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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Citizenship; a Manual for Voters, by Emma Guy Cromwell. - 24 views

  • Citizenship
  • civil rights
  • We must be familiar with our national and state Constitutions
  • ...69 more annotations...
  • Citizenship not only embraces civil rights, but political rights which is the right of suffrage or voting.
  • Civil rights and political rights are not the same,
    • charlie v
      Political rights and civil rights are not the same, but political rules and rights should not cut into a persons civil rights
  • The way to get good government is through the parties; that is one reason women must choose their party and enter into the organization of the party of their choice.
  • The United States is both a Democracy and a Republic. A Democracy is a government by the people in which the will of the people prevails throughout the country. "This is the fundamental principle of American government." A Republic is a democracy where the people elect representatives to carry on the government.
  • Constitution is the foundation upon which our government is built
  • There are now forty-eight states in the United States with forty-eight constitutions framed upon the Federal Constitution. Each state has its own constitution, which in no way conflicts with the Federal Constitution.
  • first Constitution of Kentucky was adopted April 3, 1792, at a convention that met in Danville, and later on June 1st, 1792, Kentucky was admitted into the union as a state.
  • An amendment to the Kentucky Constitution requires a three-fifths vote of the members in both houses of the legislature to pass, and then it is submitted by the General Assembly to the voters of the State, which requires a majority of the voters to be adopted.
  • There are now eighteen amendments to the Federal Constitution. The nineteenth amendment on "Suffrage" is still pending, needing only one more state to give universal suffrage to women.
    • aplatonic 3
      Was KY the second to last to ratify the 19th ammendment? Why so long? Ties as a southern state?
  • The citizen who does not possess some knowledge of his government and its workings will become a prey to the demagogue, or of individuals who are anxious to advance their own interest at the expense of the people.
    • aplatonic 3
      How does one trust a politian, even if you are involved in the current events of the day?
  • Parties are just what their constituents make them.
    • aplatonic 3
      I like this simple description. Now if we could keep the interpretation as simple.
  • trial by jury is composed of twelve men,
    • aplatonic 3
      Not yet appropriate for women?
  • As long as men and women think for themselves we shall have political parties.
  • A person with no opinion on public affairs is a coward and unpatriotic.
    • aplatonic 3
      Very provoking! Not to mention esteem to become educated.
  • Citizenship
  • Citizenship
  • As a test of one's love
    • aplatonic 3
      Stron conservative woman emphasizeing patriotism.
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Copyright 1920
    • Syle Khaw
      This manual was created before Tennessee ratified the 19th amendment.
  • a sponger, a coward and a shirker
    • Syle Khaw
      Cromwell shows that being a good citizen is part of your moral core and noone would want to be accused of being lazy or bad because it's an insult.
  • Copyright 1920
  • Copyright 1920
  • have the vote and let us not only count it a privilege but a duty to do our part as citizens in establishing good
  • good government
  • government
  • government
  • government.
  • no state constitution can conflict with our Federal Constitution
  • The Federal Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of each House of Congress, and if passed must be referred to the state legislatures for ratification
  • no law will stand in our courts that is in violation of our National Constitution.
    • Syle Khaw
      this shows complete faith in our National Constitution
  • To be an intelligent and desirable citizen we must have a knowledge of our Constitution, and know by whom and how our country is governed. The man or woman who does not possess some knowledge of how the country is governed—as has been said—may easily become a prey of persons who are anxious to advance their own interests at the expense of the people.
    • aplatonic 3
      A prevailing problem.
  • There are four ways which we, as citizens, can help maintain our government: [Pg 59]"First: Vote at every election, read and be interested in public affairs. "Second: Help to manage public affairs and be ready to hold an office, if you are the choice of the people. "Third: Try to understand public questions, so you can vote intelligently and criticize justly. "Fourth: Remember to pay your share of the expense of doing the work."
  • The voting place is the leveling place, and when women realize that the exercise of suffrage gives not only the equal right to vote, but also allows equal expression of opinion, then the better purpose of woman suffrage will have been accomplished.
  • Only white persons and negroes may become naturalized. "Chinese, Japanese and East Indians cannot become citizens unless born in the United States." Unmarried women can become citizens like the men. A married woman is a citizen if her husband is a citizen. She cannot become naturalized by herself. A woman born in the United States who marries an alien ceases to be an American citizen and becomes a subject of the country to which her husband belongs. The wife of a man not a citizen of the United States cannot vote in this country.
