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Vahid Masrour

KM - Km Attitude - 0 views

    Fabrice Guigonnat
Vahid Masrour

Some findings from a recent paper about the online community - 0 views

    article on km
Vahid Masrour

I, Cringely » Blog Archive » Google decides knowledge is power - Cringely on ... - 1 views

    from searching to finding.
Stephen Dale

Why your knowledge-sharing portal will probably not save the world #kmers - 0 views

    "The Internet is littered with abandoned knowledge-sharing portals, so what questions do you need to ask before jumping in and setting up a new one? Kirsty Newman lists four questions to ask before setting up your knowledge sharing one-stop shop."
Stephen Dale

Document library archive CV free HelpGov Ltd - 0 views

    This is where we place HelpGov Ltd documents that you may find helpful.  It includes copies of our newsletters.
Stephen Dale

Anecdote: Focussing your knowledge strategy - 0 views

    During the 1st journey of knowledge strategy development we encourage the leadership team to identify a 3 or 4 of the areas on the list here to focus on as part of the project. These then guide the 2nd journey and the first 12 months of the 3rd journey.
Stephen Dale

Anecdote: Three-dozen knowledge sharing barriers - 0 views

    The list is worth having as a ready reference to remind you of things to consider when you are crafting a knowledge strategy. He divides the barriers into three categories: individual, organisational and technological.
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