… think about how we learn in contexts
other than schools and universities. Lets think about one of the biggest
challenges people experience in life – becoming a parent… There is no single
course you can do on ‘how to become a good parent’. There is no single
set of steps or guidelines or rules to follow. There is no ‘beginning’
or ‘end’, no structure or sequence to things that you need to learn. Yet
many, many people parent, and parent well. They do so because they are
motivated to do the best for their child. They don’t know everything there
is to know, but when issues or challenges arise they seek out information
and advice, and adopt strategies that they feel are appropriate. Generally
they reflect on whether their strategies are working or not and will seek
other information, or adopt other strategies if they don’t. Sometimes parents
turn to friends and family for advice, sometimes they go to courses, sometimes
they will consult ‘self-help’ books and other times they will turn to professionals
(such as doctors). Most of the time, however, they experiment with different
approaches themselves. One further point here is that parents of new-borns
will vary rarely read the chapter of the ‘self-help’ book on coping with
adolescents, although it doesn’t hurt for them to have the book on the
shelf, ready for the coming years!