    • aplatonic 3
      One condition after another in preventing a woman form having eqality.
  • There are now over 27,011,330 voting women in the United States, soon to take part in all elections, and share the responsibility as well as the privilege of suffrage.
    • aplatonic 3
      It would be interesting to see statistical camparisons and voting paterns (populations) from this number to the first two decades of 2000.
  • Let the women of our country come forward and identify themselves with the party of their choice and organize under competent leaders, showing to the world we not only deem it a great privilege to vote, but are willing to share the responsibility of making our government the best in the world.
    • aplatonic 3
      Let her no longer fear to proclaim her independence!
  • A citizen is one who has the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the community, state and nation, and as a duty should equip himself so as to render the best citizenship possible.
    • Jamsasha Pierce
      As a citizen it is important to practice your political rights. Voting allows you to be an active citizen and to get your point across.
  • A state Constitution cannot interfere with the Federal Constitution, neither can the Federal Constitution interfere with the regulation of the state.
  • ecause it is only in this way that there can be a fair expression of the political sentiment of the qualified voters on any question.
  • Kentucky has one hundred and twenty counties
  • Kentucky has eleven congressional districts, therefore eleven congressmen elected by the people.
    • granestrella
      Referencing the Suffragists but appealing to the Maternalists as well
  • improve and protect the home, the church and the community.
  • It is the duty of every man and woman under the protection of our flag to give his or her best to the country and be willing to take upon themselves the burden as well as the privilege of government, and fully appreciate the inheritance our fathers left.
    • granestrella
      This is true today even though too few people will take responsibility for the actions of their country.
    • granestrella
      This draws the line between then and now and how far the image of the 'upstanding' citizen has come since the civil rights era.
    • granestrella
      This feels abandoned in modern Kentucky. We tend to operate on a county by county basis now from what I can tell.
    • granestrella
      Political apathy is HUGE today and a major problem among youth. It should be the job of a 'citizen' to invigorate those without an opinion.
  • composed of one man
  • The convention is opened with prayer.
    • granestrella
      This is almost comical. The images kind of detract from the seriousness of the matter.
    • granestrella
      Religion clearly shaped politics
  • The expense of our government is enormous, but the paying of taxes is one way in which all must take part.
    • granestrella
      I have to agree that taxation is necessary for an established government. The trouble has come with the accumulationof external   debts that the public is expected to repay.
  • Porto Rico.
    • granestrella
      Really? Why on Earth is it spelled this way?
  • We are not patriotic unless we respond to the call of our government.
    • granestrella
      In agreement with my stance on current definitions of citizenship
    • granestrella
      This is entirely contradictory.
    • granestrella
      Without a doubt, this is true today.
    • granestrella
      I believe all of these are still relevant except the second bullet.
  • Another reason is that the right to vote is not only a privilege but a duty that is imposed by law, and where one is entitled to exercise that privilege, the failure to so exercise it is a failure to perform a duty on the part of the voter.
    • granestrella
      YES! This is an idea people still don't seem to understand but the discrepancy now falls among age groups rather than gender
  • A strong appeal is made to the women voters of our nation to prepare themselves for public life
  • let us not forget that the home is the most sacred refuge of life
    • flamenco clap
      this refers to maternalists and suffragists, appealing to different types of women
    A Kentucky woman politician, the first state librarian, and first woman to be appointed to a statewide public office in Kentucky - takes it upon herself to write a how-to manual ... just like all the cookbooks and how to get an education and other womanly things that a New Woman in the 1920s should educate themselves about.
  • ...1 more comment...
    A Kentucky woman politician, the first state librarian, and first woman to be appointed to a statewide public office in Kentucky - takes it upon herself to write a how-to manual ... just like all the cookbooks and how to get an education and other womanly things that a New Woman in the 1920s should educate themselves about.
    This manual by Cromwell is not only free and open, but useful in many ways when studying or researching citizenship. Cromwell lists points in her work that cover all aspects of how to be a good citizen. She does this by referencing our constitution and laws and how we should follow them.
    "Citizenship not only embraces civil rights, but political rights which is the right of suffrage or voting."

