics are very simple. Armed with some simple principles, you can save yourself from running afoul of copyright law."
Christopher Bugaj

UDL and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture « User Generated Education - 2 views

    Universal Design for Learning has also been in the news lately as a new report Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Initiatives on the Move was released by the National Center on UDL, May, 2012. This post describes the principles of Universal Design for Learning and how they naturally occur when a full cycle of learning, including ideas related to the flipped classroom, are used within the instructional process.
Sally Norton-Darr

UDL Principles and Practice | National Center On Universal Design for Learning - 4 views

    "National Center on UDL Director David Rose explains how UDL helps meet the most pressing issues facing educators today. Drawing on brain research and the latest learning sciences, Dr. Rose describes the three UDL principles and what they mean for classroom practice."
Judith Schoonover

UDL Curriculum Self-Check - 2 views

    This site provides an introduction of UDL, the opportunity to check your curriculum for UDL compatibility, and the option to explore resources for building options and flexibility into each component of your curriculum.
    Use this CAST interactive online tool to help you apply UDL principles in your teaching to reach and engage all of your students. Learn about UDL, Check Your Curriculum, or Explore Resources for ideas on how to build options and flexibility into each element of your curriculum.
    This free online tool helps educators build options and flexibility into each element of the curriculum (goals, methods, materials, and assessments) in order to reach and engage all students.
David Holt

Webinars | CAST: Universal Design for Learning: From Theory to Practice - 0 views

    Universal Design for Learning: From Theory to Practice In this webinar, expert classroom educators Jon Mundorf (Naples, FL) and Alexis Reid (Boston, MA) discussed the ways in which UDL helps them teach more effectively and reach more students. They talked about some of the challenges of applying UDL principles and shared proven strategies for success. David Gordon, co-author of the 2014 book Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice, which features both Jon and Alexis, joined them to talk about how the growing community of UDL practitioners is informing and shaping the theory. CAST Professional Learning's Allison Posey moderated.
Christopher Bugaj

Presume Competence A guide to successful, evidence-based principles for supporting and ... - 0 views

    A comprehensive guide to presuming competence.
    "There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." - Buckminster Fuller "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince The goal of this manual is to help you to improve the world of a person with autism. You don't need to become a professional therapist to help. It is enough to remain a parent, teacher, aide, caregiver, or interested friend.
Cynthia Feist

Four Blocks Literacy Model - 1 views

    PDF describing the principles behind the Four Block literacy framework
Christopher Bugaj

UDL Presentation at OCALI 2012 - 1 views

    Educating Students Who Need Intensive Supports in a UDL Environment This slide presentation was developed by participants of the 2012 Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) Conference to provide an overview of how students with disabilities (who need intensive supports) can be served in an educational environment that has integrated the principles of Universal Design for Learning.
Christopher Bugaj

Designing AAC Research and Intervention to Improve Outcomes for Individuals with Comple... - 0 views

    There is a rapidly growing body of research that demonstrates the positive effects of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention on the communication of children and adults with complex communication needs. Despite the positive impact of many AAC interventions, however, many individuals with complex communication needs continue to experience serious challenges participating in educational, vocational, healthcare, and community environments. In this paper, we apply the framework proposed by the International Classifi cation of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to illustrate the need to re-think AAC intervention to improve outcomes for individuals with complex communication needs, and to foster a new generation of intervention research that will provide a solid foundation for improved services. Specifi cally, the paper emphasizes the need to take a more holistic view of communication intervention and highlights the following key principles to guide AAC intervention and research: (a) build on the individual ' s strengths and focus on the integration of skills to maximize communication, (b) focus on the individual ' s participation in real-world contexts, (c) address psychosocial factors as well as skills, and (d) attend to extrinsic environmental factors as well as intrinsic factors related to the individual who requires AAC.
Sally Norton-Darr

Reading Bear: free phonics & vocabulary...learn to read for free! - 2 views

    Reading Bear, a project of, is the first free program online to teach beginning readers vocabulary and concepts while systematically introducing all the main phonetic patterns of written English, all using innovative rich media. We spent an enormous amount of time developing 50 presentations, covering even more phonics principles and illustrating over 1,200 vocabulary items. There is nothing else like it, free or otherwise.
Sally Norton-Darr

CDAC - Early Literacy Project - Interaction During Story Reading - 2 views

    Principles and samples for using Adapted Books.  Sample Props
Christopher Bugaj

National Education Technology Plan | Office of Educational Technology - 0 views

    "The National Education Technology Plan is the flagship educational technology policy document for the United States. The 2016 Plan, Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education, articulates a vision of equity, active use, and collaborative leadership to make everywhere, all-the-time learning possible. While acknowledging the continuing need to provide greater equity of access to technology itself, the plan goes further to call upon all involved in American education to ensure equity of access to transformational learning experiences enabled by technology. The principles and examples provided in this document align to the Activities to Support the Effective Use of Technology (Title IV A) of Every Student Succeeds Act as authorized by Congress in December 2015."
lcps at

Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School | Brain... - 1 views

    The brain is an amazing thing. Most of us have no idea what's really going on inside our heads. Yet brain scientists have uncovered details every business leader, parent, and teacher should know. How do we learn? What exactly do sleep and stress do to ou
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