The Lost Document: Help Us Find the Declaration of Sentiments | - 0 views

    While this is a wonderful idea to find the original document, I wonder if, in this project described for the display in the Rotunda, that we're focusing too much on Seneca Falls as an origin of a political movement and not enough on the National Woman's Rights Convention held October 23-24, 1850, in Worcester, Massachusetts? on Stanton (who goes on to support white supremacy) and not enough on Lucy Stone or Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis?

Rosa Parks: The woman who changed a nation - 0 views

    This article on Rosa Parks was conducted in 1996, many years after her role in the civil rights movement. She talks about her role in the movement and the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955. She also reflects on the changes in our country since that period in time. Mrs. Parks still believes that many things are still in need of change to become the great country that the United States could one day be. She says that more young children need to be exposed to what the civil rights movement was like. I chose to write about this article because Mrs. Parks had such a big influence in the civil rights movement and started the Montgomery bus boycott. December first is also the 55th anniversary of when Mrs. Parks refused to get out of her seat and started a revolution of organized resistance in the civil rights movement. What she did led to many other things such as, sit-ins, marches, and her action opened the civil rights movement up for more people to be a part of it. My opinion of this article is that it shows that there was more to the story of Rosa Parks than just a tired woman not willing to give up her seat on a bus. I found this article educational and inspiring, and it also shed a new light on the civil rights movement for me.

Lauren Kientz Anderson - blog post on (S-USIH) U.S. Intellectual History: "Prove it on ... - 0 views

    • Randolph Hollingsworth
      From H-Women (5/3/2012) From: "Lauren Kientz Anderson" Subject: Re: bourgeois vacuity In one of my previous blog posts, I wrote about the claim that the black middle class was vacuous during the 1920s. In the comments, I was challenged to update my historiography on the politics of respectability. This gave me the chance to read Erin Chapman's excellent new work, *Prove it on Me: New Negroes, Sex, and Popular Culture in the 1920s. *Her prose is gorgeous and dense. Many of the things I was feeling instinctually, she articulates with precision." Here's Chapman's challenge to Anderson.
  • two major camps. There were those who sought to modernize and professionalize established ideologies of racial advancement, solidarity, and uplift through a New Negro progressivism.... Others.. questioned, if not the very idea of racial solidarity itself, then at least the obligation of racial allegiance and respectability, and instead touted a radical individualism and independence from all but the most personal allegiances to 'art' or 'self' or some other self-generated ideal."
  • transition between the politics of respectability and New Negro Modernism
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • After reading Chapman's introduction, I can see how much the women I study straddle that line, sometimes evoking the one and sometimes evoking the other.
  • politics of respectability
  • formation of the sex-race marketplace
  • development of an intra-racial discourse of race motherhood
  • Together, they rendered black women largely invisible, their subjectivity flat and inhuman, for the greater part of that century

Kentucky: Kentucky Commission on Human Rights - 1960's - 1 views

  • The Kentucky General Assembly passes the Kentucky Civil Rights Act and Governor Edward T. Breahitt signs it into law on January 27, 1966. The Act prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodations based on race, national origin, color, and religion. Kentucky becomes the first state in the South pass a civil rights law. It becomes the first in the south to establish enforcement powers over civil rights violations on a state level. The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights becomes the state enforcement authority of the Act.    The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights publishes "Negro Employment in Kentucky State Agencies" in February 1966, tracking for the first time African American employment statistics of the state government workforce. On August 26, 1966, the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights opens an office in Louisville, Ky., to “increase field service activities in the western half of the state, where some 70 percent of Kentucky’s Negroes live,” say state officials.
    this is very interesting info

KY native, Sophonisba Breckinridge, focus for Newberry Seminar on Women and Gender, Chi... - 1 views

  • November 12, 2010 Reform and Immigration in Chicago: Hull-House Alumnae in Action The Professor and the Prostitute: Sophonisba Breckinridge and the Morals Court in Depression-Era Chicago Anya Jabour, University of Montana In 1930, Sophonisba Breckinridge, Professor of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago, launched a campaign to investigate and reform legal procedures in the Morals Court, a specialized municipal court established to deal with accused prostitutes. Hailed as a model progressive reform at the time of its inception in 1913, by 1930 the Morals Court was plagued by routine violations of due process as well as charges of police corruption and institutionalized racism. Breckinridge1s campaign to secure civil rights for accused prostitutes offers a new perspective on the politics of prostitution and on feminist activism in the interwar period. Hilda Satt Polacheck (1882-1967): Worker, Writer, ‘Hull House Girl'Bridget K. O'Rourke, Elmhurst College Commentator: Rima Lunin Schultz, Independent Scholar
    If you are planning to be in Chicago on November 12th, register for this terrific seminar on Sophonisba Breckinridge. Anya Jabour, an excellent historian, will be presenting a paper for discussion about a campaign by this innovative professor to reform the way the police and the court treated women of color.

Women overlooked in civil rights movement - U.S. news - Life - Race & ethnicity - msnbc... - 2 views

  • Visible, but unsung But scan historic
  • Visible, but unsung But scan historical images of the most dramatic moments of the civil rights movement — protesters blasted by fire hoses and dogs lunging at blacks — and women and girls are everywhere.
  • There is a 1964 image of Mississippi beautician Vera Piggy styling hair and educating her customers on voter registration.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Still unknown
  • Most were “volunteers — women in the churches who cooked the meals and made sure all the preparations were made, the ones who cleaned up after the rallies and got ready for the next one,” Kennedy said. “Most women who are sincerely interested in making a difference are not looking for the publicity for it. ... Making a true difference doesn’t always come with fanfare.”
  • Most women in the movement played background roles, either by choice or due to bias, since being a women of color meant facing both racism and sexism.
  • “In some ways it reflects the realities of the 1950s: There were relatively few women in public leadership roles,” said Julian Bond, a civil rights historian at the University of Virginia and chair of the NAACP. “So that small subset that becomes prominent in civil rights would tend to be men. But that doesn’t excuse the way some women have just been written out of history.”
  • nd there’s a 1963 photo of students at Florida A&M University, a historically black college, in which hundreds of people, mostly women, answer court charges for protesting segregated movie theaters.
  • The women arranged car pools and sold cakes and pies to raise money for alternate transportation.
  • Countless women in the movement could have spoken: Ella Baker was a charismatic labor organizer and longtime leader in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She believed the movement should not place too much emphasis on leaders. Septima Poinsette Clark, often called the “queen mother” of civil rights, was an educator and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People activist decades before the nation’s attention turned to racial equality.
    Woman had key roles in civil rights movement is an article on which discuses what we have been discussing in class. How woman with in the civil rights movement are largely unknown and remained in the background. It names several woman involved nationally in civil rights including Ella Baker, Septima Poinsetta Clark, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Vivian Jones.
    I think this article reiterates exactly what our class has been talking about how women were overlooked and more behind the scenes in this movement. The women were not really given the credit they deserve and this article realizes that and touches on important aspects that our class has talked about.
    A great article highlighting some of the behind the scenes roles of women. It also describes how many women, which were involved in the movement are still unknown. 

The Bradens, James Dombrowski, Martin Luther King Jr. and SCEF - 1 views

    Part of a larger article posted on an ultra-rightwing website... note the links back to - one of the oldest continuing online discussion forums for neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, Christian identity hate groups and other ultra-conservatives. This page shows a picture of King in the company of "subversives" such as this one that the New Orleans police took when they raided SCEF offices - the notations on this MLKjr website include citations from the Congressional Record where the descriptions of the Bradens and SCEF as "communist" and advocating class/race warfare can be found

Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research - 0 views

    Wonderful resources available here at the website for the UofL Anne Braden Institute - the Director is Dr. Cate Fosl who is joining us on Nov 18th with the AASRP Dialogues on Race session on Anne Braden.

50th Anniversary Conference: Kentucky Commission on Human Rights - 1 views

    Thursday, Oct. 14th in Louisville, the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights will celebrate its 50th Anniversary Civil and Human Rights Conference. John Trasviña, assistant Secretary of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, will announce the launch of a new HUD Fair Housing Innovative Education Program at Kentucky State University. The program is called The National Fair Housing Collegiate Partnership and is a practical concept designed to promote fair housing and educate students about their rights under the U.S. Fair Housing Act. This law prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, disability, sex, national origin and families with children. The HUD partnership program at Kentucky State University will also provide information for students who have interests in pursuing civil rights related careers.

Fouse family papers, 1914-1951. - 0 views

  • These are the papers of high school principal William Henry Fouse and his wife, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beatrice Cooke Fouse. The papers reflect the Fouses efforts on behalf of black education in Lexington during the first half of the 20th century. Family letters, notebooks, printed materials, pamphlets, financial records, broadsides, receipts and mementos comprise a large portion of the collection. Correspondence relating to Dunbar High School and Dr. Fouse's other educational concerns are included, as is Mrs. Fouse's correspondence which reflects her involvement with educational, social, religious and temperance organizations. A journal contains records of various activities at Dunbar High School, including sports events. A ledger (dated 1910-1918) includes addresses and expense account records. There is also information on the Henry Hughes Educational Fund and a radio script by Dr. Fouse for a broadcast on WLAP radio (April 30, 1939) on the history of blacks in Lexington. There is a notebook containing clippings on a variety of topics, especially black education. A few photographs are among the papers.
  • The Fouses of Lexington, Ky. were actively involved in the education of blacks in the area.
    World Cat search

UK Prof's community reading club in Lex - will first focus on MLKing autobio - 0 views

    Dr. Adam Banks, UK Rhetoric professor, will be meeting with Lexington African-American community members to allow for greater access to thoughtful, critical inquiry about crucial topics on race today - not just leave historic images for popular consumption without question but allow some time and space for community dialog on the actual words of MLK Jr, from his own authorship (autobiography). This important learning experience will benefit not only the African-American individuals who go and participate, but also the larger communities in which we all will benefit from a more thoughtful public.

feminism :: The second wave of feminism -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia - 1 views

  • The second wave of feminism <script src=";target=_blank;grp=550;key=false;kvqsegs=D:T:2886:1362:1359:1357:1346:1341;kvtopicid=724633;kvchannel=HISTORY;misc=1291082559495"></script> The women’s movement of the 1960s and ’70s, the so-called “second wave” of feminism, represented a seemingly abrupt break with the tranquil suburban life pictured in American popular culture. Yet the roots of the new rebellion were buried in the frustrations of college-educated mothers whose discontent impelled their daughters in a new direction. If first-wave feminists were inspired by the abolition movement, their great-granddaughters were swept into feminism by the civil rights movement, the attendant discussion of principles such as equality and justice, and the revolutionary ferment caused by protests against the Vietnam War. Women’s concerns were on Pres. John F. Kennedy’s agenda even before this public discussion began. In 1961 he created the President’s Commission on the Status of Women and<script src=";target=_blank;grp=550;key=false;kvqsegs=D:T:2886:1362:1359:1357:1346:1341;kvtopicid=724633;kvchannel=HISTORY;misc=1291082559533"></script> appointed Eleanor Roosevelt to lead it. Its report, issued in 1963, firmly supported the nuclear family and preparing women for motherhood. But it also documented a national pattern of employment discrimination, unequal pay, legal inequality, and meagre support services for working women that needed to be corrected through legislative guarantees of equal pay for equal work, equal job opportunities, and expanded child-care services. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 offered the first guarantee, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended to bar employers from discriminating on the basis of sex. Some deemed these measures insufficient in a country where classified advertisements still segregated job openings by sex, where state laws restricted women’s access to contraception, and where incidences of rape and domestic violence remained undisclosed. In the late 1960s, then, the notion of a women’s rights movement took root at the same time as the civil rights movement, and women of all ages and circumstances were swept up in debates about gender, discrimination, and the nature of equality.

Oral history interview with Louise Reynolds. :: African American Oral History Collection - 0 views

    Oral history interview conducted with Louise Reynolds on June 13, 1979 by Mary Bobo. Louise Reynolds was the first African American woman elected alderman in the city of Louisville. Ms. Reynolds discusses her work with the Republican Party, including her work as a precinct committeewoman, in the party's headquarters, and for Representative John Robsion. She worked for Robsion in the 1950s, and was elected to Louisville's Board of Alderman in 1961. Ms. Reynolds discusses the legislation passed during her time on the board, including the Public Accommodations Ordinance, the establishment of the Human Relations Commission, and an Equal Opportunity ordinance, and her involvement in trying to pass an open housing ordinance. She discusses the administrations of mayors William Cowger, and to a lesser extent, Kenneth Schmied. She also describes a visit to the White House at the invitation of President Lyndon Johnson. She also worked for the Small Business Administration, and she talks about the advice she gives small businesspeople who approach the SBA for loans, and notes several successful African American businesspeople in Louisville.

The Wall Between - 3 views

  • it has taken a toll on her family. But I suppose somebody has to do that to get movements ... you know, to be part of a movement.
  • she grew up in a privileged upper-middle-class white family in Anniston, Alabama.
  • And the parents were completely shocked by her radical views and particularly her radical deduction in the 1950s
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • she was so committed to her sense of what was right that she stuck to her guns
  • It either leads them to realize the evil that is going on around them and to do something about it, or it just totally envelops the person.
  • She was 30, but it's almost as if she was 20
  • authority was set up to help her, not to hurt her in any way
  • "polite racism."
  • and so hounded him about the Bradens and what had been their motives for buying the house
  • "Well, not only is everybody in Louisville against her; none of her friends will associate with her anymore."
    This is the transcript from an interview of the Wilma and Dava Jonathan, and Cate Fosl. It gives great insight on the author and activist Anne Braden.

KET | Living the Story | Jennie Hopkins Wilson - 3 views

    Powerful video about a woman who lived during the violence of segregation and how everyday activities we take for granted today took great courage then. For more information about this time period in Kentucky's history, see George C. Wright's ground-breaking book _Racial Violence in Kentucky, 1865-1940: Lynchings, Mob Rule, and "Legal Lynchings."
    This KET video will serve as the focus for the first of the UK AASRP Race Dialogues ( held in the UK Student Center on Sept 16th 4:30-6 p.m.
    The video on jennie and Alice Wilson is a powerful example of how standing up for what you believe in is the best thing a person can do. Jennie is a strong woman because of her childhood. Seeing her parents as slaves and as free people made an impression on her. This impression made her srong enough to raise foour children in Kentucky during segregation and send all four of them to college. Alice was strong enough to integrate into mayfield high school with 9 other children at the age of fourteen when no other black students would. After integrating she dealt with vocal abuse from white classmates, but never retaliated physically or vocally in a negative manner. Alice simply continued on with the importantt things in her life, the completion of school and the hopes of continuing onward to college.

Kentucky Commission on Women - Organizations - 1 views

  • This is a list of organizations for women that promote women and women's equality.
  • It's important for women to be able to network with one another and collaborate on advancing women's role in society.
    HUGE list of web links for KY Woman's Clubs

Character education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • teaching of children in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant and/ or socially-acceptable beings.
  • character education is most often used to refer to how 'good' a person is - in other words, a person who exhibits personal qualities which fit with those considered desirable by a society might be considered to have good character and developing such personal qualities is often then seen as a purpose of education.
  • various proponents of character education are far from agreement as to what "good" is or what qualities are desirable to develop.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • scientists have long since abandoned use of the term "character" and, instead, use the term psychological motivators to measure the behavioral predispositions of individuals.
  • 4) Forced-formality focuses on strict, uniform compliance with specific rules of conduct, (i.e., walking in lines, arms at one's sides), or formal forms of address ("yes sir," "no ma'am"), or other procedures deemed to promote order or respect of adults.
  • each generation has exhibited attitudes and behaviors that conservative segments of preceding generations uneasily assimilate.
  • Mid-twentieth century During the late-nineteenth-century and twentieth-century period, intellectual leaders and writers were deeply influenced by the ideas of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, the German political philosopher Karl Marx, the Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, and by a growing strict interpretation of the separation of church and state doctrine. This trend increased after World War II and was further intensified by what appeared to be changes in the nation's moral consensus in the late 1960s. Educators and others became wary of using the schools for moral education. More and more this was seen to be the province of the family and the church. Still, due to a perceived view of academic and moral decline, educators continued to receive mandates to address the moral concerns of students, which they did using primarily two approaches: values clarification and cognitive developmental moral education.[16] Values clarification. Values change over time in response to changing life experiences. Recognizing these changes and understanding how they affect one's actions and behaviors is the goal of the values clarification process. Values clarification will not tell you what you should have, it simply provides the means to discover what your values are. This approach, although widely practiced, came under strong criticism for, among other things, promoting moral relativism among students. Cognitive-developmental theory of moral education and development sprang from the work of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and was further developed by Lawrence Kohlberg. Kohlberg rejected the focus on values and virtues, not only due to the lack of consensus on what virtues are to be taught, but also because of the complex nature of practicing such virtues. For example, people often make different decisions yet hold the same basic moral values. Kohlberg believed a better approach to affecting moral behavior should focus on stages of moral development. These stages are critical, as they consider the way a person organizes their understanding of virtues, rules, and norms, and integrates these into a moral choice.
    This information helps to understand socially acceptable behavior of specific eras.

AMC - POSTSCRIPT - 2 views

  • From its start as the WAAC in 1942 until the end of World War II in 1946, only two black women from Kentucky would join the Women's Army Corps and go on to become officers, Anna Clarke and Mary A. Bordeaux (from Louisville), who was a member of the first Officer Candidate Class at Fort Des Moines and eventually was assigned to WAC recruiting duty in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Anna Mac Clarke was a pioneer, part of a unique group of women who came together for one purpose, to help their country win a world war. She and her sister WAACs would also fight another war at home; that of racism, and they, as one unified force, began to break down the barriers of her race and gender which would eventually lead to the civil rights movement of the late 1940s, up through the 1960s. Anna Mac would never know the full impact her efforts to right injustice would have on things that we take for granted today, not only in the military, but in the civilian world as well.
  • The Women's Armed Services Integration Act gave women permanent military status in the regular army or reserves.
    Very interesting to see Black women in the arm forces and to see that they were able to become officers in a time like this
    I found this site interesting, espically that after her death, President Truman made an executive order for the equality of blacks in our military.
    There were actually quite a few African American WACs from Kentucky. See the NKAA entry "African American WACs who were Born in Kentucky" at and the "WACs" subject heading at

President's Message - 0 views

  • President Handley laid before us a challenging vision: "Enhance the opportunities for women in mathematics, science, and technology through the construction of a state of the art Mathematics, Science, and Technology Center, and enhance our service to adults seeking accelerated degree completion programs."
  • Throughout the life of this institution one question has remained and ultimately been asked of each generation. The question, answered differently through the years, is
  • "How can we best meet the needs of women in Kentucky through education?"
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We are a diverse institution poised to deepen our mission of service to underserved women and men in Kentucky.
  • Moreover, it is appropriate today to remember as well the generations of young women and now men who have sought better lives under instruction from capable, caring faculty. A legacy of caring at Midway College is personified in our third century of service by many of our employees. Over the course of the last four years Dr. Handley and I have been privileged to meet many of our graduates both near and far. I recall one such meeting with a brilliant woman on the West Coast who graduated from here several decades ago when the school was operating as the Kentucky Female Orphan School. I remember thinking, this woman must have left Midway and pursued a Bachelor's degree and then on in academe. But no she hadn't. She left here upon completion of grade 12. Here she had been exposed to the best of literature, and was required to take advanced instruction in mathematics, and composition. Midway faculty worked diligently to prepare women such as she because they had no safety net other than their ability to think. We serve many students in this same circumstance today and our faculty is just as diligent and committed as they were the past two centuries. To all of our alumni, I say we will keep the faith, and require much of our students academically. We will also strive to engender character, character that counts and give expression in servanthood to humanity. We will retain the character of our pedagogy as a Women's College while continuing to expand our accelerated degree programs for adults.
    I think our group project is going to find our service learning mission within this letter.
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